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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 686 KB, 1181x1633, 73D4EB1D-EECD-4B5E-84C0-8F6A8BBB1E7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15819953 No.15819953 [Reply] [Original]

>taste the meat, not the heat
Is he right?

>> No.15819954

Taste the savings and convenience and lack of carcinogens

>> No.15819990

In S05E11 he makes Peggy taste test a charcoal grilled boigah and a propane boigah, and she visibly grimaces when she tastes the latter.
It was a test of loyalty; he is asking her-- in front of all their friends and neighbors, mind you-- whether charcoal is really so much better than propane that it's worth a divorce. She doesn't decide immediately.

>> No.15820010

He was a propane salesman. Part of the joke behind his grill autism was making fun of people who become cultlike with their job and what they sell.

>> No.15820011

based king of the hill scholar

>> No.15820029

>t. Mike Soto

>> No.15820047

Peggy is a fucking snake, bitch need to be put in her place. Hank needs to man the fuck up and dick her asshole back to her role - the secondary.

>> No.15820051

To be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to appreciate the Peggy-centric episodes.

>> No.15820056
File: 36 KB, 452x350, queen_of_the_hill_by_paulibus2001_d7wjmfb-350t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to taste Peggy's meat, if you catch my drift

>> No.15820074

cursed image

>> No.15820217
File: 60 KB, 680x670, a7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With today's technology, charcoal and gas are both great. Charcoal is good for weekend grilling, fatty meats that require a long time on the grill. Gas is great for weekday grilling, lean cuts that are time sensitive or require more exact temperatures. I cook ribs and brats on my charcoal grill on a nice weekend day but I'll cook sirloin and salmon on my gas grill after work.

>> No.15820236

What are the best Peggy episodes? I like the ones where her ego is inflated only to be crushed (either by realizing that somebody is taking advantage of her or by failure as a result of her poor judgement). See Peggy's Magic Sex Feet or The Substitute Spanish Prisoner.

>> No.15820257

The one where she kidnaps the little beaner is great

>> No.15820298

If you are cooking for 1 or 2 people gas is best.

cooking for dozens use charcoal (not pressed briquettes).

>> No.15820304

He's right in that charcoal imparts a flavor, but a lot of people enjoy the flavor of charcoal.
It is a bit barbaric and wasteful though. I feel kind of guilty after smoking a huge hunk of meat, keeping a big-ass charcoal fire going all day, puking out smog into the world that didn't strictly need to exist in order for my fat ass to get fed.

>> No.15820313

found the vegan

>> No.15820340

I was just thinking of that episode last night while shutting things down at work.......are you a wizard?

>> No.15820341

I'm not going to switch to electric, it's just-
I can see that tasty smoke peeling away into the sky all black and ominous.
I've tried to really pack the smoker recently though to get the most out of my heat- like do a pork butt AND a turkey breast at the same time.

>> No.15820344

Alternatively you can use petroleum byproducts that would have remained in the ground forever, but we decided to dig them up and burn them.
Hardwood charcoal on the other hand is a net negative carbon emitter.

>> No.15820356
File: 151 KB, 616x712, bobbeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I so rarely have opportunity to post this ancient meme

>> No.15820361

I just watched that episode two days ago

>> No.15820380


Bruh... your smoke is dirty and acrid as fuck if it's black you should not be cooking your meat in black smoke that is fucking disgusting and is going to taste like chemicals. Your smoke you cook food in should be a translucent blue to white. Your burning your fire wayyyy too hot if your smoke is black man holy shit no wonder you feel shitty about the environmental impact of smoking meat you're fucking burning a public park everytime you make pork shoulder

>> No.15820740

I prefer my food to be flavored by smoke coming from the excess fire starter fluid thanks

>> No.15820878

nothing wrong with carbon
high carbon levels in the atmosphere reduce desertification of forests by encouraging new green growth

>> No.15820908


>> No.15821026

Charcoal grilled steaks taste better than propane steaks. I'll go further and say that marinated charcoal grilled steaks taste better than regular butter and herb pan cooked steaks.

