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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 596x411, Grilled_cheese_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15983610 No.15983610 [Reply] [Original]

It's not a grilled cheese if it is anything other than bread, butter, and cheese.

Stop fucking calling your retarded melts "grilled cheese with turkey" or whatever, it makes you look like a fucking american.

>> No.15983612

Anything can be grilled cheese if it has cheese and is grilled. Simple as.

>> No.15983613

If you make a grilled cheese with swiss, you're supposed to add some sugar, or am i wrong?

>> No.15983614

Being cunty about trivial things makes you look like a European.

>> No.15983620

Is a steak with a parmesan crust a Grilled Cheese?

>> No.15983623
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rent free about my neighbours

>> No.15983625
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>If you make a grilled cheese with swiss

Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.15983627

No you retarded faggot. A grilled cheese with turkey is a perfectly acceptable terminology. It is in fact a grilled cheese in the classical sense with the addition of turkey. If you where to call it a turkey grilled cheese then that would be incorrect.

>> No.15983631

cuz it's delicious???

>> No.15983688

You're just wrong.

>> No.15983757
File: 329 KB, 941x799, 61270016_2312208599019624_6273093378427060224_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a ground beef patty & grilled onion in my grilled cheese

>> No.15983762

That's called a patty melt, not a grilled cheese

>> No.15983783

No it's a turkey melt.

>> No.15983792

I like to make grilled cheese using tortilla cut into triangles with the cheese melted on top with onions and guac and stuff

>> No.15983794


>> No.15983806
File: 336 KB, 630x887, 847290_girmor_scormax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an American and I will grill my cheese however I fucking please because freedom

>> No.15983809

Have you ever made grilled cheese by pouring corn flakes into a bowl then pouring milk over it? It's a favorite of mine

>> No.15983979

Bowl of cereal

>> No.15984027

I'm gonna keep calling it a grilled cheese with whatever and you can't do shit about it. Nobody gives a fuck about
>b-but it's really a meeeeeelt
Fuck off.

>> No.15984035

>it makes you look like a fucking american
>implying the people seething about grilled cheese terminology aren't exclusively american

>> No.15984045


>> No.15984101

Look at that really shit "cheese product" oozing out of there.
At least if this was European, it would have actual CHEESE in it.

>> No.15984105

Coping this much, makes you look like an American....

>> No.15984117

This man is correct. Unfortunately, /ck/ is 99% nit-picky cunt. Feelsbadman.

>> No.15985496

Seems like the proper thing to do is abandon the term grilled cheese and simply refer to it as a cheese melt.

>> No.15985502

Rent free

>> No.15985519

I don't save soijack because I'm not a fagot, but if there ever was a thread that deserved a passive aggressive green text of one's post it would be this one.

>> No.15985620

I just use mayo on the outsides
Browns better that way

>> No.15985641

why are you calling a cheese toastie a grilled cheese you fucking yank

>> No.15985657

Is it still a grilled cheese if I just add a couple strips of bacon?

>> No.15985684

I LOVE grilled cheese prepared while kneeling on a black “man’s” neck while he resists arrest. Adds that extra umph

>> No.15985696

HAHAHA ‘im racist look at me’


>> No.15985714

White guilt doesn’t taste good

>> No.15985735

is a retarded retard a retard

>> No.15986263

I call it whatever the fuck I want to call it ok? Youre stepping out of line talking this way to me. I dont like it and if you keep doing it im going to do something you wont like. Final warning.

>> No.15986916


A melt is a grilled cheese with other ingredients.

If you have a melt that's just bread, butter, and cheese, it's actually a grilled cheese

>> No.15986923


No, it's a Bacon Melt.

>> No.15986953

>Not a grilled cheese guys
>Literally calls it a grilled cheese in the jpg

>> No.15986961

Because that's what it is, retard

>> No.15988242

Sounds interesting. Might give it a try.
I make my grilled cheese by browning some lightly sweetened batter on a skillet then covering it in butter and maple syrup.

>> No.15988550

Grilled cheese is an american thing you faggot, I don't know about you fairy islanders but mainland europeans only know about grilled cheese from americans. It was not a thing before they made it up. Maybe the Bri'ish want to steal yet another american invention and brand it as theirs? Stay irrelevant my faggot.

