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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 600x300, ia3zl9iik9751[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15853551 No.15853551 [Reply] [Original]

here's your "garlic butter" bro
>Soybean oil, water, salt, vegetable mono & diglycerides, garlic, natural flavors, soy lecithin, lactic acid , sodium benzoate, calcium disodium EDTA, citric acid, natural beta carotene (for color), vitamin A palmitate.
>Contains: Soy
notice how "butter" is not one of the ingredients.

>> No.15853560

it doesnt say butter anywhere on the label you retard

>> No.15853564

notice how that label in the image doesnt say butter either

>> No.15853572

Who is putting garlic butter on pizza

>> No.15853574

Where does it say butter you obvious poltroll?

>> No.15853579

>making up things to be angry about
sure is manbaby in here. you might also be surprised to learn there's no dog meat in hot dogs.

>> No.15853580

>they weren't legally allowed to write butter on the label so it's fine!!!

>> No.15853587

is this an epic troll

>> No.15853598

Yeah its fine they aren't selling you garlic butter you mentally ill retard

>> No.15853599

for dipping your crust into. best is when you put yer dick in it and let the dog go at it.

>> No.15853607

it's completely fine. you are just a faggot who is mad about nothing

>> No.15853617

if you want garlic butter, buy garlic butter or combine garlic and butter. but don't buy "dipping sauce" and expect it to contain butter, you seething fucking child

>> No.15853629

ok I get it. you don't like when your precious favorite pizza insulted. but you're telling me you're not shocked at all the ingredients in such a seemingly simple sauce? they literally call it garlic butter at my local papa's. I used to go every first saturday of every second month for a pie (that's 6 pies per year) because I specifically liked the dip and I was under the impression that it was garlic butter. not going there again.

>> No.15853637

are you a corporate intern at PJ earning your minimum wage? why defend a massive corporation this vehemently? my criticism is correct and objectively sound

>> No.15853643
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>> No.15853652

so don't go there, nobody fucking cares about your idiotic babyrage.

>> No.15853654

what does garlic butter/sauce even have to do with pizza? do americans really?
you are crying that something not labeled as butter indeed contains no butter. very high iq

>> No.15853655

I can read labels, why would I be surprised?
If you can't taste the difference between butter and whatever is the papa garlic dip it's on you, tastelet

>> No.15853664

I ordered papa John’s for the first time in a while this weekend and they changed their crust and now their pizza is complete shit like all other chains. I can’t stomach ordering pizza anymore it’s all so disgusting

>> No.15853665

nice strawman. cringe

>> No.15853669

It seems like you want something to be angry about. Why not target the sugar industry?

Also I'd say that they were going for more of an aoli than butter situation. Fwiw they call it garlic sauce where I'm from, for as long as I've known about the chain.

>> No.15853670

>papa johns literally pays people to trawl /ck/ and wait until someone inevitably criticizes their dishonest business practices
don't make a sauce that resembles garlic butter next time.

>> No.15853673
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>> No.15853690
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>> No.15853699

They're named after Hamburg, not ham. Or maybe you're an HB1 visa intern at Papa John's doing damage control? You're telling me that it's perfectly fine to have "garlic butter" that contains no butter and a million weird soy ingredients? This is fine to you?

>> No.15853703

Read the menu next time you buy something
It's not 'garlic butter' anon, that's a name you made up. They don't sell garlic butter, they don't call it garlic butter, their menu doesn't say garlic butter

>> No.15853705

I always thought it was called garlic butter sauce. But recently they removed the butter. And their crust now sucks. It went from the best pizza chain to exactly like as bland and styleless as all the others. Whatever they give you now is cheaper than what they used to make

>> No.15853709

this is some of the most pathetic trolling i've seen. try harder, this shit is just boring now.

>> No.15853714

It’s not garlic butter you autistic, illiterate fuck.

>> No.15853720
File: 243 KB, 495x374, garlicbutterconfirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not 'garlic butter' anon, that's a name you made up.
official Papa John's fb account calling it "Garlic butter" as recently as 5 months ago.
https://www.facezucc dot
I win, you lose.
I win. They called it garlic butter. You lose. I'm right and they are lying about their "garlic butter"

>> No.15853729

In this thread people will make fun of OP for being scared of chemicals but in another thread they will make fun of OP for eating processed foods at all. it never ends

>> No.15853753

no ones forcing you to be here, anon

>> No.15853759

no one except myself I suppose

>> No.15853762

>some retarded intern calls it “garlic butter” because it has a vaguely yellow color and imitates the taste of butter

>> No.15853770

>get btfo
>desperately shift goalpost
You lose. The official communique from Papa John's Inc. referred to it as garlic butter. You have utterly lost and could not be more wrong (or stupid) if you tried.

