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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15892557 No.15892557 [Reply] [Original]

So why exactly should "processed" meat(sausage, burger patty, deli meat) be less healthy than "regular" meat?

There is no good reason.

>> No.15892563


>> No.15892567
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>> No.15892575

Nitrates and sodium, 2 things only hippy liberals and faggy euros care about

>> No.15892586

>deliberately missing the point
No, nitrates bad. You realize that processed meats are classified as group 1 carcinogens, right? If you want to ignore that fact, knock yourself out, it just means that stupid people like you are likely to die earlier.

>> No.15892593

>it's just a little cancer, it won't hurt you

>> No.15892613

>nitRITE free bacon
>has twice as much nitRATE

>> No.15892626

Just eat more white meat and opt for turkey slices over ham, same for bacon. You'll cut your nitrate consumption down by a fuck ton.

>> No.15892630
File: 339 KB, 1491x2048, EgdJVB0X0AE0gHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin everything causes cancer in faggot liberal euro land. It's almost like life on this earth sucks and we were dying in our 30s not too long ago. I'd rather have salami than the +5% whatever chance that I don't get cancer. Something else is going to kill me anyway. Just eat the fucking salami! Who knows what cacinogens you backwards tribal european savages are cooking from your backyard farms that your precious limp-wristed government officials do not regulate.

>> No.15892636

>It's just a slightly higher chance of cancer, that's why I'm vegan
Enjoy your shitty life, we both will never get cancer.

>> No.15892638

It can help prevent and cause cancer.
There is no wrong option, just take things in moderation. Drinking too much water can dissolve the sodium in your blood and kill you for fucks sake

>> No.15892641

>why is this bad for me?
>NOOOOOOOOooooOo I don’t Care!!

>> No.15892645

I'm not the OP and yeah I don't care. You guys are pussies.

>> No.15892656

I don’t care either my man and I like your sam and max pic. Be well.

>> No.15892659

Ass cancer is a bitch. I recommend you don't ever get it.

>> No.15892662

Thanks bae

>> No.15892672

No, it isn't

>> No.15892683

Well that's a relief.

>> No.15892704

Deli meat especially, there is a FANTASTIC reason. And it is all the salt they put in it. Once, I elected to eat nothing but cold cut sandwiches (I was a teenager who didn’t know anything) and after a while, I could feel my heart in my throat. I stopped immediately.

>> No.15892754

Yes excess salt is bad dumbass

>> No.15892756

You sound like a teenager

>> No.15892758

Burgers typically aren't included in the processed meat category. The preservatives in processed meats were shown to raise your risk of cancer. I don't think there's any increase with fresh meat.

>> No.15892779

a burger patty is literally just meat run through a grinder and has nothing but fat and meat in it

>> No.15892811


>> No.15892818

Then open the fucking saunas back up I hate china so fucking much

>> No.15892864

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.15892874

Requesting that image of a duck with its throat slit upside down in a traffic cone

>> No.15892881

insecurity: the post

>> No.15892883

Ground meat has a higher fat to meat ratio. Things like British sausage also contain fillers like breading. It is also easier to digest so burns fewer calories. Unless that's all you ever eat then I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.15892888
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on the one hand, nitrates/nitrites react with your stomach acid to create a fairly potent carcinogen
on the other hand, GABAGOOL? OVA HEAAAAH

>> No.15892914

Vegans be like
>nitrites bad
>cause cancer
Meanwhile Vegans eat mass amounts of oxalates and pesticide infested produce while aging like milk

>> No.15892917

Not to mention celery naturally has nitrates in it.

>> No.15892924

Is that why it's in mirepoix?

>> No.15892927

>You realize that processed meats are classified as group 1 carcinogens, right?
so is alcohol
i hope you dont drink, faggot

>> No.15892938

I don't. U mad?

>> No.15893529

You're so insecure about your health you can't eat deli meats

>> No.15893538

Idk how liberals go through life worrying so much about literally nothing

perfectly safe food
fake viruses
"gay rights"

>> No.15893541
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>> No.15893658

Meat bad
Processing bad
Therefore processed meat doubleplus bad

Realtalk here: Class 1 carcinogenity means that thing is proven to increase the chance of cancer. It doesn't mean the effect is sufficiently strong to actually matter. Also on that list are alcohol, sawdust and sunlight. And the majority of the carcinogenic effect of processed meat only becomes active if you heat it.

>> No.15893664



>> No.15893673

Processed meat is already heated

>> No.15893723

Depends. Sausages do not require nitrates (but a little is usually added for the colour). And precooked sausages are usually only cooked, not fried, which produces a lot more carcinogenic nitrosamine. The most nitrate is used in cured meats, which are explicitly not heated during processing.

>> No.15893734

why are nitrates bad, /ck/?

>> No.15893743

Because Hitler said not to eat processed meat. As well eat locally, more veggies, and less beer. Obey your Führer!

