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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15984004 No.15984004 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they fail?

>> No.15984006

considering oreos beat them by simply tasting worse it's probably because of americans

>> No.15984010

Oreos had better marketing and a catchy name. Hydrox sounds like a cleaning agent.

>> No.15984012

Quite an unappealing name desu. Sounds like a cleaning product.

>> No.15984034

Stupid ass name makes it sound like laundry detergent.

>> No.15984073

All of the above. Marketing money always wins in Burgerheim.

>> No.15984136

VCR beat Betamax, Blu Ray beat HD DVD. The superior technology always loses. That's capitalism.

>> No.15984140

I still prefer them over Oreos since they went kosher much earlier.

>> No.15984383

Look up the Food Theory video about it on youtube.

>> No.15984410
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>Food Theory

>> No.15984412


>> No.15984434

Your loss. It explains the whole thing well.

>> No.15985053

Sounds like Chlorox

>> No.15985066

VHS, not VCR. Also, Video2000 was better than both and failed even harder due to that.

>> No.15985098

not sweet enough

>> No.15985412

corporate spite, based on a family fued and jews. the cookie industry is surprisingly cutthroat.

>> No.15985415

Interdasting. How do Jews play into the failure of Hydrox?

>> No.15985448

No it doesnt

>> No.15985463

Or an ancient stale cookie that cursed a warrior in medieval legend

>> No.15985480

I know this is bait, but I'll give you a lengthy, autistic reply because some people might not know what's the deal with Beta vs. VHS.

"Beta" was used in professional TV, that is correct. But that was BetaCAM, NOT BetaMAX.
Same case shape, but the formats weren't compatible. You couldn't play betacam cassete on betamax player for example.
And Betacam could fit only 30 min of recording while each cassette was more expensive than both betamax and VHS.
Betacam was not fit, nor intended for the same purpose/market as VHS.

Betamax had exactly the same picture quality as VHS, but could fit only 1h recording, while VHS could fit 4h.
VHS cassette was also much better designed - better tape protection, cheaper to make, faster rewind, allowed somewhat simpler recorder guts.
On top of that, Sony wanted high license fees from other manufacturers that were making Betamax recorders. JVC wasn't as moneygrabby.
And that's why it fucking failed, despite Sony pushing it hard (again, for the license fees, not because it was better).

>> No.15985483

The name definitely is a major factor.

>> No.15985801

Hydrox being kosher is what made them survive as long as they did, as soon as Oreo got certified kosher, Hydrox was doomed.

>> No.15985957


>your in the wrong timeline where (((they))) changed the S to an X
>Hydros and Oreos War more hotly contested than Coke and Pepsi in right timeline.

>> No.15985969
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>you could be eating wholesome hydrox cookies
>instead you eat pic related
Come Home White man, come home to hydrox

>> No.15986091

That name sounds like some medicine or sum

>> No.15986100

I admire your lengthy knowledge of ancient media but let me say this, when you are laying in your death bed none of that information will come to mind. The only knowledge that matters is knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose on the third day and you will be saved.

>> No.15986736

Jesus didn't have hydrox cookies or a beta max player you stupid bitch

>> No.15986793

>has been in existence for more than 100 years
What the fuck do you mean why did they fail are you retarded?

>> No.15986910

Faggot cookies are permanently off my list. Guess they should hope they gained two new customers for the one they lost.

>> No.15986940

Retard take

>> No.15986952

The only life we get is here on earth, friend. Stop wasting yours in self denial for non-existent rewards in an imaginary afterlife.

>> No.15987024

name and marketing. oreo is a much more appealing looking product, especially to kids who i bet take up the majority of the market for them

rent free

your time will come

>> No.15987032

Sounds like a highly caustic chemical compound.

>> No.15987069

Sounds too much like Oxyclean

>> No.15987438

cringe and oreopilled

>> No.15987929

It's a shame that Hydrox cookies didn't stick round considering they taste way better than Oreos. Marketing always wins though. Oreo is just a better, more memorable name. Hydrox sounds like a powder you presoak your work shirts in before washing them, and having a more mature (less sweet) taste makes them less appealing to children. Snack foods live and die on how much they can make children scream for them at the grocery store.

>> No.15988159

trying to sound smart but is actually a normie hylic, cringe

>> No.15988186
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Blu Ray is better though?

>> No.15988201

>no high fructose corn syrup

>> No.15988218
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>Edison beat Tesla

>> No.15988679

sounds like a shorthand for lye

>> No.15988701

who wants to eat something called hydrox lol it sounds like dishwashing detergent

>> No.15988769

>>Edison beat Tesla
If you want to get down to it, Westinghouse beat Edison, and Tesla was a non-contestant. People who bring up Tesla's name alongside Westinghouse and Edison are the kind of people who get their history trivia from crackerjack boxes and cartoons.

>> No.15989706

Blu ray was the better format

>> No.15989708

some kid mixed it with dihydrogen monoxide and died

>> No.15989798
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Hey Alec

>> No.15989884

They went out of business and the trademark lapsed. The Hydrox that are made now are related to the old Hydrox in name only.

>> No.15989903
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