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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 387 KB, 1536x2048, 0495AE32-AE66-4F98-94EB-4755CF2B9848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15977108 No.15977108 [Reply] [Original]

Now that’s a slice!

>> No.15977112

A slice of dissappointment.

>> No.15977117

Yes you are to your parents.

>> No.15977125
File: 755 KB, 1033x575, PIZZA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15977612

Fuuuuuuuuck that looks so good I miss having pizza like this

>> No.15978000
File: 1.87 MB, 1965x2620, DSC20498016947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15978102

The child is already balding in the same pattern as his father. Very sad.

>> No.15978107

Looks like cancer. And you have to roll it up to eat or else it's completely flaccid.

>> No.15978114

God that looks tasty.

>> No.15978453
File: 1.24 MB, 2016x954, 20210402_131758_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out buddy. Slice comin through

>> No.15978598

Looks floppy?

>> No.15978975

Good pizza always is.

>> No.15978980

your penis isn't pictured

>> No.15978987

I wish I had grown up with a father bros.

>> No.15979012

Real pizza is floppy

>> No.15979048

always has been

>> No.15979080

It's basically 95% carbboard.

>> No.15979091

It never occurred to me before but why don't they sell frozen pizza slices? Sometimes you don't want a whole pizza, just a slice ya know?

>> No.15979097
File: 229 KB, 1024x678, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, sorry, I posted the wrong picture. I chose from my "making fun of NYC" folder instead of my "good pizza from New Haven" folder

>> No.15979114

New Haven? Never heard of it, if it were so good it would have caught on.

>> No.15979123

Op here I'm trans btw.

>> No.15979671

Its thinness would make it freezer burn much easier.

>> No.15979680

wtf does that have to do with food? Do you also have AIDS?

>> No.15980927

Based saturation enhancer

>> No.15981278

Didn't touch the saturation. As you can see the amount of grease is the same in both images.

>> No.15981290


>> No.15981889


>> No.15981926
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, 0BAC4DF2-0C47-4775-A77B-0F6B6B5D1287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15981975

>be me
>at work for inventory
>coworker suggests ordering pizza for lunch
>dipshit coworker says to get 10, 12" pizzas
>i suggest 6, 18" pizzas
>coworker insists you get more pizza with 10 @ 12" vs 6 @ 18"
>coworker says "no way...10 pizzas is more than 6 pizzas, you moron"
>i proceed to show her mathematically how she's wrong about area and cost
>still orders 10, 12" pizzas
i fucken hate people

>> No.15981999

Please show math, I'm a brainlet

>> No.15982006

>ay dios mio
it's 10th grade geometry and 9th grade algebra

>> No.15982042

>it's 10th grade geometry and 9th grade algebra
Yes but I'm a brainlet, I've never been good at maths

>> No.15982047

Leave your basement or stick to /b/ faggot

>> No.15982058
File: 327 KB, 2048x1183, 1568564796606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's 10th grade geometry
It is? I learned how to calculate the area of a circle before high school.

>> No.15982113

>dipshit coworker says to get 10, 12" pizzas
>i suggest 6, 18" pizzas
You didn't account for the pizza place cheaping out on the sauce & toppings for the bigguns

>> No.15982123

>I learned how to calculate the area of a circle before high school.

that was my point to demonstrate how easy it is

>> No.15982131

>You didn't account for the pizza place cheaping out on the sauce & toppings for the bigguns

some places might do that. i don't have enough data to support that. we're strictly talking about cost per square inch and amount of pizza you get.

>> No.15982144

chicago is retarded. stop trying to call your casseroles pizza.

>> No.15982151

that's not pizza, that's tomato soup in a bread bowl

>> No.15982172
File: 3.37 MB, 1965x2620, enhance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enhance complete

>> No.15982213

based looks great

>> No.15982244

Looks like a piece of cartoon pizza

>> No.15982285

cool tiles

>> No.15982302

I do too. I've spent all day remembering back to the instances in my life where I felt truly loved and it's literally under ten times, maybe under five. And there are people out there that feel loved all the time, and have good relationships with their parents and family, and I just don't have any of that.

