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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15900580 No.15900580 [Reply] [Original]

>Saw a grown man picking the pickles off his burger today
Picky eaters weren't beaten hard enough as children.

>> No.15900586

Fuck you pickles are shit

>> No.15900592

why wouldnt you just order your burger without pickles
also jarred pickles are cringe shit
also what were you doing at a burger joint fatso

>> No.15900595

Worrying about what another man does with his food means you weren't beaten hard enough as a child.

>> No.15900596

They're incels, essentially. It's their parents' fault to be honest.

>> No.15900608

I’m 31 and if I order a burger at a restaurant and if it had vegetables on the burger, I’ll simply dump them off to the side and enjoy my burger

>> No.15900613


>> No.15900620

How does that make me fat? If anything it’s reducing some calories

>> No.15900629

Once I told my mother it was her fault I was an incel, and she, uh... fixed it.

>> No.15900639

Why? Just eat the thing. Why are you acting like a little child?

>> No.15900649

>also what were you doing at a burger joint fatso
Eating burgers, then fucking your mom.

>> No.15900687

vegetables belong in a burger

>> No.15900695

Did you have sex with your own Mother?

>> No.15900707

More respect for someone that picks it out rather than makes a big stink, sends back the plate or whatever.
I don’t like picky eaters either but people are allowed to have preferences.

>> No.15900715

Who would make a big stink about something that's easily removable?

>> No.15900725

Everyone has different tastes

>> No.15900729
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>Who would make a big stink about something that's easily removable?

>> No.15900733

They're good, and they help you break down fats/grease

>> No.15900738

Don't act like a fucking pickle is an overwhelming flavour or texture. Garlic sauce or curry sauce on your kebab is "different taste", sitting there picking out the red cabbage is being a child.

>> No.15900758

what if its a shitty burger joint and the pickles taste metallic or rancid? am i a child because a badly prepared ingredient is ruining the rest of my delicious burger?

>> No.15900767

God, I do not envy you one bit.

>> No.15900779

I make a big stink out of all my food.

>> No.15900832

Stop living in 3rd world shitholes like America

>> No.15900840

I don’t live in the USA

>> No.15900847

You apparently don't know how to read english either.

>> No.15900858

The overly entitled dining public will cause a scene at the drop of a fork if they think they can get a free drink or something taken off their bill. People love to game the system.

>> No.15900897

>why wouldnt you just order your burger without pickles
They put it on anyway sometimes, Chick-fil-A always does this to me.

>> No.15900918

As a kid I played this flash game were you played an assassin or something, and one character threw his McDonalds pickles out at the window, ever since I have been doing the same because I think its cool, especially when you throw it at the restaurants glass.

>> No.15901026

Vegetables don't belong on burgers. "People" who put vegetables on their burgers should be euthanized.

>> No.15901053

lose weight

>> No.15901055

What a bold and daring statement you have made.

>> No.15901128

>order pickles or other pickle analogue
>its sweet or thick and basically still a cucumber
>remove it because its not what I wanted or was expecting

If you eat it anyways you're a bitch.

>> No.15901164

It's food, it's sustenance, if you pick it out you're a child.

>> No.15901181

what a waste of energy. starving them a bit is way more efficient and effective.

>> No.15901211

>pickles are sustenance
Theres like .01 kcal in a slice of pickle eating the pickle is probably deficit energy

>> No.15901218

Pickles are a fruit, retard.

>> No.15901283

That makes removing it even more pathetic.

>> No.15901296

>hes from such a shithole that he values pickle slices for their calories
>either that or hes so fat he doesn't care about flavor and just funnels food down his gullet

>> No.15901306
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>Eww pickles are icky, they destroy the taste of my hot saucerino

>> No.15901311

you could try ordering it without pickles

>> No.15901314
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>Yeah uh can I get a double cheeseburger, but remove the patties and put more pickles instead

>> No.15901322
File: 1.59 MB, 600x337, The perfect burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15901324

>He's such a massive child he thinks a fucking pickle ruins the taste of a burger

>> No.15901327

My favorite is when someone orders the fully loaded smash burger, double patty, double cheese, bacon, and butter fried onions, but wants it in a lettuce wrap, not the bun.
Yeah, the bun’s the killer there.

