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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 348x306, kermitthefrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15950343 No.15950343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many of you are overweight?

>> No.15950357

Just me

>> No.15950364

Just this guy since I last looked at our records

>> No.15950372
File: 85 KB, 720x923, food_760137971568934_8315071794467531843_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50lbs over beer and hoagies...

not going to a gym for 5 years or more..

love all the craft beer and that I was able to take care of my mother in her last years yet with a massive independently owned total wine of sorts was too easy to get tanked every night..

last year I was back to work through a cousin being a shop steward in a union yet Covid fucked it all up

was going to join retro my card was rejected twice there and once home when it has a lot of money on yet need to do some walking around again stuff first..today I took a water pill cause it was raining all day..

>> No.15950379

Are you fucking drunk or am I? Most of that was incomprehensible

>> No.15950381

I’m obese but I’ve lost about 20 pounds

>> No.15950383

Me but because of genetic reasosn. I eat 2000 kcal per day yet I'm 150 kg.

>> No.15950386
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Why you wanna know?

>> No.15950389

I am underweight.

>> No.15950398
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>> No.15950401

I'd like to lose ~20 lbs but I look muscular in the right shirts thanks to my shoulders

>> No.15950466

i have anorexia and am obsessed with food. i come to this board to gawk over recipes

>> No.15950481

i used to be shaped like a basketball

>> No.15950487

and what is your shape now?

>> No.15950490

like a pear or something

>> No.15950495

I was a little overweight but during the pandemic I went and gained a bunch of weight, so I was on the bottom tier of obese. But in February I went on a diet, cut out alcohol, and started exercising for the first time for life, and I'm down 37 lbs at 173. So now I'm not overweight.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.15950496

I don't like feeling fat so I auto regulate my weight.
Lately, I've been feeling a bit fat so I'm trying to eat less.

>> No.15950497
File: 42 KB, 438x492, 43553455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! I was born this way, pic semi-related

>> No.15950499

I'm about forty pounds overweight but I was a hundred pounds overweight this time 2019, so I figure that I'm headed in the right direction.

>> No.15950500

I usually hover around 185-190lbs, 6' tall.
With all of the sitting and drinking Because of covid, I am up to 220lbs. I hate being fat. It's the first time in my life that I am actually a fat fuck with a gut.

>> No.15950504

Since the pandemic started I took up push and squats and later added weight lifting. I'm overweight according to BMI but I was classified as obese before so that's going for me. I've already gone through two belts. Sucks buying new pants when I can't try them on cause of the pandemic though.

>> No.15950505
File: 412 KB, 300x122, Look at this retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being fat and unironically believing that you are eating reasonably

>> No.15950508

He's esl or in the initial throws of schizophrenia, but it's fairly easy to parse what he means.

>> No.15950509

I have been on a diet since August. Lost 43lbs. Been going to the gym since September. Doing OMAD which has helped me a lot

>> No.15950513

Keep at it, ya fucking fatso

>> No.15950514

take your bullshit to /b/ you faggot frogposter

>> No.15950518

lose weight

>> No.15950521

Hey I'm also doing omad and have been walking 6k steps every day. I wanna start going to the gym though
What do you do and how many times a week?

>> No.15950523

>>>/fit/ please lose weight lardo

>> No.15950540

Six one and two hundred twenty pounds. I’m on antipsychotics (just another gift of bipolar) and they make you fat. I haven’t really tried to lose weight, but I’m going to now since I’m starting a new job and lots of Stacey co-workers.

>> No.15950551
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, f591642bc72966f427b850db8b03f3da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do a simple push/pull plan 3 days, rest, repeat. Pic related. I don't do pull-ups though and a lot of those leg exercises but for the most part it looks like that

>> No.15950560

I’m 5 lbs under overweight status

>> No.15950588

>I'm trans if that matters.

>> No.15950616

I’m legit sexy as fuck

>> No.15950622

I know how to push out how to pull. How do I legs something?

>> No.15950623

My bmi is 25, dunno how to lose any weight, it really fucking sucks
I try to diet and my weight stays the same, I try to binge eat and gain weight and my weight stays the same

>> No.15950631

147lb @ 5.10 It's all from being a raging alcoholic.

