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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 481 KB, 700x700, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15936423 No.15936423 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen it in so many commercials and movies, it never ceases to anger me. Crust is the most delicious part of bread, what is wrong with you?!
Especially when it's a good quality or artisan bread. It has the most flavor, the taste of fire and goodness. Plus whatever they put on top, like seeds or cheese.
It's just yummy.

>> No.15936425

do americans really?

>> No.15936428

amer*cans are 3rd worlders, that's why lol

>> No.15936441

Hey OP if you love crust so much why even eat any other part?

>> No.15936443

i think it very weird cuz it really cool part of bread i love it

>> No.15936454

Do Americans ever reach adulthood? That's what we must ask ourselves

>> No.15936459
File: 79 KB, 640x830, Flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as i am aware the just cut of the "crust" off the shitty industrial whitbread. i cant blame them for that for the crust is neither crunchy or tasteful

>> No.15936492

>Hey OP if you love crust so much why even eat any other part?
I like the insidee too. But the crust is my favorite.

>> No.15936611
File: 542 KB, 768x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean tea sandwiches?
lmao dude it's literally one of your three (3) national dishes haha

>> No.15936622

>as far as i am aware the just cut of the "crust" off the shitty industrial whitbread.
This, it's basically stale and tastes like shit. Nobody does it with good quality bread.

>> No.15936659

Why do Amerifats do this?

>> No.15936673

>especially when it's a good quality or artisan bread
You've never seen any American cut the crust off a bread like in your pic. Stop making shit up.

>> No.15936677

>good quality artisinal bread


Choose one or the other OP. Most Americans have never tried good bread.

>> No.15936680

The fuck are you on about schizo?
This never happens unless its shitty sandwich bread.

>> No.15936682

the only people i've seen do that is kids, and it's usually when they're given some low quality sandwich bread and not an artisanal loaf


>> No.15936689

British and Japanese do this all the time with white bread.
Hell, the Brits started the trend.

>> No.15936697

>Crust is the most delicious part of bread
they are just tastelets

>> No.15936709

is this really how people believe these false "americans do X" rumors? some idiot who is jealous of americans being wealthy makes a thread that makes shit up, and people just accept it as truth with no discussion?

>> No.15936722

>be england
>conquer the world in search of spices
>refuse to use said spices
>bread crust is the most flavourful thing in your diet

>> No.15936723

americans only eat cardboard with hfcs and sugar

>> No.15936730

(white bread is a british invention)

>> No.15936736


americans only eat cardboard with hfcs and sugar

>> No.15936738

>21 posts
>15 IPs
Is it just one bong samefagging?

>> No.15936741

>Especially when it's a good quality or artisan bread.
That's the thing. They have shit bread, with shit crust.

>> No.15936747

close but think a little more 911 falseflag

>> No.15936759

>artisan bread
what even is this? It's just some weird american thing again. I'm so glad in Germany every bread would be considered "artisan" by american standards, but just like with beer, we don't have to get all faggy about it like those girly americans

>> No.15936766

the way these "americans have shit taste" threads get made is a european has an especially bad day of being frustrated over his circumstances of being poor and the only thing he has for dinner every day is canned beans and bread. so jealousy takes over and they make threads like this and try to say american food is actually terrible so they can cope.

>> No.15936775
File: 569 KB, 1084x1084, America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All people are jealous of the USA. Look at this board, 90 percent of the discussion at any time is discussing American food and food only commonly procured in America while the other 10 percent is discussing Japanese noodle soup. It sends them into a frothing rage as they eat their fish sperm soup, dirt cookies, and rat salad.

>> No.15936793

>every bread and beer in germany would be considered "artisan" in america
That's such bullshit and you know it.

>> No.15936838

Joke's on you, I like the end piece that's almost only crust.

>> No.15936844

The only people who cut the crusts off bread are children.
The only bread that gets the crusts cut out is shithole industrial wonder bread.
What sad shithole do you come from?

>> No.15936850

>Look at this board, 90 percent of the discussion at any time is discussing American food and food only commonly procured in America while the other 10 percent is discussing Japanese noodle soup.
What about the other 30% americans seething about hurr europoors?

>> No.15936851

Is this a circumcision joke? Im not circumcised

>> No.15936859

and don't forget, the whole world prefers pizza american style. nobody likes neapolitan style pizza more except for redditors.

and dishes like spaghetti and meatballs, chicken parmesan, eggs benedict, were invented in america.

and i'd like to see them try to say that chocolate chip cookies, chocolate brownies, philly cheesesteaks, french dip sandwiches (invented in chicago, not france), american ice cream (made from milk and cream, while european ice cream is made from hydrogenated vegetable oil, or it's gelato which contains no cream and less air and twice the sugar), breakfast cereals, jambalaya, or gumbo are bad foods as well because those all came from america.

americans seething about europoors is like saying chads seethe about virgins not having sex. you may be too autistic to realize that people aren't mad at you, they're laughing at you.

>> No.15936877

>the whole world prefers pizza american style

>and dishes like spaghetti and meatballs, chicken parmesan, eggs benedict, were invented in america.
Yeah and only mutts eat that shit

God I just fucking hate americans.

>americans seething about europoors is like saying chads seethe about virgins not having sex.
Yeah, you are so totally not mad :^) Protip: You will never be white.

