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15968999 No.15968999 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a vegetarian nearly my entire life and recently I've been thinking that I want to try eating meat. It'd be cheaper to eat the same things as other people and not to be the person people have to make special exceptions for. How can I reintroduce myself to meat after such a long time?

>> No.15969004

Grilled chicken.

>> No.15969078

I assume when you say vegetarian it means you eat eggs and dairy? If so I'd say try adding fish and seafood first before meat as they are easier to digest.

>> No.15969095

Start with whimsically small portions, so that your gut biome can reacclimate to digesting meat.
Mostly vegetarian food, plus like an ounce of meat a day.
After 6 weeks, you should have a feel for your ability to tolerate meat.
A lot of recovering vegetarians go whole hog too fast, and promptly relapse to their vegtarian ways after a few days of gastrointestinal distress.

The goal is omnivore, not carnivore or herbivore.

>> No.15969099

you can start by sucking your gfs dick, you'll have a healthy shot of proteins too if you do it well

>> No.15969116

Light meats so as to not spook your tract too much. Go for fish or chicken (not duck). If you have access, there's rabbit and quail. Skip cattle and pork.

>> No.15969134

Buy grass fed beef

>> No.15969142

Those sound like good plans. I got spooked by other people telling me that I'd get really sick if I tried so to not bother with it. People tend to treat vegetarians weird, I guess because they expect them to be insane like vegans.

>> No.15969197
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>> No.15969216

Realizing this is one of the reasons I wanted to quit.

>> No.15969394

Not sure why you became vegetarian to begin with. If it was because your parents forced you, just get chicken or fish from the supermarket.

If it's because of ethics, source a rooster from a small local farm (they need to cull excess roosters anyways otherwise they kill everyone) and eat that. When you are ready for richer meats find some regenerative farms and buy from them (they also will have poultry and maybe even stocked ponds) Start with a bit of meat, then buy wholesale animal shares. I got 1/4 of a cow in August and we still have a good amount of it left, and it's the only beef we eat. it's actually quite incredible how long a single animal can last a person.

When you first eat some meat just use it in place of what you would in a tofu stir fry or beans in a chili. As much as you might hear people say you will get sick, I think they are just coping. I tend to hear the opposite, that they feel amazing afterwards. But those are vegans getting eggs for the first time. I was vegetarian for a few years and I don't remember feeling sick after reintroducing meat. But my health did improve over time.

>> No.15969429

lol if you eat rabbit right out of the gate you'll keep being a vegetarian

>> No.15969511

kek I love this one, gets me every time

>> No.15969512

>not carnivore
Enjoy your diabetes bro, nothing personal

>> No.15969522

>people say you will get sick, I think they are just coping
"Sick" may not be the word, but tummy trouble is real.
Went vegetarian for like 3 years, and coming out of it took a while to get my innards able to digest meat again.

Ease into it, you'll be fine.
Jump from 4th level vegan to 72 ounce porterhouse steaks three nights a week, you'll be shitting your brains out.

>> No.15969528

everyone here saying you'll get really sick is wrong, unless you eat a ton of meat. I was vegetarian a long time and so are others I know. Don't overeat anything and you'll be fine. You might not feel fantastic after, especially if it's red meat, but it won't be that bad. just get the best fucking steak or burger you can get and enjoy it.

>> No.15969547

start with fish and then move on to chicken and then beef and then pork. then you can try alligator and snake and bear and stuff

>> No.15969563

>Not sure why you became vegetarian to begin with. If it was because your parents forced you, just get chicken or fish from the supermarket.
Vegan/vegetarian mom instilled fear and guilt over eating meat into this autist.

>If it's because of ethics,
As long as we're being honest, I don't think being vegetarian makes much of an impact on the treatment of animals in America. I think animals are going to be mistreated either way due to such a high demand for meat.

>But my health did improve over time.
This the ultimate goal of transitioning. I was surprised this thread ended up with good suggestions.

>> No.15969670

What about religious reasons? There are 400 million pajeet vegetarians, which likely is the largest vegetarian group by far, who believe they will incur the wrath of their zillion gods if they eat meat.

>> No.15969759

I agree that animals, especially domesticated animals (including pets) are mistreated, however if people had more of a connection with their food, say, purchasing direct from a farm that is completely transparent with it's processes and is more than willing to communicate with their customer base, our standards for the welfare of livestock could be greatly improved, even more than the welfare of pets, which also get really abused.

I was also very turned off by factory farmed meat, especially poultry, so I raise my own birds. The excess males have to be slaughtered anyways, but instead of grinding them up when they are hatchlings I wait until they are full size, just before they start attacking each other and my females, and slaughter the excess males on site. They live and die at home, and are outside from sun up to sun down. I consider poultry a special meat, since one bird can only feed me for a week when I stretch it out (I eat whatever can be eaten, so head to feet, and stew it twice, once to loosen the meat, and a second stew to extract whatever flavor is left on the stripped bones).

As far as large animals goes, it's easy to find a good farm, and you only need to purchase a whole animal once a year or even once every 4 years, depending on what you get. Beef is my primary source of meat from a 1/4 cow I got in August, and there's still a good amount of it left. I plan to get my own beef/goats and maybe some hogs some day so I can slaughter and process my own large animals. But I still need to plan out the process.

Anyways, good luck. Sorry your mom is a psycho who choses the lives of some animals she will never meet who are just going to be eaten anyways to the health of her own flesh and blood child.

>> No.15969818

>if people had more of a connection with their food, say, purchasing direct from a farm that is completely transparent with it's processes and is more than willing to communicate with their customer base, our standards for the welfare of livestock could be greatly improved
I believe in this method but I don't think Americans are ever going to sacrifice convenience for the sake of animals. They might like the idea, but that kind of food is generally more expensive and fast food is easy and cheap. They can't see the animals suffering so it doesn't matter. The obesity rate is at 42%, I don't think animals have much hope.

>Anyways, good luck.
Thanks. I am working on cleansing myself of bullshit misconceptions and bad habits that I've picked up in life. The path to enlightenment is a long one.

>> No.15969986

>I believe in this method but I don't think Americans are ever going to sacrifice convenience for the sake of animals.

I agree, MOST americans are convenience addicts, but you follow your life path for you, not for the rest of the world.

Food is important to me, so I "inconvenience" myself by connecting myself to it. The rest of the world can get fatter and sicker off their "cheap" easy food (which I believe is ultimately expensive in the long run because there is no free health care in this country, plus spending your life indoors sitting on your ass in front of a glowing box doing nothing else seems like an expense I simply cannot afford), but I will work for it.

Also, the injustices to animals in commercial industrial livestock production is just the tip of the iceberg. it goes much, much, deeper. But you know that already. :)