>> No.15950635
File: 60 KB, 750x725, EylDiyRXIAEcbfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 5'8 and 117 pounds, why am i such a fat fu/ck/ bros?

>> No.15950639

You must be incredibly disappointed

>> No.15950641

because you're a woman.

>> No.15950642

what are you 13 years old wtf?

>> No.15950647

I am super obese with a BMI of 52.

>> No.15950650

Im at the perfect weight, although I do want to cut about 5 more pounds. One of the reasons I post here, on the fucking cooking board, is to get ideas for healthy meals.

>> No.15950653

No one is immune to the laws of thermodynamics you dumb lazy fuck, take in less than you use

>> No.15950662

Right here, by about 50lbs. I usually taste shit on the line before open to see how fresh it still is, make a meal or two on a 10 hour shift, then limp my fatass to Wawa at the end of the night, drinking soda the entire time.

>> No.15950664

i read recently its healthier for your fat to shape you like a pear than the typical big belly, gynobros we won....

>> No.15950671

my BMI is 29 but i really dont feel like Im on the precipice of being obese

>> No.15950684

by about 5-10lbs
at the end of a bulk and cutting down

>> No.15951889

Thats a bad advice.

>> No.15951987
File: 89 KB, 800x800, animals-equestrian-horse_rider-bright_sides-horse_riding-horses-shin275_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else lose weight during the pandemic? Not picking up a six pack and pizza everyday on the way back from work made me lose 40lbs this year, down to 130

>> No.15951991

business idea: cull all fat people and use their corpses as biomass

>> No.15951997
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 866F77C6-51C0-4128-9692-441352A3343B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my BMI is 32, and that is NOT classified as overweight

>> No.15951999

based, i did because i lost my job and got a more physically demanding job and had more free time to oversee my diet

>> No.15952006

I am about 6kgs over.
I lost 9 kgs so far this year by just quitting beer.

>> No.15952008
File: 1.60 MB, 960x960, spirt_of_the_stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'4" 200 pounds.
I consider it overweight and I have some flab, but I'm also skinny relative to most Midwesterners.

>> No.15952009

the fact that the “pandemic” even affected you at all means you need to go the fuck back t o reddit

>> No.15952012

TIL no one in /ck/ works in a restaurant

>> No.15952019

I get that youre trying to be funny but it falls flat cause the exercises are named right below.

>> No.15952022

based technicality poster

>> No.15952024

What is the midwest like, anon? Are the statistics true? Does everyone get around in motorized scooters and sweat at room temperature?

>> No.15952039

>Does everyone get around in motorized scooters
In walmart there are always a few non-elderly in scooters, but I usually shop at ALDI. Don't really see them otherwise out and about.
>and sweat at room temperature
From being fat? Maybe. I don't turn the AC on until around 90F/32C.

>> No.15952045

>six pack
>every day

>> No.15952057

That's a lot if you are not an alcoholic, and not a lot if you are.
I've cut down to one day per week, and that's still a six-pack and a fifth of vodka in a single day off. At my worse it was a handle a day.

>> No.15952060

Good for you man. Once or twice a week is fine imo

>> No.15952086

this. also 3 or 4 times is ok too. 5-6 if you’re careful.

>> No.15952091


I was on the path to dependency, for sure, but I switched to weed, got high every day for about six months and grinded leetcode and got a way better job and became a way better person. Working on quitting weed now. Addiction has always been an issue for me.

>> No.15952095

I'm 6ft3 and weigh 216 pounds. I used to be way heavier and I still want to lose at least 20 pounds.

I'm running a half marathon in june so training for it helps a lot, but I really have to control my intake, else I just stay the same weight,

>> No.15952126

me, 220 @ 5'9

my dream is to become skinny ripped and pull off wearing maid dresses

>> No.15952435


>> No.15952455
File: 152 KB, 615x606, 1615831391188__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm underweight 168cm 60kg. I'm 24 and still look like a 16yo faggot. I keep stuffing my gullet as hard as I can I can never gain weight. Old gay men keep trying to hit on me and one of my friend tried to suck my dick when we got drunk together. Women don't find me ugly but they always call me "cute" instead of handsome. You fatties don't realize how lucky you are, being skinny is hell, I want off this ride.

