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File: 682 KB, 800x450, AeroPress-vs-French-Press.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15848215 No.15848215 [Reply] [Original]

do you gsuy prefer a French press or aeropress. Aeropress seems easier to clean up but doesn't make very much.

>> No.15848232

Aeropress any fucking day. Way easier to control. And I'm fine with a single cup anyway otherwise I start to tweak.

>> No.15848265

I've used French press and it's ok but I kept getting grains slipping through into my coffee despite having the right kind of blend. I switched to a Hario

>> No.15848271

Nespresso + 1 capsule of ristretto 2-3 times a day is all I need

>> No.15848396

I like the Aeropress because I can clean it to being SPOTLESS pretty quick
I nearly don't care about any supposed difference in flavor
A lot of french presses are kind of screwed together and doing a full clean between all the screw threads and shit takes a long fucking time
idk do most people just let the coffee gather on their machines?

>> No.15848424 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x1334, Bripe-coffee-brew-pipe-hiking-backpacking-fire-torch-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One, aeropress is a plastic, mental retardation toy.
Two, if you're not already Bripeing, you're a faggot.

>> No.15848474

>I like the Aeropress because I can clean it to being SPOTLESS pretty quick
this most of all. that and I wasn't a real coffeedrinker when I first tried the aeropress, and following the instructions made a palatable, flavorful cup, not anything burnt or bitter. If you want to make more servings you just use more grounds in the press and dilute to the same ratio. it's a brainless, analog product, pretty useful little tool for a single home.

>> No.15848501

Dumbericans can't say cafetiere.

>> No.15848510

I'm not American

>> No.15848562

I get sludge at the bottom of either. I've tried different recipes and beans/brands and there's always sludge. French press tastes more full bodied than aeropress though

>> No.15848567
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Hello sirs I hope you greatly enjoy the Aeropress™ for coffees. God bless

>> No.15848599

if you want a french press just get an immersion dripper. Cleaning french presses is annoying.

>> No.15848600

I like the thing because it's good for camping
I bought the thing with the metal filter to use as a form for cutting new filters out of whatever filter size I want
That and a hand grinder let me turn beans to coffee anytime without special equipment or electricity

What would you prefer I use instead?

>> No.15848839

Aeropress - American product.
French Press - Only said by Americans.

>> No.15848866

pour over desu
but we were given a french press and it's ok

Aeropress looks interesting
can some owners comment on it please??

>> No.15848906
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>> No.15848936

Briping is the true patrician's coffee choice

>> No.15848939

I hated the thing. Hard to clean when camping compared to a glass press, too bulky for backpacking compared to a folding drip filter. To many dumb accessories. Stirrer, some kind of funnel, paper filter holder wtf. You have to press down too hard to make the coffee.

>> No.15848955

>press down too hard to make the coffee.
Vegan detected.

>> No.15848964

i think aeropress is I think a lot easier. French presses are hard to clean and you can't bring it with you. You can take an aeropress with you camping no problem and it's almost as efficient as instant coffee

>> No.15848966
File: 26 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man

>> No.15849039

Genuine question, wouldn't the principles of osmosis mean that diluting strong coffee and making more coffee the proper way would have different results?

>> No.15849252 [DELETED] 

how about not a plastic (estrogen-leeching) toy.

>> No.15849300

Name the device

>> No.15849341 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 460x383, coffee-brew-bripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15849347

lmao oh

>> No.15849365
File: 63 KB, 1200x1487, 1615549669928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the coffee gator
But it does leave an awful lot of sludge in the brew
And that shit stains your teeth like crazy

>> No.15849374

Beans ground too fine, or you're using a food processor type grinder and creating powder

>> No.15849685

You guys actually disassemble your french press to clean it? I just rinse it off and dump the grounds down the garbage disposal. Use the kitchen sink sprayer on the mesh piece to get the grounds out. Honestly, I don't even wash it, I rinse it our, dry it off and it's ready to go again. Much easier to clean than somethi8ng like a Moka Poot.

>> No.15849723

>dump grinds into garden

literally the easiest coffee maker to clean in the world, what are you smoking?

>> No.15850042

mating press

>> No.15850519

I drink coffee brewed in lots of different ways for some variety. Turkish coffee or just flat out pouring hot water into a cup, pour over, dripper, french press, espresso machine and recently I'd got myself aeropress. Maybe it's the novelty but I'm really enjoying it so far, only issue is it takes a while to prepare.