>> No.15893750

nitrites, preservatives, stabilizers, often have sweeteners or more salt, prepared in such a fashion that people eat more than they normally would.

>> No.15893756

oh, and often they are taking only particular parts of the meat which means you don't get the full spectrum of nutrients. Sort of like how processed bread products like white flour breads remove the germ which removes a significant amount of micro-nutrients.

>> No.15893759

Well when you grind a meat you introduce bacteria.

>> No.15893811

Now you're just grasping for straws anon.

>> No.15893931

Well, I don't want them to fall into the ocean and kill any yellow fin tuna

>> No.15894897

Good, kids shouldn't drink.

>> No.15894926

Infant mortality made the average stand at around 30, but people actually lived well into their 60's in the past

>> No.15894939

A high-sodium diet is ten times worse for cardiovascular health than a high-fat diet. It causes high blood pressure, leading to atherosclerosis. It's plain as day.

>> No.15894974

>be /pol/dditor
pIck one side of the fence, schizo

>> No.15895057


Nitrates are not bad because they have sodium, they're bad because meat products made with nitrates develop nitrosamines which are the same chemicals that cause cancer in cigarette smoke. Eating preserved meat regularly is a little like swallowing a bit of dip spit regularly.

>> No.15895138

>we were dying in our 30s not too long ago
I wish people would stop repeating this dumbass meme.

>> No.15895785

>taking the WHO seriously
Even non-processed red meat was classified as Group 2A carcinogen, "probably carcinogenic to humans" based on "limited evidence" that heme-iron is carcinogenic, which is just retarded. They are pushing the vegan agenda and people are falling for it.

>> No.15895813



>> No.15897272
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aye Tone, why does this batch of GABAGOOL smell like Carmela's crotch? I'm not complaining I'm just curious

>> No.15897313

They overplay the carcinogenic effects to try and disuade Euros from eating pork as it offends the muslim newcomers to the continent.

>> No.15897330

so considering how much people have to smoke before anything develops vs what you could possibly eat through processed meat is that even a reasonable concern?

>> No.15897352

In the unlikely event that you get the opportunity, you should try some good quality cured meat sometime.
Try to find some sausage that has only meat and flavorings, like a good dry-cured chorizo that contains only pork, salt, paprika and garlic, and compare it to the dogfood with 20 different ingredients that you're defending.
You'll find that regardless of the nitrate issue, not being full of random crap means it tastes way better so you really have no good reason to hurr and durr at people who don't eat that trash.

>> No.15897357

yes, sodium chloride is a nitrate, good job

>> No.15897358

Cured meats have a very low correlation with butt cancer. Anal sex is HIGHLY corellated with ass cancer (rectal HPV infections, HIV). Even drinking alcohol has a higher risk of butt cancers.

>> No.15897424

men shouldn't live forever, they should die with meaning

>> No.15897432


Literally no reason to use em now, except for the color.


>> No.15897442

and that meaning can be found on the interwebs

>> No.15897465

>Article doesn't source the study
I don't know why I expected any differently. Part of the paper they quoted has me concerned with the validity of the test, but without reading the source I can't confirm whether my suspicions are true or not.

>> No.15897480

This is the only take you need, I don't know why so many of you have to be collasal raging faggots about this. Are you just fatoids coping or what? Nitrates/preservatives and what ever else major manufacterers pump in to the meat is bad for you, you must be willing goy zogbot if you think consuming them is fine. Literally Israel is our great ally!! tier.

>> No.15897629

This, make sure to eat pork every few days to keep non kosher and non halal

>> No.15897847

>I'm too lazy to look up the source so that must mean this is bullshit!
Pull your head out of your ass, Cletus.

>> No.15898494

This. And many of the preservatives and additives used are probably way worse than nitrites.

>> No.15898751
File: 410 KB, 744x885, us_army_vs_russian_army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in faggot liberal euro land
kek. America is the source of all the faggotry in the world. SJWs, trannies, gender neutral bathrooms and shit? That's all you.

>> No.15898773

this desu, I dont know where the idea og "liberal europe" comes from, except the UK and sweden. almost every shitty SJW trend I experience in my northern European home is a direct import from the US.

>> No.15898843

The US as a whole is less leftist than Europe. But US leftists are the driving force behind every swing of the overton window. They are also given the loudest voice in news media, tech, and entertainment.

>> No.15898950

The problem is that people who eat a lot of highly processed meats have bad diets in general. There's no need for nitrates, excess salty/sugary diets. It's just industry trying to get people hooked to make a tidy sum. Portion sizes have increased over time and what was once seen as an occasional treat is an every day habit.

Most of the people I know who eat sausages at work have them ever day without fail. They have virtually nothing green, just sugary beans and bread. So yeah, moderation in theory, in reality...

>> No.15899182

Life gives you cancer faggot so better just off yourself

>> No.15899319

have you morons forgotten about nuclear weapons, conventional war between major powers is over

>> No.15899353

We fight proxy wars in the Middle East now. And we're losing.