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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15822011 No.15822011 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: worst alcohol/liquor you have ever tried

>> No.15822017
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>> No.15822024
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>> No.15822032

$16 for a handle of 92 proof was not worth it. it tasted like a cinnamon was dumped into moonshine.

>> No.15822173

Talisker 10

>> No.15822305

Thanks, I just had flashbacks to drinking an entire bottle of that.

>> No.15822402

Shouldn't have done that then.

>> No.15822439
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Green chartreuse, can't find a picture smaller than 4mb tho

>> No.15822453

Talisker skye

>> No.15822475


crowne russe vodka closely followed by white tavern

>> No.15822482

That's actually my favorite. I went to a restaurant in Austin that had it.
Made the already good experience better because nobody serves it where I live.

>> No.15822668


>> No.15822722

Fucking GRAPPA

>> No.15822728
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$2 bottle of bum wine
bought one just to try it. I poured 90% of it down the toilet.

>> No.15822784

Ardbeg Uigedail and Ardbeg Corryvreckan

>> No.15822787

Skol 100 Proof

>> No.15822855
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>> No.15822865

Anything Springbank

>> No.15822909

well, it was in a cheap supermarket that sold 1 liter vodka for 5 euro in france. it was terrible. tasted and smelled like fuel and gave me a terrible headache. don't remember the brand

>> No.15822941

michelob ultra
literally flushed a free six pack down the toilet

>> No.15822964

I had a chinese friend in college who brought over some truly vile chinese liquor one time, I have no idea what it was. The dude was cool though he would take shots of bacardi 151 like a champ

>> No.15822970

Looks like sewage water

>> No.15823035

It was probably baijiu, rice hooch. Has an industrial smell.

>> No.15823039
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tastes like rotten banana peels and nail polish remover. the consistency is literally slimy

>> No.15823776
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>once I was in a Safeway with gf and she wanted this bottle really really badly
>the bottle was in the shape of a fish and looked pretty cool. she bought it for the bottle
>can't remember wtf the name of it was but it was white wine
>there's pescevino and opici out there but it wasn't either of these
>it was so bad neither of us could finish our glasses and we poured both glasses and the
>entire bottle down the drain. I guess you were paying for the really cool bottle
>it was like 20 bucks
I've tried all the different types of bum wines out there and it was way WORSE than that

>> No.15823786
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This. Worst vodka ever.
Even when frozen for 5 days, still feel the brashness.

I will happily second (you) on the goodness of Chartreuse.
A Lebanese came over to north western US after a bout in France. She came with a fifth of this liquor after a long flight. She shared it amongst us after she froze it for a day.
It was an excellent drink, minty and liquory in right amounts. I will soon not forget this liquor and gladly pass it on when I can.

>> No.15824076
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>> No.15824173

Its any flavored smirnoff for me

>> No.15824596
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tasted like rotten chocolate milk

>> No.15824610
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Chinks actually pay $400+ per bottle for this trash. It's as tasteful as gutter oil.

>> No.15824617
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>> No.15824625
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>here is your leather belt flavored "whisky" gaijin

>> No.15824653

I split an unsalted bottle of shaoxing cooking wine mixed with sprite with another backpacker in a hostel because we couldn't read the label. We asked the hostel manager if it's safe to drink it and he said "well, homeless people do" I still cringe thinking about the smell.

>> No.15824728

It probably grows on you.

>> No.15824894
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Back when I used to go winter camping with friends, we'd keep a bottle of this next to the cabin's woodstove and bring it out as punishment shots during drinking games. "Black Tar", the worst I've ever tasted by far

>> No.15825023

The VSOP chartreuse is incredibly goodm

>> No.15825030

This stuff is actually delicious.

>> No.15825038

Chartreuse is fucking good. Prepare it ice cold with a sugar cube, like absinthe

>> No.15825060

Toki is a pretty mild drink. It's just oak and some honey flavor

>> No.15825067

These posts were paid for by Diageo.

>> No.15825071

that'll be $35.99 plus tip and tax

>> No.15825249

Shit is vile. Tastes like that bitter cake frosting they used to use on those cheapo custom birthday cakes.

>> No.15825257

Is this real or is it some kind of early 2010s nostalgia humor?

>> No.15825284
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fucking vile, not sure how it's possibly filtered three times

>> No.15825289
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This abomination. Or just about any flavored microbrew.

Seriously chocolate, coconut? Jalapeno? Peanut?

Beer is perfect. Why make it undrinkable.

>> No.15825294

nothing wrong with a chocolate stout, unnaturally flavored yes, is gross, but the way stouts are made they already have a slight chocolate taste to them, a little natural chocolate added is good.

