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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.00 MB, 595x717, with diet coke please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15904746 No.15904746 [Reply] [Original]

I thought this was easy, until I tried eating 3 big mac and nearly threw up because of it

>> No.15904764

Am I allowed water as well? Or more cola?

>> No.15904808

Theyd have to pay me $3500 to stop. That meal is 5000 calories not counting whatever bullshit is in the cup.

Work out, walk, hell, just use your knees instead of bending over. Prove these pussies to be the pussies by consuming this kind of meal weekly and NOT befoming flabby

t. You can do i!

>> No.15904815
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>> No.15904816

You can do it*

Sorry, phoneposting

>> No.15904825

gross, did you eat the pickle?

>> No.15905252

i could eat the food but the drinks would hurt

>> No.15905261

Did the bobmob ever do away with the whore Lindsey whatever her name was?

>> No.15905262

The drinks would beat me. Could maybe finish two. No problem eating the food though I may OD on salt

>> No.15905266

why is there literally nothing besides patties and cheese in the burgers? wtf?

>> No.15905642

i would eat for free until im full and walk away
>"HEY anon where u going??!?!"
>"sorry man i'm late and gotta do stuff, we can try another time, dont forget the free fo- i mean the challenge"

>> No.15905665

i had 3 diet cokes on sunday and i had diarrhea for two days.

>> No.15905833

I could eat all of that easily.

>> No.15905839
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We had a cheeseburger eating contest back in HS.
I couldn't even finish 7.

>> No.15905911
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grab the nuggets, fries, and one of the drinks and then walk away.

>> No.15905980

I could finish the food, but not the drinks.

>> No.15905981

Well sge was recently cancelled i think so sort of

>> No.15905988

Nobody in this thread could eat that much

>> No.15906013

no problem 4 me
.t /fitzen/ on 24 hr of fasting

>> No.15906029

Based, I thought the same thing.
I could eat maybe a third of that, and I'm fat. But I get tons of calories from liquor and fruit juice. Or cream if I'm drinking white russians.

>> No.15906035

How? My stomach turns to the size of a grape if I don't eat for a day or two

>> No.15906048

I could probably eat the food with difficulty. 4 drinks though? No way, pretty sure that would exceed stomach capacity.

>> No.15906282

Has anyone ever tried eating more when they were full? No one really knows how difficult it would be.

>> No.15906377


90 minutes? Can I do it twice? will they pay me twice?

>> No.15906397

Just butt chug the sodas

>> No.15906438
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>> No.15906454

>Did the bobmob ever do away with the whore Lindsey whatever her name was?
The twitter mob turned against her and ate her alive because she said some stupid retarded shit like chinese anime is ripping off The Last Airbender, so now she's labeled a racist.

You live by the cancel culture, you die by the cancel culture.

>> No.15906462

I would unironically burst out laughing if movieblob killed himself. Seriously, Moviebob could die, a man's life snuffed out and I would laugh hard from it.

>> No.15906475

>implying moviebob is a man

>> No.15906591
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in 16 min


>> No.15906764

no amerifat. they will not.

>> No.15906819

this wouldn't be too tough other than the drinks.

>> No.15906838

i could have done it for sure 15 years ago when i worked in forestry

today no way

>> No.15906856

I would struggle with the beverages, but the food I could slam easy. I regularly eat 4-6 mcdoubles.

>> No.15906908


>> No.15906960

I drank a few liters of regular Coke once and shit my brains out for a few hours. Was fun.

>> No.15907063

i've had half of that before no problem. couldnt probably come close to pic related

>> No.15907173

This is fucking hot

>> No.15907273

Those are double quarter pounders with cheese, not big macs
Step up your larping game, dumbass, this kind of unforced error is just sad

>> No.15907299

Matt Stonie finishes in 9 minutes
Challenge starts at 3:35 mark


>> No.15907465


I mean the nuggets are like 90% air

>> No.15907696

Because only tastelets need condiments on a burger.