>> No.15853775

whaaat??? nooo way!!! zomg.

>> No.15853782

>special garlic dipping sauce
kys instantly

>> No.15853784

that said, your original observation is astute
i liked this place better when it was about pictures of food instead of children who are too edgy for reddish trying to outsperg one another

>> No.15853802

Just because you posted some fake Twitter post doesn’t mean you’re right

>> No.15853822

see >>15853720
Official Papa John's fb account. Blue checkmark. Straight form the horse's mouth. If you're being paid to shill for them then they're wasting their money.

>> No.15853827

Holy shit, somebody stop this guy before he hurts himself.

>> No.15853851

Imagine your crust being so shit that dipping it in this shit >>15853551 improves it.

>> No.15854193

Damn OP is subhumanly autistic

>> No.15854203

I always thought it was supposed to mimic an Italian dressing or something.

>> No.15854206

That's the Philippines facebook page, they have different dipping sauces over there. Imagine coping so hard you have to crawl the web to find 'proof' of your autistic ramblings lmao

>> No.15854210

why does pizza need a sauce anyway?

>> No.15854262

Do you have to pay for this sauce in other countries?
Here in mexico the last time I bought one pizza they didnt send garlic sauce or even those small peppers
And the pizza was shit, I remember when they started selling here they included the sauce and peppers for free

>> No.15854344

Wrong, just checked by going through a Philippine VPN, they don't have different dipping sauces. You lose again

>> No.15854408

It says butter ingredients butter pizza right on the cup, retard.

>> No.15854411


>> No.15854415

What did I lose? I don't give a shit about this amerislop op is just wrong

>> No.15854437

>f you're being paid to shill for them then they're wasting their money.
>you think i'm wrong? you must be a paid shill!
Why is this attitude so prevalent nowadays on 4chan? Can you please just do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself?

>> No.15854613

nope. the superior OP (me) challenged the notion that this garlic butter is legit. then inferior homos claimed I was making up the fact that it's referred to as garlic butter at all. I posted the official corporate communique that referred to the sauce as garlic butter, permanently and utterly BTFOing the inferior detractors. which I suspect are shills being paid by Papa John's to do damage control.
Nope. People who are utterly correct are very unlikely to suffer from depression. But thanks

>> No.15854617

If OP's still in here carrying on sucking cocks; Do (You) really expect in America that a fast food corp is going to give actual butter when all the retards really want is something that tastes close enough?
Does raving on a Malaysian basket weaving forum make you feel better since you ordered Papa John's and never realized their shitty, shitty, sauce wasn't butter?

>> No.15854635

>notice how "butter" is not one of the ingredients.
it also isn't in the name, are you an idiot?

>> No.15854672

>nooooo you are correct on all counts but you're still wrong for complaining on this specific platform!!!
see >>15853720

>> No.15854699

you've lost your fucking mind if you can't be wrong about a fake sauce from a chain restaurant

>> No.15854727


>> No.15854864

Seek help freak

>> No.15854865

No, where did I say anything about you being wrong? I don't give a fuck If I'm wrong or you're right, I'm saying that you came here because you are a fat fuck and wanted butter on your Papa John's pizza but got assblasted when you actually read it.

>> No.15854868

>some Philippines intern called it garlic butter on one Facebook post therefore I'm right
Mental illness

>> No.15855724

>ummm no, they NEVER, EVER, not even ONCE have EVER called it "garlic butter". you just made that up
>here is their official facebook page (official corporate communication) calling it garlic butter

>> No.15855747

i always think of the /fit/ greentext where the guy has to script his pizza order, and one of the last lines is "ask if they have garlic sauce. if yes, order six."

>> No.15855752

based thread

>> No.15855767
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> this thread

>> No.15855821


>> No.15855836

Crazy thought incoming but....maybe if you think it's bad or whatever, don't eat it? Make your own garlic sauce? Amazing how many /ck/ posters can't either cook or use basic logic.

>> No.15855865

Sue them for false advertisement or something.
I once corrected this stupid cunt arguing that "garlic aïoli" wasn't mayonnaise. It's futile to try to educate these low-wage indolent scum. I don't expect the to know that aïoli is French (from Catalan) for garlic sauce so saying garlic garlic sauce is just idiotic, and having egg and vinegar makes it a mayonnaise. Or that pita already means bread so saying pita bread sounds like "bread bread" to someone with an educated ear.

>> No.15855908

When I pull my dick out my dog looks scared and backs away. She knows.

