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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 353 KB, 2048x1536, tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15924207 No.15924207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been lurking /ck/ for a long time now. You guys were my family, I have enjoyed both shitposting and gaining knowledge from you all. So I thank you for both.

This is my last meal, I will shoot myself in the head in a couple of hours. I won't explain why, it was a hard decision, but I no longer wish to suffer or make anyone suffer anymore.

Tartare with black pepper, salt, pickles, onion and bread. Why white bread? I actually like the texture and it goes great with raw meat. I'm personally not a fan of using it, but like I said, it's a preference here. The meat itself is from a local butcher that I know. His cows are treated good, are very healthy and live a good life before they serve their purpose.

>> No.15924210

did it taste good though?

>> No.15924215
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Yes, surprisingly. I thought I'd fuck up this as well, but it's great.

>> No.15924216
File: 322 KB, 631x746, 1617658794394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you tomorrow, faggotron

>> No.15924218

why do you want to kill yourself anon?

>> No.15924222

That's good to hear anon, tartare is one of my favorite dishes.

>> No.15924236

come visit me

>> No.15924246

op stop being a sadass and come visit me

>> No.15924249

ok, what's your address?

>> No.15924350

It's not worth it, bro.

>> No.15924357
File: 42 KB, 750x749, 1609569868661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it famalam

>> No.15924361

for the love of god, we need people on this board who can actually cook, don't go

>> No.15924363

He is eating raw meat

>> No.15924371

So are you gonna livestream it or is it gonna be a personal affair?
Also what are your thoughts on doctor assisted suicide for severely depressed people? If it was available to you would you prefer being euthanized like a dog or cat, or would you prefer taking the risk of potentially missing a fatal blow with a gun for the intimacy of dying alone on your own terms?

>> No.15924374

you know what I mean, he has taste, unlike the dozen fast food threads we have every day

>> No.15924376

Don't do it anon.

>> No.15924384

>So are you gonna livestream it or is it gonna be a personal affair?
I'm not an attention-whore, never have been. And I don't see how offing myself infront of anyone would do anything good.
>Also what are your thoughts on doctor assisted suicide for severely depressed people? If it was available to you would you prefer being euthanized like a dog or cat, or would you prefer taking the risk of potentially missing a fatal blow with a gun for the intimacy of dying alone on your own terms?
I like the idea of having a choice and doing the things myself, always had. But I think, that euthanasia should be legal everywhere, there is no point of keeping people that suffer, it's really selfish, you're not in the head of that person, you don't know how he or she truly hurts. For a big number of people that actually end their lives, no amount of therapies, drugs or whatever will actually do any good or help even in a small way. Suicide shouldn't be frowned upon. No one can force you to live, it would simply be cruel.

>> No.15924386

You should shoot up some heroin before you go

>> No.15924391

I forgot to add, to not disturb or hurt my family even more than I would already do, I will do it in a secluded place, in a forest. I enjoy nature a lot. I found a place, near the river, I love the sounds of birds, water flow and the calming wind going through the trees. No better place to end this.

>> No.15924392

Ah, so a crossover with /out/ as well?

>> No.15924395 [DELETED] 

>doctor assisted suicide
Why? We have helium and pink curing salt for a quick and easy way out.

>> No.15924396

/out/ is really ironic in that case, don't you think? The symbolism and irony that I've faced in the last month of planning is something out of this world.

>> No.15924401

You really should set up a bomb to destroy you after the gunshot, just in case the bullet doesn't finish the job.

>> No.15924406

Can I have your computer.

>> No.15924409

Took you a month to plan your death and you still wanna go through with it? Wow, you really seem set. Obviously we can't change your mind. Hope it's peaceful.

>> No.15924413

I'm glad you agree with me.

I'll tell you what the doctor in the psych ward told me when I proposed this: He said maybe I should try to stay alive to advocate for doctor assisted suicide for severely depressed suicidal people.
This was a guy who's mother committed suicide.

Anyways anon. the choice is yours to kill yourself. But there is a risk that you won't die. You can blow your face off or end up paralyzed from the neck down. A fate far worse than the sweet release of death a professionally trained medical worker with a sedative and enough barbiturates to drop a bull elephant could provide you.

By the way, the doctors words wasn't what kept me from attempting suicide again, it was the wheelchair bound pseudo vegetable guy with a dented skull who survived jumping in front of a train.

If you decide to live another day, you should see how normies seethe when you propose doctor assisted euthanasia. It's hilarious.

