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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15815864 No.15815864 [Reply] [Original]

Old Asian man using expensive designer coffee gear edition
Previously >>15770670

>> No.15816029

Does he have limited vision?

>> No.15816034

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.15816161
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beats by dre of espresso :)

>> No.15817156

9barista clone by china fucking when ???

>> No.15817190

Enjoy explosion, third degree burns all over your body, and consequent slow and agonizing death

>> No.15817287

It's funny how uneducated retards say shit like this while the best-selling drone company worldwide and in the US is Chinese.

>> No.15817296
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For me its Nescafe sweet and creamy

>> No.15817315
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Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.15817329
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Best energy drink coffee

>> No.15817374

I still don't know how to make good cuppa' coffee with a moka pot. I read hours about different methods, tried everything, from the amount of coffee, to grinding my own fresh coffee (tried coarse and fine ground), different extracting speeds, nothing helped. Then one day, after having used one for a few months already, I stopped lying to myself and finally admitted that it tastes like SHIT. Are these things a meme pushed by wannabe Italians?

>> No.15817379


>> No.15817878

I’ve always wanted to try one and always get talked out of it by my significant other. Oh well

>> No.15817975

> moka pot
Kek. It's for boomers who enjoy burnt coffee.

>> No.15818559
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I miss being able to grab a hot can of coffee at work. The convenience was unbeatable and it tasted good. Boss machines were the best, followed closely by Georgia.

>> No.15818569

Loved walking through Tokyo in winter and getting a warm canned coffee. Fuck I hope I can visit again soon

>> No.15818601

I had no idea these were ever sold warm. Damn. I always get a few what I visit the Japanese food store. I love the taste of canned coffee, for some reason. I couldn't drink it every day, but it's a cute novelty.

>> No.15818636

It’s perfectly fine enjoying it for what it is. You can still drink a canned coffee on your way to Bear Pond or Fuglen and there’s nothing wrong with that

>> No.15818661
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Fucking loving the coffee at my new job. Messing around with a washed columbian single origin, and I've a 500g allowance to dial it in.
Today's recipe is 18g in, 37g out in 30 seconds. Nice and round, notes of lime with a smooth caramel finish. This makes the three years of retail coffee worth it bros.

>> No.15818674

I haven't found a local place that does fresh roasted beans.
I've only been at this nature store where they pretend to do that, but it comes out this """turkish""" powder and tastes revolting. Also it's much cheaper to buy storebought.
Really, the dude sold me a cup of something he claimed was Ethiopian coffee for the same price I could get a whole bag of actual green beans from actual Ethiopians.
Plus Ethiopians sadly not into Arabica. That or they don't watch to share with the Netch.

>> No.15818679

I meant to reply to this
Never replied to a post on a different thread before...

>> No.15818682

Where are you living right now?
What's your brew method?
Sometimes super fresh beans isn't as good as you'd thing.

>> No.15818702

How much caffeine does one full standard size Italian espresso machine contain (heaped of coffee)? I'm taking a full one every morning

>> No.15818710

Middle East, and there are probably some actual roasters in bigger towns than mine
Moka and Cezve
Last time I got Ethiopean beans I made them Turkish style with lightly roasted beans. They were nice and naturally sweet

*want, not watch by the way. And Netch is how they pronounce whitey

>> No.15818762

It depends, robust and arabica have different levels of caffeine. Then your level of extraction will change the amount of caffeine, albeit not by much. One espresso a day isn't a lot of caffeine, especially if you drink shorter shots, like sub 30g. Grab a bag of coffee that was decaffeinated using the Swiss water method. Makes really good espresso.
Not sure what affect degassing will have on Turkish style. Coffee that hasn't degassed will have a larger amount of volatile acids that will affect your brew, and is much more noticeable in fermented and natural processes coffee. Then there's the fact that it will give you a massive crema in espresso that makes your latte art almost impossible. I'm not sure this is a desirable traid in Turkish however. You'd also imagine that any producer worth their salt would have a roaster at least on call locally to facilitate some form of roasting even for cuppings. Weird man.
Are you totally again the idea of importing? I know a few decent roasters in Europe if you're willing to wait a week or two.