>> No.15901333

aaaaaaand dropped

>> No.15901335

sometimes you think you like something but then whatever version of it the restaurant uses turns out to be shit
i'm looking at you disgusting tin can flavored black olives and white mealy tomatoes

>> No.15901346

>implying thats the reason I gave

>> No.15901360


>> No.15901371

>tells anon to stop acting like a child
>acts like one because anons says they don't like the same things he does
practice what you preach pissbaby

>> No.15901379

cringe leaf

>> No.15901395

If you don't like cheese, don't order a cheeseburger. It's that simple. Fucking child.

>> No.15901408

hmm i don't remember there ever being a pickle burger on the menu, silly me :^)

>> No.15901440
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>hmm i don't remember there ever being a pickle burger on the menu, silly me :^)

>> No.15901483

nobody does that

>> No.15901492


>> No.15901532

I want to eat smash burgers off 1999 Busy Phillips, with a side of ass, stirred and shaken.

>> No.15901570

>jarred pickles are cringe shit
as opposed to what, bagged pickles? pickles from a carton? a barrel? what the actual fuck?

>> No.15901577

Freshly picked pickles.

>> No.15901662
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what did he meme by this???????

>> No.15901669

You are incorrect

>> No.15901673

You mean cucumbers? Yikes dude

>> No.15901691
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>> No.15901706

Zoomers are so oversocialised they think the denial of a (You) is a personal insult of the highest order. They think like women, petty and passive aggressive.

>> No.15901732


>> No.15901755


>> No.15901779

>Saw OP whine online about the way another man eats his burgers
OP wasn't beat hard enough as a child

>> No.15901802

i pick the pickles off of Sonic burgers, because they're always super bitter for some reason, but they leave enough pickle juice (flavor) behind to make it worth the trouble.

>> No.15902182

>Being an adult means eating things you don't like

>> No.15902218
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>ew pickle sour me no like pickle

>> No.15902245

Eating food that you dislike which is not even particularly healthy does not make you a morally better person.

>> No.15902271

>obese boomer offsider in a kitchen i worked at
>she cut cucumber and tomatos 5mm thick
the majority of diners would just get rid of the salad on the burger and i don't blame them

>> No.15902291

see, thats a problem, because sometimes the pickles are good. these particular pickles are horrible. maybe next time i'd get good pickles, so i'd rather just pull the bad ones off.

>> No.15902406
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>happy happy joy joy me only like sweet me no like sour

>> No.15902434

>Saw a pickled man picking the burger off his grow today

>> No.15902436

I pick them off and eat them separately. Pickles don't belong on burgers.

>> No.15902442

You're supposed to pick them off. That's why they're called pickles.

>> No.15902451

I was never beaten as a child and I eat everything, except indian food. I have to hold my breath when I walk past indian restaurants so I don't gag. I actually have eaten some curries just to say I tried it, and honestly once it's in your mouth it's not that bad. Kind of similar to how other people's cigarettes smell so bad they could suffocate you, but smoking a cigarette does not taste/smell nearly as bad as walking past someone who is smoking.

>> No.15902715

Basic bitch

>> No.15902726

pickles dont belong on burgers though
i fucking love pickles but there's 2 things that they should never be
>on a burger

>> No.15902772

everyone saying pickles don't belong on burgers are 100% guaranteed to be the same retards who put cheese and/or mayo on a burger

the problem isn't pickles you dummies it's the dairy

>> No.15902784

I love a nice, fat, RED slice of tomato. I do not like a tiny, nigh-transparent pink (or sometimes orange) wafer of tomato. I will pick the latter off.

>> No.15902790

>this statement is true because I said so

>> No.15902947

I hate that people have numbed themselves to other's suffering to the point they don't see obvious signs of distress and pain as a sign they should stop doing what they're doing.
We need more people in society with compassion for other beings.
Gentleness is lacking, also.

Also pickles on burgers are alright but they can be a little over powering.

>> No.15903276

>worshipping the pickled jew

>> No.15903906

Pickles do not belong on burger

>> No.15903930
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>pick the pickles off
>eat them separately

>> No.15904063

The shit*

>> No.15904186

The fast food places around where I live have started charging a little extra to have them removed since some people started ordering burgers w/o pickles with pickles on the side or bringing their own

>> No.15904397

Why does it matter? Removing pickles from a burger is a far cry from being a picky eater.

