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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 356 KB, 2048x1740, mcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15885958 No.15885958 [Reply] [Original]

I am the most delicious thing you've ever tasted
You will never get tired of me
You will come back
Take the burger pill

>> No.15886353

>You will never get tired of me
Well the higher ups at McDonalds clearly got tired of you.

>> No.15886354


>> No.15886573

>>15885958 Fat fucks rejoice.

>> No.15886586

I love burgers, buy certainly not yours.

>> No.15886615

Do people actually unironicaly eat mcdonald's and think, "now this is a hamburger!"?

>> No.15886618

Yeah, if they're children.

>> No.15886623

quarter pounder, double filet o fish and the mcrib are the only good sandwiches from your restaurant.
fries are good, shakes are good when the machines are working.

>> No.15886629

d-did you just address your post directly to Ronald McDonald?

>> No.15886638

why wouldn't I talk to Ronald when he is talking to me

>> No.15886655

Anon takes his criticism straight to the top. He's a basedchad that fucks.

>> No.15886682

>most delicious
No. McDonalds is pretty decent, but I've had better fast food burgers. Are they quite as cheap? No. But there's better if you have a few bucks more to spend.

>> No.15886769

This. At least make McChickens $1 again until minimum wage increases, you cunts.

>be McChicken
>change nothing about recipe or preparation
>just as expensive now to make as it was 5 years ago
>price increases ~50% over the course of the last 3 years

>be me
>paycheck stuck at close to minimum before corona hit
>see price of $1.59 on a McChicken, $1.19 on a cheeseburger
>fuck off to Hardees or Burger King

Your food been calculated carefully to appeal to everyone to the point of becoming a retarded charicature of its already flimsy former self.

One of the biggest things your food had going for it after you slowly inched the portion sizes down "for our health" (while keeping the prices the same, mind you) was the fact that it was cheap. I'd rather pay 20-30 cents extra for a bigger burger with more condiments that won't flop like a dog's ear

>> No.15886790

y-you aren't really talking to Ronald McDonald, are you?

>> No.15886815
File: 2.07 MB, 250x189, a52[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he makes minimum wage

>> No.15886828

Buy why noy? Why noy like me? Yhe Yahoo yahaaa

>> No.15886837

Yeah, you mean OUR children. (Winks at you and nods)

>> No.15886849

Monologuing about an aging corporation's failure to innovate, refocus their business model, or grab key demographics in trending "new" items (new to THEM, old hat for places like Starbucks and Chic Fil A) isn't nearly as fun as reeeee'ing at a cartoon clown for charging me 50 cents more for 8 cents worth of potstoes AFTER taking beef tallow out of their fries

>> No.15886854

Yea it sucks dude, but someone has to be poor. Hope you had and continue to have a good life

>> No.15886867

i like the cheeseburgers. sometimes I buy 10 of them and run out of the store giggling while frantically eating cheeseburgers and pretending the Hamburglar is chasing me to steal my cheeseburgers

>> No.15888020

Based if true

>> No.15888056

I ate mcd every day for a week and I did actually get sick of it. If I have it again after a long break I suppose I might crave it again

>> No.15888070

When you speak fluent polish then you can mock

>> No.15888079

double quarter pounder with cheese is one of my favorite burgers

>> No.15889297


>> No.15889985
File: 129 KB, 904x1280, 1617587003177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in, right? You have 4 days if not.

>> No.15891378
File: 469 KB, 2811x1654, △ ☆ 1615282381352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