>> No.15818767

>expensive designer coffee gear
Kek. I barely even drink coffee and I own that kettle, a hario, the glass carafe, that exact scale, and a similar looking hand grinder.

>> No.15818797

Nothing against importing. The dude I was replying to was against it.
I do cappuccinos with my moka so crema is absolutely desirable
Hit me up with websites if there are roasters that ship stuff internationally. A week or two is too optimistic where I live. It's all a good month until stuff arrives

>> No.15818804
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I just tried dalgona coffee today. I just got a possibly dumb idea:
Is it possible to make a fake mocha-flavored mousse using dalgona foam instead of meringue? Texture-wise they seemed similar.

>> No.15818846
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I prefer Vietnamese Egg Coffee

>> No.15818854

White star: Belfast
Nomad: Barcelona
Fjord: Berlin
These three all produce some pretty damn good coffee that are worth a look. Another I'd recommend you keep an eye on is Sumo coffee in Osaka, a bit out of the way, I know. The Albanian guy who owns Unfiltered coffee in Dublin is after getting a bunch of Sumo in, and has been spending the last few days posting about it on his social media. He has probably the most autistic take on coffee I've ever seen, and I trust his judgement without question.

>> No.15818864

Awesome! Saved. Will give them a try

>> No.15818866

What's a good electric grinder that will do everything from french press down to espresso?

>> No.15818907

That looks like a really creamy coffee. I'll definitely keep track of it in case. Unfortunately I live in a suburban place, so most of our eggs are so fresh and unpasteurized and it won't be sometime ti'll I get a candy thermometer for pasteurizing my own eggs. What does egg coffee taste? Flanny?

>> No.15819072

I have one funnel with a short stem, and one that reaches deeper. I find the latter makes much better coffee for whatever reason - geometry/water flow rate/total volume who knows

Base filled with boiled water
Medium kinda grind somewhere around filter ~20g loosely distribute in funnel
Top on
Hot stove
Plunge in bowl of cold water to halt before it starts going all light coloured and over extracted, better to stop too soon than too late
Das it

If you hate it just move on lol French press is pretty reliable.
I just started using moka again the other week and was pleasantly surprised personally

>> No.15819082

Espresso is lower caffeine due to shorter extraction time and solvent volume
Who cares what the exact number is
Maybe 50mg who knows

>> No.15819096

Food processor does it all at the same time

>> No.15819258

Are AeroPress championship recipes legit? I'm getting mixed signals, the official recommendation said grind fine close to espresso, but those recipes mentioned coarse grind closer to drip or french press.

>> No.15819280

Aeropress recipes vary so fucking much between """pros"" just as much as there are variations for pourover that it's ridiculous.
Usually IDGAF sometimes and just stick with a medium-coarse grind, eyeball the dosing and water I put in via the inverted method, estimate a minute into the brew then invert and plunge. Add more water if it's a bit strong.

Other times I stick with the non-inverted traditional recipe by the creator.

>> No.15819284

Nobody who actually likes coffee uses a cafetiere.

>> No.15819292

Baratza Encore

>> No.15819321

>it's the moka pot's fault I'm retarded and burn my coffee

>> No.15819325

>my significant other
Lol, femoid hands typed this post

>> No.15819365

You guys should give a chance for brazilian coffee. We have some great varieties here (also, I'm trying to introduce it in Europe)

>> No.15819370 [DELETED] 

I've been wanting flair to release a machine that accepts a standard 58mm portafilter, but why'd they have to go and gay up the design even further.
This literally looks like dogshit.
In-line power control box that's straight from 1993, the horizontal wood and silicone???????? grip, the cock sleeve around the water reservoir.
On top of all that I can almost guarantee it's going to cost $500 minimum

>> No.15819393 [DELETED] 

>give a chance for brazilian coffee
bitch what world do you think we're living in? brazilian coffee is already widespread. But it sucks

>> No.15819409

hey anons is there a good and low cost entry into making better coffee? what would you guys recommend?

