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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15898043 No.15898043 [Reply] [Original]

Why is vegetarianism so rare nowadays? Seems like everyone doing some moralfag dieting is a vegan now. You don't actually have to be a hungry skeleton devoid of vitamins if you are vegetarian

>> No.15898058
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Why do vegans make you seethe so hard? Why are you trying to push a narrative? Are vegans you mortal boogeyman?

>> No.15898066

This is a legitimate question anon, why does it trigger you

>> No.15898081

What's the point of disappointing both of you and the enviroment

>> No.15898093

because they read hitler was one on wikipedia

>> No.15898101

I think it's because people feel they have no real control and they're trying to do something about that, even though it's extreme or futile.

>> No.15898106

what makes you say it is rare? do you have any numbers or are you just pulling this observation out of you ass?

>> No.15898111

>I saw avocado tranny on /ck/ and have based my world opinions around it! Ha, checkmate, vegans

>> No.15898276


Which vegetable does milk come from

>> No.15898346

The point of veganism is to suffer and to signal virtue. It’s a religious fad among people who follow a non-theistic religion called “progressivism”. Like many primitive cults there is an element of sacrifice that proves piety. Some monks might whip themselves to eradicate their sin. A shaman could rub hot chili’s on your balls to help you have more sons. A vegan gets malnutrition to improve the weather. It’s all nonsense but this is just how we evolved.

>> No.15898375

Because the current gesalt is one of hyper-masculinity and 'authenticity' -- whatever the fuck that means. Bearded men drink either IPA or their grandad's beer while they smoke meat.

Also, you don't win friends with salad.

>> No.15899148

Have sex

>> No.15899162

>moralfag dieting is a vegan
its a moronic foul trend that is just materialism and ego in dietary disguise.

>> No.15899192

Check out the boomer stuck in his 2015 glory days. Your finger has been off the pulse for a long time.

>> No.15899223

Nice nonsense. Must've sounded intelligent in your head.

>> No.15899232

Well i still eat meat but i tried some vegan foods a few years ago and it was good so now i eat 1-2 sometimes even 3 vegan meals a week.

I like the taste of vegan food as much as like taste of meat :D

>> No.15899511

Because vegetarians are hypocrites
Unless they eat strictly organic

>> No.15899516

>vegetarians are hypocrites

>> No.15899528

They say they care about animal welfare so they don't eat meat
Yet they still continue to eat other animal products, which, unless organic, will be created out of terrible conditions
Death is a better fate than a life in factory farming

>> No.15899544

its really hard to even find non-organic animal products in my country
of course im not a vegetarian but if i were itd be no problem

>> No.15899551

>They say they care about animal welfare so they don't eat meat
This is not the only reason people are vegetarian, and animals can be factory farmed, and still be organic

>> No.15899554

then they should try to ethically source it even if it's not certified organic, like from small farmers etc
Or just go vegan

>> No.15899561

why are you moving the goalposts?
vegetarianism doesnt sound hypocritical to me at all

>> No.15899565

lmfao i wish

>> No.15899591

As a white person the reason you don't hear about it is because other white people weren't getting the reaction they wanted from it so they had to take it to the extreme like always

>> No.15900017

it was a fad
same reason the whole "gluten-free" meme died out about 1 or 2 years ago.

>> No.15900027

we dont have factory farming here.
it's literally an American/Chinese thing

>> No.15900030
File: 321 KB, 340x344, Screenshot_2020-01-05 ck - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white anon, here

>> No.15900033
File: 157 KB, 900x900, india vegetarianism map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetarian is rare
it literally isn't. Almost all Aryan people are lacto-vegetarian or very close to it.

>> No.15900373

Organic is bullshit too you fuckhead. You can raise egg birds in battery cages and they are still organic because their feed is organic and they arent on any antibiotics.

My eggs are technically non organic because their food isnt organic, they still live outdoors sun up to sun down and live on pasture.

Anyways, vegans are psychos. When I was a kid the push was for vegetarianism, even petas 90s slogan was to be vegetarian, now its not good enough. Even veganism is being moralfagged out by the raw vegans and fruitarians. All people who attach morality strictly to the kingdom from which they eat are absolute nutjobs.

>map of india.

>> No.15900443

The real Aryans. Whites are Nordics and Germanics. Aryan was a term that originated in the Indian Subcontinent and in Iran.

>> No.15900539

Are you trying to summon /pol/?

>> No.15900553

Faggot also used to meat a bundle of sticks. So idk what you are getting at

>> No.15900571