>> No.15952457
File: 7 KB, 250x216, 1618314792074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11" 270lb checking in

>> No.15952467

you need to find a candy you like and eat it all the time. not jelly babies though, unless you're indian

>> No.15952534
File: 3.55 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210416_144857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made myself a peanut butter banana sandwich, how many of those should I eat ? I feel full after just one.
I don't like candy, but I've been trying to get fatter eating dates and dry fruit but instead of fat they made me "muscular" like not big but my veins really pop out it's weird. I do a lot of cardio and bodyweight stuff with a friend of mine should ditch that for a while to get heavier ?
I know I should probably get advice from /fit/ but I posted myself there once and they were all yapping about how much they wanted to rape me, I even saw my pic being reposted there by some weirdos, I hate these fags, that place gives me the creeps :(

>> No.15952541

Not me.
6' 0" and 163 lbs.
Feels good.

>> No.15952544

6ft, 215lb, visible abs. Just be a farmer and lift, like me.

>> No.15952555

Drink your calories, life changer.
Go to /fit/ for further advice.

>> No.15952567

/fit/ knows nothing about food. they know about nutrition but not 'eating'.

to get fat you need carbs. starchy foods like bread and pasta fill you up so it's harder to eat lots of it. candy and mountain dew are easier to consoom

>> No.15952610

Well I'm a frenchie so I'm really not used to drinking soda or anything, but surely chugging a bottle of milk throughout the day would work just as good right ? My dad's a farmer, I eat a lot of raw cheese so I digest milk really well, no problem with that.

>> No.15952643

6' and 175 lbs
Pandemic had zero impact on me and anyone who says it did is using it as a pathetic excuse for getting fat.

>> No.15952672

We all knew /ck/ was filled with obese junk food addicts with no food or the most basic nutrition knowledge but to see so many of you in denial is somehow even more pathetic

>> No.15952754

>I'm really not used to drinking soda
>chugging a bottle of milk throughout the day would work just as good right
>I'm a frenchie
ah, you smoke gauloises nonstop and you have a figure like Brigitte Macron. it's hard to gain weight without refined sugar, but if you prefer dairy you need to start eating cream. start munching those eclairs gaston

>> No.15952762

Get some fruit blended up in your milk for those simple sugars.

>> No.15952766
File: 20 KB, 284x274, 1612201869300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 27.7 bmi down from ~37. Soon I won't be a %.

>> No.15952772

My weight would be fine if I weren't so short.

>> No.15952773

It's slow going but I figure I'd rather take until late next year to reach 130 and then stay there until my fifties or so then be able to plummet to my goal weight by the summer doing gimmicks and then slip I to old habits/gain the weight back.

>> No.15952779

I'm not overweight, but it's clear to me now how those people live, since my gf is becoming fat. She literally eats all day. Breakfast, (usually 2-3 donuts or cookies with coffee and a shit ton of cream), snacks up until lunch where she always begs for fast food or makes frozen shit like pizza rolls, then dinner. After dinner, she begs for ice cream or to get candy from cigars stations. All this while sitting in bed watching daytime tv. Disgusting to watch, but whatever. I eat only one meal a day, and sometimes a light snack, and she's confused as to why I'm normal and she's getting fat. How's it not obvious to her, bros?

>> No.15952780

I be obese

>> No.15952781

186cm, 61kg. I'm so cold, all the time.

>> No.15952782
File: 18 KB, 480x251, 1479788265241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>170 lbs
>breaking the Amerilard stereotypes

>> No.15952784

according to my BMI I'm overweight but being 6' and 200 pounds doesn't feel or look overweight to me. Like I was 170 pounds five years ago which is apparently is on the high end of 'normal' but my ribcage was totally visible and I thought I looked skinny as fuck.

>> No.15952789

Dump that dumb lazy bitch to the curb.

>> No.15952793

Forgot to add, she literally does not drink water. She drinks about 4 Dr. Peppers a day.

>> No.15952804

Women are dumber than dogs but not as loving.
Without discipline they get fucking fat, you've allowed her to become a heckin' chonker.

