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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1000x1000, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15860573 No.15860573 [Reply] [Original]

Because no one is going to eat the meme food they've made or when people create purposefully gross recipes that they will not eat?

>> No.15860585

No who cares. It’s no different than the billions in supplies and labor that get exhausted creating other mediums of entertainment: tv, movies, art, video games. Wasted food is just another cost of production.

>> No.15860593

basically this. although the retarded "le epic bacon" meme is really annoying

>> No.15860596

Stop seeking it out then, you outrage faggot

>> No.15860599

if you're referring to Epic Meal Time to illustrate your point then you're a faggot. they would invite a huge party into their crib and they would eat every last bit and work it off like a bunch of sick cunts.

but yeah, wasting food should be a crime. this includes cooking food to inedible standards. you burn food? you lose a finger.

>> No.15860625

yeah like theres people starving out there

>> No.15860658

Yes, it bothers me because it's just pointlessly degenerate and a waste of resources. Future generations look back at people like this as massive fucking idiots.

>> No.15860674

Let me see your garbage can and compost bin right now, anon

>> No.15860680

Ah, yes. My potato peels are such a waste of food.

>> No.15860708

Epic meal Time. Has their ever been a bigger fall from grace? 8 million subs still and no one knows they still exist. It didn't help that fame went to Harley's head and he turned into an insufferable faggot

>> No.15860723

The grocery store throws out more food every day than youtubers.

>> No.15860772

Imagine not eating the skins

>> No.15861125

>they would invite a huge party into their crib and they would eat every last bit and work it off like a bunch of sick cunts.
wow, you've got to be the biggest faggot on earth.

>> No.15861129


>> No.15861138

Wasting food is an American thing

>> No.15861160

youtubers should be executed along with you

>> No.15861164

>Does anyone else gets enraged when they see YouTubers wasting food?
you can't waste anything.

>> No.15861166

No, I live in a first world country where we have tons of excess food.

>> No.15861174

I get enraged when I see people posting youtubers on /ck/.

>> No.15861483

No YOU are a faggot, shitting on someone for "wasting" food even when they say every fucking video they eat it all and hit the gym all week.

Fuck off retard

>> No.15861488

This is actually very insightful. Thanks for literally ruining fun, at least commercialized fun.

>> No.15861588
File: 10 KB, 211x239, soyjak nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, you've got to be the biggest faggot on earth.

>> No.15861591

China has the right idea executing mukbangers.

>> No.15861612

>Ah, yes. My potato peels are such a waste of food.
they are.

>> No.15861613

/leftypol/ is that way >>>

>> No.15861623
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ay lmao. Yeah the only way he could make that lamer is to add a VHS slur

>> No.15861636
File: 1.33 MB, 446x251, libtardbfto11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


found the libtard guys. Has capitalism failed you bro?

>> No.15861642

You'll find every single business destroys way more shit than these youtube videos.

Home depot probably destroys like $500 in merch everyday

>> No.15861644

The education system failed you.

>> No.15861662

I work in a butcher's shop and I can assure you that we throw out or waste far more in a day than these fags do in a week of actively trying to be as wasteful as possible. Also even if that fag doesn't eat it bacteria or pests will, so either way something on the food chain is using it.

>> No.15861681
File: 1.56 MB, 720x1280, libtard6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think tinder has failed you libtard

>> No.15861686

Only a faggot peels potatoes.

>> No.15861691

genuine question. why does so much get wasted?

>> No.15861697
File: 589 KB, 916x535, faggos3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only a faggot peels potatoes.
>they peel alot of potatoes in the navy
>they peel alot of potatoes in prison
>there are alot of faggots in prison and in the navy

Logic checks out.