>> No.15819410

>tastes good
Convenient, yes. But canned coffee tastes like it was made in a factory from a reconstituted bean paste and addled with preservatives. Which is the case.

>> No.15819556

aeropress or moka
lavazza is fine for a low cost big brand

>> No.15819655

Are you an old Asian man?

>> No.15819662
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No. I'm a 10 year old Japanese girl.

>> No.15819698
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Pretty happy with the DF64 ao far (Niche is long gone). The only annoying thing about the bellows is that sometimes excess grinds will shoot out from the grinds shoot onto the counter top, but it's no big deal. I think they're working on a Niche-like flow control disc.

>> No.15819982

Why’d you get rid of the niche? If I can’t track one down soon I’m giving up and buying something else

>> No.15820037

Look at the grind catcher/dosing cup.

>> No.15820048

Wasn't massively comfortable with the 1 year warranty for a start. I know the machine will probably last many years, but there would still be a chance the motor would pack up, and I'd have to pay to replace it. With the DF64, I paid to extend the 2 year warranty to 4 (not an option with the Niche). More importantly, I didn't like the harshness of the Niche's output. Maybe it would have reduced after I put more beans through it (I had used 1 kilo before I sold it). With the DF64, I've barely put 200 grams through it, yet the harshness isn't nearly as present. Maybe that's a trait of the Niche's conical burrs - I don't know for certain. Also, I prefer the DF64's dosing cup, and the grinds are much less clumpy than the Niche - again with less beans through it.

>> No.15820071

is this a S O Y press?

>> No.15820075

>in-line power control box that's straight from 1993

Yeah I don't like that either. Seems extremely replaceable tho. Way simpler than a boiler or thermoblock replacement. Probably a fucking dc jack off the back. I'm still getting one.

>> No.15820291

The manufacturer's idea of how to use the aeropress is retarded. Disregard his directions. Do not grind "fine like espresso". Do not infuse for only 10 seconds.

>> No.15820453

If the manufacturer is retarded, what does that tell you about his customers?

>> No.15820460

Any good non-Colombian decafs? Every decaf I find is Colombian (due to the sugar cane presence in that region + decaffeination process) but I'm trying to branch out more.

>> No.15820498

>Wasn't massively comfortable with the 1 year warranty
Oh yeah now I remember you posting about that before

>Maybe it would have reduced after I put more beans through it (I had used 1 kilo before I sold it)
I’ve read the niche needs about 20 pounds for the burrs to be “seasoned” properly. I admittedly don’t know very much about grinders but that seems like a lot...

>> No.15820520

That lever looks extremely fucking gay

>> No.15820564

I wouldn't as concerned if it wasn't a 1-person operation (2 but the son just deals with email/social media). Maybe I should have waited longer to see if it settles down, but it is what it is. The DF64 came with stainless steel Italmill flats, which apparently should bed in quite quickly.

>> No.15820636

if you have to work this hard at it, you probably just don't like the style. my moka is my favorite coffee maker and i do nothing special with it, just toss du monde french roast in and put it on the stove

>> No.15820649

>I’ve read the niche needs about 20 pounds for the burrs

Most people just run rice through their grinders to preseason the burrs.

>> No.15821251

the product doesn't work as advertised, they could return it but the youtube and reddit shills found a way to make it "work". imitating other brew methods but out of plastic.
in short the jews are right about the goyim.

>> No.15822073

don't use a moka pot

>> No.15822123

I just found out how to make good cuppa' coffee with a moka pot. I read hours about different methods, tried everything, from the amount of coffee, to grinding my own fresh coffee (tried coarse and fine ground), different extracting speeds, nothing helped. Then one day, after having used one for a few months already, everything clicked and finally tastes DELICIOUS. Are these things a meme pushed by wannabe Italians?

