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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15828538 No.15828538 [Reply] [Original]

My dog is gonna die soon. What should I cook for her before she goes? What's your dog's favorite treat? She's missing some teeth, so soft is better.

>> No.15828556

Chocolate cake

>> No.15828558

Do her favorite trick with the peanut butter

>> No.15828565

Feed her soilent and watch her grow titties and vote Democrat

>> No.15828572

Feed her a .45 JHP

>> No.15828573

Don't listen to them

Letting go of a dog is very difficult. I think you can look up a recipe for a "gourmet" dog food, don't buy store-bought food, pour your heart and soul into her final meal.

>> No.15828575

pupper sloppa

>> No.15828583

she's never felt the touch of a man in her whole life. don't let her die without that experience. she's loved you so long, the least you could do is love her back.

>> No.15828598

Holy shit the people in this thread
Make her a nice hamburger steak sided with any other greasy meats you can think of: bacon, sausage etc. and use the grease to make some gravy and drizzle the stuff over the plate. Hope I'm not too late OP

>> No.15828606


>> No.15828607
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Give the good girl a proper meat feast. Pork shoulder is cheap and no dog would be upset with five pounds of pulled pork to munch on. Just don't go overboard with seasonings or vinegar like you might for yourself, keep it basic and she'll be happy.

>> No.15828627
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I'm sorry anon. My boy is 12 and had a health incident a few months ago that brought me to tears every time I thought about losing him. Fortunately he's fully recovered and back to his old self, but I thought that was the start of the spiral.

My guy is appreciative of any nibbles of proper meats we give him, but he goes bezerk for tuna. You put a scoop in his bowl and it disappears instantly.

But yeah, fuss her as often as you can too.

>> No.15828636
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>> No.15828637

This. Some kind of meat with a whole lota unsalted butter.

>> No.15828638

Thanks bros. She still has some time left, I just wanna make sure she's as happy as possible. I cooked her a chicken liver the other day and she loved it. It is tough because the vet said the tooth extraction would fix her nostril but it didn't and I don't know how long she has left

>> No.15828642

unironically my dog really likes sardines

>> No.15828649

when my dog was knocking on deaths door, i made him steamed trout with boiled peas and carrots, all mashed together, he loved that. Sorry for your dog, OP, it's painful

>> No.15828654

Holy Fuck! Is that a greyhound?

Probably shouldn't give her anything to rich. She won't want the shits whilst she on her death bed.

>> No.15828661

Nothing wrong with giving them plenty of treats they like, but any beloved pets final meal should be something made with love, not bought.

>> No.15828663
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my parents put my dogs down without letting me or my sisters know beforehand and then they were just gone.
4 times

>> No.15828674

Because your parents love you and wanted to spare you the torment of saying goodbye. Go thank them.

>> No.15828682

I get that, and that was their reason, still sucked though. Would've sucked no matter what so it is what it is I guess

>> No.15828696
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Close, she's a whippet. She gets the runs from too much fat, so I have to be careful.

>> No.15828719

I used to have a whippet. Lovely dogs. I've spent a lot of time with greyhounds too. Sight hounds are special dogs.

Hope yours isn't suffering too much. Mine died from kidney disease

>> No.15828722

When my dog was dyin I gave her ground beef cooked with some salt

>> No.15828725

Pork tenderloin is extremely lean. Make a pork roast and dice it up for her. Toss in some peas and carrots if you like.

>> No.15828742

I would hate that. My last dog was gone mentally before he got put down. This time it's different, she is totally lucid and the rest of her body is still healthy. Whatever is on her nose is getting bigger though. The vet thought it was an abcess or maybe cancer.

>> No.15828746

good nite sweet puppers

>> No.15828751

I constantly stop at Sams Club and pick up the five dolllar Rotisserie chicken for my dogs.

>> No.15828763

I save 2 when I eat deenz - 1 for each of my dogs. They keep licking their bowls for a good 5 minutes afterwards.

