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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15986873 No.15986873 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.15986876

I get the others, but wtf is iodized salt doing there.

>> No.15986880
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>> No.15986903

Artificial flavor is indeed bad you cur

>> No.15986906 [DELETED] 

Why yes, these do have inferior flavor compared to fresh counterparts. Salt is salt and the iodine is good for your thyroid.

>> No.15986909
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>> No.15986914

to be fair, actual lemons are so fukken expensive and go bad so quickly that buying lemon or lime juice is considered fine

>> No.15986917

Why yes, these do have inferior flavor compared to fresh counterparts. Except the salt. Salt is salt and the iodine is good for your thyroid.

>> No.15986944

because you should probably be using iodized sea salt for the crystal size

>> No.15986959

>Fresh garlic? Why would I spend a minute chopping garlic when I can CONSOOOOOOOM

>> No.15986965

Get a job loser it cost 1$. If you can't afford to buy something simple like garlic you need to reevaluate your life

>> No.15986976

just cos u dont like a certain type of cuisine doesn't make the chef bad!!!!

>> No.15986988

You fuckin retard why would you waste money on shitty minced garlic when you can just chop it yourself and it'll taste twice as better.

>> No.15986991

Fuck you OP I'm not going to waste an entire lemon on a meal when I live alone and am cooking for myself. Those lemon juice bottles are perfect.

>> No.15986994

This is false, you're probably dumb and see jews hawking lemons for a dollar each instead of by the lb. Lemons can sit on my counter for weeks, even when they're browned a bit the lemon juice taste only slightly more bitter. Also lemons are cheap.

>> No.15986996

because chopping it takes time.

>> No.15986998

not that guy but i buy both fresh garlic and jarred garlic because sometimes I don't care enough to mince a clove of garlic and a spoonful of the minced shit will be like 40% as good for 5% of the effort

>> No.15987004

To avoid a goiter or in case of radiation poisoning. But desu you can get plenty of iodine from other sources.

>> No.15987007

they're like $4 each here and they go rotten in 2 days in this climate

>> No.15987027

Won't be hindered by someone else's autism

>> No.15987044

can't you just mince garlic, squeeze lemon buy big cheese and squeeze lemon ?

>> No.15987061

What's the problem with iodized salt?

>> No.15987072

bumping question about salt

>> No.15987080

OP's just retarded. To be fair, the kraft cheese is probably shit compared to fresh grated, which parmesan cheese should be

>> No.15987082

>OP's just retarded.
yeah, stupid me
i keep forgeting about this

>> No.15987090

crystal shape. buy iodized sea salt or iodized (((kosher)))) instead.

>> No.15987264

You can freeze lemons without any loss of taste, plus they squeeze easier and the texture of the zest is nicer. Haven't tried freezing garlic, but I'm sure it fucks up a bit

>> No.15987315
File: 450 KB, 1536x2048, garlicgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying food products based on the cuteness of the girl used for the logo

>> No.15987344

I don't care. Iodized salt tastes fine and fake lemon juice works. You can take your elitism to reddit.

>> No.15987352

This is a cartoon

>> No.15987359

lol. do you think pro chefs break out their finest ingredients every time they cook a snack? I'm not using my expensive parm just to top a slice of pizza, I'm using my shaker parm.

>> No.15987368

Are you like 10 years old? You are missing the fact that time is a limited resource that costs money. If your time is worth $0, then yes - it is better for you to mince garlic every single time you make something. For someone like me, whose time is appraised at $90/h, I'd rather not spend a precious 10 minutes mincing garlic and then another 5 minutes cleaning up.

>> No.15987370
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>> No.15987376
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>tfw no garlic gf

>> No.15987380

In my country every kind of salt sold for human consumption is iodized by law

>> No.15987393
File: 69 KB, 480x640, ZDDBR3SE95U3Gn8Z6VOfoW4hTc42BRiUJnBE7_yygzU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying the products with a crazed black man on the label

>> No.15987407
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you fags aint shit

>> No.15987416

>taking 10 minutes to mince garlic
oh no no no

>> No.15987422

This. I often spend a lot of money to buy all the finest ingredients, but for everyday cooking some cheap and convenient processed shit can be ok too. In some dishes you're not going to clearly notice the difference anyway.