>> No.15825667
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Poles be like;
>hmmm what can we add to this already horrendous spirit by way of flavouring and taste? Ah yes, grass

>> No.15825671
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Preface: I'm not much of a drinker, and I don't really like most alcohol at the best of times.

The worst I've ever had was this anise-scented Turkish liquor that my sister's ex bought for her. It was incredibly strong but didn't even really taste like alcohol. It was a pure, intense anise flavour which I really can't stand.

>> No.15825676
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Tasted like sugary piss

>> No.15825682
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this shit
absolute poison, took one shot and felt nauseous for the rest of the night

>> No.15825689

Second this. I haven't had that particular brand but the baijiu I have had is fucking gross. It starts kind of interesting but finishes on a note of rubber/tyres

>> No.15825702

you must to add water to raki you dip

>> No.15825703

Why is 4chan nothing but automated bots.

>> No.15825715

What are you? A 16 year old girl?

>> No.15825718

We did. It made it taste like cough medicine.

>> No.15825724

You just needed to freeze it for a few more days bro

>> No.15825767

That's a rip-off price but I paid $30 and would buy it regularly if it were $25. I can't believe it's anyone's worst drink they ever had

>> No.15825826
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Couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth for what felt like 3 days

>> No.15825845
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This beer. It was absolutely undrinkable and vile. Figures as it comes from Manchester and nothing good comes from Manchester.

>> No.15825909

I've had this before, pretty underwhelming beer but I've honestly had far worse.

>> No.15825997


overly sweet low abv garbage

>> No.15826005
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nastiest shit in the world

>> No.15826027
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Baijiu. Fuck this shit.

>> No.15826054
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So terribly bland for its price tag

>> No.15826195
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>> No.15826202
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christmas gift years ago, never poured something down the drain faster

>> No.15826212

>adding sugar to chartreuse

wanna know how i know youre fat?

>> No.15826225

Why? It tastes like seltzer water basically

>> No.15826501

orange is good, but like all 99 drinks its very sugary and thick

>> No.15826537

Gotta freeze it LONGER then 5 days anon

>> No.15826548

Agreed bland is the perfect word.

They rye is “watery”? But also yes very bland

>> No.15826559
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>> No.15826568

That sounds incredibly bad. Who OK'd this?

>> No.15826576

>Weebs will pay for it every time
I've still got a bottle of it in the cabinet, it collects dust since I can make a highball out of practically anything and it doesn't HAVE to be le japanese nippon alcohol.
Shit, in Japan Suntory has been pushing Jim Beam highballs as a big thing. You can get a huge handle of beam for dirt cheap and make decent highballs out of it.
I personally make a highball out of some sweeter Irish whiskey I have on hand.

>> No.15826578

fuck you

>> No.15826583

I made the mistake of buying a handle of this, I use it to make Old Fashioned since all the other flavors cancel out how bland the drink is by itself.
Woodford is leagues better bourbon in the same price range as Bulleit.

>> No.15826598

I once tried a home made anisette with lollipop. Absolute vile. It was made with Legendre Herbsaint.

Yes, I hate anise and life is suffering.


>> No.15826624

I’ve tried moutai and I can’t stand baijiu it’s actually so vile

>> No.15826782
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>> No.15826789
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I don't see how people drink this shit. Literally tastes like gasoline.

>> No.15826795
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if you gave me one of these not only would I refuse but I would be offended

>> No.15826816

svedka cucumber lime vodka
picked it up from the corner store when I was already drunk off my ass, only thing I've ingested that made me throw up from the taste alone

>> No.15826824

I was made to drink one of those as part of an initiation ritual to a warband

>> No.15826832

It's good, you retard. A refreshing summer drink

>> No.15826833

I got alcohol poisoning from this when I was 14. Good times

>> No.15826836

if you have shit taste maybe

>> No.15826837

This is probably one of those that makes the rounds as a gift.
Person 1 gets it as a gift, decides they don't want to drink it so they gift it to person 2. And the cycle will repeat

>> No.15826838

Any flavored vodka
First time I ever got alcohol poisoning was in my sophomore year of high school off of watermelon smirnoff

>> No.15826840

This shit is good kill yourself retard

>> No.15826843

So when you are not a 16 year old girl, you'll start to like fireball?
I think you didn't understand the point of this thread

>> No.15826864

Akvavit. I bought it at the airport in Copenhagen at the end of a trip since it was cheap and a local thing I hadn't tried before.
Turned out to taste of dill, and I fucking hate dill. Gave it away to family who said it was fine.

>> No.15826905
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>> No.15826906

Fuck you asshole

>> No.15826981
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chicago actually bottles and sells this sewer water

>> No.15827004


next time make some risotto

>> No.15827064

Plastic bottle for 53% alcohol?

>> No.15827076

It's not plastic. It's painted ceramic.