>> No.15861755

A few things happen. An actual accident and the product gets dropped and has to be voided out, the wrapping machine fucks up and some product (almost always the fucking ground beef) falls out of the container when it gets jostled out unwrapped, some product expires, and sometimes the packages will come in torn open and we'll have to just void those instantly. It's a minuscule amount in the grand scheme of things, but since we move so much product it's still a lot more than most people would ever end up wasting. If you want to see some careless waste for no reason other than not giving a fuck you should see food production factories. I worked at a berry processing plant before the butcher job and it was insane. Someone would throw down a container to catch the berries off the belt while pulling out the old one but somehow throw it upside down and by the time they got it the right side up $1.600 worth of berries was on the floor and useless, someone would do a sharp turn with a forklift and fucking crash over 30k worth of berries onto the floor, people on the belt pushing the field harvest boxes up would smash the berries onto the belt to lube it up so they could slide the boxes up it instead of trying to put them on at the unattainable pace the boss wanted, etc. That place was a fucking disaster, but it was a hilarious disaster. Fun fact, because they rakers got paid by the pound for the berry boxes sometimes they'd just prank us and send in a box filled with dirt with a thin layer of berries over it to cover it up and get paid 3x as much for the box due to how heavy it was and we never bothered telling them to stop because even with the 30k+ daily waste that went down there that factory still made 200k a day, easily. I went on for 1,700 words about food waste but if you want to know the real heavy hitter, it's water waste. Now that's where the berry factory gets fucked.

>> No.15861756

Who cares?

>> No.15861967

who still watches le epic meal time lol. I mean, I know people do but it's so fucking lame. Probably the same retards who still watch The Simpsons or Family Guy.

>> No.15861974

Dishwasher here. Lots of waste is customers flat out not finishing their shit or leftovers from the kitchen

>> No.15861982

Their views are so fucking garbage now lol. Why do they even bother

>> No.15861987

mukbang is the worst thing to happen to youtube since trans makeup tutorials

>> No.15861992

gay bacon strips

>> No.15861994


>> No.15862159

You are not the only one anon. Our society needs to treat food with more respect. Unfortunately I don't see it changing anytime soon. America is doomed.

>> No.15862164

Such a low IQ take. Please kys

>> No.15862174

>even when they say every fucking video they eat it all and hit the gym all week.
yaaaa bro we're uhh totally gonna throw a party and eat all this shitty bacon haha. people are just gonna grab into the huge pile of cold bacon with solidified grease all over it and shovel it into their mouth. haha ya our parties are wild like that bro. why don't we get fat? we hit the gym all day bro! haha yeah even though I don't have any muscle on me haha but trust me bro - we eat 5000 calories every time we go to a party and work it ALL off every time. trust me bro!!!! you do trust me, don't you bro???
ur gay.

>> No.15862195

The imagery of a berry processing factory being covered wall to wall with berry juice for the purpose of efficiency made my pathetic existence a little brighter.
Thanks anon.

>> No.15862216

He fired all his friends as he was getting famous and how many people wanna watch retards saying
>More bacon strips
Every episode for 10 years? That shit gets old real fast. No one even watches the pathetic shit anymore and they still keep churning out crappy videos exactly the same and Harley turned into a raging faggot he's annoying as fuck

>> No.15863444



>> No.15863449

Excess food is often given to Africa, so no I'm fine with it being wasted. Feed 10 starving Africans you'll have 20 in a few decades. You're just increasing the problem not fixing it.

>> No.15863454

why do people on this website pride themselves on being antisocial

>> No.15864147

go back to r*ddit if you wanna cry about it you fucking cunt

>> No.15864319
File: 866 KB, 1600x900, fuck you fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get enraged by faggots that watch faggot videos and then complain that those videos contain faggotry. Now get out of /ck/ faggot.

>> No.15864326
File: 804 KB, 2048x2048, 640bnps0zeg21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masks required

>> No.15864438

They’re sick cunts but not in the positive way you are referring to them

>> No.15864486

No because they aren't wasting it. They're using it to entertain people.

