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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15903794 No.15903794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Uh he's gone mad

>> No.15903800

whats umami

>> No.15903804

Fat flavor

>> No.15903827

He's always been mad, popularity just lets him show it it now by being able to do whatever he wants 'cause his audience will eat it up.

>> No.15903850

I can taste fear.

>> No.15903861

Pretentious made up bullshit. OP's video is a great indicator that we're at the point of complete social decadence, when people have the time to keep coming up with more pretentious bullshit to out-do other pretentious bullshit.

>> No.15903873

Umami translated to "tastes good" or "good mouth-feel".

One can say mushrooms have that savoury taste. A tastes that leaves you wanting more.

>> No.15903894

tastes good or mouth feel are not flavours
savoury is already a flavour, its called salty

>> No.15903909

Youtube celebrity was the point of social decadence. Most people work in pointless make-work service or office jobs now. Others, intead of becoming artists, poets, or philosophers opted to become unwitting agents of corporate advertisement algorithms.

>> No.15903931

People talk about acidic taste all the time. This is just the opposite of that - alkaline or basic.

>> No.15903935

>savoury is already a flavour, its called salty
Imagine being this retarded. Go eat a big tablespoon of salt and then do the same with msg and tell me they taste the same.

>> No.15903952

I don't understand what they're talking about when they say 5 main tastes. Is it meant to imply that all flavors that we taste are just a mixture of those 5 flavors? It doesn't make any sense. Go lick a piece of iron, that has a flavor that's not related to salty, sweet, sour, bitter, umami. Metallic flavor is its own flavor. And what are Ritz crackers? Yeah there's some salty, but take the salt off. What's the rest? Carby? Carbs/bread/starch have a flavor that isn't sweetness or MSG. Honestly I can name a hundred things that don't fit into that stupid paradigm.

>> No.15903960

under that paradigm, the carby taste falls under sweet. plain unseasoned rice does have a very slight sweetness to it

>> No.15903965

>I intended to become unintentionally a part of a machine
maybe you could brush up on English in your free time?

>> No.15903966

imagine being this retarded

>> No.15903990

>go eat a bowl of lucky charms and then eat a raspberry and tell me they taste the same

>> No.15904001

Agreed, this makes no sense. Things just taste like themselves.

>> No.15904008

The five tastes thing is only taught to elementary schoolers to make biology more accessible, like the bohr of an atom. Debunked is a strong word, but its grossly oversimplified and has no real application these days.

>> No.15904012

it's japanese for "the pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.15904014

So you interpret the 5 flavors as broad categories? Like if you chopped the color wheel into 5 sections you could put every color into one of the sections?

I've always interpreted it more as like, the primary colors of flavor. It seems like they are implying that those are the only tastes, and everything else we taste is just a combination of those 5. Like how a printer can print any color just using cyan, magenta, yellow and black.

Though taking rice as an example, I don't think either of those interpretations properly treats its flavor. There's a hint of sweetness, fine, but it seems like a stretch to put the flavor of rice in the sweet category. What about the rest of the flavor? You can imagine the rest of the rice flavor, i.e. rice without the sweetness. Where do you categorize (or how do you make) that? Which of the 5 is it?

>> No.15904015

You're the retard saying that everything has to be only one of five tastes. You're really only backing me up by that example.

>> No.15904019

Based Adam does it again

>> No.15904025 [DELETED] 

you're right there's raspberry taste, steak taste, peanut butter taste, potato taste, lemonade taste, grape taste, celery taste, carrot taste, milk taste.. etc. forever until you name every food ever invented

good job i'm glad that's cleared up

>> No.15904030

you're right there's raspberry taste, steak taste, peanut butter taste, potato taste, lemonade taste, grape taste, celery taste, carrot taste, milk taste, stir fry taste, whopper junior taste, whopper taste, . etc. forever until you name every food ever invented

good job i'm glad that's cleared up

>> No.15904044

All of those things taste different, so why isn't that true?

>> No.15904050

because it's missing the point of categories for simplicity of communication you pedantic fucking retard

>> No.15904056

I don't really understand how you can call me pedantic when the other side started this argument over semantics in the first place.