>> No.15952816

Yeah lmao I'm a bit in denial of my coffee and cigarette addiction
I'll make myself a banana milk smoothie for ultimate gains
Jesus get help mate I'm 20cm shorter than you and I weigh the same and I'm already skinny twink, you must be dying that's not healthy.

>> No.15953004

It just doesn't stay on, no matter what I do if I stop giga bulking it just melts off of me, even when I live a 100% sedentary lifestyle

>> No.15953133

Why would you allow this to happen?
Are you an apprentice architect?

>> No.15953273
File: 71 KB, 498x410, 570403785723c.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, BMI: 25.1

>> No.15953287

By deadlifting.

>> No.15953323

Fucking retard. The 2000 calorie estimate is shite because everyone has different calorie needs so obviously you're eating too much. There is no fucking excuse for getting fat.

>> No.15953332

>please turn gay instead of being fat
no thanks

>> No.15953335

I am 400lbs, but I do not suffer any diseases from it. A lot of my weight is muscles. Every doctor I have talked to has assumed I have conditions that lardasses have.

>> No.15953338

>being this deep in denial

>> No.15953342

I weigh 330lbs

>> No.15953352

What, I am in denial because I don't have distended gut, don't have diabetes, don't have acid reflux, don't have high blood pressure, etc. ?

>> No.15953358


Same. I haven't had any single health issue due to my weight, other than looking like an absolute fatass.

>> No.15953361

*Forgot to add I am 6'3"

>> No.15953426
File: 42 KB, 600x462, o44hchf54ix01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being fat is only based if you look like pic related

>> No.15953444
File: 58 KB, 640x919, EpfFdVoW8AAL6vU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant to post this pic

>> No.15953483

Full of worms

>> No.15953487


Czech'ed and Ascites-pilled

>> No.15953516

I'm a little overweight but at the start of covid I decided I'm not going to die like a fat bitch and starting working out and eating better. Lost 20 pounds, look a LOT better, and I've even had coworkers comment on my "juicy" shoulders now. Do it before it's too late and you become walmart scooter people, anons. seriously. I still got work to do, but now I LIKE exercising and eating well.

>> No.15953519

Everyone on 4chan is overweight, especially /fit/izens and (You).

>> No.15953523

You’re obese, not just overweight. There’s a difference.

>> No.15953549

That doesn't make him not overweight, retard.

>> No.15953583

I don't think so, but I always assumed I just had a high metabolism, but now you guys are making me wonder if I have some kind of medical condition

>> No.15953594

Well we probably both have a very fast metabolism, but your weight at that height isn't healthy, get serious on changing it please. Even I have the same issue I haven't really found anything to combat it, so I don't really have any tips sorry.

>> No.15953611

I doubt this is true. A man of your size should burn around 3000 calories, even if we assume you have a slow metabolism, it would only vary at most by 500 calories, that’s still a 2500 daily allowance.

My guess is that you’re underestimating your food consumption and not weighing food or using accurate measurements. Either that or you’re binging at times and negating the calorific deficit.

>> No.15953687

Me but I'm dieting and now exercising daily.

>> No.15953691
File: 7 KB, 250x231, 1525240414597s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is full of stealth chads
They won't openly tell you, but after awhile you start to realize. Telling you this because they're too humble to say it themselves

>> No.15953717

lol delusional lardass

>> No.15953722

>400 lbs
>unironically thinking anyone will believe you don't have a distended gut
I truly hope you're baiting.

>> No.15953791

>"Lol delusional because lol delusional"
Do you even know the symptoms of a distended gut, asswipe?

>> No.15953817

Stealth chad
Tourists from v

>> No.15953825

/v/ and /g/ are the designated obese boards

>> No.15953829
File: 85 KB, 768x768, wbbufmll0cy11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you people measure your BMI?

>> No.15953850

The stereotype of midwestern obesity is disgustingly true

>> No.15953859

bmi is a meme

>> No.15953861

thats what i figured but all these people are posting their BMI for some reason

>> No.15953959

>it's fairly easy to parse what he means.
Not really dude, I'm probably drunk but that shit didn't make any sense... he's cooked!