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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15986551 No.15986551 [Reply] [Original]

red pill me on canned sardines.

what am I supposed to put it on? like what goes well with it?

>> No.15986573

You're supoose to eat em plain faggy boy

>> No.15986583


i will raw dog you

>> No.15986586

Goes well with Dino nuggs and ketchup

>> No.15986589

You can mix it with Dijon and garlic and rub it on roasts.
You can make Ceasar dressing.
Good on pizza, good in puttanesca.

>> No.15986594

really? what brand dino nuggets?

>> No.15986597 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 892x466, chili matiz deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cracks knuckles
time to shill.
For me, It's deenz on rice, deenz on pasta, deenz on pizza, deenz on toast, and deenz in salads. But eating them plain is how most people eat them, I just like spicing it up sometimes. Also check out Season, MW Polar, and pic related. Also consider mackerel, kippers, and smoked trout, those are all god tier as well. Enjoy anon.

>> No.15986601

Sardines on buttered bread is best.
Sardines in tomato sauce go well on a bowl of rice.

Saltine crackers are an acceptable substrate, if you are a poverty case.

>> No.15986602

I think you're thinking of 'chovies not 'dines

>> No.15986611

nice nice, thanks for the info anon. is there an entry level to canned sardines?


>> No.15986617

what type of bread? wheat? white?

>> No.15986619

As long as the can doesn't say they're from asia they're good
Avoid chink canned fish at all costs

>> No.15986637
File: 20 KB, 679x451, 710LfFQoWqL._SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this stuff? its from the phillippines. its the only canned sardines ive had and they werent half bad.

>> No.15986652 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1500x987, season deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to only buy deenz that say "Wild Caught" on them, tastes way better and way healthier, but some cheaper brands like brunswick aren't terrible.
As for entry level brands, Season (skinless boneless) and Crown Prince (skinless boneless) are great starting points.

>> No.15986654

free cooking tips and how to save money on ur bills????

>> No.15986667

canned_sardines = ("Deenz")

print(deenz nuts)

>> No.15986674

its not even a racial thing, fish-farming standards are very sub-par in those areas and there's much higher likelihood of contaminates in the fish

>> No.15986688

Here's what I do for a perfect lunch:
Deenz 'n' Greenz
>warm pan
>add one tablespoon of sardine oil and a teaspoon of Happy Grandma Chili Crispy
>saute shredded carrot and thin sliced red bell pepper
>add garlic and green onion and saute for another minute or so
>add deenz
>add the juice of half a lemon and some hot sauce
>cook and break down until the liquid is just cooked out
>add greens of your choice (I like spinach and arugula)
>big pinch of salt
>fresh cracked black pepper
>cook until wilted
Eat it on its own, with pasta, with bread, with crackers, with rice, whatever. You can use fresh chilies or red pepper flakes instead of chili crisp, and you can leave out the carrot and bell pepper and green onion if you don't have it, it's still good with just garlic.

>> No.15986702
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>skinless boneless

>> No.15986739 [DELETED] 

kino and checked

>> No.15986744 [DELETED] 

i dont like em, but it's a good gateway for deenz newfags who would usually be scared off by the bones.

>> No.15986770

Whatever you like best m8 I like them on crackers best personally tho

>> No.15986786

i like em on mayo monkeys as well

>> No.15986981

i just throw them on buttered toast. no reason to dress them up much more than that, theyre just canned sardines.

>> No.15987002
File: 164 KB, 1500x898, 71+gFmvNY7L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Oscar is the newbie brand.
Pic related is for the hardened veterans of the deenz game

>> No.15987030

Mush up sardines on toast.
Dump over oil from the can.
Put under grill/broiler for a bit.
??? Profit

>> No.15987112

>what type of bread?
A high quality bread.
I prefer a tender hoagie loaf. Something with some crumb density, and a crust on it. Basically an oversized soft breadstick.
Dinner rolls aren't bad, but maybe split and toast.

I like Ligo, but it's definitely for those days when I don't feel like savoring a luxury sardine like mwPolar cleartop smoked brislings and just want to crack open a can of C-market fish.

>> No.15987135

This. Nuri is peak tier quality. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.15987167

I like my deenz with some balsamic vinegar and chopped onions. Add pepper and salt if you need any (and olive oil if they were preserved in something else)

I add this to toast or eat alone

>> No.15987189

When I warm mine up in the microwave, they spark.

What do.

>> No.15987235 [DELETED] 

Dont fall for this meme OP, Nuri is literally R*ddit: The sardine.
>inb4 poorfag
Tried 2 different flavors, barley better than KO.

>> No.15987291

Smoked paprika is great with plain sardines in oil.

I found some Seasons sprats the other day and bought a few since I'd never tried them. They're pretty similar to KO in oil, maybe a little larger and better than Brunswick. Will buy again.

>> No.15987389

cooked arugula? sounds weird

>> No.15987395

That guy has a gay ass tattoo

>> No.15987411

Im gonna fart in ur face

>> No.15987981
File: 139 KB, 1351x893, 06CCBB96-5BC3-402A-9278-9327B83BE22C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deenz are the poor man’s ‘kerel

>> No.15987993

put them in rice or noodles. are you retarded? maybe a lil gay? gay retard??