>> No.15904057

i thought the argument was that msg isn't salty

>> No.15904058

Are the basic tastes categories, or are they like primary colors?

>> No.15904077

No the argument was that salt and savory are the same thing >>15903894 which i called retarded.

>> No.15904088

Maybe you should brush up on the fact that Google is an advertisement business. No, I don't think most people think they are going to be data mining clickbait for the AI. I think they want to be internet famous.

>> No.15904095

both just like colour
base flavor are the colours
texture and mouth feel are shade and tint
savory is salty tinted with fat

>> No.15904184

>banana is a 6th flavour because it's sweet but different
This is literally you
How embarrassing

>> No.15904216


>> No.15904221

I nearly punched a woman for saying umami once

>> No.15904223

sweet = sugar
salty = salt
sour = acid
bitter = alkaloids
savory = amino acids
umami = amino acids if you're a pretentious faggot

>> No.15904234

I fucking hate people who use this term unironically. It's the food equivalent of saying "keikaku" instead of "plan".
It's just fucking savory. Say savory.

they're the basic tastes. Keep in mind that taste specifically refers to the sensations you pick up on your tongue. The concept of "flavor" is more complex and stems from a mix of taste and smell. That's also why things seem to "taste bland" when you're sick and have a clogged nose

>> No.15904247

Savoury already had a perfectly valid meaning before glutamate as a taste sensation was discovered. No reason to add a definition to it to make it ambiguous for no reason.

>> No.15904252

I nearly got punched by a woman for saying umami once

>> No.15904284

here's some more flavors:

>> No.15904296
File: 386 KB, 721x366, Ragusea fan vs Bilardo enjoyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only two flavours:
Cringe and Based

>> No.15904306

The taste of glutamic acid. It's an amino acid (i.e. the building blocks of proteins), found in high concentrations in tomatoes, aged cheese, mushrooms, etc

>> No.15904313

There's an actual taste receptor for glutamate retard

>> No.15904314

why does he live on this board rent-free?

>> No.15904321

philosophers are worthless parasites.
sitting on your ass and being smug isn't a profession, it's a personal failing

>> No.15904326

Your tongue can only taste those 5 flavors, as those are the 5 receptor combinations on the cells of your taste buds. The rest of what we know as "flavor" is actually olfactory - compounds from things in our mouth waft up into our nasal cavity and are processed there. That's where the classic "plug your nose and an apple and an onion taste the same" thing comes from

>> No.15904327

>I've always interpreted it more as like

>> No.15904329


I mean yeah, Adam's whole video was about evidence for a dedicated starch, fat, and mineral/metal taste

>> No.15904352

Never understood why you would prep the bull, surely they can do it themselves?

>> No.15904377
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>studies show that washing meat is unhygienic and leads to a greater risk of food poisoning, but you're not allowed to criticize anyone for this practice because it's mostly blacks who do it and blacks can do no wrong

what did he mean by this?

>> No.15904381
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>> No.15904624

Ok chudcels, if Adam isn't based, then why is he so based?

>> No.15904627
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>> No.15904639


>> No.15904654

Because he's literally shilling himself

>> No.15904660

That doesn’t fit my version of reality and I simply don’t believe you

>> No.15904677

What kind of queer weeb faggot are you? Umami is literally the name when it was discovered.

>> No.15904822

The person who fucked udadi

>> No.15904831

so fagusea is literally eating crayons and chalk now? you can't even make this shit up

>> No.15904929

The five flavors idea has been around for thousands of years. It's mentioned in the Tao te Ching.

>> No.15904940

It's not just him eating pieces of chalk for 14 minutes?

>> No.15904944

I never heard of meat washing before people said black people do it even if its dumb.

>> No.15904961

Alkaline is bitter

>> No.15905028
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MSG is a salt.....

>> No.15905114

another word for savory

>> No.15905383

philosophy isnt a job but it is an essential skill which should be taught to everyone in school, i will die on this hill

>> No.15905393


>> No.15905394

So is copper sulphate, but you're being pedantic because you don't have anything to add to the discussion

>> No.15905548

did anyone needed to be proven cinnamon tastes like cinnamon?

>> No.15905569

Why do retards like eating chalk and glue? I know one of you did it, please explain.