>> No.15828769

>tooth extraction would fix her nostril
can we get some more info? i always get invested in internet doggo

>> No.15828792

this. is it certain that she's gonna die or is the procedure painful and possibly not worth it?

>> No.15828795


>> No.15828797

Friend of mine had a vizsla that had cancer on its snout. Tried and failed to convince him to put it out of it's misery before it was too late. He was a good guy, but just couldn't bring himself to do it. Pour thing ended up with a gaping hole going all the way through to it's mouth and was on pain killers that made it walk like a drunk for six months before he finally put it down. Don't let it get that far if it's cancer, regardless of how hard it is to say goodbye.

>> No.15828801

I have some cans, but they are in oil. I will get some water ones. She used to like nibbling the canned clams when I would bring her fishing.

>> No.15828807

on a side note, my old pupper loved sweet potato mash with peas and a side of fish or roast beef

>> No.15828818

yeah it's more humane to just put them down when they arent in constant pain, i waited a week too long with my own dog and i still regret it

>> No.15828835

The vet said it would get better from the extraction, but after the antibiotics ran out it started getting better again. I want to take her back to the vet but my mom doesn't. She thinks it's better not to do more antibiotics, and from what I read online that's all they can really do now. We wouldn't be able to to cancer treatment so we aren't gonna get a test for it.

>> No.15828847

get the cancer test, if it comes up positive for cancer, put the poor pupper down. It's the best thing to do in the long run, take it from me, i've been there

>> No.15828860


>> No.15828861

Meant to say started getting bigger, as in more inflammation. It seems like when we go on walks it gets a little smaller temporarily, so we have been going 2 miles every other day. I started with shorted distances but her endurance is still surprisingly good.

>> No.15828862

absolutely. let her go before you HAVE to let her go. it's god damn hard but it's the righteous thing to do.

>> No.15828866

If it's just an abscess the vet should be able to lance and drain it and make it a non issue with antibiotics. It's also quite cheap. Invest in her for one last trip to the vet to find out if it's simply an abscess, it would be shameful to put a dog down for suspected cancer when a $50 vet bill would have healed her.

>> No.15828872

>4 times
dangerously BASED

>> No.15828884

Ok I will call them up tomorrow morning and schedule it.

>> No.15829026

Go kill yourself. Seriously what goes through your head to post this misery here?

>> No.15829031

Deez nuts

>> No.15829081

You shouldn't feed your testicles to OP's dog.

>> No.15829125

I gave you fuckers enough recipes let me sadpost

>> No.15829133

dont listen to those fags, we're not all dicks here

>> No.15829137

Don't be such a fatalist. It's just an abscess. Get it lanced and some antibiotics and she'll be wagging her tail for a few more years anon.

>> No.15829139

Maybe cook a nice steak then throw it in the blender with some water to make like a shredded steak slop that she can eat without teeth. Sorry to hear bout your dog.

>> No.15829191

I hope you are right. I will try to get her checked out again asap.

>> No.15829201

It came about along with a bad tooth, right? That's one of the most common causes of an abscess on a dog's snout. It's FAR more likely to just be that than cancer especially considering it's appearance along with a tooth issue. She's gonna be fine anon.

>> No.15829212

Fuck her, from her size she must be fine with a human penis

>> No.15829233

I'm a vet and I think I could determine if it's a tumor or an abscess if OP posted some well lighted pics of her nostril/inflamed area. also if he checked her temperature and if it's hard or soft to the touch

>> No.15829245

That the thing gets smaller with antibiotics and with exercise really makes me agree that it's an abcess. Good on op for making an appointment now. Ask about paying in parts if you need it, op.

>> No.15829504

I've had 2 dogs live full lives (20, and 16 years old) and for their final meals I made them their favorite dishes they'd beg for when I ate.
Shit sucks, anon. Keep it simple. She's a dog, and may not notice a huge flavor profile or a complex dish, but she'll know the difference between kibble and real shit, and more than that, she'll know the difference between leftovers and scraps, and the good shit.