It's too bad that baijiu is so offensive to the western palate. I guess it's the prolific use of grains that you don't really see in western liquors like sorghum, millet, etc. I've seen westerners similarly dislike sochu which can be made from stuff like sweet potatoes, buckwheat, etc.

I quite like the taste, though I also grew up drinking it at family potlucks. It's really too bad about the price, though. My favorite is Wuliangye.

>> No.15827104

I agree

u showed him

>> No.15827110

>sugary piss

ah, sweet nectar.

>> No.15827118

Chicago native -- nobody actually drinks this shit. I think it might just be the punchline to some sort of cruel joke.

>> No.15827158
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Heinous drink, II can't believe I got smoozed into buying it.

>> No.15827167

nasty shit

>> No.15827392

It's very floral. I've had earthy, leathery whiskey before and this isn't it.
This is a very odd post. Why are you framing it like whisky becomes useless if it's not usable specifically in highballs? Did you learn your drinking habits from weebs, then "refine" them? I don't give a shit if a Jack and Bubbly something or another is more popular in Japan, I drink toki neat just like I do many scotches and bourbons. And yeah, I totally would not use Toki as a mixer in highballs, that's a waste, but it's not the right tool for the job, just like I would rather drink toki straight over most irish whisky.

>> No.15827426

When it's cold and in an aluminum can it tastes really good. It's got a slightly sour and weet bitter taste, pretty good desu
nah it's shit and is for fags

>> No.15827505

I guess you must be a fag then since you’ve tried it

>> No.15827590
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>> No.15827704

Diageo trash

Knob Creek, Woodford, Old Forester, and Wild Turkey 101 all mog Bulliet

>> No.15827789
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Absolutely vile, easily one of the worst things I've ever tasted. Couldn't find a single way to drink this shit that didn't taste like paint thinner and bleach.

Damn near everything in the $20-40 has more flavor and complexity than Bulleit.

I mean they're not good but certainly drinkable, somewhere between a mediocre lager and Colt 45 in flavor.

>> No.15827796
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Tastes like an ashtray compared to to even semi-decent vodka

>> No.15827848

I like mixing the peach one with sweet and sour

>> No.15828014

Any beer

>> No.15828029
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>> No.15828196

I came here to post this. What the fuck?

>> No.15828216

I impulse bought this at the local store and I enjoyed it

>> No.15828220

First underage purchase was a case of these me and a friend in college paid a homeless guy to get. Paid him $20 to buy them and gave him another $20 because we were so happy to have it.

Horrendous taste and only drank a couple each. The rest sat under a bed a couple months until a dorm mate drank enough of them to need a hospital visit.

>> No.15828233
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Absolutely godawful.

It really fit the last season of GoT.

>> No.15828237
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Not sure why I'm the 1st one to post this

>> No.15828242
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this is awful
also tabasco george dickel

>> No.15828269
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A friend bought one for me as a joke and I nearly threw up after just tasting it.

>> No.15828343
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Swedish OG version

>> No.15828394
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imo this is worse, take jack and shove a FUCK TON of sweetness into it

>> No.15828402

I like how everyone talks about how good and smooth it is as they gag on their shot. Every single time

>> No.15828415

I like this if you add some water to dilute the sweetness

>> No.15828423

the 48 pack of kirkland brand light beer when they still made it. Took me 2 months to get through it and I'm a fucking alcoholic

>> No.15828434
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it tastes like lemon scented floor cleaner mixed 50/50 with rubbing alcohol

>> No.15828439
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Gilby's is pretty damn bad at $15 a big handle. I can't palate Bud light but surely there's a beer I've hated more, maybe a bacon sour I tried once in FL and I really don't like coriander in beer but that's just me.
I'm surprised it's your worst. Some vodkas are just filled with impurities that add no flavor, or have other kinds of alcohol in them or something.
There are worse whiskeys, that's why. Early Times and Fleischmann aren't even the worst whiskey I've had, they're downright good compared to some others like maybe Fletcher or kentucky gentleman, but I'm not sure.

>> No.15828453


In Minnesota they use this to pickle fish

>> No.15828465

Any colored liquor makes me extremely sick the next day.

>> No.15828470


Mmmm, the 'Ole shitty K

>> No.15828479

the green apple was the same

>> No.15828487

Tbh, the green apple was fine compared to the lemonade

>> No.15828488

woman detected

>> No.15828511

>chocolate, coconut? Jalapeno? Peanut?
Many times when you see a novelty its b/c a micro fucked it up but since their small they cant afford to dump it. So they mask it or make up their own meme style so they dont get called on it.
t. Gf makes beer 4 money

>> No.15828522

You must barely drink any alcohol at all if that is your worst.

