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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15935507 No.15935507 [Reply] [Original]

My mom makes me tea and if I see there's some dust or like a little string in it I just can't drink it, am I right in doing this? I really don't think I am, maybe she just has bad vision and can't see the dust

>> No.15935508

>some dust or like a little string
Clean your house. Just dust it once a week and say you're helping out. Bonus: cleaner house, dust-free tea, helping out your mom and better inheritance from the will.

>> No.15935519

even if I clean the house this still happens, It's like she doesn't clean the fucking cup at all

>> No.15935804

Do the dishes yourself then.

>> No.15935812
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>> No.15935821

>am I right in doing this
Neither right or wrong, that's a valid reason to get a distaste for something.
Though if it irks you enough you should do the dishes as well.

>> No.15935888

Germaphobia is so weird to me, I walk around barefoot, eat suspicious food, and in general hold no regard for germs and such yet I have only been ill 4 times in my life (excluding minor colds). Is there really reason to worry? Or is this just a third world concern?

>> No.15935970

>Is there really reason to worry?
Some people just have lower tolerance and generally more susceptibility to feeling sick, actual or imagined. Also probably a strong fear of mortality.
>Or is this just a third world concern?
Hardly, it's more on the individual.

>> No.15935979


The more you avoid germs the weaker your immunity gets. Sure don't overdo it, but a reasonable amount of disregard of cleanliness will keep you much healthier than a sterile environment.

>> No.15936058
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tea leaves have dust, autismo. buy industrial processed bottled tea if you care that much

>> No.15936061 [DELETED] 

Step 1: Stop posting anime.

>> No.15936069

i always rinse dishes before i use them even if they're clean
and i straight up won't eat anything if it's from the home of somebody with a cat
don't have many dust and string issues with these two simple rules

>> No.15936702

you inhale and digest dust and small hairs all the time, a noticeable one makes zero difference. why do you think you've evolved to have nosehairs? pluck it out and drink your tea you ungrateful shit.

>> No.15936728
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Yume Nikki was so long ago bros

>> No.15937475
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It was, but you should adapt and add your own touch to the series' the succeeded it in your vein, if you truly love it.
I've committed content to yume2kki at least, have you?
Who knows, you may be a koronba:

>> No.15937505

I really doubt youre seeing dust in your tea, it might be residual sentiment from the tea mix at the bottom of the cup.
If it is, just make sure the cups are washed out next time and drink it.

>> No.15937506

You’re on an anime forum dumbass

>> No.15937522

Accept that it's good to be exposed to germs, it builds immunities. There is a reason why so many germaphobes get actually sick and real men shake things off like no big deal.

>> No.15937545

Replace it with paranoia over the cashiers judging you when you leave the store and that everyone always has some sort of ulterior motive.

>> No.15938935

paranoid germ fags dont realise that by hiding themselves from germs all the time it unironically makes their immune systems weaker.
the kid playing in mud is always gunna be healthier than the kid wrapped in bubble wrap.

>> No.15938938
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Your immune system is germs, bacteria and fungi. Your body is covered with it. It's on your hands all over you.

Germ theory is a fraud.