Also, be there for her when she goes. I assume you're getting her put down, make sure you're there, make sure you're holding her, make sure she gets to look at you, cause she's far more terrified, scared, and hurt than you will be.

>> No.15829542

kys thx.

>> No.15829562

Pot roast, real fatty cut of meat, carrots and potatoes

>> No.15829622

Let us know how it turned out and cook her the meal regardless of prognosis. Celebrating a happy life of love or another tomorrow, either way she's earned it

>> No.15829657

This. Maybe some cooked rice as well if you want to make it extra filling.

>> No.15829664

>What should I cook for her before she goes?
you mean "how"?

>> No.15831145

family has given every dog about to die a nice big juice seared steak

>> No.15831161

A nice cheesey butter burger. Mayo only condiment. Check out dog deserts online too.

>> No.15831601

Do it

>> No.15831669

Cats rule.

>> No.15831671

Shouldn't that post be accompanied by a wojack or pepe like a good little NPC zoom zoom?

>> No.15831712
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your cat will die also anon, and when it does, remember that most people prefer dogs and if you tell anyone they won't feel as bad as they would if it were a dog. But you are right, cats do rule.

>> No.15831725
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All pets rule. No exceptions. It's literally a beast that has tricked you into feeding and caring for it. By definition it rules you. No need for semantics.

>> No.15831831
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>> No.15832139

im sorry about your dog anon, give her some scratches and regards from anon

>> No.15832161
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>Letting go of a dog is very difficult.
You get used to it, or maybe it just seems insignificant once you lose someone you love.

>> No.15832246
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ah, reminds me my little ratdog. this granny had no teeth left in her mouth in her final years but lived to eat food. any food I made or bought, she always got a decent chunk of because I knew intuitively that she didn't have much time left.

>> No.15832267

Most dogs really like offal. Good luck anon, your going to carry that weight.

>> No.15832276

Nah that's a load of shit. When your dog is panicking on the table because they're about to be euthanized the least you can do is cry like a baby and let them see you in their last moments.

>> No.15832281

My dog was really calm when he got the shot, but the whole family was there with him so I'm sure that helped. I hope it did at least

>> No.15832317

there is something royally fucked up about serving an animal the flesh of another animal.

>> No.15832358

I used to feed her bunnies that I would shoot in the garden. She would get so excited when she saw them outside. I let her watch me butcher and cook them so she understood exactly what was going on. She absolutely loved those things. I wonder if I can get rabbit meat at a store nearby.

>> No.15832364

Begone faggot, the only messed up things is to feed an animal the same animal. Except for chickens, those guys will eat another chicken on their own.

>> No.15832458

yeah ok carnies, enjoy your heart disease and colon cancer. I'll enjoy being healthy for the rest of my life.

>> No.15832466

Enjoy weighing 90 lbs and having hair fall out of your head fucking dyel faggot

>> No.15832515

They don't just give them the fatal shot, retard. They give them a mix of painkillers and sedatives first, like with people before they get a lethal injection.

>> No.15832583
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Ours loved a raw frozen bone to gnaw on like an icelolly in Summer.
I think you're not supposed to give them cooked bones or any bones from birds, but swine, cow, or lamb should be fine raw.
On the day we had to put her down I gave her some lightly fried porkliver. She seemed to like that too.

I'm sorry you're about the lose her, OP

>> No.15833371

Well, when your moma dies, remember that the only people that care about whales are greenpeace hippies.

>> No.15833503

cool non sequitur

>> No.15833508

probably another dog. If I was on my death bed and i got to try a human steak for the experience I think I would want to

>> No.15834526

Just got pack from the vet. They think its a tumor now. I don't know if I should let them put her down, or if I should take her camping and do it when she falls asleep. She is so scared at the vet.

>> No.15834814

Just kill the dog dude. Enough of the drama. Don’t be such a pussy waffling around. Do exactly what you said your gonna do. Give her a good proper meal and send her off. Don’t be a faggot about it.

