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15941557 No.15941557 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a baker a comfy job?

>> No.15941566

3 - 4am starts. Working until around midday. Does that sound comfy?

>> No.15941567 [DELETED] 

Yeah, they just cook thawed dough and get pastries in from suppliers.
Work an hour or two then take the rest of the day off while the sales wenches do the hard work

>> No.15941574

>Wake up really early
>Breathe in flour and shit
>Manhandle a ton of dough
>Have to smell baked goods 24/7 but no tasting

>> No.15941590

>He doesn't make a bakers dozen

>> No.15941618

I knew someone that permanently damaged their back as a baker, but they were baking industrial amounts of bread. Baking can involve heavy lifting, it can be surprisingly physically demanding.

>> No.15941622

Should've been using a trolley or forklift for the industrial bread.

>> No.15941627


>> No.15941630

i worked at a bakery for 9 years. it was pretty good til the ownership changed, so idk. i think i just got lucky. the work is hard but not difficult if that makes sense

>> No.15941633
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>no tasting

>> No.15941637


>> No.15941655

>3am start
>constantly burning self
>often don't wrap up until early arvo
>depending on job, days worked could be varied and ruin your weekends
>due to early start, even going out for dinner with friends or the cute girl working the front becomes difficult
On the plus side you finish with the second half of the day to do things and can make tasty baked goods at home assuming your job lets you make cool things, not just standard loaves constantly. You also shouldn't really need to talk with the public.

>> No.15941664

I work in one of swedens biggest bakery. Its all made by machines now. 10 years ago i used to make shit with my hands but not anymore. Small bakeries were all almost banktups due to covid

>> No.15941678

ok but any personal thoughts on it? jeez yall northern europeans sound like robots even here online

>> No.15941693

sad. mediocrity is the new normal. no middle class, overpriced rubbish, you pay because it cost this much. 10 dollar ceaser salad all lettuce with some scraps of egg and bacon. the gears need a cloggin'

>> No.15941712

but using machines doesn't make the end product mediocre, the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15941723

I like it but ive been doing it for so long now that im thinking of getting a degree(im 30). We are a few handful out of 200 people that actually have any knowledge. They just employ refugees and stupid people now because everything is automated.


The machines do sometimes lower quality. Depends. All the old people that know shut are retiring now, they knew how to make quality handmade shut. Now only retarda remain that dont even care. Somrtimes they pick shit from the floors and put it back in the machines. I swear i fucking hate these retards

>> No.15941733

a machine would enjoy bashing your skull in with a wooden shoe less than a human would

>> No.15941746
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fuck no

>> No.15941750

What the fuck do you mean? He just gave you his thoughts on it. Do you want a novel? You may be an honorary woman.

>> No.15941762

i dont want diabetes

>> No.15941774

Why not? Makes your pee smell like cotton candy. Kids love it.

>> No.15941776

Depends on the type of baker.
>Bread baker
Waking up around 2-4 AM.
Industrial bakers simply make huge amounts of dough and toss them in machines while obtaining tinnitus from all the loud machinery.
'normal' bakers are cosier but have strict schedules in order to make sure all the dough has risen and gone into the oven in time.
Shit hours, usually shit pay, no social life due to working hours.

>Pastry bakers
Usually start later, 4-6 AM is the norm in my country.
Pastry stuff tends to be more precise because you're working with cold/wet stuff that needs to stay cold, like whipped creams and whatnot. Gotta work fast and precise. Fuck ups are not tolerated because they cost a lot of money and time.
Once you're proficient then being a pastry baker is hella cosy, but getting there is the hard part. The hours are still kinda scuffed and the pay is still shit, but there's nothing like seeing people's smiles when they enjoy your pastries or cakes or whatever the fuck.

Baker colleagues tend to be simple folk. That's not a bad thing because fuck formalities. Good fun people, bit old fashioned if anything. They take pride in their work (as they should).