>> No.15989072
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 1598846985560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grilled cheese is an american thing

>> No.15989167

Mustard and other condiments are fine too

>> No.15989189

Maybe for naming purposes, but in terms of taste? Naw, that's fucked up

>> No.15989193

I dip my grilled cheese in catsup

>> No.15989208

Then it's not a grilled cheese

>> No.15989284
File: 60 KB, 800x450, grilledcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not American cheese. Looks more like a colby or cheddar.

>> No.15989298

It's a patty melt without the patty and onions

>> No.15989310

A patty melt is a grilled cheese with a patty and grilled onions sometimes a sauce. A grilled cheese is a patty melt without the patty, grilled onions, and sauce.

>> No.15989317


Jesus, you Americans are so nitypicky

>> No.15989323
File: 1.50 MB, 240x228, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a thread full of europoors bitching and moaning over american food

>> No.15989325

>Calls cheese toasty a """"grilled cheese""""
Americans are really fucking stupid

>> No.15989326


No American would ever called a Grilled Cheese a "Patty Melt without patty".

>> No.15989333

Toasties encompass what Americans call both Grilled Cheese and Melts. A Cheese Toasty is an American Grilled Cheese, while every other Toasty is an American Melt.

>> No.15989338

Because it's simpler to call it a grilled cheese. Which means you want a patty melt without the patty and onions. Grilled cheese was literally invented after the patty melt for children that found a burger and onions icky but wanted to eat what their parents were eating.

>> No.15989343

Grilled Cheeses date back to the fucking Romans, retard.

>> No.15989348

Lol no, they didn't even have sliced bread until the great depression

>> No.15989349


Grilled Cheeses date to the Great Depression (1930s) while Patty Melts are distinctly an invention of the late 1940s.

It is more correct to say a Patty Melt was invented when someone wanted a more substantial grilled cheese.

>> No.15989350

>No one figured out how to cut bread before


>> No.15989351

He's right. I like a grilled cheese with 2 parts cheddar to 1 part swisss. Very good.

>> No.15989352

This, that's why a patty melt is a grilled cheese

>> No.15989354


Correct, all patty melts are grilled cheeses, but not all grilled cheeses are patty metls.

>> No.15989362

Grilled cheeses are (properly) made with American cheese, while patty melts should always have Swiss cheese.

>> No.15989384

You have it backwards, the patty melt was invented in 1930 a year after sliced bread, grilled cheese was invented by the US Navy in WW2 for rationing purposes.

>> No.15989387


Nope, meat was too much a luxury during the war for it be used for fucking patty melts during the 30's, meanwhile "Cheesies" were all the rage because of how cheap cheese was.

Patty Melts were invented in the post-war diners of the 1940's, not before.

>> No.15989391

It was invented by some lady in California in 1930. The US Navy made grilled cheese and encouraged to population to make them instead of patty melts. They also invented shit on a shingle.

>> No.15989392

Lmao, alright buddy, keep making shit up, doesn't make you right.

>> No.15989395

>The US Navy made grilled cheese

Completely incorrect


>> No.15989399

Invented by Tiny Naylor in 1930, but it probably didn't become a popular diner item until postwar because everyone was too poor to eat out. Either way the both happened the same year as sliced bread.

>> No.15989403

What is this some 1990's geocities blog? You are desperate.

>> No.15989405


Tiny Naylor didn't start serving Patty Melts until the fucking FIFTIES, you absolute baff.

>"The stack of griddled beef patties, Swiss cheese, caramelized onions and slices of rye is said to have got its start in Los Angeles in the 1950s, the invention of restaurateur Tiny Naylor."

>> No.15989410

Needs some doom 2 flaming skulls and spinning pentagrams.

>> No.15989411

>Culinary evidence suggests our modern grilled cheese (consisting of processed cheese and sliced white bread) began in the 1920s.

>> No.15989422

>Sliced bread is a loaf of bread that has been sliced with a machine and packaged for convenience. It was first sold in 1928, advertised as "the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped". This led to the popular idiom "greatest thing since sliced bread".

>Several culinary writers suggested that Los Angeles restaurateur Tiny Naylor may have invented the patty melt in 1930 and helped popularize the sandwhich in restaurants in the 1950's

>> No.15989429


I'd love to see any source claiming Naylor invented it in the fucking 30's when his ability to get any beef at all was severely hampered.