>> No.15988336

it's good, trust me

>> No.15988362

when I was like 9 I went to a hood after school daycare. the black day care lady always told us she had camel boogers in her office and said she would give anybody who ate one a bunch of candy. Me and another little niglet got our courage up and tried one. found afterwards out they were canned smoked oyster. Me and the nig felt like kings, living large chewing up our hubba bubba. good times bros

>> No.15988364 [DELETED] 


>> No.15988393

pretty much any meat pairs well with rice and veg

>> No.15988423

Smoked sprats beat all y'all's horse shit

>> No.15988424

I eat mine on bread, either toasted or not toasted, pasta or rice
This though
Mackerel is superior tasting, don't know about nutritional value cause i'm not a homosexual who eats food cause 'its healthy'

>> No.15988594


The challenge with canned fish is that it's like eating wet cardboard.

Due to a recent /deenz/ post, I pan fry them now. I only get water packed deenz, cuz oil packed is gutter oil trash. Pour the whole can into pan. Toss in onion powder and/or garlic powder which soaks up the water and also coats the fish with a surface that will pan fry crispy. Add ghee or coconut oil. Fry until crispy. Not as fast as the way I use to eat them - straight out of the can - but 10x more delicious.

>> No.15988612

Christ how fucking bad does your house smell?

>> No.15988662

I don't know where you guys are getting all these deenz from. I live in a city with two million people, and you can get like two different brands, and that's it.

>> No.15988700

I like to drop some hot sauce and eat them outta the can. They’re pretty tasty and a nice healthy snack.

I also drink all the oil at the end lol but I’m weird

>> No.15988708

Thanks for sharing will try brotha

>> No.15988733
File: 3.58 MB, 3264x2448, 20210305_122752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a city with like 400k people, and this is half the deenz aisle.
Your city sucks; move.

>> No.15988770

gutter oil trash? it's olive oil...

>> No.15988832

fucking hell. where do you live? I wish I had that

>> No.15990796

I like to have cooked rice with dill, canned tuna and some fresh orange juice along with some sardines. Give it a try, I think the dill is doing most of the magic here.

>> No.15990814

Never bothered to alter my deenz in anyway, but sometimes I put it on top a bed of spinach if I have an open bag around. If you can't handle sardines from the can, you may be a woman and or gay.

>> No.15990815

Take them out of the can first.

>> No.15990818

Damn this got me craving some deenz real bad

>> No.15991268

from bottom to top:
saltine cracker
pico de gallo
lousiana-style hot sauce to taste

>> No.15991293

>Saltine crackers are an acceptable substrate, if you are a poverty case.
Sardines have historically been a poverty food, so saltines are more than appropriate.

>> No.15991898

Anyplace with a Woodman's. This was in Onalaska, because I was passing through, but they're all pretty similar.

Your cheese section is limited and overpriced as well.

>> No.15991937
File: 3.80 MB, 3264x2448, 20210305_122745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More deenz aisle.

>> No.15992340

The good kind (8 bucks)

>> No.15992995

i eat my plain in a bowl (drained)

sometimes i add dijon msutard and black pepper

>> No.15993528

What about the ones in hot sauce? I love hot sauce of all kinds and want some good deenz

>> No.15993551

Super poor but great anyway, do this

>> No.15994552

if you have that selection surely you're closer to more fishing hotspots than anywhere else, so you're buying this instead of actual morning-caught fish available a walking distance away?

>> No.15994822

Cod Livers are far superior to sardines, just spread them on toast or something

>> No.15995694
File: 41 KB, 512x564, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mayo monkeys

>> No.15996652

raveen deenz

>> No.15996736

heavy metals poisoning

>> No.15996739

OP you've been struggling in this thread so I'll just give you the optimal deenz setup to get you started
>Seeded light rye bread, lightly toasted
>king oscar mediterranean style sardines
Apply deenz to bread, done. Simple as. Wa la. Bone apple tea.

>> No.15996755

Hollandaise Sauce, Egg Patty, Steamed Asparagus

Also brussel sprouts and bacon plus deenz yum

Also paprika cauliflower risotto

Also arugula walnut pecan goat cheese salad

Always have vinegar and braggs amino soy sauce mah dude

You will be healfy

>> No.15996757

Based and mew

>> No.15996762


>> No.15996765

Spinach and celery are another level of good if bought organic. In America our spinach and celery by default taste like poison

>> No.15996776

>Due to a recent /deenz/ post, I pan fry them now
What did I miss?

>> No.15996789
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, Onion-Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews don't want you to know the...
Is best taken
Just sauced on until it makes your neighbors cry because they're not at your POWER LEVEL
Add vinegar and you have ascended to champion
No Bluepilled tastelet may approach your communion now
They must be INITIATED into the brotherhood of the /DEENZ/

>> No.15996820

Do you know any places to get Nuri on discount?

>> No.15996994

I "live" here, but I travel for work.
Tinned kippers, fried eggs, and some toast will have to do.

Besides, it's not always trout season.

>> No.15997033

What are the thin black threads in the deenz? They're slightly thinner than the cord to a phone charger. Parasites?

>> No.15997041

that's an arm tattoo

>> No.15997043

Same in this shitty Nordic country. And only tomato sauce or sunflower oil exists.

>> No.15997101

fair enough

>> No.15997389

>thin black threads in the deenz
That is your motivation to switch to kippers.

>> No.15997405

I don't think that exists in my country.

>> No.15997486
File: 2.72 MB, 2448x2448, 20210404_101655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kipper snacks are brine packed smoked herring filets.
I guess you need to emigrate or lower your standards.

>> No.15997517

I looked it up on Wikipedia after seeing your post but I don't know if herring is sold in Sweden or what it's actually called in Swedish. Apparently "öring" is brown trout and "öring" is the closest thing I can think of that sounds like herring.

>> No.15997575

Surströmming is herring.
Look for strömming if you want the stuff that isn't spoiled and pungent.

>> No.15997629

Oh okay. Thanks anon!