>> No.15982315
File: 609 KB, 1019x922, 1qRjz4R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do americans really eat a single slice of pizza?

Why even bother if you're not gonna eat a whole pizza by yourself?

>> No.15982599

I'm willing to have sex with you....for money

>> No.15983827

like the cup ronis


>> No.15983828

i need someone to make me feel like picrel

>> No.15983990

Whoa is this real??

>> No.15983996

I bet that tastes like nothing but New Yorkers don't care because they have no taste anyway

>> No.15983998

Damn thats a big slice

>> No.15984032

Floppy sloppa 'za

>> No.15984039

18" crust ratio is off. Your coworker was right.

>> No.15984053

In America it is.
How large was the "pizza" that this came off?

>> No.15984061

How the fuck do people eat this shit?
It is literally bottom-feeder "food"
I wouldn't feed that to my dog, let alone another human.

>> No.15984066

> Ya know?

This makes you sound like a retard and American

>> No.15984069

I'm glad I haven't had the mis-fortune to work with you.
You'd become a "workplace accident" before long.

>> No.15984071

All the toppings fell off

>> No.15984442

they do, there's this brand that sells fully cooked margherita pizza slices that come in a big bag at some higher end "organic" grocery stores, I cant remember its name though

>> No.15984548

You should've told him to just get 11 personal pan pizzas because that apparently is more pizza in his wacky universe.

>> No.15984559

Jew york shitty slice of trash

>> No.15984991

chicago "pizza" is like pizza made after it was described in a letter by a six year old.

>> No.15985024

is pizza a bbq?

>> No.15985031
File: 159 KB, 598x574, 1616707829913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15985033

of shit

>> No.15985076

Joe's slices are god tier

And Arturos pies are god tier

You just eat poor people 99 cent slices and think that's what New Yorkers not on welfare eat

>> No.15985209

What’s up. Just moved to the West Village. Tried John’s and it was fantastic, Joe’s too, their sauce, mmm. Haven’t tried Arturo’s yet

>> No.15985826

Just another typical "Rivalry" where some insignificant city hates NYC and NYC doesn't even know they exist.

Honestly, new haven pizza is decent, unlike shit from chicago.

If people from new haven weren't so insecure, they'd regonize that both ny and new haven have decent pizza in a similar style, and to insult one would insult both. But all the dunkin donuts has rotted their brain to the point where they think they need to insult nyc to be relevant.

>> No.15986925
File: 1.28 MB, 1352x660, Philly cheese pizza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15986939

NOW THAT'S a fuckin slice

>> No.15986964

why even sell slices that big?

>> No.15986974

Sports so $$$

>> No.15986975

t.twink who's tummy gets full off of a handful of chips

>> No.15986980

Cause it's fuckin tasty

>> No.15986987

to eat them duh retard

>> No.15987101
File: 300 KB, 900x600, pizzapies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the pitza pitza, I like the pitza pie

>> No.15987867

Why is that guy in the back taking the label off his drink?

>> No.15988309
File: 27 KB, 518x564, Screen-Shot-2019-03-29-at-2.21.12-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates flop slices
>always orders plain cheese for the review
>wears tight jeans
is he the epitome of pizza reviewers?

>> No.15988317

What no garnish?

>> No.15988328

oooo the pepeloni oo lala

>> No.15989826


>> No.15989907

Hes trying to figure out how to open it. Ape brain most likely.

>> No.15990294

Does one not peel the seal off a fine champagne before popping the cork?

>> No.15990299

Holy fuck dude I bet all of your coworkers hate you and call you “that autistic motherfucker”.

>> No.15990323

>“that autistic motherfucker”.
I've heard my coworkers say that about me, along with other things but it's rare to hear

>> No.15990327

I do that, it's because of sexual frustration

>> No.15990363

Oh right, I didn't know that. What does sexual frustration feel like? Is it like a hunger feeling or a niggling on your head?