>> No.15989452

Ellis-Christensen, Tricia. "What is a Patty Melt?". Wisegeek. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
Lurie, Joshua (February 22, 2017). "11 Awesome Patty Melts For Your Next Comfort Food Fix: It's good to switch things up once in a while". Eater LA.
Duane, Daniel (February 4, 2016). "Better Than a Burger: In Praise of the Patty Melt". Men's Journal.
Gonzalez, Sef (January 2, 2015). "A Little Patty Melt History". Burger Beast.
Inamine, Elyse (June 15, 2017). "The Patty Melt Is Getting Its Moment". Food & Wine.
Sifton, Sam (September 1, 2016). "The Crispy Decadence of the Patty Melt". The New York Times.

>> No.15989459

Lurie, Inamine, and Sifton are all in the 1940's camp, which means you've never actually looked at this list.

Ellis and Duane never actually give a date of invention in their works.

Gonzalez is just a straight up retard who never sources his claim.

>> No.15989471

Patty melts are grilled cheese upgraded and it makes poorfags seethe. (See europeans)

>> No.15989490

>he looked up and read all of those sources in under a minute and still had time to type out a reply.
Fucking based.

>> No.15989493


I didn't have to look them up, I've read them. This is a discussion I've had many times before.

For real tho, FUCK Gonzales, dumb fuck has ruined more culinary history than most.

>> No.15989504

I see you are a patty melt connoisseur

>> No.15989507

I prefer to call it a Grilled Cheese with Patty

>> No.15989516


>> No.15989521

But "grilled cheese sandwiches" are fried.

>> No.15989527

Restaurant flat tops are called grills.

>> No.15989870

That's a tasty looking patty melt hold the burger and carmelized onions

>> No.15990003

>Stop fucking calling your retarded melts "grilled cheese with turkey" or whatever, it makes you look like a fucking american.

>> No.15990257

That's called a butter melt you retard.

>> No.15990460

I'll take a grilled cheese with tuna, tomato, bacon, onion, garlic and parsley please.

>> No.15990526

A grilled cheese consists of only these following items. Cheese. Bread with spread (usually butter). This entire sub consist of "melts". Almost every "grilled cheese" sandwich i see on here has other items added to it. The fact that this subreddit is called "grilledcheese" is nothing short of blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against melts, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not grilled cheeses. Adding cheese to your tuna sandwich? It's called a Tuna melt. Totally different. Want to add bacon and some bread crumbs with spinach? I don't know what the hell you'd call that but it's not a grilled cheese. I would be more than willing to wager I've eaten more grilled cheeses in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your grilled cheese? Use a mix of different cheeses or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some pulled pork and take a picture of it, make your own subreddit entitled "melts" because that is not a fucking grilled cheese. I'm not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white mid-western male I am the most passionate person when it comes to grilled cheese and mac & cheese. All of you foodies stay away from our grilled cheeses and stop associating your melts with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking after 3 years and made this account for the sole purpose of posting this. I've seen post after post of peoples "grilled cheeses" all over reddit and it's been driving me insane. The moment i saw this sub this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own subreddit just because I know this one exists now.

You god damn heretics. Respect the grilled cheese and stop changing it into whatever you like and love it for it what it is. Or make your damn melt sandwich and call it for what it is. A melt.

>> No.15991456

Sincronizada you fucktard

>> No.15991466

I will end you and all that you hold dear

>> No.15991476

Fun fact: in northeastern Spain a grilled cheese with ham is called a "bikini" and is a staple snack

>> No.15991483

>butter and frying pan
It's a fried cheese sandwich.

>> No.15991493

No they're not. They're called "griddles". It's a griddle-cheese sandwhich.

>> No.15991542

>local man gets outrageously upset over trivial things
When people make a grilled cheese, they're looking for the nostalgic comfort only a child's meal can bring, not the actual bread and cheese. It's the same reason people get so upset about the way you make mac and cheese or dipping sauce for tendies. Because it's comfort food obviously made for a child but kept around because sometimes people need to indulge their inner innocence.
Is it okay to eat tendies? Yes. Is it reasonable to eat tendies all the time or to get outraged and infuriated when they're not the exact same kind of tendies as you wanted? No. Come on.
Let those burger places put bacon and apple and avocado on their grilled cheese. It's a comfort food. Let your autism be reserved for things like sauces where you have to actually distinguish between different kinds of red sauce and white sauce, or kinds of oil suitable for different kinds of cooking. You can't put olive oil on high and expect it not to burn. It's just not reasonable.

