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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15916399 No.15916399 [Reply] [Original]

Itt:Snacks you ate in the early 2000s.
>late 90s counts too.

>> No.15916406

>pizza as a snack
If you mean bagel bites,then yes

>> No.15916411

Why do I want to earn cash for my school?

>> No.15916433

Pizza bits too.

>> No.15916462


one fundraiser we were selling mrs. fields cookie dough and chocolate bars so when all the orders came in i ate it all and never delivered my neighbors orders. lol

>> No.15916466

kek that shit was a meem

I saw it on a box the other day so it's still a thing

When it first came out everybody collected them as a competition but when we didn't get anything in return it was like what's the point

>> No.15916486
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i miss twistables i wish they could come back

>> No.15916505
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>> No.15916516
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still eat them

>> No.15916652

Do Amerifats really?

>> No.15917292

>rent free

>> No.15918691

So schools can afford paper

>> No.15918717
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>> No.15918882

I used to think those cool creations and the TCBY cups were the coolest shit

>> No.15919101

why the fuck did the twisted puffs taste so much better than the regular puffs? it has been 15 years and i will never not be mad about the superior puffs being discontinued

>> No.15919108

Yes, unlike you we get to enjoy good tasting food.

>> No.15919109
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I miss these things so fucking much.

>> No.15919467
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>talks about early 2000's snacks
>doesn't include gripz
i feel bad for your childhood, anon

>> No.15919501

My dad always bought these. I started getting pretty fat until I moved out and got a job working outside. I always popped them in the freezer for bit. Bite the side and dip it in milk for a couple seconds.

>> No.15919506

>Itt:Snacks you ate in the early 2000s
umbilical nutrients and tit milk

>> No.15919577

>not rolling it apart and saving the middle for last

>> No.15919587

This is also a based move. I did this one as well.

>> No.15919645
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i miss you crunchy sprinkles

>> No.15919847


>> No.15919853
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Why, for the pizza parties of course!

>> No.15919868
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I'm so happy this is a 2000s snack relic that still exists to this day.

>> No.15920162

>completley forgot these were in my life on a regular basis at one point until now

Thanks anon

>> No.15920193
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bring it back now

>> No.15920262

it wasn't even good. I drank 1 bottle of it and never even thought about a second one.

>> No.15920267

im not a eurofag but what is that im interested

>> No.15920569
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>> No.15920574
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The best.

>> No.15920632

I was born in 2003

>> No.15920634

How do the chans today compare to contemporary youth culture?

>> No.15920652

I was actually lying I'm 30
I just wanted (You)s desu

>> No.15921887
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>> No.15922173
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>> No.15922430
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What do you youngass niggas know about this?

>> No.15922493

>Being this poor

>> No.15922516
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With fries of course.

>> No.15922530

These were shit but such a novelty I wanted then always
Literally the "catch with your mouth" snack

>> No.15922630

Rain was the best

>> No.15923083

i swear remembering something like this but with fruit filling. think it had something along the lines of bagel in the name?

>> No.15923092

aren't there rumors that it's suppose to be coming back this summer?

>> No.15923144
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>> No.15923176
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And this

>> No.15923193


>> No.15923211
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>> No.15923267

I posted in the wrong thread earlier but >>15923265

>> No.15923410
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>> No.15924067
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Holy fuck I would get these all the time, I was so pissed when they stopped making them

>> No.15924100

Came to post yogos

>> No.15924787

ooh thats a good one
the cookie ones were the worst pick but the tiny cheez-its was a stroke of genius.

one time i opened like 3 of them back to back and ate them all

>> No.15924794

these were bad and if you liked them YOU'RE bad

>> No.15924796

Low self control is allegedly a character flaw but I bet those stolen cookies tasted good.

>> No.15924804

So you can get the moon jump shoes from the catalog of course

>> No.15925354

Loved them and their sequels. Drank them like everyday.

>> No.15925376

Tell me where the cereal straw touched you, anon

>> No.15925398

Aw man doodle heads were the best!

>> No.15925466
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I've always wanted to try this. Fuck my parents for never getting me a bottle.

>> No.15927088

Salty pretzel sticks

>> No.15927237
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>> No.15928560

I miss the dinosaur shaped macaroni and cheese like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.15928564

I fucking loved these things

>> No.15928722

>the dinosaur shaped mac and cheese
God damnit lord why did you take these?

>> No.15928909

The candy in these was always so shit. And the chocolate too come to think of it

>> No.15929273
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breaking the instant noodles inside the bag and then adding the seasoning

>> No.15929952

I can't find these old yogurt fruit snacks. They weren't Yogos. They were opaque fruit snacks with a fruit side and a yogurt side.

>> No.15930044

nigga, Kinder shit is more expensive than any product mentioned here

>> No.15931072

they have some mario ones that come with like coins that got actual weight to them. could probably give someone a bruise if you threw it hard enough.