>> No.15905572

>it is an essential skill which should be taught to everyone in school
No it isn't, doing your taxes is an essential skill which should be taught in school, if they aren't doing it already

>> No.15905587

nothing you can pay someone else to do for you is an essential skill lmfao

>> No.15905672

Just because someone else can do it for you doesn't mean it isn't an essential skill. Philosophy isn't a skill, it's just fancy anecdotes to make you seem smarter than you really are

>> No.15905693

The taste of his wife's bvll's semen?

>> No.15905761

Before I rip you a new asshole on the other comments, fully explain how crunchy is a flavor?

>> No.15905785

>there is only one essential skill
fucking retard.

>> No.15905799

Spicy could be a flavour, don't know about the others but crunchy is a texture
That's not what I said retard

>> No.15905798

KING OF /ck/

>> No.15905802

savoriness but they translated into japanese because they're fags

>> No.15905803

adam fagusea discovers that food can be spicy

>> No.15905840

They teach you how to learn and do research in school, which is actually an essential skill. They also teach you how to read and do basic arithmetic. With those basic skills, you are more than equipped to figure out how to do taxes, as well as ten thousand other specific applications that they shouldn't have to waste time teaching you. If you are too stupid to apply general skills to complete basic specific tasks, there really isn't anything your school could have done to help you.

>> No.15905847

Anything that isn't sweet is savory. Foods can be both sweet and umami.

>> No.15905849

looks like you finally learned how to not save thumbnails

>> No.15905874

unironically not a flavour.
the only receptors we have to umami in our bodies are in our GI tract.
some jap msg companies perverted the original meaning to drum up sales and the term was hijacked by hipsters who know nothing about sensory perception.

>> No.15905887

your mouth is part of your gi tract you fucking tard

>> No.15905894

it's like water but brittle

>> No.15905913

Okay my bad. I guess the tax example was a bad one, but my point still stands. I was just pointing out philosphy isn't a essential skill like maths or english

>> No.15905922

kek they're deeper along it, my bad.

>> No.15905938

Explain mushrooms and malted grains.

>> No.15905942


>> No.15905975

First off there are only 4 main tastes, fuck umami.
You're confusing flavour and taste, flavour being a combination of taste and scent, and taste being 4 chemical reaction that your tongue can detect.
ritz crackers stimulate probably all of your tastes, just some more than others.
Carbs are made of sugar so if anything that's what they'll stimulate.
As for iron, I have to guess that it tastes sour or salty because of the ions in the metal.
salt is just the reaction of anions and cations while sour is the presence of acid or hydrogen ions.

>> No.15906073

I'm a philosopher.

>> No.15906081

moon runes for 'good food'

>> No.15906094

>artists, poets, or philosophers
Literal worthless garbage that exist for the sole purpose of extracting as much from society for themselves as possible

>> No.15906114

>Thing I don't like
>"Must be reddit"

The real reddit is 4chan because of dumb faggots like you. Leave.

>> No.15906250

>Literal worthless garbage that exist for the sole purpose of extracting as much from society for themselves as possible
You could say that about alot of things

>> No.15906267

Yeah, those artists, poets and philosophers sure do get all the material reward.

>> No.15906882

5 tastes is just what we have narrowed it down to to make it easier to talk about it food, the perceptions of eating are far more complex than that.

Think about how the eyes see a spectrum of colour and brightness, when we eat we can sense a spectrum of flavours, but we also have a physical perception that does not occur with vision, in a sense the act of eating is far more complex that our vision is

>> No.15906893


>> No.15907008
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>> No.15907845

Bump for adam

>> No.15907853

He went mad a long time ago

>> No.15907875

>I just don't understand umami

>> No.15907929

Na u can taste cock

>> No.15907940
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>> No.15908057

because copper is just like sodium or potassium, right?

>> No.15908074

glutamate is a neurotransmitter, of course there are going to be receptors for it
what's next, more flavors for acetylcholine, gaba, adrenaline, dopamine, histamine?

>> No.15908091

battery is a taste, if you dont believe me go get a 9 volt and stick your tongue to it

>> No.15908100

you jest and yet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrogustometry

>> No.15908201

Painfully stupid post.