>> No.15904423

>Removing pickles from a burger is a far cry from being a picky eater.
It's the definition of being a picky eater

>> No.15904562
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>started charging a little extra to have them removed
I hope you're lying, god damn

>> No.15904673
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>retard OP
Nooo you have to eat the cheeseburger with the pickles, NOOOO don't pick them out
>refined adult
I haven't had a cheeseburger in 5 years, but when I did I used to order them without pickles because I do not believe its flavour complimented the beef and cheese

>> No.15904700

>the chad bring your own pickles

>> No.15904710

Simply disliking pickles and not eating them isn't what people mean when they say someone is a picky eater. If that were enough to be a picky eater, everyone on earth would be one, simply by having preferences.

>> No.15905413

Sounds like a ketard

>> No.15905921

Picking things off your plate is being a picky eater. Stop acting like a child.

>> No.15905961

fuck pickles

>> No.15905973

>doctors in 460 BC: "First do no harm"
>doctors in 2020:

>> No.15906005

what if I ordered my burger without pickles and they give them to me anyways? Sending the meal back seems like a bigger bitch move than just picking out the thing I said I didn’t want in the first place

>> No.15906022

My father had a saying when I was young, "it's either this or a knuckle sandwich." I ate a few knuckle sandwiches over the years, but not many. You learn to avoid them. When I was 17 he tried to punish me for my grades and I discovered I could beat the shit out of him. It was the proudest day of his life, and from then on I was able to make my own decisions. Picky eaters just aren't raised right.

>> No.15906026

I really am not a picky eater but I don't see the problem with it. Now I'm fat and not even being poor helps me avoid stuffing my face.

>> No.15906030

You mean those doctors that regularly engaged in bloodletting?

>> No.15906080

>knuckle sandwich
Just have a normal pork sandwich jesus christ

>> No.15906124

You're genuinely making me mad OP, I hope you enjoy my seethe.

A cheeseburger isn't a 5 course meal from a 5 star restaurant, it's poor man's food designed to hit your dopamine spots just with 4/5 ingredients. If somebody doesn't want pickles on their burger maybe they're a picky eater, but if somebody has no say in what they eat then what kind of autonomy should they have? We're not children being served a meal we have no control over, if an adult knows that there's an ingredient that they dislike (say they're a supertaster) then they have every right to not want it in their food.
Pickles have barely any nutrients, and they're cheap, and they're not even necessary for a cheeseburger; they're a secondary ingredient yet they manage to overpower the actual primary ingredients. I can eat pickles in foods where they deserve to be there (like with BBQ chicken), and occasionally in a burger from a more upscale place, but if I'm ordering a fast food burger that is designed to be consumed quickly I don't want that shit on my burger and McDonald's or whatever would be glad to save that 2c to give to somebody who actually wants that shit.

>> No.15906310

The absolute cope.

>> No.15906370


>> No.15906428

Refute it then

>> No.15906449

Nothing to refute. It's all irrelevant. If you need to modify food you receive to enjoy it, you're a picky eater and a nuisance to the people around you. End of story.

>> No.15906505

Nobody's ever cooked me a cheeseburger so I can't speak on that but I have the right to take the pickles off a McDonald's quarter pounder because I don't like how the pickles overpower the meat and cheese, and nobody working there is going to complain because they know that there's no love or soul put into a QP.

>> No.15906811

You literally don't know what "picky eater" means

>> No.15906820

Being a picky eater is actually an advancement in evolution. You on the other hand will be fallen to wayside like the dumb ass who sticks everything in their mouth thinking it's okay because the government said so you are or some shit forgot my train of thought here but let it be known you're an n word f slur.

>> No.15906830

Is opening your burger and picking the pickle out to eat it by itself ok?

>> No.15906832

What's it like being retarded *and* pompous?

>> No.15906836

Because fast food workers are so stupid I don't trust them to do anything beyond ordering by numbers.

>> No.15906847

what's it like being dumb enough to respond to pasta?

>> No.15906886

Yeah it should be but I would probably call you a picky eater for picking your food apart

>> No.15907742

I love pickles and I love pickles on my burger but fast food pickles are sweet, floppy, and warm, all the things that pickles should not be.

