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File: 62 KB, 600x600, ninfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15878554 No.15878554 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite beer style and why?
Which would you say is superior?
Any fav brands?

>> No.15878628 [DELETED] 


>> No.15879024

IPA and Trappist Ales (dubbel, Tripel, Quadrupel). IPA is easily available and strong, and I like the malty flavor of Trappist Ales. Voodoo Ranger 9% IPA is my go to at the moment, New Belgium Trippel if I want to be fancy. Though I'll go with a witbier if I want something weaker.

t. Alcoholic who looks at ABV first but doesn't want to get swill

>> No.15879044

That picture is sexualising a very young woman and deliberately positions her in a vulnerable scenario to play into men's submission and dominance fetishism. Disgusting cis shit.

>> No.15879067

>submission and dominance fetishism
Who's who in this scenario?

>> No.15879073

All cis men. Read the studies dum dum.

>> No.15880148

Not sure what my favorite is but right now I've got a thing for lagers

>> No.15880238

>What's your favorite beer style and why?
Favourite beer style is a Flanders Red. They're malty, sour and full of character.

>Which would you say is superior?
I just don't believe in this. I'm glad we don't all like the same beers or the sticker prices would be even more insane

>Any fav brands?

Brouwerij de Ranke (XX bitter is the perfect beer), Wild Beer Co, Brew York (Tonkoko stout series is delightful), Stillwater's pale ales are crisp and clean.

Basically, buy Belgian for anything sour, buy English for Stouts and for everything else, buy as local and fresh as possible.

>> No.15880268

Been really digging Deya, Verdant, and Polly's Brew this year so far. Cloudwater too, though they've not been very innovative so far (not that Polly's have ever been either, but they're local to me)

>> No.15880409

That young woman is actually a 500 year old Elf who's seen the rise and fall of empires. Who is vulnerable now, Manling?

>> No.15882121

99% chance that's a futa elf

>> No.15882155

I just tried New Belgium's Tripel again for the first time in about 8 years since you can get it in grocery stores now. 10% might be too much for me because a 6 pack knocked me on my ass, blackout drunk (I also had 2 tallboys of 8% apple cider). It tasted great though, nice crisp wheat flavor with notes of honey

>> No.15882166

My favorite style is the Geuze. My second favorite is a slightly boozy weizenbock. On third place I put the Irish Dry Stout. A honorary mention to the Pilsner because you can't go wrong with a good pilsner, neither can you replace it with anything else.

>> No.15882198

she's so fkin hot...

>> No.15882688

Ah yes, the alcoholic who convinces himself it's for taste

>> No.15883290

Well you got to put down the first few without puking before you stop caring about the taste.

>> No.15883770

idk, I like most styles of beer
I would say imperial stouts, quadrupels and barley wines are superior if you're looking for something complex and flavorful for slow sipping. the best style on average though would probably have to be hefeweizens - I've had a bad one like maybe once in my life, they're almost always good

>> No.15883780

built for triple negra

>> No.15883835

Or just cut back

>> No.15883942

Theoretically, what's the end point of this arms race? How long until we get quinduppels?

>> No.15884101
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I prefer stouts - the darker and more motor oil-like the better. Pic related is a great starting point for the style.

>> No.15884207

why does the mascot look like a character from a sex game

>> No.15884265

Never. I think they have an abv cut off for beer in most places

>> No.15884543
File: 62 KB, 693x520, me on a beer run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite beer style and why?
High Gravity.
>Any fav brands?
Natty Daddy of course.

>> No.15884648

>legal laws are physical limits
How about in a non-cucked country/state?

>> No.15884689

I dislike double and triple IPAs, imperial stouts, anything with lactose

Don't drink enough quads and barleywines to comment, but I avoid those too

I like some sours but they're not something you can drink many of

Also dislike most American lagers

Beer should be between 5 and 8% abv

>> No.15884698
File: 1.73 MB, 4000x3000, 20210403_185236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking my fave weeb beer right now. Refreshing as fuck

>> No.15884712

Kinda late to the thread, but I'm a Stout Guy. Love the Milk Stout. Sweet and heavy. Friends give me strange looks when I tell them Guinness is a light beer. :D I also love Dubbels, Tripels and Quadrupels. Ciders are pretty good too. I like the sweet stuff. I've got a few preferred beers (most local to DFW whre I'm at) but some close by like Prairie. If it's in the double digits ABV wise it's in my range. The lightest beer I consider my "normal" regular is 11.4 ABV and that's a good start. 14 ABV is about the average of the beers I like. Not a requirement, just somehow it works out that way.

>> No.15884901

> :D
Is this a pasta?

>> No.15885190
File: 101 KB, 1080x323, FB_IMG_16169772921682008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irish Red Ale or Schwarzbier
Or pretty much anything that is the polar opposite of soyPAs and their fagget drinkers

>> No.15885515
File: 366 KB, 759x500, ddh-goose-island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried the new Goose Island 10% IPA. Tastes pretty good.

>> No.15885570

I only drink wine. Because I'm not a buffoon.

God you are so beneath me.

>> No.15885762

Which wine do you like?

>> No.15885775
File: 240 KB, 600x800, ACFF2F25-FE86-4D74-B578-E80780C8B2E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fav

>> No.15885778

>just go weeb and you'll never go wrong
When is this not true?