>> No.15908208

>doing your taxes is an essential skill
Except you can pay someone else to do it for a few hours labor. What would be an essential skill is growing a spine and not paying taxes, but people won't do that.

>> No.15908227

Fucking faggot marines eat crayons. He's just trying to steal valor and is TOO retarded to even manage that. He's not even a fucking crayon eater he's a fucking chalk eater. Fuck. I would say do americans really, but americans don't even stoop this low.

>> No.15908239

> Why I prep my chalk and not my board
> because I failed as a teacher
They say those who can't do teach which seems disrespectful to teachers, but this faggot, can't do or reach. just fucking eat chalk and stop posting videos and shitting up this board adam.

>> No.15908248

God damn. threads bitching about James Alt beat this thread any day of the week. At least Kenji Cucks know how to cook.

>> No.15909186

>Tao te Ching
>The five colours blind the eye.
>The five tones deafen the ear.
>The five flavours dull the taste.
not really the same thing anon

>> No.15909207

they both obviously taste sweet you fucking retard

>> No.15909211

>Carbs/bread/starch have a flavor that isn't sweetness or MSG
but it is just that -- slight umami and sweetness

>> No.15909219

umami and savoury are the same thing, one is just used to describe the taste itself

>> No.15909222

>I fucking hate people who use this term unironically. It's the food equivalent of saying "keikaku" instead of "plan
a lot of languages dont have a word for savoury, but english has no excuse honestly

>> No.15909229

We have a word for savory, no word for umami. Don't sacrifice our word for savory just to pretend it meant umami all the time. What word would we use for savory if we did that?

>> No.15909255

>Foods can be both sweet and umami
name 50,000

>> No.15909293

>umami instead of savory
Adam never fails to be a pretentious ass muncher

>> No.15909480

holy shit you're right!

>> No.15909511

you can tell how satisfied he is with himself every time he says the word umami

>> No.15909562


Metals have no taste or smell intrinsically. When you smell pennies, you are smelling organic compounds that are catalysed on the metal surface from junk in peoples fingerprints. Clean a metal surface thoroughly and the smell/taste disappears.
NileRed has a video on YouTube where he synthesises the compound primarily responsible for copper smell

>> No.15909640

>but people won't do that.
Yeah because you'll lose freedom for a spine, no one wants to go to prison for not paying taxes

>> No.15909643

That deep savoury deliciousness that you get usually when you cook something like tomatoes, mushrooms or seared meat

>> No.15909669

>insecure Americans balking at people using umami

>> No.15909695

>made up
You're a high-school drop out aren't you

>> No.15909709

Good one

>> No.15909712

Despite everything savory still means other things while umami means exactly one thing.

>> No.15909774

yeah, unironically using that word means exactly one thing: that you're a faggot

>> No.15909897

t. phd in umami

>> No.15909932

Find this hilarious, only blacks do it. It's contraindicated but you cant tell them that

>> No.15909985


>> No.15910058

I have discovered that what we call sweet is actually caused by sugars, from now on sweet isn't one of the 5 tastes, now we have the effect that sugars have on the tongue which I shall call grunglemoes

>> No.15910098

There's two flavors, good and bad.

>> No.15910137

meanings change and one word can have two meanings you fucking knob

>> No.15910396

...so is ammonium chloride but it's pretty far off from table salt too. here's a (You), idiot faggot.

>> No.15910434

>I'm American
I just condensed your ramblings down to 2 words ur welcome sweetie x

>> No.15910514

Why I season my tongue, not my food.

>> No.15910523

>/ck/ looked on their debased kin with disdain and some fear

>> No.15911571

I always thought it means meat flavour

>> No.15912720

are tomatos savory anon?

>> No.15913025

Any material reward they achieve is infinitely more than they deserve based on their contribution.

>> No.15913210
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>> No.15913452

You're an idiot. I hope you know that. Savory has never been a specific effect on the tongue. People like you made that up after the term umami was adopted in English.

>> No.15913456
File: 71 KB, 626x876, realistic-tongue-with-basic-taste-areas_53562-6808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooo that's so sour I can really feel it on the sides of my tongue!
why do they still teach this bullshit in schools?

>> No.15913459

Goalpost shift, and yet still wrong.