>> No.15864487

maximum soy.

who cares, its their money. does it anger you that i bought an ps5 to smash just because i can? poors are so concerned with everyone else, its pathetic.

>> No.15864511

no one cares what a vtuber tranny enabler thinks, pal.

>> No.15864524
File: 55 KB, 500x640, friendly daikon radish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it anger you that I smashed my own testicles into jelly with a hammer just because I can?

>> No.15864547

That's the entire point of playing here, you fucktard. It's one of the last refuges of pre-socialite internet.

>> No.15864549

My dude, you could buy a lamborghini and remote control drive it into an abyss and I wouldn't give a fuck, but if you throw a good potato out, I will become angry.

>> No.15865141

This. Look at all the fragile /pol/ddit faggots getting upset over food.

>> No.15865303

People don't need video games or movies to survive. They need food to survive. Congratulations you're officially retarded.

>> No.15865343

Usually when they do shit like this it's with already expired or discarded food. It would cost hundreds of dollars otherwise

>> No.15865347

You shills can't even shill right anymore

>> No.15865356


Can confirm work in scenic industry we build entire stages/sets/sculptures that get used for 1 event by disney and thrown in the trash and made again next year.

>> No.15865357

The major corps do not accept trannies. It costs a lot of time and money to set up a vtuber channel, they do it themselves and aren't going to invest in someone who's going to kill themselves

>> No.15865420

its degenerate behavior, and their enablers are even worse
>muh le epic giant burger
kys m8

>> No.15865472

clearly your parents failed you too

>> No.15865489

>le epic shills XD
Imagine letting your political views dictate what kind of food you put in your mouth. I don’t know much about the whole “cuckold” fetish but I couldn’t imagine how much of a cuck you have to be to let that shit carry onto anonymous imageboards.

>> No.15865625

look at that jewish fella

>> No.15865683

How did he turn into a cunt? I havent seen anything from them in like 10 years. Just wondering.

>> No.15865688

Punched a little bit high.

>> No.15866098

none of the food on epic meal time was ever wasted
they ate it all

>> No.15866112

Why? Some food spoiling in a store and being thrown out isn't any different. It's not like we have bread lines and food issues (even with the government shutdown of the economy).

>> No.15866802

Nice fucking same fagging bitch.

>> No.15866813
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>> No.15867545
File: 420 KB, 640x480, Sam & Max - 13 - The Final Episode.mkv_snapshot_06.54.076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global hunger is a political problem caused by inept and corrupt world leaders. Also it's not really that wasteful in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15867557

Guy who posted this here. Why tf was it taken as political? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s fine. “Cost of production” is a fact not a judgement.

>> No.15867864

If someone is doing that, then that means they can't reproduce, and that's a good thing

>> No.15869040

rent free

>> No.15869051

over-political teenage autists confused "cost of production" with "means of production"

>> No.15869070

ill have you know without vidya I would literally die

>> No.15869156

it does but what enrages me more is his soyboy look and demeanour

>> No.15869198
File: 66 KB, 640x759, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching jewtube
Are you honestly surprised youtube is degenerate?

>> No.15869214


>> No.15869260

>lets take this prime whole ribeye and pour 10 pounds of ghee on it and leave it for a month
>wow! it turned rancid!

>> No.15869283

Is epic meal time still going? That shit got old after a month of videos.

>> No.15869288

No. There's tonnes of food in the world who gives a shit if it's wasted.
I get mad that they make such dumb content and become fucking rich off it.

>> No.15869566
File: 531 KB, 1080x1080, 1615944635640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks like he's straining not to make a soy face. Like it physically hurts to keep his mouth closed.

>> No.15869586

No I get enraged at capitalism which promotes and causes food waste

>> No.15869626


>> No.15870529

Im not sure if thats suposed to be an example but Id eat a chunk outof that, and my family would just as well, I think we would get a big chunk out of that, youd need like twelve people to eat that, wich is not imposible