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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 1280x720, BurgerandFries-e1548176960179-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15821855 No.15821855 [Reply] [Original]

>Burger and fries
>Burger then fries
>Fries then burger

Only one is correct.

>> No.15821871

Burger then fries.

>> No.15821881

No, I eat both at the same time, and the best bites are chewing both at once. Then, always at a pace that leaves fries evenly, so you can always have a couple fries to sop up any juice off the plate.

>> No.15821891

Fries on burger, both at once

>> No.15821899

Fries then burger
The fries are best when they're absolutely hottest. They're (usually) terrible when cold and you can't microwave them to heat them up again or they get all soggy

>> No.15821904


>> No.15821906

Burger and fries, obviously. Sides are meant to go with the flavor of your main dish, they aren't separate courses.

>> No.15821908

dubs of truth
only retards eat the burger first then fries

>> No.15821911

I eat most of the fries before i eat the burger. The fries somehow lose their flavour after eating a lot of the burger.

>> No.15821912

instead of lettuce on a burger I like to put potato chips

>> No.15821918

>shitty cavendish style shoestrings
This is the only answer. Only autistic fucks eat one part of the meal at a time.

>> No.15821945

>knows types of French fries
>calls others autistic

Don't choke on all that cock you're guzzling, faggot.

>> No.15821954

>knowledge isn't power; it's autism
You are probably right wing and a christian.

>> No.15822001

knowing all the different types of fries is how i got elected to the US Senate, true story

>> No.15822009

Damn, too bad you don't know how to dish out a comeback though
I still can't get over how boring and shitty this meal looks.

>> No.15822019

>Damn, too bad you don't know how to dish out a comeback though
uhhhh yes he does objective 3rd party confirming you've been roasted motherfucker

>> No.15822037
File: 126 KB, 1200x689, 8FMIkmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>akshually knowing different types of fries gives me power!

>> No.15822047
File: 77 KB, 800x800, 02e987939a918f6acb8a29f5dbc960b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15822069

>samefagging this hard without changing your post structure or fixing grammatical errors
It's sad how obvious this is.

>> No.15822080
File: 183 KB, 1080x436, Screenshot_20210324-212621_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time you kys, fucking retard.

>> No.15822081

I am both of those and I am smarter than you.

>> No.15822105

>minute and a half later
Seems about the right amount of time for a phoneposter

>> No.15822109

To shoop out the (you), that is.
I am everywhere at once and I will cut you up

>> No.15822115
File: 70 KB, 452x363, 1616574211994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll tell him he posted on a phone, that'll show him!

>> No.15822124

Dude, he looks just like me! Where'd you get that pic? haha

>> No.15822150

>He thinks I stayed in the thread, pressed F5 until I saw his post, opened up Photoshop, removed a (You) from one of the posts, made it look like the mobile site format, gave it a phone screenshot filename and then replied
>in one minute 10 seconds

I thought it was autism, but you're actually just a fucking retard; but I appreciate your faith in my godlike abilities.

>> No.15822199


>> No.15822306
File: 240 KB, 800x596, 1600829201784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of the fries as an appetizer, then eat half the burger, then finish fries, then finish burger.

>> No.15823213

Imagine being this obese

>> No.15823263
File: 58 KB, 474x711, coconut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of an idiot

>> No.15823612

burger AND fries

>> No.15823650

bite of burger, couple fries, bite of burger, couple fries, sip of ice cold beer

>> No.15823726

>sip of ice cold beer
I never understood this. Burgers and Beer. Pizza and Beer. I don't understand the coupling. I don't think that beer is a refreshing pairing with such savory food. It's like eating a burger and drinking beef broth. Gross.

>> No.15823732

?? Beer is incredibly refreshing with anything salty, fatty, or savory. What would you paid a beer with?

>> No.15823790

beer is good with anything

>> No.15823793
File: 474 KB, 320x240, f0YOTSp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burger and fries

>> No.15823819

open up the burger, eat the chips while the burger cools

>> No.15823823

the best bite in this world is one that contains 1/3 burger, 1/3 salty fry, 1/3 milkshake

>> No.15823827


>> No.15823866

gotta hit the fries while they are hot and fresh, nuggah.

>> No.15823881

while I agree with those other fags, beer is refreshing, I would prefer a nice cider.

>> No.15824032

Both at the same time, but prioritize fries since they are fucking disgusting cold.

>> No.15824053

This. You eat the fries between burger bites.

>> No.15824109

this, but opposite

>> No.15824986

Beef broth? Beer isn't salty, it's bitter

>> No.15825039

you’ve either never had a beer before, or you’re some kind of fagtard. tell us which one it is, don’t keep us in suspense.

>> No.15825104

Burger and fries. If you eat one before the other, the neglected item gets cold. That makes no fucking sense.

>> No.15825114

Air fry them. Works wonders. Gf bought a stupid air fryer and reheating shit in it is awesome.

>> No.15825180

The burger holds up way better once cooled down a bit though. The fries go to shit if you don't eat them quick

>> No.15825189

This but add one more singular bottom of the bag
At the end

>> No.15825233

Fries then burger for me.
Keep the best for last. Also, fries are shit when cold.

>> No.15825245

Dr Pavel? I'm Burger contains fries.

>> No.15825268

Eat about a half of the burger, snack on fires once during that, then eat most of fries, then finish burger, then you have a few fries left to snack on at the tail end of your meal.

>> No.15825304

I don't even have an appetite for french fries any more. Anybody who's ever worked in a restaurant has stolen a french fry out of every single order. Front of the house or back of the house. I'm tired of them.

>> No.15825308

Burger and fries at the same time, of course.

>> No.15825509
File: 43 KB, 700x875, 1592218575440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat some fries
>eat burger
>finish off fries

>> No.15825515

Fries first, you can't let even the best fries get cold

>> No.15825653

Holy based. What about putting some fries directly on it? Assuming they don't get wet in the process it would be good

>> No.15825655

Looks good as fuck. But I'm also 7 hours into my 16 hour fast so everything does.

>> No.15825657

Alright the fries aren't going to "get cold" in the time it takes you to eat a burger. Are you fucking 5? Are you going to eat half of it then wrap it up and stick it in the fridge for tomorrow? No you're going to finish the burger in maybe 5 minutes then eat your fries which are still hot. Now if you're coming out the drive through and driving home and the fries are crispy and fresh yeah eat them all right there.

>> No.15825779


>> No.15825780

Pretty much, yeah. A burger's generally better when it has time to rest before you chomp into it anyways.

>> No.15825968

>16 hour fast

wow you basically stopped eating after dinner and just skip breakfast, well done! must have insane willpower

>> No.15825987

I only eat this crap on the go, so it's scarf down the burger in the parking lot and have the fries and drink while driving.

>> No.15826019

haha I drink and drive too

>> No.15826066

depends on the kind of burger of course. life isnt black and white, you cant always eat your fries or burger first or at the same time. it varies by burger.

>> No.15826108

>four servings of fries and four burgers
>not obese

>> No.15827055

>16 hour fast
is that a joke.

>> No.15827096

>cooking your food twice because you don't know how to eat before it gets cold

>> No.15827100

checked and nice bait

>> No.15827247