>> No.15992212

Do you retarded Europeans actually think that we can't also get fine cheeses in the US?

>> No.15992254

ok but i am an american, OP

I use mayo, bacon, and sliced tomato.

>> No.15992263

Yes, we don't have real cheese in America!

>> No.15992274

What about a mayo/butter combo on the outside?

>> No.15992326

yeah thats exactly what i do. i use the mayo/butter on the outside facing the pan

>> No.15992751

does this count as a mayonnaise melt?

>> No.15992764

>A melt is a grilled cheese

hmm, you sure?

>> No.15992777

that is referred to as a condim melt for short.

>> No.15992803

grilled cheese sandwich is inherently american.

>> No.15992877

Why do they call it that?

>> No.15992883

not if you do it alton brown style and cook it on an actual grill

>> No.15992930
File: 634 KB, 834x524, x6mtptm568g51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about kimchi?

>> No.15993019


>> No.15993050
File: 57 KB, 540x539, hicat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest grilled cheese is quite an american concept. I've never really heard people called a grilled cheese a grilled cheese. A cheese toasty is probably what i'd say. Turkey cheese sounds good though.

Ultimately your all your grilled sandwiches is just a toasty your linguistic games are a product of your Americanisms


>> No.15993107

>A cheese toasty is probably what i'd say
We don't have this endemically Yankee problem, anon. We make a toastie with ham and cheese, it's just a ham and cheese toastie. Nobody is telling us it's actually a ham melt. It's a toastie. Pity the Yankee, for his arbitrary nit-picking knows no bounds.

>> No.15993133

fuck mutts

>> No.15993148

rent free

You're right though, it's just a toasted sandwich at that point. And for that matter a BLT isn't a BLT anymore if you put turkey or squirt retch dressing on it

>> No.15994185

It's really yummy though

>> No.15994210
File: 3.28 MB, 440x220, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop fucking calling your retarded melts "grilled cheese with turkey" or whatever

>> No.15994233

There's no such thing as a "Grilled Cheese with _____" because by definition a Grilled Cheese can't be with anything else in it.

Add anything else and it's a melt.

>> No.15994378
File: 606 KB, 1024x1024, 1618513099391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a grilled cheese if it is anything other than bread, butter, and cheese. Stop fucking calling your retarded melts "grilled cheese with turkey" or whatever, it makes you look like a fucking american.

>> No.15994402
File: 223 KB, 496x384, Can you just shut the fuck up for once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i hate the allure of a good grilled cheese. you make one and eat it and its so good and perfect, maybe a little bland but in a good way and you instantly think “man that was a really good grilled cheese, im not entirely full yet, maybe i’ll have another...” dont do it. don’t even think about it. it’s the opposite of oreos. you make your second grilled cheese and 3 bites into it you’re so overwhelmed by the monotony. “this isnt nearly as good as the last one” despite being practically identical. The grilled cheese is a sacred food, it must be eaten hot, and quick. A second one only allows you to stew in the memories of the past (your previous cheese) and your nostalgia clouds your mind, creating an epic fail bite in your newest creation of dairy and grain. Show some restraint.

>> No.15994411

imagine being this abused u start thinking this isnt dog food lmao

>> No.15994929

>Literally just empty calories

Is this why Americans are so fat?

>> No.15995257

Bold words for a place that calls chicken sandwiches chicken burgers

>> No.15995447

I don't get why you would add the soylent tag and glasses to the image when the fat fuck was already the spitting image of a s0iboy

>> No.15995514

Everyone knows, and nobody cares.

>> No.15995604
File: 31 KB, 550x550, b03a295fdbe6094acccf7f021b986d8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a melt, folks

>> No.15995607

I wanna fuck that lazy hamster

>> No.15995613

a melt

>> No.15995614


I'd stick my dick so far into that lazy hamster that the only way to get me out would be to MELT my cock with a welding torch.