Being a baker in general is fucking suffering.
Bake for fun, not for a living.
t. ex-baker of 9 years

>> No.15941799

yeah if you dont mind getting up at 2am
kind of fucks your social life having to go to bed at 5pm, MAYBE 7pm every day

>> No.15941815

Watch out for the white lung, OP

>> No.15941829
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came to post this

>> No.15941834

>A journeyman baker had to be strong to do the work and dumb to embrace a profession that more often than not broke his health, left him both infirm and impecunious, or killed him prematurely. They were highly susceptible to a startling array of serious maladies... ranging from a chronic bronchial cold to pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma, emphysema, and tuberculosis. Strenuous toil produced hernias, ulcers, and varicose veins. The stress and strain of arduous exertion performed through every night and part of every day was said to have generated grave “nervous” disorders.
>Their work made bakery workers characteristically “misanthropic,” “morose,” and “very unstable.” Those who remained in the bakery were said to die typically between the ages of forty and fifty as a result of exhaustion, disease, or dissipation...
>- Steven Kaplan, from The Bakers of Paris and the Bread Question: 1700–1775

Being a baker has always been the worst job in food production. If you've been around professional bakers, you notice that the ones that have been working for more than a decade always seem dead inside, like veteran soldiers.

>> No.15941849

bakers are so loved in some pioneering towns there are statues of the local baker for just getting up early and making hot bread. your village a shit if you have to eat cart bread.

>> No.15941855

>the ones that have been working for more than a decade always seem dead inside, like veteran soldiers.
Can confirm.

Also true, local bakers in small villages are always much appreciated and loved.
Still, would heavily advise against baking bread for a living.

>> No.15941891

Don't let any of these namby pambies tell you otherwise. Yes, it's an extremely easy job. Far easier than a restaurant cook who has constant orders being thrown at them. Far far better than lifting concrete and heavy bags for sixteen hours.

>> No.15941904
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>people itt talking like they have any sort of social life to begin with

>> No.15941924

Breathing in Flour is bad for your lungs. Bakers work with flour constantly.

>> No.15941970

My friend was a baker for 20 years.
He said that you could be standing next to an open door in the middle of winter and still be sweating with the heat from the ovens and hot plates and shit.

>> No.15941975

Highjacking this thread to say: DO NOT buy supermarket bread. Support actual BAKERIES.

>> No.15941988

ok chud

>> No.15942026

and a baby sucking on a fake nipple for formula is just fine too

>> No.15942266


>> No.15942281

Didn't need a blackpill this early

>> No.15942949
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ex was a baker for a small delivery bakery that operated in a crappy neighborhood.
she got up at 3 or 4am to drive 10 miles to the shitty house converted production bakery "shared space" to make 50 cinnamon rolls, 50 croissants etc etc and then deliver them to 3 or 4 coffee shops locally for something like 15 bucks an hour.
I came with her to work once on a day I had off, we made coffee, drove out and I sat around while she did her thing, we watched the sun come up through the window. I read and we listened to the radio, a local jazz station.
In that beautiful moment, it was comfy.

But no, its not a comfy, easy job. You wake up early, you get burned often, you have a lot of stress of juggling multiple bakes with different times, shortages of inventory, delays cost reputation and you can lose an account instantly. Its a tough job.
But there is a simple, classic pleasure in it.

>> No.15942971

this is true, in the summer when the sun shines through the windows I can see it's so fucking cloudy and makes me scared how much flour I breathe in each year. Still, it's a living.

>> No.15943999
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>> No.15944130
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i own a bakery and started working from 6.am to 8 p.m sometimes more, i even worked 24 hours shifts every now and then, but now i have people doing it for me, the first shift is from 7.am to 4.pm and the next one starts at 4.pm and ends at 12, yes there is heavy lifting but not that much really, just lifting some 25 kg bags of flour twice or thrice a day

>> No.15944215

I've spent enough time on this board to know that no food related job is comfy

>> No.15944402

One place where someone who really knows how to bake is on a submarine.

The food on a submarine is usually not that great. A good cook can bump it up a notch, but a good cook who really knows how to bake can bump it up three or four notches.