>> No.15821951

I personally could go either way, but if you are grilling a lot of meat at once charcoal edges out. But like >>15820217 also said if you have a meat that takes more time to cook then charcoal also wins over gas, though gas isn’t bad either.
For me its
>cottons mistress
I like Minhs sass and spiciness, on top of being a closet /k/ommando.

>> No.15822030

Peggy slept with Cotton, it's why they hate each other do much and why Bobby looks so much like Cotton and Good Hank.

>> No.15822063

>why Bobby looks so much like Cotton
Or Cotton is his grandfather.
All "muh Peggy cheated on Hank!111" theories are so profoundly retarded and so ignorant as to who Peggy is as a character.
If Peggy cheated, she would accidentally give it away in a mere matter of months.

>> No.15822417

not even memeing, i'm start to get concerned and frankly annoyed at how often fp is bp
it shouldn't be this consistent
why does this always happen?

>> No.15822427

Are you indirectly suggesting that that poster was the "woman" referred to as "Michelle Obama"?

>> No.15822470

one of my biggest takeaways from my rewatch of the series is that hank deserves much better than peggy

peggy has always hated cotton, not without reason
>If Peggy cheated, she would accidentally give it away in a mere matter of months.
this, she's so fucking stupid she didn't realize joseph is redcorn's son

>> No.15822595

Matpat please go

>> No.15822603

>taste the meat, not the heat
when grilling, arguable

if you're talking about actual barbecue, than he is sorely mistaken

>> No.15823076
File: 360 KB, 550x550, A96D7D0D-281D-445F-9CC9-35F083F39C55.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, how did you know?

>> No.15823083

I don't know why but I fucking hate you

>> No.15823088

peggy's a fucking bitch

>> No.15823562

Yeah dude, you didn't realize the writers wanted you to hate peggy? I've met so many real life peggy personality types, the writers were fucking genius to capture that level up stupid.

>> No.15823587

it's more about other people not realizing it, watching it during its run I realized peggy is shit, rewatching as an adult made me realize hank deserves so much better

>> No.15823689

glad to be your outlet, friend

>> No.15823709

The whole dynamic of Hank and Peggy was Hank personality was a joke on what if 1950's TV presentation of Americans were real today. Peggy's character played the role of a wife corrupted by the jewish subversion of the 1950's leave it to beaver presentation.

>> No.15825254

King of the Hill was such a quality show that I'm Canadian and still know a bunch of people who watch reruns on tv on a regular basis, including myself. I pity those that never got into it.

>> No.15826601

Excellent bait, friend

>> No.15826627
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>> No.15826629
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Haha, based. It's on free TV on demand where I live and it's literally the only TV show I watch

>> No.15827992

Childhood is hating Peggy
Adulthood is realizing Peggy is perfect

Mihn > Peggy > DeeDee > Nancy

Hank is right except for smoked meats.

>> No.15829089

Remember that time she sabotaged thanks giving because Bobby is a better cook than her?

>> No.15829247

she ruined the chance for Bobby and Hank to connect by doing so too

>> No.15829421

When a Redditor asked Forrester if there was any news about a revival, the former head writer for the show revealed that not only are negotiations underway, but that the show's characters will have aged 15 years since their most recent appearance. Forrester, who prefaced his reply by saying that Daniels and Judge "will murder (him) for sharing this," went on to say that he believes that the updated version of the show is "sooooo good [sic]." and that Bobby will have "a oriental culture and unrealized pansexual attitude".

>> No.15829653

they should revive The Goode Family

>> No.15829663

They got another chance in a later season when Bobby became like, hella good at picking out steaks.

>> No.15829675

No, Hank Hill has an unhealthy obsession with propane. Propane is superior in every way except for the taste. You want to taste the heat.

