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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 460x896, 460px-Maggiw%C3%BCrze-alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15963438 No.15963438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with Europe?

>Maggi s*y sauce
>15g of sugar per 100g

>superior Japanese Kikkoman s*y sauce
>0.7g of sugar per 100g

I would understand having sugary s*y in Burgerland, but in Europe?!

>> No.15963441

soy isnt filtered here, go back to whichever containment board you came from chud

>> No.15963450

Nice try, but I can tell that you wrote soy with "o" from another character set.

>> No.15963452

Fuck off nazi scum

>> No.15963453

different soy sauces for different uses OP.

>> No.15963458

As expected of a bigot, not to understand the finer things in soy

>> No.15963469

Okay, what do you use sugary soy sauce for?

>> No.15963477

Japs end up adding sugar to their onion sauce so evens out in the end

>> No.15963484

I get not wanting sugar, but who the fuck consumes 100g at once? If any of you do this, and I'm sure some of you do, you are making mistakes in your life.

>> No.15963485


>> No.15963492

Do you have any proof to back that up? I have never seen them do that in the Japanese videos I watched (for adults).

>> No.15963501

It's not about eating it all at once, but think about it logically. Let's say you consume one third of that (realistic) = that's 5g of sugar. And your maximum recommended intake of sugar per day?

36g for men, 25g for women. For women that's like 20% of their sugar intake. Insane.

>> No.15963509

have you ever cooked a single thing in your incel life? do you have any idea how long it takes to go through 100g of soy sauce or even one-third of that?

>> No.15963510

That's a fair viewpoint, and an agreeable position. I don't eat much sugar in general, so I think I'd probably be okay, but I agree that it's too much. To its credit, I think that's also the audience it's advertising to. Not a good excuse for being such garbage, but it makes sense. I think something similar is done with blaukraut vs sauerkraut, where they use sugar in the former (or some regional varieties of it). People of the region this sauce pertains to must not want it to change. I suppose the soy sauce is representative of the associated populace possessing lower bodyweights/fat mass as well.

>> No.15963517

Europe is trying very hard to be like America, but they're always a decade behind.

>> No.15963525

I go through one third of a bottle easily

>> No.15963711

Sweet soy is used for chow mein and fried rice (while cooking, not as a condiment)/

>> No.15963717

I think this is possibly the most retarded thread ever.

>> No.15963719

>buys sweet soy sauce
>complains about sweet

>> No.15963748


>> No.15963753

So should I just throw it out? I wanted it for the sushi I made

>> No.15963756

It's no good for sushi but that's no reason to throw it out, make some stir fry

>> No.15963779

I always add sugar to my soy sauce for sushi, otherwise it tastes kinda bland

>> No.15963780

maggi isn't soy sauce, idiot tourist

>> No.15963784 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 1200x1200, Crispy-Fried-Chicken_EXPS_FRBZ19_6445_C01_31_3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who fries chicken better? Niggers or Whites?

>> No.15963787

Burger hands typed this post

>> No.15963789

nonwhites always do it better
asians (Taiwanese) do it best imho

>> No.15963816

also lemme elaborate
Best to worst is
Hong Kong-style
Even the Chinese fried chicken is still really good though. The others are just better

>> No.15963825

Maggi isn't soy sauce, it's wheat based and tastes differently from soy sauce.

>> No.15963863

.......so you're saying they're selling a product named soy sauce that's not made our of soy?

>> No.15963883

I've never seen Maggi advertised as soy sauce.

>> No.15963887 [DELETED] 

idiot nigger retard

>> No.15963889

>.......so you're saying they're selling a product named soy
Seit wann soll Maggi als Sojasauce vertickt werden?

>> No.15964101

it's not sold as soy sauce wtf?
it's SIMILAR to soy sauce, that's all

>> No.15964114

t. trump voter

>> No.15964226

Maggi sauce is made with hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, but the recipe varies from country to country. There's a swiss one, a polish one, a german one, a chinese one sold in the US...
Some versions contain soy and other don't, other have yeast extract...

>> No.15964322

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.15964331

Maggi isn't even soy sauce you illiterate mongrel, and what kind of disgusting human being puts more maggi than a teaspoon in his food ?

>> No.15964341

Trump is a kike puppet, but I'll spare that for /pol/, maggi is superior than soysauce because there is no soy in it, hence why nips are such massive cucks. Enjoy your estrogen sauce mutt.

>> No.15964438


>bang bang
>*kills trumper*

>> No.15964502

This. Magi is just MSG.

>> No.15964725

Sounds based

>> No.15964861

Not xir, but in Australia, Maggi sells actual soy sauce.


>> No.15964871

>superior Japanese Kikkoman s*y sauce
he doesn't know

>> No.15964872
File: 102 KB, 700x669, 707D1DF5-2BEE-4ECB-A912-5DE91E89E432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lives in a trailer park

>> No.15964877


>> No.15964887

Look up “kepi manis” then euthanise yourself.

>> No.15964890


no second language

>> No.15964895

this is """""""""""""soy sauce""""""""""""" for poor people, anyone not poor buys kikkoman

>> No.15964910

Lol! Given the USA’s public education system I doubt you’ve mastered English as a first language.

>> No.15964931

OP, are you ok? Maggi sauce doesn't contain söy, it's based on hydrolyzed plant protein (mostly wheat) and added aroma stuff. And I don't know if you've ever tried it, but you typically need about three dashes for an entire plate of soup, so sugar content is a non-issue

>> No.15964932

>Kikkoman Corporation is a Japanese food manufacturer.

>> No.15964934

>anyone not poor buys kikkoman
I wanted to buy Kikkoman, I always buy Kikkoman, but the closest supermarket next to me was out Kikkoman, so I tried something new.

I will never again buy any soy sauce that isn't Kikkoman (or another superior Japanese product).

>> No.15964954

I usually buy the kikkoman green version which has only about the half salt content because the amount of salt in soy sauce is pretty crazy

>> No.15964966

You don't belong on this board. Go home.

>> No.15965084

I checked my maggi bottle, it only contain 4.9g of sugar retarded op. Also it's not soy sauce, it's a yeast extracts sauce.

>> No.15965088


>> No.15965333

Maggie sells actual soy sauces in some countries

>> No.15965677

Maggi Würze isn't s,y based

>> No.15965708

You don't need to filter soy retard

>> No.15965720

Tell that to this nazi>>15965677

>> No.15966009


>> No.15966737
File: 34 KB, 458x458, [winiary-przyprawa].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Polish one. It makes soy sauce taste like water.

>> No.15966760

It doesn't say Sojasoße on the label. It's not soy sauce.

>> No.15967282 [DELETED] 

You can just type soy.

>> No.15968257

wgat the hell is przyprawa

>> No.15968401

Maggi sauce isn't soy sauce

>> No.15968413

Wurde dir ins Hirn geschissen anon?
Maggi ist Liebstöckel Extrakt und hat mit soja nix zutun.

>> No.15968436

Lmaoing at all the :O faced angry SOYBOYS ITT

>> No.15968613