>> No.15944404

>One place where someone who really knows how to bake is on a submarine.

Should have said: One place where someone who really knows how to bake is truly appreciated is on a submarine.

>> No.15944410

Good Christ...
Bread not only kills you if you eat it, but if you make it too.
Carbs are truly the devils work.

>> No.15945094

>Bake for fun, not for a living.
this is a hard and fast rule for literally anything you enjoy doing

>> No.15945104

Comfy as fuck.

>> No.15945112

looks like hell

this is on par with being a mortician or something

>> No.15945148
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not rly, bread baking is painful, hard work, I find it enjoyable at times tho

>> No.15945161

thanks for linking this vid anon, amazing stuff

>> No.15945179

idk do those look like the eyes of a comfortable man?

>> No.15945198

I was an overnight Baker for a grocery store for a while. Was a pretty chill job once I got into the flow of things. Just listened to podcasts all night. The only two complaints I have are
>Working overnight definitely can cause depression
>I really hate the feeling of flour on my hands
If you can get over those two things, it's an awesome job.

>> No.15945206

Wow, that was an awesome video. I watched the whole thing.

>> No.15945222

kind of yeah

>> No.15945235

I've been a software engineer for 3 years but I got fired and I'm seriously considering abandoning my old life to work in a bakery.

>> No.15945281

It's Australian for afternoon.

>> No.15945287

No. You have to wake up at 2 am. Even Jocko won’t do that

>> No.15945296

Just lift with your legs lmao

>> No.15945302


>> No.15945329

Gonna need a better source

>> No.15945333

I don’t get it. Couldn’t people just have their bread at like 9 am and let the bakers sleep until dawn? Does anybody seriously NEED bread at 6 am on the dot to survive

>> No.15945338

No job involving the food industry is comfy.

>> No.15945354

>But no, its not a comfy, easy job. You wake up early, you get burned often, you have a lot of stress of juggling multiple bakes with different times, shortages of inventory, delays cost reputation and you can lose an account instantly.
Sounds easy as fuck if your IQ is over 95 and you don’t mind getting up early. What job is supposed to be easier than “mix stuff according to a recipe and set a timer and then pull shit out of the over without burning yourself”?

>> No.15945364

So another easy as shit job with no real responsibility?

>> No.15945391

imagine the smelle

>> No.15945427

Inhaling wheat flour all day must be terrible for your lungs but you never hear about this anywhere.

>> No.15945439

45% of the American population are incapable of doing that

>> No.15945464
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>Breathe in flour and shit
>and shit
>working in an indian bakery

>> No.15945474

can't imagine why someone would voluntarily do this to themselves or anyone else

>> No.15945535

Is there no protection to help reduce the amount of flour a baker breathes in? Do masks work in this case or is the kitchen too damn hot to bother? I had no idea how bad baking was for your health.

>> No.15945544

Big Bread keeps it hush hush.

>> No.15945548

funny enough a former coworker of mine who worked mixer bought a mask to try and reduce that amount of flour inhaled, this was over a year before the pandemic.

>> No.15945562

doesnt flour tend to ignite and burn down buildings

>> No.15945589

Excellent, thanks for that.

>> No.15946048

Cool video. Baking is hard work.

>> No.15946517
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>I really hate the feeling of flour on my hands

>> No.15946579


>> No.15946592

aussie slang for afternoon

>> No.15946617

>owie i buwned mysewf

>> No.15946652

I just wanna work at an artisan bakery for a few months so my home made Bread no longer has to turn out so disappointing.

>> No.15946667

Just watch YouTube videos

>> No.15946687


its dough, fermentation, and baking time. in order for bread/pastry to be ready for lunch and dinner service its production usually needs to start atleast 12 hours ahead of time. this is why bakers have to work overnights or crack of dawn shifts. its not like cooking to where u can bust a dish out immediately.

>> No.15946702

People woke up with the chickens back in the day, and needed their bread to start working.

>> No.15946864

Your just an idiot if you ever burned yourself more than once in a bakery.