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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 534x562, 231371CB-FF96-4133-B019-D1EF43FC9169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15923818 No.15923818 [Reply] [Original]

And now I will add some, guess what, grated nutmeg.

>> No.15923846 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 600x1135, 1614864087846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15923862

im frustrated

>> No.15923895


>> No.15923898


>> No.15925353
File: 107 KB, 874x953, nutmeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the best channels on youtube. A genuinely great guy.

>> No.15925361

Fresh nutmeg is my secret ingredient in a lot of things.

>> No.15925363

For real tho, why did he pretend that he didn't put up the orange fool video because of Trump?

>> No.15925367

Jon is so nice and comfy.
I actually found his OTHER channel first and got to the Townsends one from that.

>> No.15925369

Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9XdSOL9YF8

>> No.15925381
File: 109 KB, 2037x1528, back to pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't only you pol fags think that he did.

>> No.15925383

why is everyone on this show morbidly obese? i thought old world food was meant to be healthy

>> No.15925385

Old world food was meant to sustain you for a whole day of hard manual labour, anon.

>> No.15925387 [DELETED] 

That fat dude who LARPs as a slave wouldn't less 10 minutes in a plantation. He'd have to be a house [REDACTED].

>> No.15925392

That fat dude who LARPs as a slave wouldn't last 10 minutes in a plantation. He'd have to be a house [REDACTED].


>> No.15925394

1 (one) guy is fat on the show.

>> No.15925457

what about the other fat guy?

>> No.15925464
File: 69 KB, 790x530, pridepickup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend (pictured) is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.15925480


>> No.15925895

Based Townsend’s

>> No.15925970

>ywn have a comfy townsends thread ever because it all comes down to ORANGE FOOL

>> No.15926083
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926099

>hear "orange fool"
>instantly think of Trump
>get mad at whoever said it because you believe they insulted Trump based on your own thought that "orange fool = Trump
imagine being this retarded. it's like white liberals seeing a cartoon of a monkey, instantly thinking of black people and claiming the cartoon is racist because, in their own minds, "monkeys=black people"
tl;dr: you're dumb.

>> No.15926124


>> No.15926134

What’s his endgame?

>> No.15926155

>. it's like white liberals seeing a cartoon of a monkey, instantly thinking of black people and claiming the cartoon is racist because, in their own minds, "monkeys=black people"
lmao is this something that actually happened? That's beautiful.

>> No.15926164
File: 151 KB, 1200x813, serena-cartoon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the time
off the top of my head, what comes to mind is when Serena Williams had a temper tantrum and someone drew this comic of it. white libs instantly got mad because apparently this makes her look like a monkey, even though it's no different than the million caricatures of Trump behaving similarly

>> No.15926248

to generate enough frustration worldwide to harness in his frustration apocalypse machine, then he will finally rule the world

>> No.15926263

I wonder if the idiotic liberals here realize Trump "losing" the election is not just a coincidence but a carefully planned scheme. Liberals got so mad at seeing someone as competent and loved all over the world like Trump that they'll go full on gigamarxist democrap-on-steroids during Biden's term which will cause the pendulum to swing so hard to the right there will be two Trump terms and I wouldn't be surprised if there is two Pompeo terms after that.
Trump '24-'28, Trump -28-'32, Pompeo '32-'36 and Pompeo '36-'40 sounds like a very plausible scenario. Democraps are finished.

>> No.15926288


>> No.15926332

Why do you always misidentify contempt as fear? Why do you misunderstand Occam's Razor as "whatever was repeated to me the most" and think we secretly want to fuck you when really we just want to never hear from you again?
Why do you shelter pedophiles at absurd rates while using church fags who did the same thing as a way to attack your culture for rightfully rejecting you, when the church wad the shelter for your deranged type since time immemorial?
I used to not care about homosexuals in any way, but exposure to you has convinced me slowly that you deserve no place in this world.

>> No.15926344

They'll just import 99999999999999 undocumented Columbians and Syrians and make voting require no documentation by then

>> No.15926383

nice fan fiction.

>> No.15926479

I'm frustrated