>> No.15885809
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn ipa over saturation! give me a damn porter

>> No.15885904

>hefeweizens - I've had a bad one like maybe once in my life, they're almost always good

Never thought about it this way but very true, you almost never get a bad one

>> No.15885921
File: 197 KB, 1920x1280, eisbock-small2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brewdog and Schorschbrau together brewed this Eisbock which is 57.8%

>> No.15886002

BEER GOES INTO THE TRASH It is Garbage to me.

Now a Red wine, White wine, Or some Liquor thats more my style.

Enjoy your piss stinking, drink.

>> No.15886118

If you like wine try Belgian "sours" certain styles are revered for their wine like qualities which might be more to your taste

>> No.15886369

I'd say my favourite overall styles are oatmeal stouts and Belgian quads. I don't think I've ever had a bad beer in either category. However I'll pretty much drink any style aside from overly fruity sours.

>> No.15886768


>> No.15886809

this meme poster. Larping go back to /out/

>> No.15886974

If you live in a place with a government you're cucked

>> No.15886978

I would not consider this beer, personally. Same with that other 50 or 60% shit out there. My cut off is 18%, but that's just me

>> No.15887013

my fellow bc troglodyte
i feel like fuggles has been going downhill in the last couple years, QC hasnt been tops.

>> No.15887069

This and their imperial stout are better than their oatmeal stout. Never got the undying praise that beer gets desu

>> No.15887156
File: 32 KB, 600x602, 1571603254983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a futa elf
You don't say.......

>> No.15887979

I did a tour of their factory back in 2012. I got drunk af because the tour was at 1000, you got two beer tickets, no one wanted their second beer. Me being the college guy I was couldn't fathom wasting /free/ beer. So in the course of an hour I killed something like 12 beers, that's an average of a beer every 5 minutes. Luckily the tour bus had bathrooms and karaoke, so I was set.

>> No.15888045
File: 10 KB, 400x600, ci-unibroue-la-fin-du-monde-110d431ac3a3d90f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my absolute favorite, but it's the best thing I can buy locally. So fucking good.

>> No.15888672

go dialate with that weak ass bait. you will always have a Y chromosome

>> No.15888937

I mean it's certainly not a session beer but it absolutely is beer despite your special little mysterious criteria

>> No.15889003
File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this at a restaurant yesterday and it was great. Usually milk stouts are too sweet for my taste but this was a perfect dessert beer, and the nitro aspect made it taste light even though it was pretty boozy.

>> No.15889011

If you're drinking to get drunk why not have one or two nice beers then switch to liquor or shit beer? It's got to get expensive crushing sixpacks of fancy Belgians

>> No.15889027

By the nine
How are you even supposed to drink that without getting trashed? Crack it open at a a party and everyone has a little snifter?

>> No.15889498
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a total pleb when it comes to beer but I picked this up recently and liked it a fair bit; wasn't expecting such a prominent citric pucker. Any brewski suggestions for someone in the US more used to wine (and tea)?

>> No.15889536

Is there any chance of getting these in america?

>> No.15889702

Sierra Nevada Torpedo is a quick and dirty choice for me, but if I'm wanting something a little tastier and not just for the alcohol Delirium Tremens and Nocturnum are top tier
I'm also getting into brewing my own stuff with the idea that eventually I can just stop having to buy beer altogether, although I'm still on gallon batches and I've only got one keg, so typically it'll be one batch a month or so
It's surprisingly fun and actually pretty easy, there's usually a real nice thread over at >>>/diy/hbg

>> No.15890163
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 063083240004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked this up. been really enjoying it

>> No.15890188

I used to be a snob. Did the whole all-grain brewing and everything. Won a couple awards. Grew so tired of it all. Nowadays, at the bar, it's:
1. Something I haven't tried
2. Whatever's on special
3. Yuengling
I don't buy beer for my house any more unless I'm expecting company, in which case it's a mix-pack made by a local brewery.

>> No.15890224
File: 23 KB, 415x419, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Kasteel stuff's fantastic. Otherwise, start looking at lambic / framboise type stuff, or stick with sours. Sours were really big the past couple years, there are probably a few good ones that have become brewery mainstays.

>> No.15891576

This anon knows how to drink. Let's be honest, by the time you hit your 4th beer you're not really tasting it anyway

>> No.15891581

It's a 40ml bottle so don't worry, you'll be okay but also instantly partymode

>> No.15891619
File: 236 KB, 750x750, jmsQ2R2Rupx_sGe8q2NUn4oVw9hor7apNXC96gtmw5ZQ_rSVeKsLvMrsWu8FEpxK6RxWN6VROm9zT0J6RyfPrXcvcuiCSA=s750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If y'all have this available I'd give it a shot as an inexpensive tripel knock off. When I was drinking beer I'd mostly get this, community Mosaic and Voodoo Ranger, as I too enjoy high abv/dollar.

>> No.15891635

craft sours always taste like some beard stroning faggot dumped a tablespoon of citric acid in each can. belgian sours taste naturally sour and delicious

>> No.15891818

Kettle sours Vs natural sours

>> No.15892875
File: 15 KB, 280x362, 574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of pic related? I tried it recently and thought it was OK. I'm normally a lager/ale guy
I can't find this stuff anywhere