>> No.15924424

>Anyways anon. the choice is yours to kill yourself. But there is a risk that you won't die. You can blow your face off or end up paralyzed from the neck down. A fate far worse than the sweet release of death a professionally trained medical worker with a sedative and enough barbiturates to drop a bull elephant could provide you.
>By the way, the doctors words wasn't what kept me from attempting suicide again, it was the wheelchair bound pseudo vegetable guy with a dented skull who survived jumping in front of a train.
There is simply no way of me surviving that. Not only, it's a black powder weapon, I will shoot through the mouth, but to top it off, even if something goes wrong, I will die from lead poisoning, toxic gas or the simple fact of bleeding out, there will be no one to "help" me in time.

>> No.15924428

Toxic gas?

>> No.15924430

Yes, from the black powder.

>> No.15924432


>> No.15924439

All right. Good luck anon!

>> No.15924440

If I had any, I wouldn't come to this point, mate kek. But thank you.

>> No.15924444

I was completely suicidal from age 11 until age 26. I used to dream of it and think of it constantly.

I got past it anon. After 15 years. I am autistic, adhd, bipolar, and honestly barely functional, never thought I would have a job or a relationship, kept trying to go to college and failing out again and again going further into debt and closer to being homeless. I just kept throwing myself at it. I crawled and scraped and just kept going. Made a shitload of mistakes and have memories so pathetic I will never let them go but I got through.

If I can do it anyone can. I really really mean that. Don't end it. Life is absolute shit but it is worth living. Don't die, anon.

>> No.15924448

why not just go to a doctor, lie to get a whole bunch of oxy and kill yourself with an overdose? If you don't have a criminal history it should be easy enough to get a whole bottle of the shit. Doctors hand it out like candy. That's my plan if/when I decide to go out.

>> No.15924453

I lost more than I could explain to you.
A gun is a statement.

>> No.15924457

>I lost more than I could explain to you

Why not try writing it out? It's not like you have anything to lose by just typing it out on an anonymous image board

>> No.15924460

Do it already. Gawd, stop the yapping and accomplish something today for a change.

>> No.15924468

Well anon this is hard for me to write. But I am a tranny. I cut off my dick and took estrogen pills and I sucked a guy's dick. He said he loved me and then I caught him getting his dick sucked by another tranny.

>> No.15924473

bro, he got quads. at least put it off one more day for the quads.

>> No.15924475

Doctors do not hand out oxy like candy. My pal has arthritis and got hit by a car and they only gave him some tramadol shit and he has zero criminal background. But OP shouldn't commit it's not worth it at all. Especially since he seems below the age of 30

>> No.15924476

Post another angle of your tartare for proof

>> No.15924477

>A gun is a statement.
How old are you? You sound young. I'd recommend just not doing it if you're into all that kind of drama.

>> No.15924481

Whoops I ate it all haha you have to believe me

>> No.15924486

Before I go. I would personally rip every single inch of your skin and feed you with it, like a worm you are.

>> No.15924496
File: 375 KB, 1280x2074, 3240378.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helium exit bag

lights out on the first breath, full death follows.

>> No.15924497

I'm assuming this is not OP, OP if you're still here I'm still interested in knowing what's up

>> No.15924508

Looks like OP is gone, then. We lost one tonight boys.

>> No.15924509

>black powder weapon
do not do this. you are going to end up as one of the guys with no face who is kept alive against his will

>a permanent solution to temporary problems

>> No.15924522

Maybe. When I was suicidal I used to post like this sometimes. It was usually when I was in a slightly better place than normal because when I was intended to do it for real I would completely stop posting and make preparations instead.

OP if you're still here: don't do it. I know it feels like you're in a burning highrise and the only way out is the window but that's your disordered brain saying disordered shit. Crawl to a therapist-- there are free ones-- and turn into a sobbing humiliating mess. Get yourself institutionalized if nothing else works. Yes the embarrassing memories and the debt sucks but it sucks less than the alternative so just do it. It is worth it.

>> No.15924541

Good luck and have fun

>> No.15924548
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1615401442401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect the quads, bud. 4 4's telling you not to. You can always improve your situation. Sounds gay but it really is darkest before the light. See if you can live to see the next hour, then the next, then the next, etc. til you're living day by day. You never really lose the ability to off yourself, so you may as well try some crazy things while alive. Maybe live in the woods for a bit like a feral druid, see how that goes. Might be fun. Good luck, anon.

>> No.15924578

Is OP gone for real?

>> No.15924581

do the flip