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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15904784 No.15904784 [Reply] [Original]

>omg things were so much better during the 1800s

why do people miss the point of his videos? he specifically points out that the recipes he does are crafted out of mass poverty and suffering.

>> No.15904805

i would live in poverty for 1000 years if everyone around me was white

>> No.15904811


>> No.15904814

i dont think people miss the fact that life was hard back then

people find their content comfy and learning things from our past is interesting

now go be edgy on b

>> No.15904855

You aren't even white yourself, Americano

>> No.15904963

Don't people romanticize turd world pieces of shit that eat rice every day? I'd rather romanticize my own history thanks.

>> No.15904973

Americans don't have history

>> No.15904990


you can move to the midwest and live in poverty among whites today

>> No.15904996

That orange fool was a million dollar dish. Big league. Many people wished they could savor its delight. James and his son know.

>> No.15905001


>> No.15905011


>> No.15905127

Because you can't appreciate the taste of honey without some vinegar in your life.

>> No.15905140

>.t never lived in white poverty

>> No.15905185

now kiss, you two are obviously gay

>> No.15905199

Poverty in America is better than living like a king in a third world country.

>> No.15905212

the recipes he usually cooks aren't peasant food.

>> No.15905241

literally who says that?

>> No.15905242

I'm not gay I just like historical eras like the trump presidency *slurps covfefe*

>> No.15905267

Based and fpbp

>> No.15905275

this is what the media is desperately trying to shill to mutts despite low living standards

>> No.15905277

Except for kicking England's teeth in along with France and Spain actually has there ever been a country that hasn't kicked the British down a peg?

>> No.15905288


>> No.15905342

before "whiteness" was invented europeans were literally slaughtering each other for shits and giggles. white peace is a stupid meme.

>> No.15905385

just work in a national park in the middle of nowhere. you'll never see a black person like ever

>> No.15905435

absolutely deluded

>> No.15905498
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le orange fool face

>> No.15905507

He unironically made me fall in love with nutmeg

>> No.15905510

did people suddenly forget all the anticapitalist shit he spouts in his videos? this is the one that set people off?

>> No.15905524

Some of his videos give Ted Kaczynski vibes like this one

Listen to the beginning

>> No.15905684

I'm frustrated

>> No.15905687

Found a cookbook from the early 20th century and what strikes me most is that most recipes are like less than 5-8 lines of text and have funny names.

Will try the "great barons sandwich" this weekend :D

>> No.15905710

literally all this guy does is bitch about trump. what a cuck

>> No.15905715

He pretends to be traditional but hes a leftist faggot and has featured blacks on his show multiple times to talk about muh slavery.

>> No.15905793


>> No.15905808

im fwustwated!!!

>> No.15905875
File: 196 KB, 869x1280, 100percentwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all this guy does is bitch about trump. what a cuck
literally not even once has he done that.

>> No.15906038

Not really. It was white men who made America so great to begin with, silly.

>> No.15906043

It was the Italians and Jews, primarily.

>> No.15906045

The Netherlands

>> No.15906059

amazing how out of touch you liberals are. you take something true and say it's false. pathetic

>> No.15906061

Hmm tough question, would I rather be around a bunch of white trash hicks and women with apple shaped bodies who have 3 mixed kids, or would I rather go to a 3rd world country (which could be white anyway) and find a cutie and live lavish. Really tough decision.

>> No.15906062

orange fool

>> No.15906121

he works with

>> No.15906172
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that absolute unit behind him

>> No.15906181

Today we're doing a dish called the Fuppering Dandy. A gentleman from the 17th century would first kick a tuber out of the ground by accident. This wouldn't be a cultivated potato, but a hard woody wild root of a plant that doesn't exist anymore. But according to 1694's Goode Houseman's Cooke Booke and Hande Bible it "must be partly fermented by the natural order of time, having a dry husk for a shell and a rotted middle, in Jesus name amen." We're going with celery root.

After rubbing the root in animal fat and beer dregs, the gentleman would then create a paste of herring, cream, and his own tears. And then we set it by the hearth overnight, with an iron horseshoe overhead to ward off stomach goblins (food poisoning).

And there you have it, the Fuppering Dandy.
>tastes it with the smallest possible bite from a tiny wooden spoon
You know, it's a different taste. The 17th Century pallet was definitely more used to...rancid flavors. You know, it's equal parts...bland and vomit inducing. Will we be making the Fuppering Dandy again? No, but I'm glad we had the experience of tasting another intriguing dish from the 17th Century.

>> No.15906214

The Netherlands invaded in 1688 and installed their ruler's wife as queen of England without a fight

>> No.15906992


>> No.15906996

Orange fool!

>> No.15907048


>> No.15907175
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>> No.15907192

based. I would never go back in time if I somehow had the ability to, but I respect the stoic strength of those who lived in that period and like to imagine what a person's mentality would be like without the internet, mass media, etc forming it (of course it would instead be formed by things like religion, I'm not saying minds were more pure back then, just corrupted differently)