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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16002510 No.16002510 [Reply] [Original]

I hated salt pepper porkchop, she always overcooked it

>> No.16002516

My mom used to make cabbage rolls, but the rice inside was always super crunchy and raw. I hate it when I was a kid.

>> No.16002572

Taragon chicken i.e chicken that has tarragon, salt and pepper on it and put in the griller/broiler

My parents were pretty great cooks but that chicken wasn't my favourite

>> No.16002579

i've noticed this w casserole makers, they like to decrease on dish washing by having less dishes to wash all at once because they dont wash as they cook. so they just put all the ingredients together in one pot so things are unevenly cooked but edible.

>> No.16002584

I was just happy she cooked a warm meal every night unlike some of my friends' moms who wouldn't.

>> No.16002598

If you want to be a lazy shit and not par-cook your rice why not use minute rice? That's what my mother used to do and it sucks but it sure sucks less than crunchy rice.

>> No.16002608

Don't call my mom (or anyone's mom) a "lazy shit", you gutless wimp. I bet you wouldn't say that to my face.

>> No.16002623

My mom absolutely fucked up porkchops too anon. She was always afraid they'd be undercooked so they were always like shoe leather. They always managed to taste what I can only describe as "poopy" too. Its that weird gross flavor that only overcooked pork gets.

Cant beat her up too much though. Both my parents worked full time and we always had a nice meal on the table. Now that we are all out of the house and they have more time theyre excellent cooks.

>> No.16002624

Funnily enough, what's in the OP. Spaghetti Bolognaise. The smell made me gag, I could never eat it.
I also hated her beef stroganoff since I hate mushrooms, but at least with that I could just eat the meat on it's own.

>> No.16002625

Your mother is a lazy stupid fat whore!

>> No.16002633

Looks like I forgot smelly.

>> No.16002647

She would always mess up lasagna and other pastas, she wasnt very good at it, one day when i was 14 i asked her to stop doing it, and i would cook it. Thats how i first got into cooking
also >>16002584

>> No.16002648

Was it her Bolognese you didn't like or you just don't like Bolognese? Cause I fucking love Bolognese

>> No.16002651

lmao your mom is a fucking retard

>> No.16002711

Yeah, just do that in the comfort of a screen. As I said, you wouldn't do it to my face.

>> No.16002735

if i meet someone that cooks casseroles with minute rice does that mean they are my mom now......

>> No.16002739

Would be too busy to talk to you while banging your lazy mom.

>> No.16002744

if they were a gutless wimp they wouldnt even have the courage to type that response.

>> No.16003118

lmao i would slap my dick in your face

>> No.16003147

Everything. My mother couldn't cook for shit, me and my sister would start cooking pasta ourselves at the age of 8 because my mom's would always be either under our overcooked and watery. On the plus side as a young adult I now cook all of my meals at home while my friends who never had to use a stove in their lives don't have a clue what to do.

>> No.16003150

do amerifats really complain about home cooked meals?

>> No.16003163
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you'd be shocked how many americans here can't cook

>> No.16003165

Motherfucking spaghetti.

Ragu sauce, ground beef and shit quality noodles. I will never eat canned sauce if I can. I'd rather just make Cacio E Pepe

>> No.16003177

That chick looks very hot from the thumbnail zoomed out but up close looks like a tranny or man in a wig

>> No.16003206

unironically the same as OP's pic, she makes a terrible spaguetti, it's greasy, tastes bitter and she breaks the pasta.

>> No.16003228

Any time my mom would make stir fry. She would always mix in weird vegetables together like baby corn and water chestnuts, and the only seasoning she would use for it would be soy sauce.

>> No.16003261

Why? Are you gay?

>> No.16003282

i never eat from my mom or never had mom made me food. my servants made me chinese food and instant korean food and korean street food.

>> No.16003344

Chicken and dumplings
though I think I would hate it no matter who made it. God that shit is repulsive.

>> No.16003354

Sausage casserole she would serve it over white rice

>> No.16003363

dude, that's literally prison food, we had it like 2 times per week

>> No.16003392

kek at least I'm prepared if I ever commit a crime

>> No.16003505

Why, do you want the man that's slapping his dick in your face to be gay?

