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File: 45 KB, 735x600, 735px-Quiznos_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15911384 No.15911384 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with quiznos? All of them in my area closed and apparently they have a 40% failure rate and tons of lawsuits. I can barely remember the food

>> No.15911407

It's likely because they decided to launch with commercials featuring literal puppet rats that sang so no one went there because who would want to eat at a place with disgusting rats?
Good riddance

>> No.15911446

I remember them being really good compared to subway. Probably a high failure rate because of expensive meat and toppings they have to toss daily.

>> No.15911457

They started out really good, with lots of meat on the sandwiches. But after a while it was getting obvious someone was skimping on the ingredients because they'd give you 3 deli slices on an order.

>> No.15911602


People are realizing that Firehouse is lightyears better

>> No.15911611

I ate there once like 7 years ago. The prices were higher than subway (you couldn't beat their 5$ footlong), but it tasted much better.

The quiznos in town closed down a few years ago, and its a little Cesar's now.

>> No.15911617

I prefered quiznos to firehouse desu. I think its something about how their sauce interacts with the veggies that grosses me out.

>> No.15911618
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i used to work downtown across the street from there and would eat there like twice a week. they have big ass sandwiches and better ingredients than subway plus toasty PLUS a FREE condiment bar. they weren't all fucking stingy with shit so i could get like 3 or 4 things of pickled jalapenos for my sammy

>> No.15911648
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theres a quiznos within walking distance from my house, should i go? what should i order?

>> No.15911670

Idk but there's like 3 shuttered burger kings near me as well.

>> No.15911693

classic italian with jalapenos is fucking GOAT.
also enjoyed the turkey, ranch and swiss and the chicken carbonara

>> No.15911703

Chicken Carbonara if they still have it, they all closed in my state and although I like firehouse quiznos will always be my favorite

>> No.15911708
File: 82 KB, 870x565, E804C8D0-6DEF-4601-B2FC-13C4ADBE0A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were the first to toast their subs. When others, especially Subway, started toasting it was over for them

>> No.15911833

>Walked into a quiznos.
>The toasted sandwhich place
>Ask for a meatball sub.
>We don't have a meatball sub.
>Silently turn and look at the 4 co-workers I came with... we all just turn and walk out.

Guys... come on... that the bloody fuck.

>> No.15911896

They died off after subway started toasting their subs

>> No.15911934
File: 133 KB, 1000x746, 1593244282372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was because the company owners were pants on head retarded and actively had policies that essentially told Franchise owners to go fuck themselves if they every decided to buy a Quiznos location. They went full shill and upcharged the price for ingredients/uniforms/equipment (a.k.a, things you literally can't run a Quiznos without) by like 300% and it ended up screwing Franchise owners because they literally couldn't make money at the prices that Quiznos told them to charge for subs.

I fucking hate whoever's decision that was to this day, Quiznos subs were lightyears ahead of Subway and actually had interesting ingredients that weren't just white-bread-most-common-denominator tier shit.

>> No.15911936

I miss their balsamic vinaigrette dressing. was great on the italian

>> No.15911946

hang on a sec

is it quiznos or quizno's

>> No.15912026

this can't be real

>> No.15912101

This guy knows. There was a huge amazing write up by some guy but I can't find it anymore.
In addition to what this anon said about raising prices for supplies, they also went out of their way to take franchises away from franchisees
>Then, Bob and Randy (Quizno's owners athe time) come and do a store inspection. And holy shit, those awesome, friendly, funny guys turn into goddamn ring wraiths and will dock you for a smudge on the paint, a loose screw on the door, a slightly wobbly table, whatever. This reduces your corporate store rating. What’s a store rating? Well, we didn’t know either! Your store rating is a metric they use to determine how well you are holding up the brand image! THAT WAS NEVER FUCKING MENTIONED UNTIL BOB AND RANDY SHOWED UP. They give you 6 weeks to correct the issues and then show back up. They dock you on a whole bunch of other shit and your rating drops. If you get below a certain score, (I don’t remember what horse shit they lied to us) Then they can STOP DELIVERING PRODUCT TO YOUR STORE. In your contract, you signed that you would only buy product from Quizno’s for “brand consistency” or what the fuck ever. Which seems perfectly reasonable at the time. A big mac is a big mac for a reason.

>> No.15912111

So then once they nitpicked their way into fucking over your store and business they'd shut you down, keep your franchise fees and use all the equipment, furniture, branding shit etc. to sell to another franchisee and repeat the process

>> No.15912123

They even fucked over smaller suppliers:
>What I've heard of them doing on more than one occasion is having active purchase orders and therefore finished product on the warehouse floors of their suppliers. They close stores in a region, suddenly have no use for that stock, and kill all of the POs. The stock is specific to Quiznos, can't be sold to anyone else, and becomes garbage. If the supplier demands payment then Quiznos beats them up with the supplier agreement, starts finding quality problems with all of their active product, and terminates the agreement leaving the supplier stuck with the product.