>> No.15828587

Smells like urine, but honestly the flavor isn't the worst

>> No.15829216

>you have to drink utter shit in plastic bottles or you're not really drinking!
lol alkie cope

>> No.15829318

I literally just got a bottle of the mango and blueberry ones

>> No.15829536

>anus-scented Turkish liquor
>pure, intense anus flavour
Sounds p good homo

>> No.15829564
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shittier than cheaper vodka like platinum

>> No.15829603

I'm just saying that you can do way more worse than absolut.

>> No.15830119
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This shit is vile.

I love gin and Beefeater makes a solid drink. I figured that, at worst, it'll taste like some stupid girly sugary alcohol with a twinge of juniper. Nah. It tastes like artificial vomit. I tried to drown it in an overblown cocktail and couldn't hide the "flavor." Absolutely disgusting. I have no idea who buys this shit. I've had a better flavor experience vomiting greasy mexican food.

>> No.15830415

tasted like cotton candy
I had no idea travis scott made it otherwise I wouldn't have picked one up

>> No.15830461


>> No.15830466

>Damn near everything in the $20-40 has more flavor and complexity than Bulleit.
lol no. I bet you drink maker's mark onionsboy

>> No.15830473
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>it's fucking $50AUD now
was $21 that's the only reason I drank it

>> No.15830507
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saaaaid colt forty-five and two zigzags is all we neeeed

>> No.15830523

My friend’s dad actually quite likes the taste of it, I guess it’s something that’s more enjoyable when you’re older.
For me it was like drinking a tire.

>> No.15830612
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To this day, the only liquid that has managed to make me vomit, and I'm saying this as a man who has drunk piss

>> No.15830679

definitely up there. shit is absolutely fowl.

>> No.15830693
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High abv + low price = fun

>> No.15830710

Taaka gin was so bad that i i wanted to throw it in the garbage can.

>> No.15830727
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peanut butter whiskey needs to FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW

>> No.15830788

Your fault for buying it bro

>> No.15830816
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imagine campari without the fruit

>> No.15831060

Laird's applejack is wonderful, if you can find the real stuff. The liquor store near me only sells the blended version that is mixed with their grain spirit which I'm pretty sure they originally distilled to degrease engines. That shit is foul.

>> No.15831262
File: 15 KB, 320x307, 3B32A937-138A-43B1-A48E-89DF70C86D4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bourbon whiskey
>37% alcohol

>> No.15831268
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it tastes like the perfume of a sebian grandmother.

>> No.15831299

A few of my friends were talking about Tito's and they said it was fantastic, so I bought a handle. The flavor is awful and it isn't even smooth to back it up. Deep Eddy's is probably one of the better vodkas I've had.

As for my worst alcohol, I bought my father a bottle of Black Label and tried it. It's gasoline, but also doesn't taste good. It's the single thing I've drank that I'll never drink again.

>> No.15831303

some flavored vodka, it was so nasty that I used it to clean sink.

>> No.15831305

Chartreuse is fucking great. Idk what's wrong with you.

>> No.15831309

This right fucking here

>> No.15831310

Here's another one, it was left over by my mom. Some weird long bottle and I deciced to try that out, how horrible that was. I'm glad I didn't guzzle that one because it was horrible!

>> No.15831321

Hard disagree, Screwball is great. It's super easy and not challenging at all but if you like sweet it's fucking excellent.

>> No.15831325

Have a trifecta
>Fleischman's Vodka, sadly not the same company that makes the mustard
>Johnny Walker Black Label, gagged a little remembering it just now
>Jose Cuervo Gold

>> No.15831331

Black labels not great but for a blended whiskey it’s alright. Only ever drink that while travelling since it’s about the only decent whiskey a lot of places have

>> No.15831335

this shit looks like it tastes atrocious

>> No.15831352

confirmed tastelet, Suntory is al/ck/ approved

>> No.15831356

I mean the one I bought was nothing but peat; I enjoy some, but it was like suffocating in liquor bog.

Might have been when I was just getting into whiskey.

>> No.15831376

Thanks faggot frog poster, nobody knew that before you

>> No.15831407

i love this shit plus it gets me drunk fast enough to keep drinking them. usually buy like 4 from the gas station for like $6,49

>> No.15831410

the 40oz glass bottles are far superior

>> No.15831423
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>be me
>buy locally distilled whiskey
>sip on the rocks
>it's peanut butter flavored
>pour bottle down the drain

>> No.15831436

this stuff is actually pretty bland for malt liquor, it's like drinking miller high life.

>> No.15831537

Can you not read?

>> No.15831545

All liquor.
Drink fucking water you degenerate scum. Worry about your damn health.

>> No.15831550
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>> No.15831698


>> No.15831704

Yes I dislike anise liquors bc I hate anise taste, but in Spain people like them

>> No.15831722

Corona beer is OK beer


>> No.15831757

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Jim Bean. Handsdown the worst spirit I have ever had.

