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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 900x550, meat_and_poultry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15867644 No.15867644 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that meat will become an expensive luxury item you have only a few times a year or in small quantities during your lifetime? I'm eating as much as I can now, personally.

>> No.15867658

Why would we ban meat but not fracking for oil and single use plastic?

>> No.15867657
File: 29 KB, 480x360, how_it_really_be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing animals for food is not necessary and is unhealthy. :^)

>> No.15867662

Stop larping. You eat meat and we all know it.

>> No.15867666

It feels good not being a mentally ill retard with an IQ below 90 stuffing myself sick with meat because I believe my own schizo voices

>> No.15867668
File: 88 KB, 828x682, 1587679868101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't eaten meat in 11 years. :^)

>> No.15867672

Cool story

>> No.15867725

It won't get banned, it will.just get too expensive. It's beginning already.

>> No.15867731

Factory farmed meat is already too toxic to be worth eating and pastured stuff is expensive as fuck, I have been eating it sparsely.

>> No.15867741

No it's not. I got my beef at 6 bucks a pound. 8 dollars for grass finished.

Get my eggs and poultry for free.

>> No.15867747
File: 88 KB, 560x375, accidental deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooof if you think factory farmed meat is toxic you will NOT like whats in everything else. I mean shit, you DO know agent orange was an herbicide, right?

>> No.15867783

i'll poach endangered species, we've been over this

>> No.15868433

Beginning where? Meat is cheaper than it's ever been in history (except Canada lol)

>> No.15868448
File: 65 KB, 560x315, anemia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15868513

why the fuck is everything in canada so expensive nowaydays

>> No.15868526
File: 48 KB, 540x493, eat_the_dog_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat the dog food.

>> No.15868555

I don't know, and I've really tried to look into it. There doesn't seem to be any explanation available for the unwashed masses to read. Lots of mainstream news articles about food being expensive, especially beef, but no explanation whatsoever. I've found some more obscure sources that cite a drought that happened like 7 years ago but that's obviously not the reason. Any theory you come up with has to account for the fact that you walk right across the border from Canada to USA and meat is half price like 10km down the road. The only explanation is that taxes or regulations are somehow causing it, and they don't want us to know about it so we don't get pissed off

>> No.15868575

That pic doesn't surprise me at all. That shit smells like pet food.

What are the silicon billionares who invest in this shit trying to tell us what they think of us?

>> No.15868576

Stop lying faggot you’re eating meat right now.

>> No.15868580

every leftist i know has already fallen for this shit and is proudly vegan now and think meat should be a luxury

>> No.15869488

>less demand
good, that leaves more and cheaper meat for the rest of us

>> No.15869664

Fed has printed x2.5 the CAD supply this year, zimbabwe tier hyperinflation on the already shit canadian economy

>> No.15869671

I think you mean that eating animals is unhealthy (not that it's true). There's nothing unhealthy about killing animals for food.

>> No.15870180

Just wait. They're expecting the price of meat in canada to go up 18-30% THIS YEAR alone.

>> No.15871039

So nonsensical, every animal would be plant-based if so