>> No.15907933

If it's the first time I've eaten somewhere I don't make any changes when ordering.
If I get, a burger for example, and the pickles are sub-par or otherwise take away from the rest of the meal I'll pick them out.
I'm paying for and eating it, why do YOU care so much?

>> No.15907949

Feels pretty based.

>> No.15908006

are you implying mayo is dairy?

>> No.15908030

Pickle makes the whole burger soggy and taste like vinegar. Might as well suck on a bottle of vinegar

>> No.15908038 [DELETED] 
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You fagtards jelly

>> No.15908257 [DELETED] 

Stop being a nigger OP.

>> No.15908262 [DELETED] 

You too. Please cease behaving like niggers. I know it's 4chan, but still, no niggers please.

>> No.15908286
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>You too. Please cease behaving like niggers. I know it's 4chan, but still, no niggers please.

>> No.15908290

you talk like a woman

>> No.15908378

When I was a kid my dad told me I should try every food with a completely open mind at least once before I decide if I don't like it or not.
guess what, I eat everything now because food is good as fuck.
mind you he beat me for other things.

>> No.15908705
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>mfw I pick my pickles off, but only because I like to eat them separately.

>> No.15908787

>Cake has many layers
>Eat it layerwise, slowly dissecting it
I am not the only one, right?

>> No.15908810

>Don't act like a fucking pickle is an overwhelming flavour or texture.
Fuck you. Pickles 110% overpower EVERYTHING ELSE on the burger, including any raw onions and garlic; they taste like strong vinegar and orange ladybug guts.

>> No.15908819
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>vinegar bad

>> No.15908823

You'd be better off dead.

>> No.15908829
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The ketchup has enough vinegar. And you're also ignoring the part where, aside from tasting like concentrated vinegar, pickles also have a taste reminiscent of the smell when you squish one of these putrid insects.

>> No.15908898

wtf kind of pickles have you had? are you one of those memecoof survivors that had their sense of taste mangled?

>> No.15908910
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How much vinegar do you need on a fucking burger? This is why for me it is the McChicken.

>> No.15908926

you're trying too hard fren

>> No.15908947

My parents never force fed me fruits and vegetables because they didn't want me to be a manlet so I never learned to cope with them. Most of them don't even have a very defined taste to me, they're just bitter and 'green'.

>> No.15909039

>My parents never force feed me fruits and vegetables

>> No.15909062
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>> No.15909159

why can't americans eat vegetables? what's the deal with that

>> No.15909166

There is profit to be had from exporting them so we've been conditioned to reject them for our own consumption.

>> No.15909533
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>> No.15909570
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Do Americans really?

>> No.15910097

The post that destroyed Ameri/ck/a

>> No.15910207
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>co worker willing to throw away his burger because he forgot to tell them not to add cheese
pickyfags are autistic, all of them

>> No.15910273

>my eating habits piss people off
based, didn't know this.

>> No.15910300

no it means your friends and family laugh behind your back and you got no girl

>> No.15910310

ok as long as they keep being useful to me they can do whatever they want and i have a gf who eats way too much to talk about my eating habits

>> No.15910329

Oh look another thread for people who pretend there isn't absolutely a single thing on the face of the earth they wouldn't eat.
But as soon as you start bringing up stuff like deenz, olives, capers, black coffee or salty liquorice people start squirming and rolling on the floor crying from rage.

>> No.15910451

you ever broken the window with it yet

>> No.15910457

fat fingers typed this

>> No.15910477

>Oh look another thread for people who pretend there isn't absolutely a single thing on the face of the earth they wouldn't eat.
I don't like tomatoes. I don't eat anything with tomatoes in it. I don't whine like a child to the cashier to remove the tomatoes for me or pick apart my sandwich like a child.

>> No.15910480

So you just buy the burger to not eat it.

>> No.15910488

>I'm paying for and eating it, why do YOU care so much?
For the same reason (You) care when you see a grown man in the kids toy aisle.

>> No.15910587
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>> No.15910628
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>I'm PROUD that my mother forced me to eat nutritionally destitute food that tastes like dirt
Are you also proud that she stunted your growth and made you a manlet?

>> No.15910631

I buy burgers with no tomatoes on them : )

>> No.15910638

Oh right duh! haha :D

>> No.15910651

what if there's a sneaky tomato in there?

>> No.15910824

But there isn't a single thing in the world I would not eat. I've eaten mealworms before.

