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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1280x720, chocomint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15947966 No.15947966 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15947971

chocolate mint is a female trait

>> No.15947970

literally tastes like stinky wet girl braps

>> No.15947972
File: 9 KB, 225x224, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls don't tell me people disagree with that

>> No.15947982

tfw no juicy brap ice cream

>> No.15947990

literally just buy some

>> No.15947997

There's like a million icecream flavors, there's nothing wrong with this one. I've got beef with ones full of syrupy shit that makes me feel like I'm becoming a diabetic before I finish the bowl.

>> No.15948012
File: 115 KB, 230x300, eyJidWNrZXQiOiAiaW5mbHVlbnN0ZXJfcHJvZHVjdGlvbiIsICJrZXkiOiAibWVkaWEvcHJvZHVjdC9pbWFnZS9wcm9kdWN0L2ltYWdlLzE4Njg1MjAwMDM2NV9HbGFtb3VyLTIzMHgzMDBfR0dlTzgwQS5wbmciLCAiZWRpdHMiOiB7InJlc2l6ZSI6IHsid2lkdGgiOiA3NTAsICJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate half a pint of this shit last night and it absolutely rocked my world

>> No.15948024

did your mexican boyfriend punch your pussy in and insert the whole pint into your gaping cunt too?

>> No.15948033
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What's the difference between gelato and ice cream?

>> No.15948086

That might be true.

>> No.15948133

One is thickened with gelatin and one with eggs

>> No.15948235
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mint chocolate chip is literally the best flavor of ice cream
>inb4 muh double chocolate peanut butter marshmallow cookies n cream cookie dough brownie m&m ice cream
m*les are literally the worst when it comes to ice cream flavors. stick to one or two flavors, jesus. cherry vanilla is a close runner up to mint chocolate chip

>> No.15948336

you may be right

>> No.15948342 [DELETED] 

isn’t it all just thickened by cold?

>> No.15948390

that's how you get ice numbnuts

>> No.15948391

that'd be a sorbet

>> No.15948394


>> No.15948399


>> No.15948465

>not pistachio

Mint choco is great if you get it from a gelato store that makes their own, but the mass produce stuff like op is usually pretty shit. Bad quality chocolate that barely tastes of anything, and mint that tastes and feels like toothpaste.

>> No.15948486

>Bad quality chocolate that barely tastes of anything, and mint that tastes and feels like toothpaste.
truuuuuuu and there's no incentive to improve it as females and effeminate men lap it up

>> No.15948498

pistachio is a solid third places. besides, i don't even know what brand of ice cream OP is showing lol. will agree, gelato is generally superior, especially mint chocolate gelato

>> No.15948506
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Is this true?

>> No.15948514

>it's tastes
Please learn English

>> No.15948518


>> No.15948546
File: 16 KB, 474x474, 1602010041546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy big ass tub of vanilla ice cream
>top w/ chopped up bakers chocolate and fresh mint leaves

>> No.15948551

im white trash, and even i never eat that trash

>> No.15948560


>> No.15948571

i meant it as a bad statement, though

>> No.15948598

I feel like the good kinds of chocolate mint are really fucking good, and the bad ones are extremely bad. No in between

>> No.15948638

this. fuck blue bunny

>> No.15948708
File: 1.55 MB, 600x332, 6ZchHtN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP!

>> No.15948724

maybe you are correct

>> No.15948729


>> No.15948738

Is this some ticktock "discourse" that nobody actually gives a shit about

>> No.15948769

not everything you dislike is automatically associated with tiktok zoomers

>> No.15948772

People claiming to not like choco-mint in order to get a reaction has been a meme long before your zoomer apps.

>> No.15948780

I don't believe you for a minute.

>> No.15948781

Gelato replaces the eggs and most of the cream from Ice cream with Milk, leading to a creamier, silkier, and more elastic texture.

>> No.15948808

hah, the absolute best is caramel-banana or a close second tiramisu

>> No.15948809

>claiming to not like choco-mint
soyboy detected

>> No.15948811

based, though incorrect

>> No.15948836
File: 11 KB, 181x300, 1614550118146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rum raisin is superior desu

>> No.15948857

maybe for the mentilly challinged

>> No.15948910
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>> No.15949113

Low IQ flavour

>> No.15949161
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, 140596080_3650377488373368_481675577343793363_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ice cream selection at my local Italian owned chip shop.
They make it on-premise and it's absolutely the best I've ever had.

>> No.15949192
File: 501 KB, 1089x1548, 6 (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chocomint, but especially the chocomint dorayaki, cream puffs, and frozen treats at konbini.

>> No.15949235 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 768x1013, icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15949249


>> No.15949264

too juicy

>> No.15949529

Timothy McVeigh's last meal was nothing but two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

>> No.15949586

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.15949609

>Gelato replaces the eggs and most of the cream from Ice cream with Milk, leading to a blander taste and chunkier, rougher texture.