>> No.15855938

>maybe if you think it's bad or whatever, don't eat it?
I won't. I used to go to Papa John's for a large pizza pie every first Saturday of every second month. That's 6 pies per year, for approximately 8 years. That's at least 48 pizza pies that I've bought from this company to bring home to my family. I gave loyal repeat business that companies can only dream of. The guys at the store have always called it garlic butter, so I didn't really question it. I don't think they were lying, they were simply told the same thing. Well last night I finally had a look at the label and read the ingredients, and there it is. I will be taking by business to Papa John's competitors from now on. There is a bustling Pizza Hut location not a block away, that will be where I get my semi-monthly pie from now on.

Papa John's shills, I know you're reading this - just know that your dishonest and despicable anti-consumer business practices lost you a long-time loyal customer.

>> No.15855979

Butter in the next year or two of you decided that we have to give it to you and I have no I didn't get the parking permit for a bit more likely you are you guys

>> No.15856002

once again kys instantly

>> No.15856053

top zozzle, buddy

>> No.15856072

Trill those Rs you fucking faggots

>> No.15856166

had a nice laugh, frend

>> No.15856181

>"garlic butter"
what are you quoting?

>> No.15856187

touch grass

>> No.15856209

People who erroneously call it "garlic butter". OP is specifying with this punctuation that it is in fact not garlic butter, but merely called as such by these people. Such as, in particular, people employed by the companies who make it and the companies who serve it.
This is a common and well-established practice in English, so read some books and get back to us later you dense darkie.

>> No.15856215

>being this new
shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.15856247

>That's 6 pies per year, for approximately 8 years.
The average mutt eats that for breakfast, you think they care that you're mad they didn't have real butter?

>> No.15856252


>> No.15856717

Why specifically the first saturday of every second month? Is this some kind of autism thing? Do you really only get pizza on that specific day?

>> No.15856814

Nothing is real in America

>> No.15856821

No YOU shut the fuck up, nigger. Stop trying too hard to fit in and just fucking lurk, retard.

>> No.15856848


>> No.15856865

How do people become like how OP is. What happened to them as a child that made them this way

>> No.15856870

aioli is greek

>> No.15856874

He typed in 4chan.org/b/.

>> No.15856906

>margarine with artificial garlic flavor
kinda sounds good

>> No.15857557

I hate their garlic dipping sauce.

>> No.15857599


>> No.15857611

Cool. Name all the stuff found in the meat you eat.

>> No.15857617

My sides. How can a single OP fail this hard?

>> No.15857629

It says DIP butter goes on toast and stuff

>> No.15857658

Imagine being American, just having your entire establishment engaged in total war with you body and soul every second of the day

>> No.15859100

seethe harder tranny

>> No.15859151

Hamburg ≠ Schinken, retard

>> No.15859156


>> No.15859253


>> No.15859403
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, 73689995-F0B2-4708-953A-B5F7F510ADBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter ingredients, butter pizza!

>> No.15859411
File: 287 KB, 1575x1575, 11B6F5D4-4FA2-44E9-B326-4BC4A3CDB8FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it’s basically aioli

>> No.15859628

This shit is bomb

>> No.15859737

Indeed one random post from a south east asian franchisee doesn't count. Honestly just seek help you are obviously brain damaged

>> No.15860610

Does garlic dipping sauce come bottled?
what brand?
Is there a way to bulk buy pizza place garlic dipping sauce?

>> No.15860659

Wrong. It's an official corporate account verified by fb and with 7 million followers. Don't be mad because you were wrong. You will always be inferior to me, it's better if you simply accept that and try to make the best of your life.

>> No.15860672

I've eaten Papa Johns maybe once in my 23 years of life.
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.15860715

Read the thread, my little slow-witted friend. I have utterly BTFO you and the rest of the detractors. Official corporate communication from Papa John's called it garlic butter. You see, I already won this yesterday. You? Well, it would appear that you're arguing with something that has already been proven correct. Good luck with that, champ. Try not to overexert your total of 2 brain cells though, you'll need them for the next great big brain debate you decide to step into. Tonight you will sleep with the knowledge that you have been utterly humiliated, while I will enjoy my victor's sleep. Ta-ta, now... until next time.

>> No.15860731

If you have this much to say about garlic """butter""" sauce then I can only assume it's vapid nonsense.

>> No.15860734
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1AB50833-57D9-42F0-9C0A-379041554AD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to manage a papa johns. The best thing is their whole schtick about everything being “fresh” and denying that things are frozen. Cheese, wings, some other shit comes in frozen, has frozen storage dates & thawing instructions on the box, etc., but corporate people have lied to my face when I asked why we couldn’t use a freezer (sometimes volume would be low and the wings only last a few days according to them at walk-in temps but essentially forever frozen, and they’re stupidly expensive for the awful wings that they are so tossing them sucks) and are like “nothing is frozen; it comes in fresh” etc. it was surreal since this was before papas “fall from grace” and almost everyone from corporate was completely bought into his cult of personality.