>> No.15835189

My childhood dog loved peanut butter as much as the day itself, and I'd imagine that'd be easy enough to eat without any teeth at all. Stay strong, brother.

>> No.15835205

fuck off, nonwhite. you would never understand the bonds normal humans form with their dogs.

>> No.15835233

I share creeme brulee with mine. It's our special meal.

>> No.15835244

Buy her KFC

>> No.15835529

Hamburger hash, day in day out.

>> No.15835538

based parents, buying family pets just so they can euthanize them without your consent at the earlier convenience

>> No.15835542

You've never had to put down an old dog before, have you?

>> No.15835564

minced beef and scrambled eggs cooked in bacon fat
i had do put my dog down a few years ago. i cried like a little girl.

>> No.15835602
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Sight-hounds are the best doggos.

>> No.15835655
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When my dog passed we baked him a few pounds of chicken breast because he couldn't make it to his bowl, don't know if i've ever seen him so happy.

>> No.15836066

>millions of people die in Africa each day
>one dog dies on /ck/ and everyone loses their mind

>> No.15836072

What a remarkably optimistic post.

>> No.15836194

I like dogs more than I like people

>> No.15836977 [DELETED] 
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>suggesting niggers are people

>> No.15837022

um based

>> No.15837031


>> No.15837041

Me too

Dogs > people. Its an objective fact.

>> No.15837054

I'd love to shiv you in the jugular and end your misery.

>> No.15837177

seething lib

>> No.15837183

nah just hate twinks like you

>> No.15837220

t. twinkversatile

>> No.15837445

>soft is better
That's not what she said. I have a husband you can use. His dick is broken from the porn, so it softens after 2~ minutes, perfect treat for pupper.

>> No.15837465

Many nations and peoples have went in and tried to help, from building entire infrastructures to food and education. They refuse to keep anything in good shape or revert back to their voodoo religions, raping children to cure them of aids, or hunting down albino for their blood and bones. Fuck off, bleeding heart gigantic faggot.

>> No.15837476

Praying for her and you. I hope she makes it

>> No.15837736

OP. Pork tenderloin is extremely lean.
Don't bother cooking it, just trim the fat cap off if you feel it's too fatty. The meat itself all protein with no marbling.

>> No.15837820

im sorry about your dog. theyre lucky to have you

>> No.15837945

Puree hot dog and cheese whiz

>> No.15837955

I wish for the best, anon. She's a lovely dog. Stand by her until the end and maybe it will turn out to not be happening just yet.

>> No.15837963

We're all animals, anon. Humans got a big head about being able to use the internet and wear pants, that's all.

>> No.15837983

if you have a pressure cooker, make some really gelatinous chicken or beef stock. just fill the pot with chicken wings and ox tails, and cook it for 90 minutes. when it's cold, it should be a meat jello. my dog would go absolutely nuts for it: a scoop of the meat jello was second only to string cheese as his favorite thing in the world.

>> No.15838003

umm im pretty sure she would have had plenty of pats in her life time bro. thats half the reason for owning a dog

>> No.15839218

Stuff with gravy. They like the salty fats. I'd say liver but I don't know about the chewing.

>> No.15839231

I lost my sister and inherited her cat. Then one night two years later the cat started making pained meowing sounds. I wanted to take her to the vet on the morning, so I just held her. She started convulsing for a few seconds and then was gone.
It really wrecked me.

>> No.15839256

Don’t try to save them, just make sure their journey is as comfortable as possible. In the end, they decide how hard they fight or do not fight, and your role really is to validate whatever decision they make with love. Basically, give the love you yourself won’t get (barring an amazing family), and the love you can provide will hopefully level you up in whatever is beyond this life.

A good rule pf thumb is whatever they’re interested in, food-wise, just give them that. Good luck anon, and please don’t try to make them stay when they’e decided to go.

>> No.15839311

>duality of man, the thread

>> No.15839317

Whatever she likes knowing this from the years you owned her