>> No.15987432

Even if it takes 3 minutes (it doesn't) that would cost me $4.50 of my time. No thanks

>> No.15987449

minced garlic is the big no no to me. I like slicing my garlic in big thin pieces. I also like my garlic toasted as well though. I;m kinda weird though

>> No.15987457
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>not buying food products with le epic gentlesir drawn on the label for your wife's boyfriend

>> No.15987459

convenience = bad

>> No.15987468
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>>not buying food products with le epic gentlesir drawn on the label for your wife's boyfriend

>> No.15987497

Can people really taste the iodine in the salt? I recently switched to it and it seems fine.

>> No.15987528
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>Garlic Girl
>Net Wt. 5lbs.
>Product of China

>> No.15987537
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>turns your lovable mustachioed potato chip representative into a bald sex offender with creepily raised eyebrows
nothing personnel, kid

>> No.15987561

Without Garlic Girl there would be no New China


>> No.15987585
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>> No.15987704

fake garlic?

>> No.15988519

A poor craftsman blames his tools.
Any chef worth his iodized salt can make this work.

>> No.15988535

Nice fruitbox art. I always thought it was novel how fruit producers will print such cool art on their boxes that most people will never see when they purchase fruit off supermarket shelves. Seen a lot of cool ones over the years, I keep telling myself I'm going to start a collection.

>> No.15988604

Fucking hell. How do they preserve this ?
The farts of adolescent Uygurs ?

>> No.15988765

i use iodized for pasta water
sea salt for almost everything else

>> No.15988791

Minced garlic is actually not terrible.

>> No.15988797

Salt all tastes the same and real parmesan is expensive, but fresh lemon and garlic is cheap and objectively tastes better. It's not "elitism" to acknowledge that.

>> No.15988883

I agree but you do have to use a lot more of it and press the moisture out. I keep some around just in case I somehow manage to run out of the fresh stuff.

>> No.15988967

Jarred garlic and shaky cheese have little flavor compared to the real thing.

>> No.15988975

It takes like 2 minutes, how slow are you?

>> No.15989018

Jarred garlic is like 20% the flavor of fresh and fresh takes like 2 minutes effort, tops. That said, if you get good quality garlic powder/granules, like from costco, that stuff is actually reasonably good even though you still have to use a lot.

>> No.15989019

yeah bro that pixel art sexy fox would be awesome in your collection

>> No.15989038

>it's yet another /ck/ thread full of homosexuals that pretend that they actually cook anything

>> No.15989050

interestingly it is uygur children who peel this, they use kids cuz their fingers are smaller and they can peel more before their nails fall off (which happens to every garlic peeling slave before long)

pretty cool huh!

>> No.15989064
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Garlic production is nowhere near xinjiang.

>> No.15989067

They are just ingredients

>> No.15989084

All of their products taste like flavorless shit and the name just reminds me of crackhead niggers in Kensington from Philly

>> No.15989093

why are you like this? did your mum not spend enough time with you when you were a child?

>> No.15989094

Buying real lemons for juice is a jewish scam.

>> No.15989132

Fuck you too anon. Kraft's Parmesan Cheese will always have a special place in my heart (literally too)

>> No.15989141

cooking to impress has to be some of the most pathetic mindset a person can ever have

>> No.15989166

Glad Scourge the Hedgehog has found a new gig

>> No.15989202

Asiago is the most based parmesan you can put on a pizza. Anything else is a fucking disgrace.

>> No.15989204

this man gets it.

>> No.15989263

You're not using enough garlic, step it up.

>> No.15989356

You are consuming either way you stupid retard

>> No.15989372
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>sea salt
He doesn't know that all salt comes from a sea!

>> No.15989377

The dots aren't literally where production is dummy.

>> No.15989698

>Asiago is the most based parmesan
Asiago is a different type of cheese. Do you use "parmesan" as a synonym for (italian) cheese?

>> No.15989817

i dont think any of these are bad, except that I prefer not to use them (except for idiozed salt. i prefer to use it. the added iodine is essential for preventing diseases!)

>> No.15989854

definitely looks more like a some kind of beaked bird with its mouth open now.

>> No.15989919

they could be importing the children

>> No.15989927

You are entirely based.