>> No.15913770


>> No.15913776

I don't like men but this sounds appealing. Is this why shemales are a thing?

>> No.15913863

Sweet soy sauce glaze japan uses for fucking everything.
Peanut butter.

>> No.15913867

Hope you don't use pretentious foreign words like "saute" or "biscuit" then, fucknozzle.

>> No.15913874

>doing your taxes is an essential skill which should be taught in school
Do americans really have to do their own taxes? Embarrassing.

>> No.15913890


>> No.15913907


>> No.15914260

post soychad collage

>> No.15914834

Sweet is also not an effect on the tongue, this is why we use grunglemoes now, try to catch up retard

>> No.15914853

faggoty word for savoury

>> No.15914868

The olfactory system plays a significant part. Flavour is a combination of taste and aroma.

>> No.15914912
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I never understood this bullshit. like you can fucking taste strawberry or like carrot flavor and there's a distinct fucking strawberry or carrot that in themselves may be a combination but are totally distinct from sweet/salty/fucking retarded narrowminded bullshit. I'm going to switch dimensions where a predominant flavor is goddamn cum and ask the people there what they think. they'll know the system we have is backwards as hell. fuck all of this.

>> No.15914919

>social decadence
better than the opposite

>> No.15914926

i don't go on this board often anymore and i found this guy on youtube a year or two ago and immediately imagined he would gain this sort of reputation here

>> No.15914939

>SnKtard calling anyone subhuman after that finale

>> No.15915013

no one that isn't retarded is saying there are only 5 flavours. do you also believe artists think there are only 3 colors? god people like you annoy me so fucking much, it's completely unjustified on my side too, here's your much needed (you), sir

>> No.15915019

The receptors responsible for the taste of glutamate (and some other amino acids for that matter)
are complexes that consist of two proteins, one of wich can also be found in the receptor responsible for the sweet taste of sugar.
This does not go for other glutamate receptors that can be found in the ZNS,
wich are also not similar enough in sequence to have evolved from the gene(s) encoding for the taste receptors.
In short, they are VERY different.
You don´t know shit about neurochemistry.
Fuck off retard

>> No.15915035

I was trying really hard to be funny because I was feeling sad since I had diarrhea 17 times in an hour and coughed up blood. This was after waking up and thinking that I might be getting better.
>itt: zero taste
everyone knows the ONLY true tastes are ASS and TITS. accept no substitutions.

>> No.15915212
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he did it to himself

>> No.15915352

because glutamate is the same as chloride you midwit

>> No.15915364 [DELETED] 
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> Don't call me baker
> I am a bread artisan

>> No.15915747
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Glad this thread is still up, this took me 2 whole days in paint.

>> No.15915793


>> No.15915827

is that girl actually eating glue? where do you find this stuff

>> No.15915833

not sure but its giving off those weird ASMR vibes

>> No.15915967

>Google 'eating glue'

>> No.15915982
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>> No.15916287


>> No.15916866


>> No.15916876

he goes from "oh hey, a simple home recipe or food study" to batshit insane between every video

>> No.15917100

I hear people saying this stupid shit in the UK too and it boils my piss, because it's always the same ignorant dipshits who didn't pay attention in school.
You're taught how to read, write, and do maths, so there's no reason you can't do your own taxes.
ON TOP of all that, if you're employed by another company they do your taxes for you, and if you're self employed then you should have studied business at school where they specifically talk you through all the taxes you have to deal with.

>> No.15917123

An employer isn't going to do your taxes, they're just going to withhold a mandatory portion of your gross employment income. That's not doing your taxes.

>> No.15917148

you retards know nothing about japan. they invented this garbage term because their food is flavorless and bland. they eat fucking raw fish, and flavor it with salty water. if you call them out, they say "ohhhhh but my 旨味!!! you cant taste it?? japan onry, prease undastan?

>> No.15919009

They discovered a taste your mouth recognizes since it's evolutionarily beneficial to have that be a feature with our diet

>> No.15919068

>Peanut butter is sweet
American I presume?

>> No.15919072

Peanuts are sweet by nature and you have burnt out tastebuds if you don't think so.