>> No.15831807
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Outta the way pussies

>> No.15831852
File: 166 KB, 800x1200, canadian-mist-whiskey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jim beam is just cheap bourbon, cheap canadian whiskey is far worse.

>> No.15831861
File: 306 KB, 597x559, acdfsadfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I was just about to post this

this tastes truly horrendous and I drink pretty cheap alcohol. with every sip it feels like your soul is leaving your body and sinking into the earth. when I drink with my roommate this is the batsu drink

>> No.15831871
File: 74 KB, 474x985, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I had it was at a party in college. A few shots of caused me to get blackout drunk, one of only two times in my life (and the other time i had what turned out to be hypothermia). Before passing out I very vaguely remember purposely headbutting a closet door. That will also be the last time I ever drank it.

It tastes like rotten dried herbs fermented in diabetic piss, too. It's the brew of the evil one.

>> No.15831884


>> No.15831886

It's decent but it's not a patch on their 2000-yen grocery store Special Reserve, the most delicious cheapo whiskey in existence.

>> No.15831894
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>> No.15831902
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alcohol isn't like petrol that react with plastic. its fine.

>> No.15831923

JW Black is my dad's favorite, and I came to like it as well from all the times he let me sneak a sip throughout my childhood. Tried Red expecting it would be similar, just a little more watered-down, and was stunned by how much worse it is.

>> No.15831932

Plain OGD? Bonded? 114?
Note that $55 USD is double what even the 114 should cost.

>> No.15831939


>> No.15831944

i can't believe there are people who hate herbal liqueurs

>> No.15831946
File: 190 KB, 636x1200, carlo-rossi-burgundry-4L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love those big bottles of rossi before box wine took its place.

>> No.15831949
File: 262 KB, 1512x1512, game-of-thrones-johnnie-walker-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local liquor store had these two on sale. Fire was horrible, worse than piss. Ice wasn't amazing, but drinkable. For half price I'd probably buy it again.

>> No.15831955

>people who hate herbal liqueurs
It hates me.

I like absinthe and other, even herbier stuff fine, it's just this one particular variety seems to be my sworn enemy.

>> No.15831956


>> No.15831957

my mom always brew herbal booze from dried leaves, bark and roots. its fine.

>> No.15831961

I remember trader joes selling those bottles for like $7.99 because nobody would buy it. They used to sell cupcake 40% vodka for $2.99 a bottle just to get rid of it.

>> No.15832014
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>drinking while hunting
Do Danes really?

>> No.15832141

Jager, anything with Cinnamon, Sambuca, and not exactly horrible but Wild Turkey makes me psychotic.

>> No.15832144

You have to be 21 to post here

>> No.15832154

Suntory is pretty good. Even if you're not a Whisky guy, it's fairly mild.

>> No.15832159
File: 152 KB, 960x540, gotjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't even a novelty flavored tho. It was just a fatal branding error. But it was hands down the best deal I ever had on scotch.

>> No.15832213

>Yoo-Hoo and shit-tier red.
Who does this appeal to, exactly? I’m at a loss.

>> No.15832218

thats because theres like 20-ish% Scotch in a bottle if you are lucky. also fuck Diageo

>> No.15832239

Smirnoffshill detected.

>> No.15832248


>> No.15832282

Some of the most vile shit I’ve ever sipped. Ditto for any Anise liqueurs.

>> No.15832322

This is the only vodka I enjoy drinking straight

>> No.15832342

I'll have bailey's and coffee in a thermos when I duck hunt to catch a buzz/fight a hangover but never anything strong.
Think I'd probably stumble into the lip of the blind and shoot myself.

>> No.15832362

I tried their rye as my first and didn't think it was anything special. I later picked up a bottle of George Dickel rye and it's far better despite coming from the same distillery.

>> No.15832736

>he hasn't swigged 140+ proof moonshine straight from the jar
Locally produced hooch is always gonna be the vilest shit.

>> No.15832768
File: 57 KB, 450x600, Cut_Overproof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any sickly sweet spiced rum is horrible but this is the worst offender. nothing can mask the taste. truly vile

crazy ass niggas
i drank a 70cl of this to myself one night and the next day my shit was a dark green almost black colour & i thought i had internal bleeding

>> No.15832796

what is wrong with that mans head is this fetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.15832835

I've had some excellent grappa/marc

>> No.15832837

Lol a friend of mine had tons of jars of grappa with different herbs and fruits in them. Every time I visited we drank a different one, it was kind of a lottery, great fun. My mom still remembers when she lived with some relatives of her who distilled the stuff at home, she could feel the smell way before getting home. (Yes, I'm from Veneto)

>> No.15832843

Toki is literally cheap shit designed to be mixed in with club soda for a highball.