>> No.15991290

Why do you allow a femoid to talk like that and make decisions? Slap that retarded bitch and remind her of her place you beta asswipe.

>> No.15991319

You obviously have no idea being a while, heterosexual male in the work force. We have a giant bull’s eye on our back. If i don’t smile when i say good morning to Tameesha, i’m considered racist and subject to sensitivity training.

>> No.15991343

Best selling item at costcos in america

>> No.15991348

Frank Pepes is based and I will never not get a couple of slices when passing through Connecticut. Fuck rivalry, New Yawk style and New Haven style are both very edible.

>> No.15991396
File: 2.52 MB, 1965x2620, 1619056826988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commencing artificial enhancement

>> No.15991454

What the hell, it looks burnt

>> No.15991485
File: 1.45 MB, 1965x2620, 45234523453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going nuclear

>> No.15991532
File: 825 KB, 824x803, 63626353645665476737322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15991574

>If i don’t smile when i say good morning to Tameesha, i’m considered racist
Just don't do it to anyone, that way it isn't racist. And if you get called out on it by the boss, tell him he's racist
This reminds me of the old clipart you had on sony word

>> No.15991589

I peel the label off my bottles when I don't want anyone to mistaken it for theirs

>> No.15992018

>stock image of the world focused on africa
says so much

>> No.15992048

I see a merchant

>> No.15992139

But you can’t get “a couple of slices” at Pepe’s. Whole pies only. Poser detected.

>> No.15992203


>> No.15992588
File: 8 KB, 329x342, 1616211122373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15992613

it's ok bro, I share your pain
anyways all the 'zas in 'ere look mighty fine, I'd devour them all

>> No.15992657

Lets go Flyers

>> No.15992663

OP this is an ideal slice of pizza and everyone who doesn't agree is a faggot

>> No.15992685

> burnt cheese
> cracker thin burnt crust
> no toppings
> main flavor is grease

Yep that's east coast pizza alright

>> No.15992694

He likes a little bit of flop to his pizza.

>> No.15994131


You're a turbofaggot

>> No.15994156

Bottom left is by far the worse kind of pizza unless you get the edge pieces first. Middle is the worst.

>> No.15994348

>thinks his pizza opinion matters

He tries but its not end all be all, I think his idea of a good slice is skewed

>> No.15994382

The best cheeze pizza I've ever had was going to a Tuesday lunch Jewish club where the rabbi would bring over a few hot kosher ones every week.

Not a jew but do appreciate their pizza and some of their culture; get weird looks sometimes when I drop in for Shabbat.

>> No.15994590

It's like a hunger in your balls anon.

>> No.15994617

South America is pretty much Africa, yeah.

>> No.15994621

as me how i know you were raised by the american schooling system

>> No.15994695

Both are pretty shit tier desu

>> No.15994768
File: 98 KB, 768x718, candy_cane_za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my pizza with toppings

>> No.15995659

oh wow really? that's super cringe...

>> No.15995799

I feel you brother
But the fun part about hard mode is that it makes victory even sweeter

>> No.15995859
File: 297 KB, 1825x1217, the-feast-gordon-ramsay-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when chef Ramsey goes to normal American zah places and then calls them bad. Like ok it's not some fancy stupid French pizza with thin crusts and leaves on top, but a good zah is supposed to be doughy with lots of oil and grease and meat. When I see him order big greasy zah and it falls apart when he tries to eat it, I think "damn, that looks like some good zah"

>> No.15995867

did he give his kid a whole 16 oz bottle of powerade? imagine how much fucking adhd is that kid going to get diagnosed with

>> No.15996126
File: 61 KB, 540x366, 1506541221246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15996325

Why is american pizza so lame

>> No.15997235

I personally hate those loose labels on certain botttles. I will always tear them off if my hands are free and I got nothing to do with them. I like to imagine I'm tearing the valuables off Jews at the camps.