That being said, OP discovering that the garlic sauce isn’t butter because it doesn’t have butter in the name or listed ingredients is incredible, what a coup for papa johns

>> No.15860758

jesus christ wwhat a shitshow. /ck/ is full of faggots

>> No.15861004

Thanks dood. Now I dont need to order some next time I get a pizza.

>> No.15861041

>walking in for a shift on a hot day
>spending your first 5 minutes cooling off in the walk in

>> No.15861072

Feels good man.

>> No.15861077

shutup OP

>> No.15861367
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Get dabb'd on OP

>> No.15861401

Keep reading the thread, my small-dicked friend. They did call it garlic butter

>> No.15861416

Am I suppose to believe some autist scrolled through more than a years worth of infinite scroll Facebook posts just to find a slip up of them saying butter?

>> No.15861423

yes. very pathetic.

>> No.15861440

>noooo you are completely right and BTFO all the fags that argued with you, including me, b-b-but I'll call you autistic!!!

>> No.15861565

Not sure what they're using in this picture but it's not the dipping "sauce". The "sauce" is literally straight up flavored oil. Which in fairness is to imitate melted butter. The stuff in the picture has some creamy texture, which is more like a sauce. If you want to scrutinize them for anything do it for the sauce labeling. It should be labeled garlic oil.

>> No.15861603

>butter" is not one of the ingredients.
but nigger is

>> No.15861795

This has been a terrible thread

>> No.15861805

Lots of autists today. Or at least with this and the subway.

>> No.15861810

Many such cases...

>> No.15861839

Yeah what the fuck is going on?

>> No.15861858
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>> No.15861862

This /ck/ is supposed to be high IQ

>> No.15861888
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I'm experiencing deja vu in this thread. Anybody else? Maybe I've just been here too long

>> No.15861978

>spending your first 5 minutes cooling off in the walk in

Feels good man.

>> No.15862132

I've recently started researching soybean oil because some studies suggest it increases estrogen in the body.

It's the main ingredient in 99% of fast food and fast casual sauces. Commercial mayo now uses soybean oil. Fast food breads use soybean oil. The meats contain soybean oil. Just go to Arby's or Taco Bell ingredients page and control+F for soy. It's fucking everywhere! Does anyone know when all these companies decided to start using it? What kind of oil/fat did they use before? It's all very blackpilling desu. Our own government provides farmers with subsidies to grow this crap.

>> No.15862137

Don't let them get to you anon. You have every right to expect more from these restaurants. We need to start a no-SOY movement. Gluten free, vegetarian, vegan fucks were successful so can we.

>> No.15862146

No cap a nigga gettin HONGRY ova here. Gimme summa dat papa john's, niggaaa

>> No.15862149


>> No.15862156

Can't say I know what oils they used but I'm pretty sure they used whatever had trans fat in it.

>> No.15862867


>> No.15862921

To me little caesars is the only national pizza chain worth getting pizza from any more. Their pizza is decent at best, but it’s fairly priced for what it is. I can get a pizza from a local place for about the same price as Pizza Hut, papa johns, or dominos and it’s 10x better

>> No.15862956

I think its an American thing. Where I live (yurop) most processed supermarket food uses sunflower seed oil, no idea about what American fast food joints use here since I don't really go there.

>> No.15862961

>some studies

and how many do the contrary? Or are you just looking for confirmation bias?

>> No.15862984
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Sir I am from the Space Force and I hereby arrest you for treason

>> No.15863017

why cant they just give us real food

>> No.15863087

its the cheapest shit around

>> No.15863099

never understood why people liked papa johns
>dude you gotta dip it

and you dont see how that makes it a shit pizza? made for people with non functioning taste buds

>> No.15864144

i love autism

>> No.15864392

So I guess it's some kind of butter substitute, and if I remember correctly the US is required to label all constituents or something

>> No.15864885
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>dipping sauce

>> No.15865823

Fuck even olive oil these days can be mixed with shit like canola oil.

>> No.15866017

get help, dude.

>> No.15866181

I had dominos a month ago and the garlic sauce is gross, doesn't taste like garlic or like butter, just salty oil with some other flavor I don't recognize.

>> No.15866196

absolute fucking mutts
i don’t have the patience to quote all of you but if youre american kill yourself

>> No.15866232

meds. now.

>> No.15866383


>> No.15866551
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>> No.15866572

to be fair way back in the day papa John’s it actually was garlic butter that they made fresh in the store and it came in a clear plastic sauce cup

>> No.15866705


>> No.15866915

inspect element

>> No.15866923


>> No.15866948

inspect element

>> No.15866972


>> No.15867107

Papa john's is shit, the "butter" sauce is shit, and everyone bitching about that shitty chain is also shit