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15950549 No.15950549 [Reply] [Original]

Why not eat tofu, anon?
>good source of protein
>very flexible, can be used for breakfast lunch or dinner + dessert
>easy to work with, can be marinated for a wide variety of flavors
>very cheap
You don’t have to go vegetarian, but tofu is a good thing to incorporate into your diet

>> No.15950554


>> No.15950557 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw if that matters, feed me soy!!!

>> No.15950558

goy beans

>> No.15950565

I occasionally do. As long as it's not pretending to be meat it's fine

>> No.15950573

Yeah, you’re right, you don’t want to consume all that estrogen!
I hope you don’t eat dairy either, that has animal estrogen which can actually be synthesized by the body. But you’re probably too based for that

>> No.15950577

Every hippy who has ever tried to get me to eat tofu insists it should be eaten on its own, which always makes it taste like a vinyl eraser.
Turns out you're supposed to stew that shit in with whatever scraps of meat your average chinese peasant can afford in order to soak up all the meat flavor and stretch out the meat budget, only then does it taste any good.

tl;dr fucking hippies tried to steer me away from mapo tofu and i will hate them forever.

>> No.15950583

Epic real life super hero rebuttal!!!

>> No.15950585

i like it in hot and sour soup and mapo tofu

>> No.15950590

I occasionally eat it with miso or ramen. Nothing special, but it is ok once in a while.

>> No.15950598

I feel like tofu is something that bugmen soulless asians gravitate towards. No thanks, I have a soul & am not an insectoid with a little PP.

>> No.15950605

do cumskin mongrels actually believe shit like this?

>> No.15950608

I marinated some in cajun seasoning + soy sauce and threw it in the oven, and it came out pretty close to chicken. I’d imagine it wouldn’t imitate other meats as well though
You have to get the moisture out first, that’s what gives it the right texture

>> No.15950609

too many phytochemicals, it will make you shit out nutrients

>> No.15950626

I like it as mapo tofu, or ordered family style so I can get some variety, but I just don't see myself going out of my way to make it nor do I have a lot of good recipes.

>> No.15950633

I eat mapo tofu once a week
I'm chinese though so I grew up eating tofu a lot
Eh, you can eat it by itself
Lmao fuck off cunt

>> No.15950634

First time a hippy fed me tofu, it was a plain unseasoned cube fired on a grill like the world's saddest hot dog substitute.

>> No.15950651

>imagine basing your diet around a meme
I bet your friends just love going to restaurants with you.
>Um, excuse me, I just looked up your recipe on my android phone. It says “vegetable oil”. Does that happen to be soy oil??

>> No.15950679

vegetable oil is bad regardless. do not eat polyunsaturated seed oils

>> No.15950693

Because I dont have to

>> No.15950720

ching chong you grew up eating food covered in sewage your culinary opinion is less than a dogs

>> No.15950755

I really don't know how to properly utilize it, it makes a shitty substitute for cheese and meat, even if you slather it with flavored soy like soy chorizo.
It doesn't even taste good on it's own because it tastes like nothing and I'd rather put something there that isn't empty calories.

>> No.15950785

Doctors recommend you avoid soys if you get breast cancer, and alll the stuff that people say are bad that people joke are fine are usually told to be avoided*after* you get the condition by total coincidence, because they didn't cause it (apparently) but they can make it all worse

>> No.15950794

There’s a reason why breast cancer kills almost all Japanese women.

>> No.15950873

>Empty calories
Tofu is mostly protein though?

>> No.15950904

That's not true lol

>> No.15950905

Bioavailability for vegetables is much lower than meats, whenever someone says a plant is high protein so it's equal to meat I know to ignore their food advice.

>> No.15950907

I'm allergic to soy. Not even joking.

>> No.15950915

It literally is what happened to my mum. Sorry you live in a different reality, but it's just how thing's are.

>> No.15950933

It's a waste of a meal.
>No flavor (you have to add flavor to it)
>No carbohydrates. It's just extra protein that your kidneys will have to worker harder to filter out of your body.
>Refigeration required. Have fun if you accidentally break cold chain for over 20 minutes.
>Made from s o y. You will be laughed at by everyone.
>Horrid wet blob texture.

>> No.15950971

Protein isn't nutrients, it could be pure carbs and it wouldn't make a difference to it being empty calories

>> No.15950982

Don't like the taste or texture.

>> No.15951008
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I like silken tofu.

>> No.15951014
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>> No.15951032
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>> No.15951109 [DELETED] 

No it's not, soy boy
yes i am
You're still a beta for eating tofu
That's exactly what it is
Interesting. didn't know it was that bad
I bet you have a small pp
also this
nice genes

>> No.15951123

FPBP /Thread
PS - Enjoy your moobs.

