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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 211 KB, 1500x1500, queso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15839532 No.15839532 [Reply] [Original]

>put in microwave for 10 minutes
>glass is burning hot
>queso is still cold

>move to plastic cup and put in toaster oven for 5 minutes
>plastic cup is melting
>queso is still cold

>move to sealable bag
>boil it for 5-10 minutes
>queso is still cold

why does cheese queso refuse to become warm

>> No.15839539
File: 37 KB, 600x600, ur,mounted_print_canvas_portrait_small_front,square,600x600.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15839541

God, I hate Americans

>> No.15839543

Boil that shit on the stove!

>> No.15839557

have you tried the cheese queso setting

>> No.15839572

rub it between your hands really fast. the friction will heat up the cheese.

>> No.15839578
File: 12 KB, 209x183, you are incompetent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made with REAL cheese
every time

>> No.15839579
File: 3.62 MB, 455x262, 1586807391474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a microwave

>> No.15839581

Is this a thing on American microwaves?

>> No.15839606


>> No.15839607

Are you retarded? You genuinely sound like someone with low functioning autism.

>> No.15839612

try to heat queso and get back to me

>> No.15839613

Post a picture please. I refuse to believe this is real.

>> No.15839624

Use a fucking pan

>> No.15839636

I bet you can't even afford a microwave.

>> No.15839663

>put it in a pot
>put pot on stove
>heat pot

alternatively microwave it in a normal bowl

>> No.15839707

don’t put the jar in microwave, it can shatter when you pick it up after

>> No.15839726

That's how I heat my smegma. Will it work for queso?

>> No.15839782

do everyone a favor and get off the internet then you annoying faggot

>> No.15840301

>put in a bowl
>stir with a spoon halfway throuhh and let finish warming
There, done. This stuff tastes like fucking plastic anyway though, idk why anyone would eat it

>> No.15840307

One in the basement, waiting for better weather to throw it out for someone to take.

>> No.15841439

Here is a suggestion anon, if the food you are heating doesn't heat up BUT THE CONTAINER DOES, put it in a microwave/oven/stovetop/etc safe container, that glass getting heated up and not the product inside is the same as a plastic container melting/burning in that microwave

don't bother complaining about your spam can throwing sparks in the microwave and not cooking your spam

>> No.15841443

it's meant to be ate chilled or room temperature.