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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15861140 No.15861140 [Reply] [Original]

Who wants to come along on my ribeye adventure? Salted both sides, gonna let it sit for an hour and come up to room temp (or so)

>> No.15861157

Marinade it for anger

>> No.15861169

That has to be one of the cheapest looking ribeyes I've ever seen posted here. Gonna stick around to watch you fuck it up.

>> No.15861179

This. The marbling sucks on that Walmart managers special

>> No.15861461
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Sautéing some baby Bellas to go on the side

>> No.15861472

It doesn’t look that bad to me

>> No.15861594


>Salt & room temp

Good start.

>> No.15861614

Well, you fucked up again. You should cook the mushrooms in the pan you seared your shitty steak in.

>> No.15861631

I’m grilling the steak, so it’s not really an option tonight BUT I did sauté them in bacon fat, if that counts for anything. I’m gay BTW if that matters

>> No.15861646
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Ok here we go gang, battle plan is 500 for 2 min/side

>> No.15861659

Don't fuck it up anon

>> No.15861750
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Disappointed in the sear but it’s a weeknight steak anyway. Gonna let it rest.

>> No.15861752

OP dead.

>> No.15861766

That is disgusting. Never post again.

>> No.15861780

At least you got your grill meme lines instead of doing it in a pan lmfao

>> No.15861782


let the man enjoy his steak, you party poopers

>> No.15861807
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This steak is more rare than an al/ck/ohilic’s sexual encounters

>> No.15861809

>”come up to room temp”
holy fuck, this myth is still being spread? it takes hours, HOURS for a refrigerator-temp steak of any meaningful size to come close to room temp, and translates into about 30-45 sec of time “saved” when cooking it; how much oil do you put in your pasta water to “prevent it from sticking?”
fucking boomer flyovers and their Walmart meat, at least you salted it, hopefully overnight in the refrigerator on a rack over a sheet pan

>> No.15861823

never mind, you put an unsalted wet steak in a pan, hence the shit crust (yeah you “salted” it but way WAY too late for the pelllicle to form

>> No.15861841

>in a pan
I guess zoomers don’t have the attention span to read a 15-post thread

>> No.15861889

>500 for 2 min/side
It's a steak dude, you shouldn't be fucking baking it. Throw it on a hot grill and take it off when it's medium rare. Why is that so difficult for some people?

>> No.15861894

It takes five times more energy to convert a single gram of water into steam than it does to raise the temperature of that water all the way from ice cold to boiling hot. Now you know.

>> No.15861916

Holy shit have sex

>> No.15861927

But it is a shitty looking steak, and OP did fuck it up...

>> No.15861936

All steak is shitty its just a cut of meat nothing special

>> No.15861939

OP here, I’ll fully admit it was a shitty steak. The “dead meat” pile of manager’s specials was absolutely full at King Sooper’s!

>> No.15861951
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how to fucking sear 101

>> No.15861961


Poor taste

Take notes op

OP is a shit individual

>> No.15861988


>> No.15862173

what kind of fat are you using?

>> No.15862261

nothing you retard

>> No.15862271

Salt draws moisture to the surface. Season before you cook. If you are going to season earlier than that you should dry brine your steak. Season both sides generously with salt and leave in the fridge uncovered on a wire rack for 3 or more days.

>> No.15862280

No rosemary? I would post the obese faggots asshole as punishment but I think you would enjoy it too much.

>> No.15862291

Not in a vacuum

>> No.15862983


You cool!!
Chefs are like you serious?
That s like 15 sec on a jostler difference

>> No.15862998

Rest in on a wire rack retard.

>> No.15863634

Not only can't you cook a steak, you can't even take a proper photo. How pathetic are you?

>> No.15863662

all that salt,
gonna be nice and DRY

>> No.15863768

This is a bad thread and it's all because of faggot OP :(

>> No.15865445

That looks like fucking ass

>> No.15865451

What? Have you ever cooked before?

>> No.15865473
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You're fucking up bud

>> No.15865533
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very good anon. I am a maestro griller and marinateaur and I have to congratulate you on your very simple but rewarding seasoning.

I hate the American style of covering a good piece of meat in tons of garlics or salt and pepper. This is no good. This is crime.

>> No.15865971

does anyone here actually know how to cook?

>> No.15865993

Dude that's raw you just seared it lmao

>> No.15866197

Marinating doesn’t do anything redditor.

>> No.15866413

did I mention anything related?
go back to your bbcq sauce.

>> No.15866508

You called yourself a “marinateaur” you disingenuous faggot

>> No.15866568
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>maestro griller

>> No.15866803

post rectum

>> No.15866838

> Marinating doesn’t do anything redditor.

irrelevant to your faggy comment you fat fuck greasy mongoloid.
now, stick to the burgers.

>> No.15867616

>messes up
>mad at replies
>spiteful to /ck/
now all you need to do is say 'a-at least I didn't post fast food like u losers' and the tourist pack will be complete

>> No.15867623

Damn you angry. Is it because your marinating doesn’t do much of anything? Cry more pussy boy lmao