>> No.15989945

ok what is the reason to repost this thread? it seems like the answers are almost exactly the same everytime. what does op gain from this?

>> No.15989966

Although I’ve switched to coarse sea salt a few months ago, there’s nothing wrong with using iodized salt. It literally tastes the same. If you know how to use it, it’s fine.

You can keep lemons and limes in the fridge. A cut up lemon will help absorb nasty smells from the fridge as well.

>> No.15989974

>Product of China
I would prefer not to.

>> No.15989998

Congratulations anon, you live in a sensible, non-US country.

>> No.15990016

you are insane

>> No.15990020

this, if it tastes good, fuck it
who the fuck are you trying to impress?

>> No.15990038

My wife's boyfriend

>> No.15990053

I'm not touching the rest 3 items but what's wrong with iodized salt for something that won't undergo extensive heating?

>> No.15990258

I only cook for myself so buying a pack of fresh garlic is pointless as I won't use it all because it starts going off. I've found the jars to be better value for money purely on that alone.

>> No.15990331

Surely there is a dish where you can combine all these ingredients to be a massive shitlord

>> No.15990341


>> No.15990413

Fucking gross, it takes less time than to even cut up an onion. You're buying disgusting chinese shit, it tastes rancid.

>> No.15990414

Garlic lemon chicken. Add the parmesan for the memes

>> No.15990437

Lemon anything always fucking sucks.

>> No.15990491

>it tastes rancid
You’re being hyperbolic. Stop throwing a tantrum.

>> No.15990605

Also, breadcrumbs.

>> No.15990655

Almost all US salts are iodized, you fucking retard.

>> No.15990660

So obviously you grow your own Garlic, right? Because that's the only way you wouldn't be buying into consumer culture.

>> No.15990665

(((they))) want you to love kosher salt. what they don't tell you is all kosher salt in the world is produced on israeli settlements in the west bank along the dead sea.


>> No.15990669
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>Not having this in your kitchen next to the fructose and MSG
Never gonna make it

>> No.15990701
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this is the only acceptable one other than fresh garlic

>> No.15990932

Your time might be worth $90/h but your life is worthless if you can't take 3 minutes to chop garlic

>> No.15990953
File: 174 KB, 150x150, I_Am_Not_IAN_BRANDON_SOMETHING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis u

>> No.15990988

Three of those I get but garlic paste -if you get decent garlic paste- is perfectly decent for some applications.

>> No.15991233

I'm pretty sure it's pretention. You can't really taste the iodine, but a lot of chefs these days prefer coarser types. And back in the day iodized salt was mostly important for people who don't (or can't) eat food out of the ocean because it won't make the trip inland, so it's associated with that area of the US, which isn't known for culinary excellence.

Agree with the others though

>> No.15991241

association with flyovers because of the olden days when it kept them from having thyroid issues

>> No.15991248

>product of China
hows that free prison labor taste?

>> No.15991255

Peeling garlic is annoying

>> No.15991271

>how to subtly insert furry propaganda into normie culture
Do bear in mind, I'm not passing judgment on propriety. I'm merely observing.

>> No.15991281

I hope you get raped in the ass in prison and learn some humility

>> No.15991351

To keep them from tasting bitter why not just juice them and but them in a bottle in the fridge?

>> No.15991354

Yes it is, why wouldn't the dots be centered then? Also:
>Jinxiang produces 80 per cent of the world’s garlic exports

>> No.15991399


>> No.15991595

PSA: iodine is still important and you're probably not getting enough.

>> No.15991743

My mum taught me how to crush and mince fresh garlic.

>> No.15991773

I just googled it and learned how to do it in 60 seconds. You know in the Matrix when Tank is taking Neo through all those training courses? That's what I just did.

>> No.15991925

they have this at the eastern euro immigrant market near me, cracked me up when I saw it

>> No.15992059
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>He doesn't know that all salt comes from a sea

oh yeah anon, look at these guys mining all that salt from all that ocean.

okay retard

>> No.15992078
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I like minced garlic.

>> No.15992111

I grew up on the Kraft green can cheese. Once I got older I found that most markets have fresh grated of their own. Even legit parmigiano-reggiano shaved or shredded.

