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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 1300x1004, 17141443-close-up-image-of-crunchy-taco-shell-against-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15990307 No.15990307 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15990365

Here's your sippy cup OP you'll be able to eat like a big boy someday.

>> No.15990373

where is the cup you fat retard

>> No.15990386

just like the porcelain in your toilet bowl after eating them

>> No.15990392 [DELETED] 

*Is a highly intelligent trans in you're path*
>Checkmate athist

>> No.15990396

You are meant to have a soft tortilla around it,

>> No.15990400

what the fuck is wrong with americans' bowels? they're constantly making jokes about how fast food give them the shits

>> No.15990412

whenever the question is what is wrong with americans the answer is always jews

>> No.15990418

>he thinks all tacos are fast food

>> No.15990421

RIP double decker.
Why they brink back the shit and not the real gem?

>> No.15990466

By someone... or something... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TACO SHELL

>> No.15990535

The stabilizers in these things must stop them going off like bombs on the shelf.

>> No.15990770

you're supposed to put it in oven or microwave for like 30-100 seconds so it gets bit soft and crunch you absolute retard

>> No.15990959

sorry I ate it

>> No.15991060

All hard shell tacos are
I've never even heard of hard shell tacos outside the context of American fast food

>> No.15991450


>> No.15991464
File: 113 KB, 900x826, HotDogBun-Main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hog dog falls though*

>> No.15991484
File: 333 KB, 1016x682, brave-heart-romaine-lettuce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*the Mexican's shit makes it too spicy*

>> No.15991496

>not making your own hard shells

>> No.15991548

the fuck you doing to them then? marinade overnight or something?

>> No.15992245

Even Mexico has hard shells bro...

>> No.15992424


>> No.15992600

No idea, bro.
If someone’s body legitimately reacts like that to such a common fast food, they need to see their doctor and get tested for food sensitivities.

>> No.15993001

They're not common at all, none of the street vendors and almost none the restaurants offer them. If you want crunch we have tostadas instead.

>> No.15993436

Normal peoples bodies SHOULD react like that to normal fast food given how much grease is in it.

>> No.15993445

You've never heard of people making tacos at home?

>> No.15993547

No, anon. I understand you want to act “above it”, but if you are healthy, your body will not react like that to a chain fast food item prepared as it should be.

>> No.15993566

the only way your body doesn't void its bowels when you shove a bunch of grease in there is if you're used to eating large amounts of grease.
and guess what anon, under no circumstances is eating large amounts of grease healthy.

>> No.15993592

First bite lol

>> No.15993610

You’re being silly, anon.
Grease isn’t indigestible to a healthy person.
And unless you’re cramming multiple combo meals down your throat, there’s no reason for you to have any adverse reaction.
If you do, you literally have a compromised digestive tract and should consult your doctor.

>> No.15993618
File: 241 KB, 1200x1179, Delusions_1a2db4_8201837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try ronald, you're not getting me to eat your rancid borgars

>> No.15993626


>> No.15993668

Srsly, anon. If a burger or taco from a ubiquitously major chain makes you shit with higher than normal force, you probably need to take a probiotic or something.
The human body isn’t supposed to reject lipids by default; That’s something which should only happen to fatties who take a “fat blocker” medication (like xenical) because they have zero self control and want a magic pill. It blocks absorption and they literally shit grease.

>> No.15993680

drain the grease, then we'll talk burger kang
do me a favor and reply again with some bullshit, i want to flip the script and praise wendys for their fabulous burgers

>> No.15993701

>do me a favor and reply again with some bullshit
You can’t handle burgers cuz u a faggit. Seethe/cope rent-free and ur mom.

Did I do okay, anon-kun? :3

>> No.15993705
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1219, 65434567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15993768
File: 80 KB, 500x347, 76A2D759-B78E-4E19-8BE3-96D1A171B5AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh, never frozen.

>> No.15994017

i dont see how taco bell tacos are greasier than ones id make myself

>> No.15994053

I had no idea 4chins even had a cooking thread and i come here expecting to see expertly crafted authentic ramen and i see this fucking shit. the state of you people. for shame

>> No.15994055

the poor blacks that work there have really greasy skin

>> No.15994141

I've never seen a person elect to use hard shells in their own home

>> No.15994145

bask upon the glory that is me

>> No.15994147

I still haven't
you're a single post on /ck/

>> No.15994188

Unless you're about to accuse me of literally not existing, then you have indeed encountered someone who elects to use hard shells in their own home.

>> No.15994216


>> No.15994223

nothing here is real, anon
I hope you aren't making the mistake of thinking that I'm real

>> No.15994225
File: 75 KB, 488x488, GUEST_cde53fa2-0384-43c4-8fdf-ded1d3c0bde8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*revolutionizes taco eating technology*

>> No.15994229

*still shatters*

>> No.15994236

I find that if you put him in a bowl of boiling water for about 20 minutes she wont crack

>> No.15994250

God damn people on 4chan cant even eat a taco and expect some poor woman will love them some day

>> No.15994259

you're real because i love you <3

>> No.15994261

Are you not baking them first? They only shatter if they aren't hot.

>> No.15994267

not him but it is kind of difficult to eat them while theyre still hot, especially if you're the kind of BASED LAD that cleans up before eating

>> No.15994268
File: 1.89 MB, 300x350, 1604554688847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15994389
File: 490 KB, 245x188, 3 faces of anguish and deep despair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Throws himself on the floor screaming like an hysterical little bitch*

>> No.15994407

That shit just gives you more fracture points

>> No.15994485

go back

>> No.15995427

Mostly idiots not washing their hands before eating finger food.

>> No.15995433

>she never made any porn in costume

>> No.15995439

just fry your own far more pliable

>> No.15995444

It goes refried beans -> meat -> cheese -> lettuce -> sauce -> onion/tomato

>> No.15996508


>> No.15996515

You skipped the directions where it told you to put your taco shells on a cookie sheet in the oven for 5 minutes, until properly toasted.

>> No.15996549
File: 108 KB, 679x679, ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont see how taco bell tacos are greasier than ones id make myself
higher fat content in the ground beef, and not drained off well. How is that something you couldn't fathom?
Also, a trick restaurants use is to thicken the slurry of oils and juices with corn starch, which saves waste first and foremost, but it fools the consumer when they don't get a bunch of red grease going down their arm. It keeps the juices inside the taco shell better. An ordinary packet of taco seasoning will have these thickerners added. Read the ingredients label. and the first two ingredients will be corn starch and/or maltodexdrin (asst starches combined), either before or after the 1st ingredients, depening on brand old el paso or taco bell or mild or hot, etc.