>> No.15951142

I heard silken tofu can be used to make desserts, know any?

>> No.15951157

Soy literally causes allergies in people who never had them before, worsens existing allergies, and even gives you new allergies you never had before.
I used to drink that chocolate silk stuff daily. Before then I did not have a peanut allergy and most of my existing allergies were fairly mild. After about a month of drinking that chocolate soy milk I developed a deadly peanut allergy and all my existing allergies got much worse.
Then I read in a medical magazine that soy could worsen allergies. I immediately cut all soy out of my diet and after about a week I could finally eat peanut butter again and all my other allergies went back to their previous levels of annoying. A couple even went away.
Soy is bad for you. It's literally toxic shit.

>> No.15951187

My basedness actually prevents the whole process of synthesis, so I'm just built different.

>> No.15951194

I eat two kilos of tofu every week, I just like tofu.

>> No.15951288

Learn how bioavailability and nutrition facts are calculated you absolute brainlet

>> No.15951304

Show me where they do that. Since ive never heard that before and you're making a claim. Or you're just lying in the internet.

>> No.15951369

I never eat it often enough to get through a whole pack of it without having to freeze it or throw it away.

>> No.15951429

My favorite tofu recipe is fried in gutter oil and sprinkled with tobacco from some chink's smoked cigarette that he extinguished with his smelly flip flops. Im vegan btw.

>> No.15951510

Silken Tofu with Soy Sauce, Onion & Garlic | Asian Side Dishes | Easy Asian Cooking

>> No.15951529
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>> No.15951543

hell no. milk is for the babies, meat is for my muscle, faggot

>> No.15951587 [DELETED] 

love tofu <3

give me all the estrogen rawr xD

>> No.15951589 [DELETED] 


>> No.15951597

No im not a faggot

>> No.15951602

they're better than potatoes for being a platform for sauce
fry tofu
dip in sauce

>> No.15951655

Some people don't know how versatile tofu is..I love tofuuu

>> No.15952179

they're fine

>> No.15952184

I'm gay btw

>> No.15952198

I find tofu is pretty handy to keep in the fridge incase I want a quick no effort meal. Just chuck it with some noodles, meat if you want it and chopped veggies into a miso dashi broth, add some chilli's, spring onion and soy and you've got a good meal.

>> No.15952235

I can never eat it all before it goes off.

>> No.15952243

I do sometimes with homemade teriyaki sauce. It's not half bad, just doesn't make much sense to eat it over meat due to price tbqh.

>> No.15952244

Nice bullshit.
Anecdotal bullshit is not evidence.
When YOU have allergies you can't scale it up to mean all the people. You have allergies, not all the people.

>> No.15952258

There's other things to eat besides bean jizz calm down.

>> No.15952262

I bought some organic tofu once. Tasted horrible. Don't trust people who tell you it has no flavor. It does.

>> No.15952266

tofu is actually really good. i love how it adapts to whatever you’re wanting to pair with it. i personally like using bbq/teriyaki sauce with it

>> No.15952271

>I hope you don’t eat dairy either, that has animal estrogen which can actually be synthesized by the body.

>> No.15952295

>tofu is 9 bucks a kilo in my country
>chicken breast fillets are 4 bucks a kilo in my country
>chicken liver is is 2 bucks a kilo in my country
How about you fuck off you soy scum.

>> No.15952298

>Paid for by big cow

>> No.15952569

So soy is only bad for you if you’re a subhuman genelet, got it

>> No.15952575

Let’s laugh at the yuropoor

>> No.15952611

>retard pays through his nose so he can eat estrogens that literally taste like nothing
Let me guess, you like tofu because it reminds you of that time you vacuum sucked in the pillow when your wife's boyfriend pulled his ding dong willie out of your anus?

>> No.15952908

you didn't just eat it out of the container, did you?

>> No.15952912
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>> No.15952917
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>> No.15952957

tofu is gay

>> No.15952959

And doctors dont want pregnant women eating fish or garlic, what the fuck do I care?

>> No.15953015

kidney stones

>> No.15953028

kidney beans bro

>> No.15953035

>salt and pepper the tofu
>leave it in the fridge overnight
>fry in a pan with a little oil or butter
>coat in homemade teriyaki sauce
Absolute kino snack

>> No.15953038

Things that are alternatives to meat instead of trying to imitate it are almost always better than the imitation stuff

>> No.15953098

One will kill your baby, the other will make your cancer worse. How are these comparable?

>> No.15953174
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>bro cience