>> No.16003515
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I think majority of the people are thankful, but moms aren't perfect, there's got to be that one dish they can't get it right

>> No.16003524

Boiled, then baked, pork ribs.
It was the stink more than the taste that was bad.

>> No.16004264

1. Pork tenderloin. She would take a whole pork tenderloin and slather it with mustard and put in oven until it was "blackened". It was so dry it was inedible. She liked cooking things in oven or on grill outside because she hates cleaning the stove.
2. Eggs and salsa. Scrambled eggs, no butter or salt, and when they're cooked tip them out on a plate and top with Pace mild salsa from a jar straight from the refrigerator. Ice cold watery flavorless salsa poured over the eggs.

Whenever I'm at my parents' house in the morning my mom still offers to make salsa and eggs thinking I like it, I always refuse. One day I'll miss it.

>> No.16004540

Ehh, tarragon is more for fish or tomato stuff.

>> No.16004550

My mom made me kill and rooster and eat the whole thing after she fried it. It was chewy as a motherfucker.

It was chicken fried bubblegum.


>> No.16004571

>ugly woman puts ragu and spaghetti in the same pan, heats it up and takes a picture

>> No.16004593

no you dont

>> No.16004601

Anything involving chicken thighs. Just never was a big fan of them. It's either just generic or she tries too hard to make them taste unique. And she cooks them alot

>> No.16004644

My mom was a stellar cook, and I'm grateful she cooked most of the stuff she did for me.
...that being said, there was this one fucking mexican black-bean casserole she used to make that was somehow both mushy and crunchy, and completely tasteless aside from being weirdly...tangy? idek, fuck that thing.

>> No.16005571

Almost any kind of meat that went into a crockpot, she'd put in so much fuckin' rosemary, sage, and bay leaves it was nearly impossible to eat.

>> No.16005611

I think it goes pretty well with white meat chicken

>> No.16005724
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not even interested in getting to know u....

>> No.16005733

who cares just kys ur too poor to be alive living off stealing leftovers

>> No.16005748

u say tht like it means something or is a power move attractive to females.

>> No.16005769

imagine being this patheitc, middle aged and looking for a quick hit thinks they know a thing or two for insta cred but ur senpai used to live in the ghetto when u were a baby

>> No.16005789
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>> No.16005795
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>> No.16005799

r u havin a stroke

>> No.16005824

Anything she ever cooked

>> No.16005826

was always the driest piece of shit to ever grace the planet

>> No.16006317

>she always overcooked it
Every boomer did.

>> No.16006323

Pork necks with egg noodles.

>> No.16006331
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Love your mother, she won't always be around.

>> No.16006339
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omg r u gonna rot in prison or what

>> No.16006556

>ugly woman
I actually think shes really pretty

>> No.16006568
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>> No.16006570
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My mom would make this shit she called Bachelor's Delight, which was ground beef and about 59 different kinds of beans in some ketchup sauce. It was awful.

>> No.16006576

I mean I guess, she just looks med to me, or at least med mixed. You know not every longish nose = jew right? There's more phenotypical features to look for than just nose.

>> No.16006597

>boiled dinner
>shake and bake chicken
>pork chops
At least she was very good at italian dishes. Particularly meat sauce.

>> No.16006608

Not my mum but my dad. It was Meatloaf. It's not that it was bad, it's just that meatloaf itself is shit.

>> No.16006614
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Pork chop casserole.

Basically pork chops with canned green peas and canned diced(?) tomatoes. I like my vegetables but I'm not a fan of pork chops and canned peas. Dish wasn't disgusting, just very offensive.

>> No.16006643

Your mom is a cunt.

>> No.16006652

Steak easily

>> No.16006653

I've always complained about my moms cooking
one day my mom snapped and said why don't you try cooking for yourself then, so I did
then basically we both just started really getting into cooking and the quality of our home cooked meals just steadily increased

>> No.16006657

You should fuck

>> No.16006664

I can sense the sexual tension.

>> No.16006751

All. To this day I've never eaten it.