>> No.15931103
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>> No.15931562

I ate these all the time. Never as intended though, they are godly if you unravel the cereal part between your cheek and teeth
these were good too if you let the yogurt around the gummy melt in your mouth, kinda gross to eat it normally

>> No.15932159

It tastes like the color blue

>> No.15932211
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I was a weeb.

>> No.15932227

>california rolls

you were a tastelet too

>> No.15932256

Use your eyes, moron. Do you think the salted, pretzel-stick looking item could be pretzel sticks? HMMMMM

>> No.15932334
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Lots of kids were, bro

>> No.15932410


California rolls are delicious.

>> No.15932416

imitation crab meat is fucking gross

>> No.15933558

>yoohoos, twisted puff cheetos
>dino mac n cheese

>> No.15933739

Holy fuck bro

>> No.15933744
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i'd eat these all the time. usually just cream cheese untoasted sandwich. sometimes i'd make a sandwich with deli meats and cheese. my dad bought boars head. he would get a special deal from the butchers in exchange for vicodin. Around $2 for a pound. comfy for me

>> No.15933768
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>> No.15933777

>I always popped them in the freezer for bit. Bite the side and dip it in milk for a couple seconds
thx fatty. i'll try that next time

>> No.15933874
File: 96 KB, 533x400, A7BFFFC3-7000-4078-8EB7-325CCD5ED0C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yup. Busting out a bag of these on the playground and motherfuckers would flock over to you like this.

>> No.15934156

lmao filtered

>> No.15934161

It's fucking nasty and it doesn't taste like crab. It's not like crab is even that expensive, why eat the imitation bullshit? You're a cuck if you eat fake crab sticks, simple as.

>> No.15934221
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this along with this were my jam

>> No.15934230

How fat were/are you, mutt?

>> No.15934232

Fat little cunt

>> No.15934233
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>> No.15934247

>candy center crunch

>> No.15934265

The real weeb snacks are Pocky you nerd.

>> No.15934521

How many chocolate bars and how much cookie dough, Anon? Lol

>> No.15934525

this explains so much about why americans are retarded. the kids eat garbage.

>> No.15934537

hahaha keep coping tastelet
you know what else doesn't taste like crab? literally everything that isn't crab

>> No.15935475

It's been 20 years since I've even thought of this and I can now taste the gummies. Jesus Christ

>> No.15936490

I just wept a single tear

>> No.15936537

Same here anon, WTF?

>> No.15936549

I hate cheap ass sushi where they give you half crab sticks and a shit ton of cucumber

>> No.15936565
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Used to have this shit every day with lunch in school, I think it made my autism worse

>> No.15937928

Oh man I forgot all about those, loved the sun and rain flavors.

>> No.15938060

(((They))) want to encourage your kids to eat literal garbage and to “learn” at their indoctrination centers called public schools.

>> No.15938218
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>> No.15938231

1 girl gets a bike.. you get a pencil eraser

>> No.15938338
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>now better tasting

anon, even the manufacturer knows they tasted like ass and likely still do

>> No.15938340
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Hmm? Shallow AND pedantic indeed.

>> No.15938362

All of the foods/snacks in this thread had a distinctly "boxed" taste. I would rather eat dollar store candy, because at least it wasn't the same. Are you all white trash?

>> No.15938375

>I was merely pretending to be retarded!

>> No.15938381

80s snacks were better.

>> No.15938386

Does anyone else remember seeing and hearing the ice cream truck but never actually buying anything from it? Those fuckers never stopped in my neighborhood

>> No.15938412

I got Garbage Pail Kids stickers from them. Occasionally Icecream.

>> No.15938568
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I liked these. They'd come in cool designs

>> No.15938575

I would get the bubble gum ice cream because it was two treats in one

>> No.15939727

bump for great thread

>> No.15939977

This is middle school in a bottle. Forgot about those

>> No.15939996

What a gay ass, autist flex.

>> No.15940006


>> No.15940010

>Ooh I wonder wonder ooh I wonder what... what's in a wonder ball?

>> No.15940287
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>> No.15940331

those have been back for over a year now anon

>> No.15940365
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>> No.15940927
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Bumping with Bibo. Used to have one of these juice boxes every school day in 2002, with my packed lunch. This is early 2000s to me, in drink form. That was also around the time my life started to go downhill, and I never really recovered from it, so the drink is also connected to my own personal decline. Also the name, Bibo, reminds me of Richard "Beebo" Russell a.k.a. Skyking who couldn't stand the future anymore. He reminds me a lot of myself. I really need to get around to dying one of these days, been putting it off for too long.

>> No.15940983
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I miss them so much.

>> No.15941004
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>> No.15941015


>> No.15941067
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I can still play the commercial in my head bros

>> No.15941214

Completely forgot about these. Thanks for the reminder bro