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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15944648 No.15944648 [Reply] [Original]

By special royal permission

>> No.15944657

Why is 4chan obsessed with DEENZ?

>> No.15944663

They're good

>> No.15944797

Because deenz are one of the best memes to come from this board. And they are good and good for you.

>> No.15944807

They arent, its forced. Russia wants you to love deens.

>> No.15944853

I fall for every 4chan meme. But i couldn't do this one. Deenz are fucking gross.

>> No.15944861

deenz are fine, a lot like tuna.

>> No.15944869


>> No.15944872

I've been eating a few King Oscar kippers lately. And Chicken of the Sea in hot sauce are like half the price, but not bristling mini deenz. Hoping to try out some good Portuguese ones on my birthday, because I put them on my list for anyone interested in buying me a present.

>> No.15944891

Has anyone tried that Wild World (or whatever it's called) brand? They're the same price to the penny as KO. The packaging looks nice, but it doesn't tell you where the fish are from, only that they're processed in Vietnam. I'm not about to buy, let alone eat some chinese garbage.

>> No.15944942
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Treat yourself anon, you deserve it

>> No.15944958

Most sprats and deenz don't even come from Russia. The brands I recently bought came from Morocco, Portugal, Thailand, and the US.

>> No.15945087

Wild Planet? I've tried them in olive oil (bland, no comparison to KO) and with lemon and oil (ok, very good with a lot of pepper. I buy them occasionally). KO uses more flavorful oil so for the price, I usually grab those instead.

From Wild Planet's site:
>Harvest Location: North Pacific Ocean, working with well-managed fisheries in Japan that practice sustainable harvesting of targeted free-swimming schools of sardine
Mine say they're processed in Thailand, though so maybe we're talking about different brands.

>> No.15945115
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>he hasn't taken the Bela pill

pic related are the best deenz ive ever had. they go on sale for like $2.25 a can occasionally and i stock up

>> No.15945122
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im a deenz super-freak and i dont care who knows it

>> No.15945139


>> No.15945140

This is my first post on this board, and possibly my last. Sardines are revolting. Mackerel on the other hand...

>> No.15945144
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Deenz in tomato sauce are good desu.

>> No.15945316

Do you ever eat only half a can then save the rest for later?

>> No.15945361


>> No.15945643

why aren't you?

>> No.15946047
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>not even the spanish variety

Fuck off plebian.

>> No.15946053

do europoors really need royal permission to eat canned fish?

>> No.15946058

Yay, cancer from mercury loaded in sodium.

>> No.15946090
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I tried Goya sardines (in oil) recently and they were shockingly bad, especially for the price. Shit was nearly expensive as KO but worse then my store's 70 cent brand. I use a lot of their other products and I expected better from them.

>> No.15946116

>skinless boneless
You're the pleb here.

>> No.15946132

How about ligma?

>> No.15946140

yes, you have to have a deenz license

>> No.15946190

just had a can of brunswick deenz in tomato sauce on an english muffin. not the best deenz but wanted to save my king oscar ones for something else

>> No.15946201

How come king oscar deenz are so delicious, while chicken of the sea deenz taste like cat food?

>> No.15946205

The deenz come from king oscar's personal fishing grounds, thats why they need his permission

>> No.15946334


>> No.15946345

It's one poorfag that keeps posting this shit and then his boyfriends chime in, hoping they can meet up on Reddit.

>> No.15946458

I've been buying M&S sardines for a while. They were pretty good for the price. But they suddenly turned absolutely foul recently. So I've bought a few tins from Amazon (Connetable, Shines, and Fish4Ever). And I might go to Sainsbury's and buy some Riga Gold ones. Thanks for reading.

>> No.15946546
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What do we think about mackerel around here?

>> No.15946651

Hey, me too. The ones in tomato sauce? I like the mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce as well. I haven't noticed them turning revolting though. There's a polish shop near me that sell King Oscar Mediterranean Mackerel Fillets and they're good as fuck although they're 4 quid a tin. I wish your deenz adventure well friend

>> No.15946663

Thanks. Nah I bought the ones in olive oil. King Oscar sardines are on my list because I've heard lots of good things about them, but I'm gonna try the ones I mentioned above first because King Oscar isn't available through Amazon Prime.

>> No.15946701

So underrated. This should be in the sticky of every thread

>> No.15946825

How can I be absolutely certain there isn't a single particle of fish shit in the sardines?

>> No.15946878
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Pic related is fucking delicious, everyone itt needs to try it. They're like meatier, richer deenz. I get mine at an eastern European import store
Some canned fish-obsessed autist decided to start making a sardines thread on /fit/ every day and for some reason it caught on

>> No.15947270

"Deens" backward is SNEED

>> No.15947278

I like the Wild Planet lightly smoked ones the best of the various brands I've tried, I like the smokey flavor and I think the fish themselves are meatier than other brands. Still, kippers > deenz.

>> No.15948760


Were king oscar deenz distributed illegally before permission was given?