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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15937100 No.15937100 [Reply] [Original]

The beauty of living in NYC is that, even if you roll out of bed at 1 pm, you can still get a freshly-made bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll with salt, pepper, and ketchup from a nearby stand.

>> No.15937107

can i just microwave baked bean can? they already baked right?

>> No.15937118
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>> No.15937123

>mayor is the plot of the first robocop movie
>governor is a corrupt motherfucker mafioso
>air so thick in emissions its hard to breathe
>90% of the place is or looks like a ghetto
i dont envy anyone living in nyc

>> No.15937124

Don't microwave metal, anon

>> No.15937128

apart from vasectomy that sounds pretty cool

>> No.15937132

bean isnt metal

>> No.15937137

Pretty fucking metal bro

>> No.15937196


>> No.15937200

The beauty of knowing how to cook is that, even if you roll out of bed at, any conceivable fucking time, you can still make a freshly-made bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll with whatever condiments you fucking feel like from a kitchen just down the hall.

>> No.15937204

that's work

>> No.15937217

coasties are wannabe europeans

>> No.15937234

The coof has only made it worse anon.
Now it's back to 1974 levels of homeless and trash littered around the city. Closed down shops lining the streets.
Thankfully I live in east Queens on the border of Nassau, subways and trains don't really come here so the degenerates and hoodrats have no access to my neighborhood.
The pizza is great.

>> No.15937369

lazy faggot

>> No.15937416

you betcha

>> No.15937427

Pets, usually cats or small dogs.

>> No.15937439


>> No.15937467

Furry pets. Other (you) is incorrect it's not always cats and dogs, can also apply to hamsters or whatever.also used for large dogs. It's kind of a soyjack/reddit type of term

>> No.15937470 [DELETED] 

love living in europe where i have food made with actual ingredients made locally in walking distance and aren't a 56% subhuman mutt

>> No.15937473


>> No.15937482

I lived in Nassau in a town that was centered around a train station. Such a shitty place, infrastructure was asshole and you’d literally find needles randomly on the edges of playgrounds or in parking lots. I left before Sandy and heard it got decimated so I can’t imagine how bad it is now. Trains on to the island were a mistake.

>> No.15937669

Was said town on the south shore? Everyone knows don't go near the south shore of LI it's all crackheads and white trash

>> No.15937835

I can always get one I have the ingredients in my pantry right now I can have one ready in like 10 minutes.

>> No.15937860

is that supposed to sound unappealing

>> No.15937883

whatever floats your boat but I don't think I could spend 10 minutes hanging out with that dude before I started wishing that he would get hit by a bus

>> No.15937939

>The beauty of living in NYC
stopped reading there

>> No.15938045
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i bet that cost 10$

>> No.15938297

Question for non-city folk; like where do you go if you want to grab a snack and a drink? That's why I love New York City. We have bodegas, so everything is super convenient and locally owned

>> No.15938333

not something to be proud of nigger

>> No.15938358

I lived in a town where going to the dog track or walking around Wal-Mart was the fun thing to do.

You either go to a fast food chain or to a locally owned mom and pop eatery. The local Waffle House or Huddle House was my go-to, just don't go on Friday or Saturday nights.

>> No.15938368

>walking around Wal-Mart was the fun thing to do.

>> No.15938372

We just drive 5-10 minutes to the best local place. Not every drive through is a chain.

>> No.15938497

to be fair when I lived in the city by Detroit we would also go walk around Walmart at retarded hours of the night and act like dumb asses and make fun of the weirdos who are in Walmart at 1 am

>> No.15938505

see >>15937107
>can i just microwave baked bean can

>> No.15938521

jesus go pick up a football and go throw shit on a field or something. You kids are weird

>> No.15938550

the gas station

>> No.15938558

I liked the exposed brick wall and hoppy cereal water joke. Just could've been better, like the irony of a suburban white guy, paying a fortune to live in a ghetto shit hole, funded by his parents.

>> No.15938562

>He had a Walmart

>> No.15938569

call me empty, but when I'm really bored, going to Walmart with friends is pretty fun.

>> No.15939275

The biggest downside to NY is having to eat NY bagels. Bagels are not meant to be round bread.

>> No.15939322

I don't live in NY and I can get that at 1pm and it doesn't cost me 15 bucks.

>> No.15939374
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>> No.15939380

Do the 24 hour walmart "challenge".
Attempt to stay inside a single walmart store for 24 hours.

>> No.15939385

$4 actually.

>> No.15939432

What a fucking awesome shit you have there in NYC.
I live in fucking Beja and I can have something similar about now (it's 3 o'clock / 3am) here.

>> No.15939438

The beauty of living in NYC is that, even if you roll out of bed at 1 pm, you can still step on a heroin needle and get herpes outside of your 1000/mo shoebox apartment.

>> No.15939452

Why are you like this? It isn't funny or interesting to make up hyperboles about normal people's daily lives.

>> No.15939483


>> No.15939495

Say what you want but I bet he's happier than you.

>> No.15939512

>why do you hate NY
because I've been to NY and it's a cesspit

>> No.15939518

pets as a standin for children

>> No.15939519

Not hard when you're hopped up on antidepressants

>> No.15939599

nah that's philly

>> No.15939926


>> No.15939943

this is the same faggot that spends 7 minutes in the line at Starbucks when a $50 coffee maker does it better in 3.

>> No.15939970

is true dubs.

>> No.15939973
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>> No.15939989


>> No.15940014
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>> No.15940032

Yeah but is full of jews

>> No.15940034
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are you a literal child?

>> No.15940035

america and europe are full of jews

>> No.15940059

Try $4 in my bodega.

>> No.15940066

Have you done it? Does anyone notice and try to make you leave?

>> No.15940081

Yeah this was $4 from a cart near the 96th and Broadway station

>> No.15940163

>even if you roll out of bed at 1 pm
1pm is the new 9 AM

>> No.15940373

That's per person (4) in your "1-person" studio :)

>> No.15940712

More like it's a 4chan term pretending to be a reddit term, much like the soi causefaggotry

>> No.15940717

Yes, being able to get instant dopamine gratification at an exorbitant price from mediocre food is definitely worth the air pollution and niggers.

>> No.15940742

sounds like fun, faggot. eat shit flyover

>> No.15940744

Local diner or tavern, My hometown only has less than 3000 people but has a diner, 2 bars that serve food, a pizzeria, ice cream shop, & two coffee shops. All non-franchise and most have been around for decades. And you can always drive to another town, village or even county. May be foreign to an urbanite, but I can be 20 miles from my house in 20 minutes without speeding.

>> No.15940749

You keep bacon and eggs in your pantry?

>> No.15940751
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browns and blacks too
literally the only good parts of the USA are the midwest and new england
no jews here in Germany for some reason

>> No.15941061

That sounds pretty decent apart from thr vasectomy

Much better than being some bitter incel living in the middle of fucking nowhere like you

>> No.15941076
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stale cope

>> No.15941078

Ok chud

>> No.15941413

Not really lol