French press upfront is very quick to make, just gotta clean it up later, and since I've got a huge one I basically use it for coffee only when I need a big batch quickly and can't be fucked to spend any time preparing it. Taste-wise aeropress wins. French press is worth having anyway though, it's cool for yerba mate, rooibos and other stuff.

>> No.15850526

this man briped me in 1999

>> No.15850540

I bought a French press yesterday.

The instructions say to make the coffee grounds corse but I don't have a feeling for what is considered corse

>> No.15850546

start at the coarsest setting your grinder has and adjust according to taste.

>> No.15850664
File: 76 KB, 779x1091, 1615167985398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i pour hot water through chinese plastic every morning in my AEROPRESS(TM)

>> No.15850982
File: 65 KB, 605x640, 1617001546586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15851044

For me it's the Brikka mokapot or cezve.
If I had to choose, I'd go for French press because it doesn't have plastic coming in contact with hot water

>> No.15851046

V60 is the best but aeropress is acceptable. French press is literally the worst way to make coffee.

>> No.15851117

I used my french press for the first time in months after exclusively doing pour-over, and I will never do it again. I don't see any justification for using a french press when you can buy a v60 for almost the same price and get a significantly better cup of coffee out of it.

>> No.15851123

>tfw instant coffee gang and don't bother with this shit

>> No.15851257

I bet you also go into threads about how to cook steak properly and boast you don't have to worry about it because you're steak-umm gang.

>> No.15851263

cooking is gay, I only eat food prepared by my inferiors anyway

>> No.15851267

you shouldn't talk about your mom like that, how else are you gonna get your tendies and hot pockets

>> No.15851273
File: 129 KB, 800x800, AeroPress_Zoomed-In.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have both, but I use my Aeropress because, like you say, it's easier to clean.

With the French Press I find that it tastes like stale coffee next time unless I wash it out fully with soap and water.

With the Aeropress I can just rinse it out after each use and it seems to be fine for the next use.

So I use the Aeropress and just rinse it after each use.

>> No.15851365

Which ever one is the most pretentious and has the least popular appeal.
t. contrarian (aka huge faggot)

>> No.15851391

Still good though.
In fact, most competition-style aeropress recipes involve deliberately using high mass of course grounds with little water, then diluting it.

>> No.15851406

I only have an aeropress but I'm not very good at using it. Coffee will come out sour, or bitter, or burnt (the latter is probably just too dark a roast for my taste). I kinda feel like I enjoyed coffee more with just a v60.

>> No.15851506

I have both at work but I almost always use the Aeropress. It’s just much easier to clean. Quicker as well, I don’t do the inverse bullshit.
I have to use a decanter when using French press so the coffee dust settles on the bottom. It brews fuller cup of coffee, it kinda gives me rustic vibes.

>> No.15851512 [DELETED] 
File: 636 KB, 525x525, briping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15851523 [DELETED] 

>competition-style aeropress
please note everyone, aeropress competitions are just that. Aeropress competitions.
This is because aeropress is a plastic toy and the dumbest way to make coffee, so in real world coffee competitions it is never used.
Please, you fags are like crossfit """athletes"""

>> No.15851548
File: 63 KB, 670x440, 1615709049840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15851573

Aeropress is for absolute faggots, French press is patrician, pour over cloth is the only other acceptable answer

>> No.15851655
File: 863 KB, 1200x1200, 0005389112344_1_A1C1_1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15851868

French press isn't good, you will get dust and sludge and grit.
Pour over > aeropress > moka pot > drip machine > french press

>> No.15853146

They produce completely different kinds of coffee.
Aeropress is ideal if you want something like an espresso at home without investing in a big machine, similar to a Moka pot.
A French Press is basically a glorified tea pot for it you like your coffee piss weak.

>> No.15853150 [DELETED] 

coffee bait 101, you hit them all in one post anon, probably too obvious

>> No.15853170

>every opinion i don't like is bait

>> No.15853431

the average person thinks that's too much work these days.

>> No.15853680

Cafetière means basically any type of coffee maker though, it could also used to designated a moka pot, an electric drip-brew machine or a Turkish coffee pot.
Btw the French press is arguably more Italian than French, just like fries are more of a Belgian invention.

>> No.15853888

If your grinder doesn't have a setting, just count in your head to about 6 seconds and it should be fine. For drip coffee, about 12 seconds. I'm sure there are guides to this online. Some bags of whole bean coffee will actually have instructions about this on the side of them.

>> No.15853985

I want an aeropress, but I don't see what niche it fills.
Why wouldn't you just steep like a normal person if you're outside?

>> No.15854018

Because the end results are completely different.