>> No.15936921

you hate americans because we are oversexed and overpaid, Rajeed. i would hate america too knowing they have the best food on earth in their big houses while i'm stuck in an tiny flat eating beans in broth for the sixth night in a row.

>> No.15936933

Don't hate on Indian middle class, anon.
That said, they have better bread than you do.

>> No.15936950

you guys ever been to an american grocery store? every american grocery store has a bakery with artisanal bread. three of my local grocery stores have french style, italian style, and dutch style breads available every day, and two of those stores say that if the bread isn't warm, it's free, so they're always putting out fresh bread as much as possible.

>> No.15937006

That isn't what we are talking about. These euro style loaves are shipped frozen to the store filled with preservatives and whatever. Good bread can't be mass manufactured like thaf

>> No.15937062

dont you have a street corner to go shit on?

>> No.15937077

I have a whole street.

>> No.15937165

it is unironically true though, central europe sucks in some ways, but they have god-tier bread and beer

>> No.15937175

>Especially when it's a good quality
but most americans don't eat good quality bread, they eat factory-made "process bread food (now toasts!)" and that shit doesn't have a nice crunchy crust, it has this weird limp crust taht feels like eating paper

>> No.15937199

>they have god-tier bread and beer
And they have garbage bread and beer as well.

>> No.15937209

American here. Only children remove crusts because they're very sensitive to the slightly more bitter flavors. I have literally never seen anyone over the age of 12 remove the crust from bread.

>> No.15937220

true, but there's less of it and most people eat / drink the good stuff since it's not even that much more expensive

>> No.15937225


rent free

>> No.15937251

Why do Americans live rent free like commies?

>> No.15937274

This is a thousand times better than mutt ‘cooking’.

>> No.15937909


The only times I've seen it done was to make dainty little "sandwhiches" that you eat in a single bite.

>> No.15937960

looks good
would go well with a good cup of tea, followed by a jam and cream scone

>> No.15938261

Not OP, but I actually do that.

>> No.15938300

Actually, I saw this one for myself. Reddit's beer sub thinks Paulaner, Erdinger, Franzikaner etc. are all great beer. They're wrong, but they do think that. Those are like your Bud light here BTW.

>> No.15938385
File: 186 KB, 1278x715, gibberish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15938678

Only kids refuse the crust and that's universal

>> No.15938693

>not peeling your bread
I bet you eat potatoes whole don't you

>> No.15938700

i never did maybe youre just a fag

>> No.15938716

>the worse zucchini

>> No.15938725

hmm, bread jerky

>> No.15938756

You're so fucking dumb, it almost hurts (from laughing so much at your stupidity).

>> No.15938768

Are you the guys with those really red sausages?

>> No.15938790

You talking about mom and pop places or places like target?

>> No.15938797

Yes, want your dick sucked?

>> No.15938803

no but i have an axe wound you can sniff

>> No.15938823

target is not just a grocery store. it is a store that sells clothes, electronics, toys, home decor, bath and hygiene products, and groceries. i'm talking about just grocery stores like Kroger and Whole Foods. there's middle ground between mom and pop places and massive supercenters like walmart and target.

>> No.15938869

There is nothing pleasing about the crusts of processed American bread product. It's spongey like the crumb but extremely dry. Why should I eat it?

>> No.15938880

I'm American. I refuse to cut the crust off of bread. Crustless bread is an abomination.

>> No.15938889

I'm American. I refuse to become fat.
Death to fatties?

>> No.15938898

I'm American. Fuck corn syrup and sugar.

>> No.15938903


>> No.15939077
File: 132 KB, 464x401, 1594826280766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling the absolutely normal standard bread we have been eating for centuries "artisanal"

>> No.15939126
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 1185A113-6AD9-4329-AE03-7E6B16A21954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so glad in Germany every bread would be considered "artisan" by american standards
Eat shit, lying krautnigger.
You have factory-stamped “bread” that makes the $0.99 shit our hoodrats buy with foodstamps look amazing by comparison.

>> No.15939159

It looks like the prison loaf

>> No.15939176

This just shows how dumb you are, get out of this board.

>> No.15939187


rent free

>> No.15939190

Fifty three.

>> No.15939249

I never considered slicing the crust off the white bread. Thanks OP, Gonna do it all the time now.

>> No.15939273

>I've seen it in commercials
Why are you watching our ads, retard??? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.15939316

>nazi cope

>> No.15940716

You're kind of proving that anon's point - and cherrypicking from reddit to boot.

>> No.15940804

I hate amerilards

>> No.15940832

Probably streams on the internet. Perhaps sports streams.
t. have to watch the annoying ads even though can't buy any of the stuff

>> No.15940835

We need the fat held in the bread center you stupid ape

>> No.15940841

I see so many children and even young adults nowadays with their lunch sandwhiches entirely crustless. Like what the hell. A monumental waste of food.

>> No.15941298

Fuck you cucumbers are great and taste way better than zucchini.

>> No.15942316

nazi mad

>> No.15943696

>people cut the crust of their sandwiches
>meanwhile I use the first and last slices to make a full crust sandwich
just toast both slices a little and they are so fucking good

>> No.15944474

>Anti-Americans are literal Reddit users
As I knew lol