>> No.15949610

If you get lucky with just the right sherbet and strawberries, try putting sliced strawberries in lime sherbet.

The results can be amazing with a very limey sherbet. If you get one that isn't so limey, it's very forgettable. Hint: Don't use Blue Bell Lime Sherbet.

>> No.15949762


God I wish that were me

>> No.15949787

Mint choc chip always reminds me of the time my brother got lost in a nuclear power plant.

There's a place in the K called Sellafield that is a working nuclear plant but does / did public tours. We lost our youngest sibling and they plied me and my sister with ice cream to keep us calm while they looked for him. Turned out he'd got stuck behind a massive tube.


>> No.15949889


>> No.15950067


>> No.15950224

no its an icecream

>> No.15950250


Talenti is indeed very good, but need to catch in sale. I like the coffee one.

>> No.15950280

It's not a meme. And it's not that it's necessarily bad, it's just odd. It's like a bunch of cold toothpaste. I don't want to eat that for desert

>> No.15950288

based mintchad

>> No.15950582
File: 402 KB, 1644x1660, _20210415_203111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocomint season in Japan is the best time of all.

>> No.15950798

the best pistachio ice cream ive had was at cold stone. cause it was actually pistachio flavored ice cream. everywhere else its just vanilla with pistachios in it

>> No.15950877

based, lemme sniff ur feet pls

>> No.15951019

I really have no intentions on fucking another preteen girl.

>> No.15951033

>stick to one or two flavors, jesus
NO you dumb hole, it's a dessert! A cream-based dessert! It should be sweet, salty, and rich!
If you can't handle more than one good flavor just sip some almond milk instead!

>> No.15951128
File: 115 KB, 745x575, 1588177378151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. m*le
its about balancing flavors that work well together. tossing every vaguely sweet flavor you can think of into a ice cream monstrosity is *not* good. just because you personally are looking for peanut butter oreo marshmallow maple syrup caramel mint chocolate chip cookie dough fudge brownie butter pecan moose tracks pistachio cotton candy pumpkin eggnog flavored ice cream does not make that the "point" of a desert. combining an ungodly number of conflicting flavors is retard child tier tastes

>> No.15951158

>don't do what you personally enjoy, do what seems artistic and has a "point" to it according to "general knowledge"
>in the context of something personal to you which is too petty for any sane person to apply a social value to or obsess over their image or community standing about!
Yep, sounds like a female mindset.
But I'm sure I oughtn't to "judge" people about anything that actually matters and might affect my community or culture in a real way.

>> No.15951163

Perhaps you're speaking truth

>> No.15951178

dude, you're the one who said a dessert was "supposed" to be a certain way, not me. that post was supposed to be a critique of the idea that a dessert "should" have 900 different flavors in it, which is what you said should be the case in the first place. how are you trying to turn this around as if it was me doing it and not you

>> No.15951281

Because I'm talking about enjoying flavor and you're talking about being BOOOOOORRRRIIIINNNNGGGGG

>> No.15951300

yeah, definitely a m*leoid

>> No.15951410

fuck already

>> No.15951420

No. I don't trust women.

>> No.15951476
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x831, 1522253366921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only acceptable answer aside from vanilla. Every other flavor is shit. ESSPECIALLY those that just pack shit tons of candy and chocolate into a chocolate base,

>> No.15951500
File: 1.23 MB, 926x1066, 1485506008488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the wrong image

>> No.15951502


>> No.15951562 [DELETED] 

fine with me uwu

>> No.15951576
File: 69 KB, 1080x1080, 1616371386571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.15951581

I lub it

>> No.15951582

ew no thx

>> No.15951586

Fuck off cuck

>> No.15951591

That's glue you idiot.

>> No.15951649

Genuine badass post here.

>> No.15951669

Tastes good but absolutely cannot have it consecutively

>> No.15951744

Thrifty's from rite aid man. That mint n choco chip hits

>> No.15952282

Why not?

>> No.15953036

The best option is actually vanilla topped with fresh berries or fruit of your choosing.

>> No.15953044
File: 89 KB, 333x500, 1610747525693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to friend's house after gym
>He hands me a bowl of pistachio ice cream
>mfw it's actually mint

>> No.15953050

spotted the soyboy

>> No.15953055

who the hell hates mint icecream

>> No.15953064

chocolate mint is for women and faggots only.

>> No.15953067

>Go to friend's house after gym
What for? Jerk each other off?

>> No.15953075

this was implied by the fact that they're having mint ice cream

>> No.15953078
File: 21 KB, 721x455, 1611789831200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read a single post just came here to say OP is based and chocolate-chip-mintpilled

>> No.15953079

And eat ice cream, didn't you read his post?

>> No.15953083

faggot is miring other faggots
checks out

>> No.15953086


>> No.15953200

I'll have a scoop of mint chocolate chip, a scoop of raspberry chip, and what the heck, a scoop of the peanut butter cup please! :-)