>> No.15832893

t. poor

>> No.15832956

>Absolutely vile,
Red is literally whatever spills on the floor bottled to use as mixer and nothing else. You're not supposed to taste it

>> No.15833048
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I think he just suffers from Italianism

>> No.15833064

Anything seltzer... I thought it going to be the next best thing. But it was shit!

>> No.15833089
File: 22 KB, 499x498, literally water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was like drinking water with a touch of bourbon, with the same mouthfeel as rubbing alcohol.
Truly the worst alcoholic drink I've ever tasted.

>> No.15833319
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Worse than VB.

>> No.15833327
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>> No.15833459
File: 45 KB, 360x360, ed6342ff-0d0d-472b-8f2a-ddd7a5d72594_360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff takes like actual gasoline.

>> No.15833858

IF you only have one or two they’re alright

>> No.15833888

That stuff is vile

>> No.15834015
File: 36 KB, 426x800, pitu-cacha_a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or as me and my friends call it, Shrimp booz. Took one shot about 2 years ago and I want to puke whenever I smell it.

>> No.15834057

Weird I’m from BC and how have I never heard of this. Never seen it once in a liquor store here

>> No.15834074
File: 5 KB, 194x259, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't even find a way to mix this that wasn't terrible. It smells like paint thinner.

>> No.15834112
File: 160 KB, 512x361, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking foul

>> No.15834134

Yep overpriced celebrity endorsed plonk

>> No.15834148

Bad opinion. Everyone I've gotten to try this stuff loves it

>> No.15834153
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What the fuck? Why did you even try it?

>> No.15834155

It's 20$, but their rye is better

>> No.15834193

Old crow was neutered when they were bought. Old crow reserve was better and cheaper than evan williams black and honestly on par with Jack daniels, but it couldn't be a real market player so they ditched it to make more money

>> No.15834333

is red label good enough as a mixer and/or for highballs?

>> No.15834355
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>> No.15834387
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my first scotch

>> No.15834425

Jeesus, I took a handle of that to a house party in college and all but 3 of us ended up throwing up and blacked out.

Bad times, low quality rum.

Also, checked

>> No.15834433

Yep it’s fine for whiskey and coke or mixing. Not my preferred mixing whiskey but it’s ok

>> No.15834441

the only tip I can safely offer the younger generations is to stay away from cheap tequila and cheap gin

>> No.15834488
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 93c113ed065c89cba3fc1c3d9d2fa34c_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistakes were made, this swill is almost as bad

>> No.15834503

everything Truly makes is truly awful

>> No.15834535

this right here, BV is truly awful

>> No.15834552

Letherbee out of chicago makes a really great interpretation of this

>> No.15834557

You know how I know you're gay?

>> No.15834567

This isn't too bad tastes like nesquik strawberry milk. Bitches love it

>> No.15834594

have you tried it as a highball? want to try it but i'm cheap

>> No.15834603
File: 84 KB, 674x1024, 18118256264_4224d870cd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried all the seltzers and I may dislike some and never try them again. I enjoy the Truly lemonade ones the best but these... holy fuck worse seltzers in the world. Just completely pure artificial sweetener that doesn't even attempt to taste natural in any sort of way. Whatever """tea""" flavoring they used was god awful.

My pick is this piece of shit. Worse beer I have ever tasted in my life. Bar was running a special on it for $1 a brew. One sip and I knew why they were trying to get rid of it. Absolute gutter water beer.

>> No.15834622

Chose Jager as my drink for a frat hazing event in college. It was a bad, bad idea.

>> No.15834633

I liked their hard seltzer once upon a time but after trying the tea...never buying Truly again. Your description is spot on

>> No.15834636

It's usually people who just had a bad experience with it instead of buying it just to sip on

>> No.15834697
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>best before

>> No.15834765
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 160731_fj2.5l_625121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3L bottle of apple cider you can buy for like 2 dollars
I bought it as a novelty and somehow it managed to be worse than I was expecting.

>> No.15834820

Damn that looks disgusting

>> No.15835055

>hard coffee
Do stupid things faster

>> No.15835081

that shit should be illegal

fucking vile

>> No.15835086

>2 dollars
that shit is like £3 in UK

>> No.15835097

They still sell these though?

>> No.15835117

yeah, I forgot how much it actually was, only realized after i posted that 2 dollars would be like £1.60 here
all i remember is that it was cheap trash

"Ah, so this is how serious alcoholics live" I thought to myself as I contemplated that regrettable first mouthful of the bitter piss swill.

>> No.15835128
File: 65 KB, 282x500, Heaven-Hill-Whiskey-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way this is like whiskey is that it's kind of brown. What I image drinking diluted rubbing alcohol with a dash of sugar thrown in must be like.