>> No.15992143

You're a shitty cook if you can't user those four things to make a good meal.

>> No.15992720

bruh kosher salt is just coarse grain salt

>> No.15992732

he has a memory of good times with mum
you have an impersonal google and the mentality of being hyper efficient so you can leave shit as late as possible.

>> No.15992735

Leave my shitty canned garlic out of this you incel blackoid.

>> No.15992782

shitty cooks don't have goiters

>> No.15992864

>fake garlic?
do americans really...?

>> No.15992895

i only get lemon juice because i make a lot of lemonade, otherwise i dont buy and minced garlic or other gay shit.

>> No.15993017

parmesan cheese in a green jar like that...i like it on pasta sometimes.... i agree real parmesan is better for lots of other stuff, but there is something nostaligc about having kraft parmesan on my spaghetti.

>> No.15993176

This is a troll, right? No one is actually this fucking stupid. Right? Right??

>> No.15993249
File: 763 KB, 1125x1725, 90D083A5-BC52-4315-A2BD-A6568EDA209A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The salt in that image is from an ancient sea that dried up

He’s right. All salt originally comes from the sea

>> No.15993280

>salt deposits
That doesn't mean all salt comes from the ocean. It just means large quarries of salt formed that way.

>> No.15993344

I do it while watching Netflix.

>> No.15993352
File: 57 KB, 800x800, 1365070611409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Garlic Girl

>> No.15993465

>but a lot of chefs these days prefer coarser types.
It's not a function of flavor, a bigger flake allows you a little more wiggle room when adding a pinch. Small grain salt can very easily cause you to oversalt a dish.

>> No.15993485

>pounds of lemons
If you used lemon juice in every recipe 3 meals a day for a week and also made yourself a pitcher of lemonaide to go with, you wouldn't go through even 1 lb of lemons. Fuck off.

>> No.15993542

I’ve served $30 plates of Shrimp Scampi and Veal Francese made with this shit.

>> No.15993639

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't peel their own garlic
People who buy peeled unminced garlic aren't gonna make it, at least people buying jarred minced garlic know they're lazy

>> No.15993698

I cant figure out how shipping a few dollars of garlic across the Pacific Ocean is profitable.
Asiago is the cheap stuff

>> No.15993927

you literally found the one answer, on quora mind you, that agrees with your narrative

but go off bestie

>> No.15993933

I agree with everything but the salt.

>> No.15993997

garlic powder chads win again

>> No.15994041

you can make alfredo sauce with shaker parm, and iodized salt come on man

>> No.15994075
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>> No.15994094

>decent for some applications.
damning through faint praise.

>> No.15994456

Yes. Eat seaweed and use iodized salt

>> No.15994561

if you don't go through a bulb of garlic before it rots you aren't using enough garlic

>> No.15994793

I worked down the hall from their office at one point. They're a bunch of hipster hucksters, as you'd expect.

>> No.15994858

Pretty much. The garlic and lemon are stale and full of off flavors. Iodized salt is unpleasantly sharp (sea salt is mellower). Shaky cheese is missing the flavor crystals found in real cheese and has the texture of wood pulp.

In a simple dish these substitutes would all be noticeable. At least use pre-peeled garlic rather than what is essentially pickled garlic.

>> No.15994864

I use a garlic press that folds open so you just put it in the dishwasher. Garlic presses are a good unitasker.

>> No.15994904

this is ok. freezing is a decent way to preserve garlic. I've also frozen cloves and just pressed them frozen.

>look how much I don't care about ingredients on the cooking board

>> No.15995057
File: 33 KB, 450x498, 51bUb7gvV9L._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the classic

>> No.15995075

>iodized salt
This thread is gay.

>> No.15995189

There isn't any.

>> No.15995194

>Iodized salt is unpleasantly sharp

lol get a load of this fuckin faggot

>> No.15995255

>flavor crystals
redd*t moment

>> No.15995451

>real garlic
can euros really afford?

>> No.15995825

lemon tree

>> No.15995850

if you cant taste the difference between salt that has iodine in it and salt that doesn't then god help you, clinically retarded apes

>> No.15995851

it's not whether you can taste the difference or not

it's that acting like normal ass table salt isn't good enough for you makes you the type of person nobody wants to be around.