>> No.15910833

Do Americans really?

>> No.15910840

Yes a lot of people here really do grow over 6'0 tall

>> No.15910849
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>> No.15910898

I don’t get tomatoes on my food when i go to taco bell, but that’s because taco bell tomatoes taste like pumpkins.

>> No.15910905

>average american male height: 5'9
>average Dutch male height: 6'0

Do Americans really?

>> No.15910909


>> No.15910921

>Do Americans really?
Live in your head rent free? Yes.

>> No.15910933

>ha ha joke's on you you replied to my post, i'm retarded because I never have eaten a vegetable, imagine responding to a retard

Do Americans really?

>> No.15910936

Nigger faggot

>> No.15910949

If you care this much what others eat and do, then you just a gay in a closet.

>> No.15910958

I don't understand why you think shaming me with a false consensus is going to change the fact that vegetables are nutritionally destitute, taste like dirt, and have no business being on a burger.
I bet if I cast the vegetables from my burger you would offer to clean up the scraps like a beta dog.

>> No.15910992

Thank you for your 55 IQ opinion, Jesús.

>> No.15911191

No, gays crave chaos. Straights value conforming to a stable society.

>> No.15911212

yes, i am indoctrinating your children :)

>> No.15911559

I'm going to rape your prissy little faggot asshole if I ever see you.

>> No.15911577

Hell yeah dude, respect

>> No.15911589

I like pickles. I like people who remove pickles from their burgers and I like people who eat pickles. Let us all get along.

>> No.15911609

"you gonna eat your pickles?"

>> No.15911679

Some people can't eat pickles due to stomach issues related to alcohol consumption and tabagism, both of these are common in adulthood.

>> No.15911695

>picky eater as a kid
>always forced to eat my plate clean
>approaching teens, suddenly start eating everything
>mom starts to criticize me for being too pudgy
Almost 20 years later I still have that slight chub around my belly.

>> No.15911709

>I like pickles. I like people who remove pickles from their burgers and I like people who eat pickles. Let us all get along.
I agree with this anon.

But I think it is safe to say that everyone agrees that putting ketchup on top of a pizza is an abominable offense to the chef, and should not be done unless you are actively trying to offend said person for whatever reason.

>> No.15911728
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imagine wasting valuable mouthspace on non-meat or cheese toppings.

>> No.15911919
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Americans, do they really?

>> No.15912244

Do Amerifats really eat 7 fucking patties with cheese? Holy shit.

>> No.15912268

Anon it's their burger, shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.

>> No.15912503

Thats disgusting. Everyone knows that if a pickle touches a burger it taints the whole thing even if you pick them off. The whole thing goes in the trash.

>> No.15912555

If you worked a man's job you wouldn't have to worry about your weight like some basic bitch on twitter

>> No.15913627

I know this is illegal to say this on here, but I ate a burger with just bacon.. Nothing but bacon and a patty, a roastie looked at me with disgust me ordering it and my family was cringing, I fucking hate vegetables, so fuck you all idc.

>> No.15913709

he'd make a good trap

>> No.15913755

this anon gets it

>> No.15913760

When I was a kid my autistic ass used to do this but then I realized pickles were based on burgers/sandwiches. Still won't eat them by themselves, though.

>> No.15914045

It's because you save cold toppings for last instead of letting the heat from the meat sweat them

>> No.15914092

Pickles on their own can be fine, but their taste is overwhelming to the point where a hamburger with pickles tastes like pickles, not like a hamburger. I personally like my hamburger to taste like a hamburger, so I usually take pickles and live onions off. Or I simply order without.

>> No.15914113

pickles are great but not on burgers

>> No.15914115

>why wouldnt you just order your burger without pickles
i like eating them off the burger

>> No.15914170

Not really, no.

>> No.15914175

>how dare you not enjoy the taste of literally every possible ingredient in literally every possible dish

>> No.15914180

But I don't

>> No.15914181


>> No.15914183

Repeatedly saying that doing a mundane action is "childish" does not automatically make it childish

>> No.15914187

To whom exactly am I being a nuisance by taking the tomato off of my burger when I'm sitting in my car alone?

>> No.15914189

Sir, please don't feed the trolls.

>> No.15914196

but next i was gonna reply again "why should I care if I'm a nuisance to others?"

