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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15946609 No.15946609 [Reply] [Original]

I cant stop drinking beer

>> No.15946615

You have to stop when you pass out

>> No.15946747

I'm working from home and on my 3rd beer of the morning here, it's a nice shift

>> No.15946768

I used to drink most nights but then the doctor said I have a fatty liver, sometimes I miss it

>> No.15946805

how much did you drink?

>> No.15946826

>most nights
That'll get you fatty liver. But if you drink every now and then you don't get it if you eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight. You can get fatty liver from eating too much, like geese when they are force fed. Is your fatty liver gone now?

>> No.15946841

Something like 12 beers, usually craft beer so higher abv. Yeah just take a few days off each week and exercise and you should be fine

>> No.15946846

Probably not only found out a few months back so working on it. It usually takes about a year to fix if you are disciplined (I’m not lol)

>> No.15946865

I drink way less than that but it's pretty much daily, then I drink more on the weekends. Had the drinking very well under control before the pandemic but there's just nothing to do now.

>> No.15946866

You shouldn't stop.

>> No.15946871

The hangovers and weight gain made me stop. Going to try to keep it to the rare social occasion I take part in.

>> No.15946875

You can. Stop being a faggot and stop guzzling that estrogen juice

>> No.15946882

>The hangovers and weight gain made me stop.
Yeah this, I feel groggy if I stop drinking after like three beers. If I go all night to the point of actually getting a good buzz going then I'm guaranteed feeling gross the next day. Plus I want to start wearing slim shirts again and I need to lose the beer belly for that.

>> No.15946890

It's not the beer that's making you fat it's the lack of physical activity.

>> No.15946901

beer belly is based though. peak male aesthetic. just make sure you've got some muscle as well

>> No.15946904

gives me headaches and makes me feel bloated. i will have a vodka soda though.

>> No.15946937

Both, although I run instead of hitting the gym.
Yeah I don't have the pec development to really own it.

>> No.15947003


>> No.15947510

You can't use spoilers on boards that don't need them, what would there be to spoil about food? Inb4 food going bad joke

>> No.15947533
File: 127 KB, 700x693, 1611859062864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the initial stages of lockdown I started drinking more beer and ballooned up to 155lbs. Since I've stopped 3 months ago, I went down to 137lbs (as of last weekend) with the only change being that I've stopped drinking beer and started doing more kettlebell swings/Turkish Get Ups. My motivation to not drink is to not be a fatty fat fuck.

>> No.15947536

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.15947542

>if you are disciplined (I’m not lol)

libtard soi boi detected

>> No.15947551
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>> No.15947553

good for you anon. most americans think 200 lbs is normal. you realized that even 155 can be fat. you then took ownership and corrected the problem unlike fatasses that just cry for acceptance

>> No.15947555

Beer is delicious

>> No.15947558

yeah. you can say he works out alot. you can even say he works a skele-ton ;-)

>> No.15947772

>what would there be to spoil about food?
Your appetite.

>> No.15947785

Yeah the pounds sure do melt off of ya when you quit drinking beer, I remember last time I quit I lost like 60 lbs in 6 months because it was all water weight and empty calories

>> No.15947798

Same. I usually have one after work during the week, and 3 or 4 on Friday and Saturday night

>> No.15948612

Are you a gril?

>> No.15948619

I gained at least 20 pounds. I gotta start working out because too much weight went to my ass and now it makes me look gay.

>> No.15948620

I had too much caffeine this morning so I had to drink a few beers to calm my nerves.

>> No.15948629

sucks to be a manlet lol

>> No.15949326

>reddit spacing
You need to go back.

>> No.15949355

>using a forced /tv/ meme

You need to go back to /tv/

>> No.15949803
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>but there's just nothing to do now.
same man, i went from 4-5 days a week to maybe 2 usually thurs and friday so its just become pub after work on friday, then sat, then monday night, then wednesday, then work for 2 days and repeat
theres really is fuck all to do in my town

>> No.15949819

you're lucky, where I live all pubs have been closed since fucking November so all I do when I'm not working is cook, play guitar and drink

>> No.15949837

>cook, play guitar and drink
are you in england?

>> No.15949841

nay, Norway

>> No.15949864

I switched from booze to weed and I feel like a million bucks now.