>> No.15835160
File: 88 KB, 143x500, słodkijezu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Czech folks make great beer, but their vodkas...sweet baby jesus if they're bad
(except for Becherovka, Becherovka is ok)

>> No.15835276
File: 44 KB, 232x231, B0C775B5-1CEE-432A-BEF7-A91E2984B5B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had it in Thailand. Literally the most vile shit I’ve ever tasted

>> No.15835311

That's because you're drinking fermented corn flakes and table sugar. Try Buffalo Trace new make or scotch new make cause those actually taste good.

>> No.15835333
File: 854 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210326-175122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is absolute dog shit

>> No.15835402

Dude is this shit just exported to the US and not sold here or something. Literally never seen any of these dog shit whiskeys here in VAN

>> No.15835408

Their Jane Walker was trash as well. I bought it because I love pussy, titties, and scotch, but I wouldn't recommend it unless someone wanted to support the cause.
That's hilarious, we have 1 bottle of each at our store and they're like $30+

>> No.15835473

actually pure table sugar (at least white one, made out of sugar beetroots) is great for moonshine

>> No.15835541
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>> No.15835547

I was gonna post this lol
It was at the counter of my local liquor store for like a buck so I figured what the hell.
It literally tasted like someone squirted ketchup into a bud light, never again

>> No.15836163

Not even that bad are you retarded?

>> No.15836189
File: 32 KB, 222x590, EF7E9B96-D5D8-4CCD-BD5A-1F3C0606223E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit

>> No.15836223

>Beer is perfect. Why make it undrinkable.
Tastelet confirmed

>> No.15836315

This. It's all my dad ever bought and the few times I tried drinking it straight it made me gag and cough into the kitchen sink. Wasn't too difficult to switch him to slightly more expensive but drastically better vodka though

>> No.15836330

Svedka gives me an upset stomach, but doesn't give me a headache.

>> No.15836341

Not the worst, but hands down the most overrated and overpriced vodka on the market.

>> No.15836351
File: 59 KB, 792x528, 4L_5STlZ1dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe anyone unironically likes this liquid sewage

It tastes like ass. Literal hairy, shit-caked, unwashed ass

>> No.15836363

Lmao what kind of a bitch can't handle Jäger? Shit's delicious dude

>> No.15836400

Are you dumb in the head? It tastes like starbucks with a hint of lager and it's great

>> No.15836528
File: 26 KB, 293x613, 554241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bullshit. Bought a little 250ml bottle to spice up some store bought eggnog, and it worked great except for when i tried it on its own. It's like somebody mixed rotgut vodka with cough syrup

>> No.15836539
File: 41 KB, 571x800, 2121[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding, this shit rules.

>> No.15836559

Yep that shit is the worst brandy I’ve ever had.

>> No.15836687

I just bought one a couple weeks ago for the jug

>> No.15836819

Bite your tongue, these are great. If you like tea but hate the gut rot of twisted tea, these are great. Also they use Stevia as the sweetener which is a great idea.

>> No.15836827

They use stevia. Also oculto is trash

>> No.15837047
File: 184 KB, 245x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most disgusting drink ever
I love this stuff
I'm sure its at least average, its Corona
agreed, gives me terrible heartburn too
All terrible vodka tastes the same, what makes this so bad
How did u end up even drinking this?

>> No.15837161
File: 47 KB, 324x1200, 4090044-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drank this once, I still puke when I smell it. Imagine the shittiest vodka with a buttload of sugar

>> No.15837505
File: 2.14 MB, 1210x4936, e98cc3d1-3297-476e-8704-5d97acd2a42b_2.dad7d65739c7fb810ddf42e6e8b5c0e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like battery acid and tonic water

>> No.15837519

kek me and my buddies used to joke that if you started drinking this shit you were too far gone, couldnt be saved

>> No.15837707

Everything from your pic is vile sugary trash that belongs in the sewer.
I hate sweet wine, beer, and Liquor.
It's fine if there's some element of sweetness, but if it's not naturally sugary then you can shove it down the drain.

>> No.15837742

all liquor, drink water

>> No.15837774
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>> No.15837786

you probably drink coffee too, huh?

>> No.15837800

Honestly, I think this is one of those cases where you're just paying to have a bottle that looks like some shit from Red Dead. Tried this the other day at a friend's house, had a single glass and promptly said "fuck this" and started mooching his WT 101 instead

>> No.15837828

One of my Chicagofag friends got me to drink it when I visited without knowing what it is, I swear to god it's solely there for you guys to troll out of towners with lmao. Shit was actually vile.

I'd rather drink it than some of the lower quality NY/NJ area vodkas though. Majorska tastes like paint thinner and gave me the worst hangover of my life.