>> No.15996016

No Karen, you can't taste a difference.

>> No.15996039

Sodium chloride tastes like sodium chloride.

White sugar tastes the same regardless if it's sanding sugar, caster sugar or superfine sugar. There's a difference in powdered sugar because it has corn starch in it and in brown sugar because of the molasses, but these are specific cases. Salt is all salt.

>> No.15996532

Yes and as the turd worlder said, ALL salt is iodized in his country
Stupid fucking American lmao

>> No.15996552

welcome to /ck/

>> No.15996602

Minced garlic and parmesan powder just don't taste like the real thing. That doesn't mean that it's, like, wrong to use, but it's not a good substitute for the real deal. Squeezy bottles of lemon are completely fine, unless you're making something where it's the dominant flavour.
Never heard of iodized salt, because I'm ESL

>> No.15996738

They're centered on the capitals of each country. Unless you think US garlic is grown in Washington DC and not California.

>> No.15996857

Salt has purities based on minerals and texture and crystal structure. Kosher salt distributes itself at an ideal spread for meats being juicy and flavorful while Fleur De Sal is crunchy for salads and chocolates at the end because it does not seep in but floats on top. Finer salt is saltier than coarse. Himalayan salt tastes different and has less plastic than sea salt. Salt has purity. It's knowledge of preservation and content is worth so much that this is where the word SALARY comes from.

>> No.15996861

The world does not run on ideal stoichiometry but process jumbling fumbling trade offs.

>> No.15996872

Bc my professional billable rate is $210/hour and I don’t get to bill for peeling and chopping garlic.

I prefer fresh garlic but sometime you just wanna scoop some garlic goop straight into the pan

>> No.15996876

when did the change happen? because the pringles that i have still got the SOUL version.

>> No.15996879

>peeled garlic

Mexicans peel them with their teeth

>> No.15996882

That's not where Washington is; those dots are in New York.

>> No.15996888

>no preservatives
kek, garlic IS a preservative.

>> No.15996954

>cut the ends
>press it under a knife blade a bit
>peels almost drop away

>> No.15996959

I buy lemon juice, because lemons are $0.50-$1.00 each, though freshly squeezed citrus tastes better. I’ll go out of my way to get Meyer lemons if I’m making a nice dessert or if I’m serving guests. The garlic and Parmesan are inexcusable even for just yourself. I don’t used iodized salt, because I use diamond crystal kosher but supplement with iodine.

>> No.15996967

costs like 30 pence for a clove of em

>> No.15997299

What >>15996882 said, and, it doesn't matter if the other countries aren't centered, Jinxiang is where to dot is for china, my point still stands.

>> No.15997300

don't forget
>super special set of 500$ knives that they do shit like japanese sharpening or oil treatments on
There's nothing wrong with taking care of your tools, but there's a level where it turns into memery.

>> No.15997342

Blanche the garlic and it will peel easily.

>> No.15997364

I refuse to believe that people actually buy preminced garlic. I dont even think such a thing exists

>> No.15997406

If you're saying that cheap store-bought stuff and/or artificial stuff is bad, then I agree. But if you're saying garlic, salt, parmesan cheese and lemon juice are all bad ingredients, then you're either mentally disabled or British. Possibly even both at the same time. I also don't get why you threw iodized salt on there. What are you, some salt elitist who only uses sea salt on everything? Or some weirdo who only uses pretzel salt?

>> No.15997501

A cheese grater is good for more than cheese

>> No.15997587

>You're buying disgusting chinese shit
No I'm not.

>> No.15997605

This is honestly god tier for garlic lovers

>> No.15997665

I live in the midwest, so I use iodized salt to ensure I get enough since I have thyroid disease. Food from the ocean is scarce and expensive here.

>> No.15997678

Amen brother, I compensate for the weaker flavor of the pre-minced by simply adding more.

>> No.15998141

I know a surprising amount of idiots that think any kind of hard cheese = parmesan

>> No.15998144
File: 8 KB, 263x191, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemon key face

>> No.15998153

Himalayan salt does not taste different, you poser

>> No.15998175

Its not worth the effort

>> No.15998258


>> No.15998270
File: 439 KB, 823x823, New user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