>> No.15912220

i haven't had it in years but I remember the peppercorn steak being great.

>> No.15912260

This video breaks it down pretty well. It's a damn shame, my brother used to work there and it was great. He would bring home tons of meat and other leftovers. They had some unique sauces and combinations I have never been able to find reproduced elsewhere. Their bread also had a unique flavor I can't find again. I'm just sick of everything always going to shit eventually, the older I get thats all I see. Everything I love eventually turns to shit and dies.

>> No.15912295


you can't do chik-fil-a shit until you have chik-fil-a numbers, I want more quiznos but damn

>> No.15912332

I missed it until Firehouse came to town, but I go to the local mom&pop sandwich place most often

>> No.15912355
File: 48 KB, 447x458, 3ygcquyIjkgjMnvaq_poufgHO_7D2X3CvquRRtS0RHY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sir, they're talking about other sub shops again

no, sir, I'm posting the pepe right now, they will know the dominance

>> No.15912374

There's actually a Quiznos right around the corner from my office. Feels good man, I always thought they were way better than subway but their marketing was retarded.

>> No.15912415

My poorfag best friend bad them do the catering for his wedding. Just fucking awful. Hilariously so.

>> No.15912546

no mo 'nos

>> No.15912567

firehouse sucks penis dick compared to what quizzos was

>> No.15912571

they suck

>> No.15912724

I’m not a big firehouse subs fan, not really a hot subs guy

>> No.15912738



>> No.15912773
File: 67 KB, 576x432, 1604456373533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 10 inch chicken carbonara, please

>> No.15912804
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x653, peppercornsteak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a peppercorn steak in years, I can't take it anymore bros

>> No.15912813

10 inch chicken carb, no mushrooms, extra sauce

and a pepsi, no ice

>> No.15912842

>zoomers are too young to remember spongmonkeys, one of the first memes

>> No.15912846

anyone remember schlotzky's? my dad was obsessed with it because he loved corny fucking words like that. I think I've seen one schlotzky's in like the past 7 years.

>> No.15912870

Sorry, I’m based and InglesPilled. But we are both part of the Boars Head alliance.

>> No.15912894

Unironically my single favorite sauce. Wish I had bottles of the stuff

>> No.15912909


ingles is still from the 80s and lauralynn is a filthy slut

>> No.15912917

corporate greed mostly. fucked their franchises by charging an insane amount for food. they then drove away customers by drastically dropping quality. their chicken turned into some gray rubbery shit. people simply stopped going so less sales + absolute dog shit margins meant most went broke.

>> No.15912943

A tale as old as time, humans never learn. They repeat the same mistakes every single generation. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15912963
File: 135 KB, 966x1200, 1597116496323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your local mom and pop sandwich shop that a bunch of your friends worked at growing up closed down

>> No.15912967

That seems short-sighted and retarded, purposely setting up your franchisees to fail like that. But if it's a grift by those two dudes, I assume you don't really need a long con.

>> No.15912971

to be fair they were mostly likely always doomed to failure. they didn't offer anything that couldn't be copied so it was only a matter of time before subway got toasters and started making similar sandwiches. they hit subway pretty hard when they first blew up then completely failed to do anything to keep those customers. subway started the $5 shit, got toasters and just waited for quiznos to fuck up which of course they did. you can't be priced as high as quiznos and not have the quality to back it up.

only reason firehouse is doing so good is their subs are good enough to justify the price tag. it usually costs me $15-20 depending what i get while subway would be nearly half that but firehouse tastes good enough to be worth it. firehouse basically has what quiznos had and time will tell if they can avoid fucking it up too.

>> No.15912979

they blew up so fast they thought there were unstoppable. there was like 10 of the fucking things built around me in the span of 2-3 years. of course they also disappeared just as fast. there's only 1 left that i know of in my entire region

>> No.15913016

I went to one near this development outside town. It was in a gas station-pretty good

>> No.15913023

What’s wrong with the 80s? Don’t have to chase trends with a stupid x in your name and free samples

>> No.15913033

They had this bad habit of putting shit tons of ranch on subs

Was their downfall

>> No.15913133

Lemme get a roast beef on Italian with olives and pickles, please

>> No.15914375

Huh, never knew rathergood actually was involved in making an ad

>> No.15914405

they werent that bad. better than subway