>> No.15919104

Peanut butter that isnt that skippy's/jiff/whatever garbage is still blended together using honey so it actually creams, so yes its sweet and salty, retard

>> No.15919107

I knew that this day would come when I saw the thumbnail for that video, it's just too juicy

>> No.15919133


wtf are you on about?

peanut butter is just ground peanuts you unwashed simplton.

>> No.15919139

>peanut butter is just ground peanuts
The first dude to patent and sell peanut butter in 1984 ground it up with sugar, so no, even in the most puritan sense you aren't correct. Making it homemade most people add honey.

>> No.15919145

but remember that big brother is watching

>> No.15919160


I've traveled far and wide and I have never met such an idiot as you.

Show me any two brands of peanut butter that has just two ingredients: peanut butter and honey...because i can walk into any market and buy peanut butter with just one ingredient listed: roasted peanuts.

>> No.15919647 [DELETED] 

Mods! Excuse me, mods! Another one shilling on your precious board! Better ban them like you did Dino Tendies

>> No.15919655

I realized this when I was a kid. I tried to explain that I could taste stuff through my nose and everyone thought I was retarded. : (

>> No.15919662
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>> No.15919684

You were and probably are

>> No.15919689

no u feg

>> No.15919934

Pregnant women and hicks sometimes eat it.

>> No.15919982

Tesco do a type of peanut butter with honey. Don't know the full ingredients but it's just extra fancy peanut butter to me

>> No.15920121 [DELETED] 

that's because you can't patent grinding up a bean you fucking retard

>> No.15920136

that's because you can't patent grinding up a bean you fucking retard
making paste with nuts and beans has been a thing since before recorded history

>> No.15921101

>look up definition of umami
>"a savory flavor"

>> No.15921106

>should be taught to everyone in school
>almost everyone in the class don't give a fuck about the subject

>> No.15921109

Yeah. Salt, sour, and bitter are also savory flavors.

>> No.15922421

1) I'm not a chef; 2) Fuck you; 3) You want to pay to run a psychiatrist out to my house? 3) Fuck you; 4) I can think of at least two million-subscriber YouTubers right now whom I know have run out of video ideas; 5) Fuck you, you elitist fuck; 6) Get with the fucking times, good content comes in behind easy, low-effort clickbait and gimmick videos in nearly every ad revenue test you could devise.

>> No.15922715
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"At the basal part of taste buds, ionotropic glutamate receptors [N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA] are expressed and participate in the modulation of the taste signal before its transmission to the brain."

>> No.15922851

I agree anon, maybe its my oversized arab nose and elite palate but i know for a fact theres tons of flavors not in those categories

>> No.15923093


t. doesnt understand glutamic acid

>> No.15923722
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Well deserved dubs

>> No.15924319

Every time I hear some FAGGOT ass white chef say 'umami' to describe how a food tastes its so fucking cringey. How did this word appear out of thin air in the last 5 years? Just say SAVORY. We all know what that means, we're not gonna learn a new chinese word. I just found out Kareoke is a chiense word, makes me sick!!!!!!!

>> No.15924337

Vegetable fat

>> No.15924474

>what's umami
/ck/, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.15924586

mmmm, that cock with a nice umami flavour.

>> No.15924676

cocks are salty, not savory

>> No.15924679

not mine

>> No.15924701
File: 41 KB, 707x490, 1616001384474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15924718

>oversized arab nose
It literally is."Flavors" not in those categories are all olfactory in nature. It's why you can hold your nose to taste things differently.

>> No.15924726

Another day, another f*gusa thread...

>> No.15924981

i just ate chilinuts while pinching my nose closed and it didnt taste like a fucking onion or an apple it still tasted very much the same

>> No.15925091

if ragusea made a video about how eating nothing but fried chicken 24/7 was bad for you, 100% of /ck/ would become obese overnight just to spite him

>> No.15925315

t. racucksea

>> No.15926731
File: 227 KB, 600x335, paul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, very nice

>> No.15926753

Unlike managers and ceos they at least didn't suck funds from a company and were truthful about doing jack shit

>> No.15926759

I love how the finale basically makes anyone who stood behind eren look like a massive dolt

>> No.15926848

Maybe if you're sucking sweaty cocks. Cock actually has a kind of amonia flavour, it tastes kinda like cum smells.