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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15820057 No.15820057 [Reply] [Original]

>be fat
>put a little mayo or sour cream on something
>everyone lose their mind

>be thin
>put a lot mayo or sour cream on something

>> No.15820114

>>everyone lose their mind
nobody cares what you're slurping down your wheezy gullet, obeast

>> No.15820124

Its because you're fat as fuck OP and people are disgusted by you.

>> No.15820129
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stop being fat

>> No.15820334
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>be thin
>get giant piece of cake
>no one cares.

>be fat
>ask for small sliver of cake
>are you sure anon? you don't want more? that doesn't seem like enough for you.

>> No.15820342

fats are literally subhuman

>> No.15820345

Stop eating so much then

>> No.15820348

you can't read?

>> No.15820362
File: 26 KB, 600x315, too_many_waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be thin
>read this post
>see the words "small sliver of cake"
>instantly know that this fat beast's idea of "small" is several serving sizes and half your daily value of calories
you people are your own worst enemy

>> No.15820366

If you are fat you should not be eating cake

>> No.15820390
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Yeah, no shit. Its because they're fat. If I knew someone who was out of breath walking up a flight of stairs I'd judge them if they whipped out a loosie at the top, not so much if someone on the track team accepted a cigg at a party.

>> No.15820395

I was a morbid obeast and this was not my experience. Probably one of the reasons it was so easy to stay so fat was because nobody really gives a shit- at the time I assumed everybody was giving me stinkeye because I was a fatty fatty 2x4 but I lost like a hundred pound and the same kinds of people still give me ugly looks.
That's just the cake dance- when you ask for the little piece they go "ooh are you sure? Tee hee this is a special occassion" to give you upcummies for being a very special cake sliver enjoyer- they assume you want the extra attention and praise for your tiny cake- they do it for anybody getting the tiny cake. then they say "ooh now I have to get the tiny cake because I'm so faaaat look at my aaaaaaaaass" and everybody has a laugh, it's fun, it's part of being human.

>> No.15820405

where can i learn more about this cake dance

>> No.15820418

As a reformed fat- having the self-discipline to still participate in normal traditions like George's retirement party or whatever the fuck is a big part of learning to live like a normal fucking person.
The fat bitch who's lost five pounds over the month and is having a little 90 cal square of cake, putting it in her shitty little tracker app and noting that she'll have to eat less for dinner is going to keep that weight off and the self-flagellating yo-yo dieter angrily sitting in a corner of the room with no cake will eventually break down because she's created a binary choice of "super fat fuck who eats everything she sees" and "pro-ana Pollyanna who will never get to have any fun again"

>> No.15820431

By going to (co-ed) social events.
Maybe give it a year because everyone's still hiding from Covid.

>> No.15820437

I disagree with a lot of what you say but I enjoy how you say it

>> No.15820451

no you asshole I asked for a sliver of cake literally 1/2 wide. Everyone else was getting slices of cake 2 to 4 inches wide.

>> No.15820454


>> No.15820458

Knowing women, this is probably a lie and if you asked her for the small cake she'd probably do it despite having made this very gay vlog.

>> No.15820459

Well OP, look at it this way. If your healthy and well balanced brother has a beer, nobody's going to mind, but if your out of control uncle has one people might be quite uncomfortable.

>> No.15820461

You should not be eating any cake until you are the size of a normal human

>> No.15820465

yes, very interesting, but as an architect-in-training, where exactly do I get my foot in the door?

>> No.15820466

Cake is disgusting and I do not eat it. Baking powder leavened breads are always terrible.

>> No.15820815

If you're fat you shouldn't be eating cake until you are no longer a hippopotamus, you fat fat fucking fat ass fat fuck.

>> No.15820931

i can smell the lard on your breath through my screen

>> No.15821144
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>be me
>get offered this ugly cake
>"Sure but can you give me an extra BIIIG slice"
>throw it in the trash

>> No.15821178

this thread is so stupid Im cracking up. Fat people are funny

>> No.15821694

>1/2 wide
I'm skinny and I wouldn't even eat an actual sliver of cake.