>> No.15829819

I disagree.

>> No.15830068

Depends on the cut of meat. If I just spend a boat load of money on a fancy steak, you better believe I want to only taste that steak.
But for cheaper cuts, I don't mind adding a few more flavours.

>> No.15830135
File: 510 KB, 962x1600, mammon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really fucking high rgihnt now and I',m feelin g safe in this gthread

>> No.15830144

that's cute

>> No.15830145

High where? Plane? On a roof?

>> No.15830147

I really like that picture. I would pay for an accurate replica

>> No.15830154

mammon looks like my fuckin grandpa?

>> No.15830157

Child pornography/nudity is ok if its done in a old age style now?

>> No.15830176
File: 501 KB, 1280x949, bobby where my lean at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's making an appeal to quality. if the meat is good enough it should stand up on its own. why put steak sauce on a filet? why disguise the taste with charcoal?

>> No.15830230

Yes. Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, garlic. Marinate and then throw on charcoal grill.

>> No.15830409
File: 29 KB, 625x867, berg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and ikr.
Tripping balls ttill man!
I also really like the picture, something striking about it.

>> No.15830454

Masturbate to kids fucking on dxm.

>> No.15830470
File: 104 KB, 736x960, 1616250564427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You disgust me sir. I will assume that was your intention. I just sit around and listen to black metal while I take dxm.

>> No.15830532
File: 77 KB, 912x575, 4004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, listening to the noises when they fuck is euphoric. Wear headphones, shave your legs a few days before and get under the sheets comfy and naked with your projector pointed to the cieling playing your best kid fuck tapes.

>> No.15830545

too detailed to be false. god help you, and hope that our paths never cross, disgusting pervert.

>> No.15830556

Your loss. Safe travels jerk.

>> No.15830563
File: 39 KB, 500x392, bodguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one twisted little man aren't you? Go get help dude.
He's just having a manic episode type deal upear.

>> No.15830571

I tell ya PIG

>> No.15830588

Very degenerate dude you are :) Into geriatric fetishes I am not.

>> No.15830670
File: 258 KB, 512x497, schizophrenic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat to yourself 10 times every morning before you sit down swallow your pill. I will do my best not to project my own strange, fucked up, sexual desires onto other people. Okay? Can ya do that for me buddy? We're all gonna make it.

>> No.15830684
File: 252 KB, 822x612, AGDQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hank Hill is always right

>> No.15830695

He did not say that last part about Bobby. 1/10 bait attempt

>> No.15830700

Your jokes are standstill release must get started in the very early on.

>> No.15830705


But you can't change your gender. Those things are determined biologically before birth.

>> No.15830735

Checked, but word salad and in need of meds. Also somehow based.

>> No.15830755
File: 61 KB, 500x500, animallover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's usually just the stories they like to tell kids when they're young.

>> No.15830943

American meat tastes pretty bad so no.

>> No.15831061

Any of the ones where Dale is involved

>> No.15831116
File: 51 KB, 500x481, dope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the one where she goes to the boggle tournament and hank goes to the mower convention.

>> No.15831289

>Peggy is a fucking snake
Not really. If you follow her through the series, her intentions are generally in the right place, with her inflated ego being the main personality flaw.
The problem is that Peggy is genuinely uninformed/misinformed and uncritical/miscritical of situations that deviate even slightly from the small pond she grew up in - she's a walking Dunning–Kruger effect. Outside of Peggy-dedicated episodes where she gets those situations shoved in her face, she just comes off as a mediocre mom that puts on airs. IMHO she gets so much hate because of how relatable her character is, and how most people have been on the receiving end of their unintended blunders more than a few times.

But she's no snake.

>> No.15831497

t. fucking idiot

>> No.15831510
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>> No.15831558

Propane is as bad for the environment as charcoal. All smoke is bad.

I stone-fry my meat.

>> No.15832002

yes you are :)