>> No.15914203

Because you're an adult.

>> No.15914206

Damn who hurt you

>> No.15914279
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>weren't beaten enough
Got a short story for you
>be 10 ish
>raised by a mom that lived on a subsistence farm in Africa
>used to slap the shit out of me if I didn't finish everything on my plate
>brother hates tomatoes
>says they're disgusting
>won't eat them
>mom slaps him upside his head, locks him in the bathroom for timeouts, deprives him of breakfast on days he didn't finish dinner etc
>eventually mom mellows out but still the kid was a teenager by the time she calmed the fuck down
>fast forward 10 years
>turns out he has had a nightshade allergy all along
>his face when

>> No.15914610

Yea pickles are nice as an after meal snack that contrasts the rich, meaty burger with some acidic brightness but just don't work together simultaneously.

>> No.15915102

No bun? Based

>> No.15915120

I knew a kid who, in his junior year in high school, thought pickles were a plant of their own.

>> No.15915198

>what too much porn and isolation does to a mf

>> No.15915375

Are they picky eaters or just have super-sensitive taste buds?

>> No.15915424

MEALworms. It's in the name

>> No.15915969
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>> No.15916063

I can eat cucumbers and pickles just fine or tartar sauce in a fish sandwich. I just can't do with them in a burger.

>> No.15916072

>I don't know what cross contamination practices are
>I don't know that food can leave juices and taste residue on the product.

>> No.15916080

That's vinegar, anon. Vinegar is used in pickle brine.

>> No.15916086

No grandpa, the child absolutely retching when you force vegetables down it's mouth is a reaction to worthless carbs. You are not a fucking cow are you?

>> No.15916095

>don't like one thing
>"They cant ea' anyfing, cant 'ey?"

>> No.15916098

Based, but you need to toss the bread or it's pointless.
Another based, but again you most likely keep the bread thus making it pointless.

Fuck all of your gay ass carbs.

>> No.15916105

Don't most burger places melt cheese? it's not exactly something you can peel off.

>> No.15916508

brb watching howtobasic

>> No.15916721
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>> No.15916815

>i'm proud of being a human garbage disposal
pickles are amazing though for real
paprika can go fuck itself and jalapenos too

>> No.15917724

If I'm going to pay for someone to make my food, I'm going to pay them to make it the way I like.

>> No.15917736

I don't get why you'd go in a restaurant to do this

>> No.15917740

>i must hate every second of being alive or i'm a child

>> No.15917745

what kind of fucking pickles you got in your country?

>> No.15917756

You have to experience the full spectrum of life or you're not really alive.

>> No.15917767

What is the point of pickles in burgers, exactly? Isn't it the role of the lettuce and tomato to add crunch?

>> No.15917824

>sour pickles
>vinegary pickles
Absolute fucking shit

>> No.15918037

I hate pickles on burgers too, and most vegetables that are used as burger garnish like tomatoes and onions. I ordered meat not fresh vermin food with meat in it.

>> No.15918046

you have to specifically ask for no pickles. I fucking hate there pseudo jew shit.

>> No.15918362

GTFO my board retard tastelet
go back >>>/v/

>> No.15918387

Taste buds are a scam - how come millions of people on Earth can enjoy a particular food but your are so special that you don't like it? The food doesn't taste differently to different people, is just that your exposure to food during childhood fucks up your willingness to try and enjoy new things.
How can anyone even have food that they don't like? Of course I have food I prefer over others but they don't taste bad - they just taste different.

>> No.15918726
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mustard > pickle > bacon > hot sauce > bbq > ketchup > onions > tomatoes > mayo

because it tastes good you faggot

>> No.15918756

he worked for the fbi

>> No.15919358

Just put less shit on your plate fatty. Stop blaming your lack of willpower of your mom faggot.

>> No.15919434

I'm not a faggot. I've fucked four women, and only five men three of which weren't entirely consensual.

>> No.15919693


>> No.15919713
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>tfw I like the taste of all the veggies but my back teeth don't touch so I can't eat them
can't eat steak cause of it either.

>> No.15920103

Pickles are overpowering and just make whatever they touch taste like pickles, fast food workers are retards and never listen if you say no pickles

>> No.15920109

Ever gotten like 8 pickles on your burger? Kinda ruins it