>> No.15837839
File: 1.68 MB, 880x704, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin. All Gin.

Gin is fucking nasty.

>> No.15837842

Don't worry bro I brought some Bud Lights for you

>> No.15837876

Wasn't the Jane Walker the usual Black with a lady on the bottle?
It was a cool illustration, to be sure; I saved the empty box.
>I bought it because I love pussy, titties, and scotch
nice to see a gentleman of distinction appreciating a few of life's finer pleasures

>> No.15837879

I dunno. I used to think the same thing and figured only a psychopath would drink gin straight. Then I started liking it with juice, then moved onto martinis, and now I'm drinking a glass of Beefeater while I type this.

Bad gin is some of the worst booze I've ever had, though. New Amsterdam is bottled AIDS

>> No.15837881
File: 784 KB, 650x775, mmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, don't worry I didn't forget the Butt Chug nozzle.

Really though, Bud Light makes me bloated.
Whisky and Cola is literally all I ever drink just out of sheer convenience and pure laziness to make anything else or trying to find a tasty liquor.
I like mixed drinks when they are made by other people, but I don't like paying bar prices.

I do always enjoy caesars though, very tasty.
>pic relate, but fuck celery, pickle my main nigga

>> No.15837885

>work at liquor store
>don't drink
>recommend people a lot of the shit posted in this thread

>> No.15837886

Perhaps one day I will evolve to like it as you did.

My lack of enjoyment comes from my lack of exploration with gin mixed drinks.

>> No.15837889

I question people who don't have some form of liquor in the morning coffee of a hunt.

For me, it's two jiggers of Wild Turkey Rare Breed in a 16oz thermos of McCafe Columbian

>> No.15837893
File: 19 KB, 283x700, johnnie-walker-jane-walker-edition-1_540x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand corrected.

>Jane Walker by Johnnie Walker is a new, limited-edition whisky from Master Blender Emma Walker that heroes whisky from Cardhu – a nearly 200 year old distillery in the heart of Speyside that flourished under the leadership of Elizabeth Cumming. This pioneering woman ultimately sold Cardhu to the Walker family in 1893, but played a significant role in the brand’s history.
>The new blended malt is aged ten years, featuring notes of ripe orchard fruit and white peaches, which develop into hints of baked apple and sweet cream, with a lingering dark chocolate finish.

>> No.15837926

This is better than ANY bottom shelf whiskey. And better than most mid-shelf stuff.

No idea how you can call that the worst alcohol you've tried (unless you're a teenager)

>> No.15837943

good ole heaven hill ive drank many a bottle of this in the local trailer park. watched a girl piss off a porch while i was hammered off this

>> No.15837957

Don't remember what is was called but was like 10 dollars a handle for some bourbon that tasted like rubbing alcohol mixed with bitter ass tannins. Terrible hangover too. For beer, Milwaukees best ice.

>> No.15838248

looks like perfume, at least the bottle is pretty

>> No.15838270
File: 50 KB, 667x1000, 50705000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bisongrass Vodka

Sounded interesting but tasted exactly as you'd imagine cheap vodka with grass in it would taste

>> No.15838298
File: 191 KB, 900x1200, New-Amsterdam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather drink popov or heaven hill than this horrible shit
by far the worst vodka ive ever had

>> No.15838391
File: 98 KB, 250x450, Icono_Cabernetvin65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

texas wine. worst hangover in my life. my mother also tried a glass of it and had a migraine and pounding headache for 3 days. i think we were allergic to something in it.

>> No.15838459

big chain joint or smaller shop? they give you deals?

>> No.15838473

3 shots of their gin and I was hurlin'

>> No.15838811
File: 976 KB, 3000x2695, 24a70c2250191fc55c60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute gutter tier beer larping as english ale

fuck newcastle, only alcohol i will refuse to drink

>> No.15838834
File: 71 KB, 500x500, absolut_peppar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit, absolut peppar, it was so horrible that I poured it down a sink to clear it.

>> No.15838842

aaaaaaaaaa then there's more for me

>> No.15838869

Jagermeister, real cough medicine level college level shit

>> No.15838877

>pepper flavoured vodka
I'm gonna gag just thinking about it. Ugh.

>> No.15839129
File: 27 KB, 474x752, dvsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the worst whiskey i ever drank, plus all of cheap czech rums are disgusting
i get ganging reflex and goosebumbs just by smelling it, but i blame myslef for it, i got so many times blacked out drunk becuse of jager
yeah that is disgusting, funny story is, i lost bet and hat to take shot of this with my nose, i cant no longer smell most of thing with my left nostril

>> No.15839520
File: 28 KB, 330x330, 006394900_1602252893_2000084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even store brand beer in most EU countries taste better than this.