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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15913142 No.15913142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My butthole itches when I sleep at night.

What food is giving me worms?

>> No.15913149

I've got pubic lice. idk where I got it from, I don't fuck I'm just gross. Are you just gross? is that why the parasitic wormz like you?

>> No.15913153
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Wash your anus before going to bed, anon.

>> No.15913161

They crawl out at night

>> No.15913167

Put some duct tape on it and corral them all

>> No.15913193

No i don't think so. But apparently I am eating poo

>> No.15913198
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>> No.15913206
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ivermectin for horses is basically safe for human consumption and costs $8 for like 10 treatments

>> No.15913212

"Basically safe"
t. 4chins doctor

>> No.15913214

Wash your fucking hands. 20 seconds minimum and make sure you scrub under your nails (this part is important)

>> No.15913226

if they're actual worms you're just continuously feeding them with what you eat, you're not getting new worms from what you're eating
if you're not sure if you have worms and your asshole itches you probably have hemorrhoids

>> No.15913236
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, I_GOT_WORMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babys first hemorrhoid

>> No.15913247

Stop going to Indian and Chinese restaurants

>> No.15913249
File: 13 KB, 471x186, scottyMcTape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait till night
>put scotch tape over butthole
>pick up worms

>> No.15913272

it says "for veterinary use only" on the package but the drug itself is safe for human consumption in the same directed dosage (mg/kg is the same for all mammals)
you can go see a doctor and get the exact same drug labeled for humans for a lot more than 90 cents a dose if that's what you prefer
i just thought maybe chronic pinworm would want to consider an alternative cheap source to cure his itchy bum

but certainly do your research, by all means


>> No.15913306
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Have you been eating curries anon?

>> No.15913338
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Its probably these

>> No.15913379

Those only work to pick-up the eggs the female worms lay on your butthole.

>> No.15913420

just threw up fuck you

>> No.15913461
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>just threw up fuck you

>> No.15913466
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Welcome to 4channel.

>> No.15913480

>im less sensitive than you and that makes me cooler

>> No.15913483

do you know where you are?

>> No.15913493

if you can resist scratching for a while the problem will resolve itself
as long as you dont keep putting fresh eggs into your mouth they'll die off

>> No.15913495
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She/they probably dont realize

>> No.15913500

at first it's horrifying but then it becomes satisfying because you know the suffering will soon be over and every squeeze is one step closer to relief

>> No.15913513
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>> No.15913515

It could also be prickly hairs. Time for some careful snip snip with the hand mirror.