>> No.16006772

you guys need to fuck your moms

>> No.16006825

khoresh karafs. love the stuff now

>> No.16006827

Hot, i bet there's something rising and it's not the dough

>> No.16006831

I'm cooking right now, and you can't stop me, Yurofag

>> No.16006838
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she also is mentally ill
she finally stopped making them when I told her they were fucking disgusting and she is a fat lazy dipshit

>> No.16006840

>Things that didn't happen

Seriously though, you should release your child slaves, Chang

>> No.16006843

Very tough and bland pot roast

>> No.16006844

Mom would make a lazy baked chicken cordon bleu and use mint flavored toothpicks to hold them together. The whole thing only tasted of mint, it was terrible but she didn't mind herself and just kept doing it. The first time we though it was a mistake but no, she did it on purpose.

>> No.16006851
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what the actual fuck

>> No.16006891

My mom always under cooked pancakes and no one told her until me and my brothers were all in our teens and she started cooking them correctly afterwards, suffered 10 years of bad pancakes for no reason.

>> No.16006902

Fucked her into an early grave son.

>> No.16006905

Should use stalks of rosemary in place of toothpicks.

>> No.16006928
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>> No.16006935

The sooner the better.
That would probably be better for the world.

>> No.16006965

She makes a damn good sauce, but she manages to fuck up the pasta.
She uses angel hair and overcooks it, so by the time it's strained, you're left with a solid lump of noodles that refuse to separate.

She refuses to learn from past attempts.

>> No.16006991

French toast
And anything with fish, except tuna sandwiches

>> No.16006994

Theres grandma home cooked meals, which were always awesome cus she was a 50s housewife and cared about her families happiness.
Then theres Moms homcooked meals which was often pre-made boxed stuff passed off as home cooking or utterly incompetent home cooking because mom did care about anything but her TV shows and social circles and her next hair appointment.

That said my mom is actually a good cook in between bouts of crazy. But like I had tons of friends(I'm 32 now so this was ~15 years ago or more) who parents just could not cook and I actively avoided staying/being there for dinner because I, a 15 year old nerd at the time, could cook radically better food from scratch myself.

American Boomers don't and never did give a rats ass about their kids, despite all the talk the other way, they care about social status and appearances, not substance. They want everything to think they're a good cook but dont care if they actually are and at no point does their kids tastes, opinions or happiness enter into it.

>> No.16007000

There is no death anon...

>> No.16007032

Or if you're like me, your grandmother is mentally ill, so your great grandmother was the one who made awesome food and chastised the family for being degenerates
now I carry on their tradition and my family hates me

>> No.16007435

My mom put herself through college waiting tables and learned to make anything tasty from a diner you could imagine but we all got fat as a result
>eggs and bacon every day for breakfast
>sandwich for lunch
>chicken , burgies or steak or pork chops
salad was an iceberg wedge with blue cheese or 1000 island

>> No.16007452

Lasagne. God I hated her semen tasting white crema and the pasta sheet being so overloaded there were dry spots where the tomoto couldnt penetrate. I never had Lasagne willingly ever since I moved out.

>> No.16007466

My mom was an alcoholic who would buy expensive cuts of beef for roast and bake it with no seasonings and cut it on the grain too

Just overcooked flavorless chewy and hard to swallow beef with boiled potatoes

This was still preferable to having to drink beer with a migraine while locked in a car on the highway for 9 hours because she wouldnt give me water

>> No.16007468
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Mince and tatties. I eat it now but as a child this was heartbreaking to come home to

>> No.16007479

>but actually its just a small amount of hamburger and all the leftover of a week scraped off the dishes
The long loose hairs didnt help

>> No.16007487
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Don't blame your mom you fatty

>> No.16007496
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Really ? That's a dish really hard to fuck up

Perhaps if the presentation is better it could have helped

Gravy and pattie in the mash volcano , peas on the sides

>> No.16007635

My mom would always buy the porkchops that only has a thin rind of fat instead of the marbled ones. Dry as fucking wood.

>> No.16007647
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If it weren't for the tablecloth that could easily be a photo from my childhood home.
I had no idea food could be good before I moved out. I love my parents but their cooking is entirely about sustenance.

>> No.16007670

The thumbnail looks like she has a leg or arm twisted up towards her through a hole in her pants.