>> No.15908413

What really turns me off is cold burgers/fries/nuggets.
Otherwise it would be easy to do, especially in 90 minutes.

>> No.15908421
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Yeah fuck.... That shit.

>> No.15908427

Those parent Big Macs. Quarter pounder meat is fresh and much more digestible

>> No.15908459

There's no way I could physically do that. I could put down 2 burgers, 2 fries and maybe 1 of the drinks but there's no way someone is putting all of that away....especially not in 90 mins.

>> No.15909655


>> No.15909658

I'd try.

>> No.15909729

I think I'd finish it but it's not worth spending the £35 plus delivery to find out.

>> No.15909739


That food and those drink lids. What kinds of third world Mcd is that?

>> No.15909762


Maybe not the sugar and sodium but the calorie count was close to what I ate from MREs while in the army in winter time. Was still hungry.

>> No.15909807

There’s clearly pickle and onions, dipshit. It’s literally how those burgers come.

>> No.15909861


>> No.15909865

I had 3 cheese burgers, and the 4th isn’t tasty anymore

>> No.15909867

I could do it. I wouldn't be proud, but I could do it.

>> No.15910036

This challenge is easy as long as it doesn't have to stay in your stomach afterwards.

>> No.15910064

no anon he said he was average-sized

>> No.15910087
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>> No.15910158

That's a man.

>> No.15910164

no she a sticc

>> No.15910177

After a hard workout I’d demolish the fuck outta that meal, I’d then probably throw up or take a raging shit because holy fuck that would make me sick.

>> No.15910323

Kinda cute she waited to do the challenge because of lockdown. I wouldn't give it a second thought

>> No.15910863

>3 meals worth of food
Why do they think this is a challenge?

>> No.15910922

Yes. I would. I need that money god-dammit!

>> No.15910941


>Getting paid a month and a half to eat lunch

hot damn

>> No.15910970

Get a load of Ms. Clementine over here; "oh no, I ate a cheeseburger, boo hoo my tummy hurts."

>> No.15911228
File: 15 KB, 633x758, fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would I try and do it? yes. could I do it? maybe, if I got stoned first. I eat like a monster when stoned

>> No.15911237

No, I can and will do you, prepare your boipussy, bitch

>> No.15911333

Yes but I would have a stomach ache. That much sodium hurts a lot.

>> No.15911588

I could live with that body, but that face is fucking disgusting. Looks like one of those little creepy russian egg dolls that has like 14 little dolls inside of it.

>> No.15911623
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I like to watch food eating videos. Not the ASMR shit, but more like competative or body builders who gorge themselves on shit. It satisfies my inner glutton, i guess.

I tried to stuff chinese food down my throat like that once just to see if I could do it and was so fucking sick afterwards that I never did it again.

>> No.15911633

I'm a decent sized lad at 6'1 and 180-190lbs avg and I can only eat 1 big mac meal before Im absolutely stuffed how the fuck do you guys fit 3 bigmacs in you

>> No.15911892

Stomachlets, I’m 145 lbs and ate 17/20 patties at some challenge last year. Niggas talking about they can’t eat half this, at least 2/3 but I’m with other blokes saying the soda would do them in. Fuk soda, fuk u.

>> No.15911910

You gotta eat em on an empty stomach. I walked a mile and ate 3 big macs pretty easily (1 mac per 1/3 mile). I ain't fat either - pretty thin. Also, big macs have that extra bread so the double cheesburgers will go down easier.

>> No.15911940

I'm 120 lbs and did half of this, it wasn't fun by the end, maybe I could've gotten one more burger down but def not two more and a bunch of extra nugs.

Those nuggets start tasting horrible after about 10.

>> No.15911999

I couldn't. I couldn't eat half of that in 90 minutes, and I'd feel really horrible after. Might be able to manage the two burgers and nugs, but once the fries and soda get involved it's looking impossible. Feels good not being a gigantic fatty.

>> No.15912013

>making $583 a week aka $14.5/hr
yikes anon