>> No.15949866

ah cool, i didnt know you had "pubs" there per se

>> No.15949879

yeah they're quite popular, but it's not exactly the same as in the UK.

>> No.15950151

The ALT on my blood test was 48 bros. Is it over for me?

>> No.15950167

i actually stopped drinking since the pandemic. i only got drunk with friends. i see no point getting drunk on my own. im also a huge fag when it comes to gaining weight so i see no upside to drinking

>> No.15950365
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>I cant stop drinking *belch*...

>> No.15950428
File: 32 KB, 510x383, 20515_700713243289192_1526814295_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I was going that

had a few false stops..

then 4-3-21 came along and the next morning I was done... today is a rainy day so it's the only one that has bothered me even slightly..

then again I had 9 yrs in aa close to 10 yr ago... not going to zoom them

>> No.15950512

Some culinary experiences can be surprising. Spoil the surprise and you spoil the meal.

>> No.15950522

the only solution I've found yet is wine. good luck to you

>> No.15950773

>theres really is fuck all to do in my town
wtf does this mean?

>> No.15950787

didn't think Norway would be retarded enough to lockdown that hard. Shame

>> No.15951040

It's really only the capital

>> No.15951184

Lmao malding cause you got caught out for being a redditor, imagine

>> No.15951290
File: 40 KB, 460x614, le beer enthusiast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink beer
>get fat
Honestly what's the point
>inb4 hur hur just work out
Easier not to drink your liquid shit

>> No.15951471
File: 9 KB, 640x574, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy!

>> No.15951610

This man is a UNIT and could demolish any of us

>> No.15951622

his gut has a gut. wouldnt be surprised if he hid a pair of biceps under that beast.

>> No.15951691

are you like 5'5?

>> No.15951704

It's a forced meme from /tv/, designed to have newfags such as yourself who believe there to be such a thing self-identify as newfags by repeating the forced /tv/ meme.

>> No.15951761

I’m 21 days sober today and feel great. I’ve been eating way better than the usual drunk foods (pizza, McDonald’s, hot dogs, etc) I’ve been eating more chicken, rice and beans and it feels so good to actually cook again instead of ordering or making quick boxed shit. Feels good bros

>> No.15951837

Same. Atleast gyms are opening up next week so I can go back to my normal schedule.

>> No.15951883

That's great, especially about transcending babby tastes

>> No.15951892

ur fukn TINY lol!!!

>> No.15951948

fuck all is australian for nothing

>> No.15951972


wat, we say this in canada too you island criminal

>> No.15951981

canada will eternally follow in the auskings footsteps

>> No.15952327

pretty sure bongs and amerifats say this as well

>> No.15952358

grains cause bloating

>> No.15952653 [DELETED] 

>This man is a UNIT and could demolish any of us
I hope you're just saying that for keks and not just some fatty cope post, that man could be taken down by a lot of us easily, except this guy >>15947533

>> No.15952659

>This man is a UNIT and could demolish any of us
I hope you're just saying that for keks and not just some fatty cope post, that man could be taken down by a lot of us easily, except this guy >>15947533
Us bongs do say it, it's quite common

>> No.15952709
File: 25 KB, 530x530, x_b3cb8866-468d-49c2-854b-8e5474831a81_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the problem fuckflaps

>> No.15952808
File: 537 KB, 822x684, doctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female bartender gives me a free triple Amaretto Sour
Is she trying to fuck or just trying to keep me coming back

>> No.15952815

idk mayb

>> No.15952827
File: 250 KB, 900x900, FRAN101[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's the day. On my way to the store in 5 minutes.

>> No.15952829

>triple amaretto sour
she spotted the fellow lesbian

>> No.15952834


>> No.15953049

This is a good one. Especially in springtime where you don't quite want a dark porter, but it's not nice enough out for a pilsner. That being said, I'm going to attempt sobriety next week. I keep going in a cycle from responsible use after work, to straight up nonfunctional benders.

>> No.15953409

Anons I've been drinking around 500-750ml of whisky a day for a few years and my liver started hurting last Thursday. It still hurts, and I stopped drinking. Am I going to be okay?

>> No.15953568

see the doctor and you'll find out