>> No.15822145

what source said to try coarse? lmao. It's meant to mimic espresso. It needs to be fine as hell

>> No.15822413

>It's meant to mimic espresso.

You're not mimicking espresso with 1.5bar.

>> No.15822419

I know. That's why I said it's' mean to.

>> No.15823483

The general rule is 1% of the coffee used for brewing. So for a typical 14 g double shot, 14 g * 0.01 = 140 mg of caffeine in the cup. There's not a huge variance by brewing method. Assuming you're not doing anything weird like boiling your coffee, you can expect to extract roughly 75-85% of the available caffeine. Roasted Arabica coffee is around 1.2% caffeine. Robusta is nearly double.

>> No.15823795

whats the best coffee that money can buy at local grocery shop?
I got peets whatever and the beans are like oily its gross is that supposed to be like that

>> No.15823828
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yea i bripe, big whoop

>> No.15824126

Stop buying from your fucking grocery store

>> No.15824130

Should specify. Tastes good for what it is: cheap and convenient coffee I can find walking five feet in any direction outdoors. Clearly not going to hold it up to the same standard as perfectly brewed bean juice I made from a fresh roast.

>> No.15824150

i buy cheap brand coffee beans for cold brew.

>> No.15824157


>> No.15824257

Oxo bur grinder

>> No.15824326

I'm planning on buying an Aeropress and getting coffee from a friend of mine whose family hand roasts coffee. However, how the fuck do I boil water the best way on the cheap? Any recommendations for cheap kettles?

>> No.15824805

Other moka pot anon here, coffee order was delayed, it will be here in three days. Wait warmly until then. As of today, I have accepted my fate and am brewing delicious, but slightly under-extracted coarser ground coffee in my moka pot. Heat control is really important, moving it off an on the burner to maintain an ideal flow helped, but if you jostle it while it's brewing it'll instantly channel and ruin your coffee.

>> No.15825269

Fuck off ESL

>> No.15825338

buy what then? spoonfeed me or I'll support companies you hate

>> No.15825423

I haven't had these in at least 10 years but just looking at the packaging sends me back to some non-descript budget hotel in Europe. There really is a unique fakeness to the flavour of powdered cream and milk.

>> No.15825442

It's an aeropress, and you probably don't make coffee considering you dint have a fucking kettle. Go to the grocery store and buy a cheap basic electric one. If you getvreally into pourovers and shit then you can buy the 300 dollar designer ones.

>> No.15825449

It doesn't, the beans end up all random sizes and brew at different rates meaning you don't get pure taste you get bitter and salty and all that shit from under and over brewing large and small fragments.

Ontop of that food processor is an useless tool as well.

>> No.15825510

>Do not infuse for only 10 seconds
It's more than 10seconds when you factor in the time it takes to pour water in the vessel + putting your kettle down and picking up the stirrer + plunging time, all up can be a minute, which is a little more time than an espresso extraction.

>> No.15825556

Find out your local roasters.

>> No.15825586

no, starbucks and peets it is

>> No.15825812

That's what I said
It does French press and espresso at the same time

>> No.15825829

And the word you're looking for is extract
Btw the food processor is a versatile and useful appliance. Sauces, doughs, emulsions, making all sorts of shit smaller

>> No.15825942

As >>15824805 wrote, I suggest using filter-coffee tier grind, otherwise channeling will occur too often for any random reason

>> No.15825995

Im concerned about the cheap looking heat source. Doubt that will keep up its function longer than a chink made breville, which is I went with a used La Pavoni despite the smaller size this week.

>> No.15826132

I had the OG back in Hanoi, it was really good. The experience was unforgettable.

>> No.15826166

Quick note about the Wilfa Black.
If you're grinding for steep, consider grinding a step smaller
On the actual steep setting it might be loose, got extremely inconsistent grinds.

>> No.15826190

Funny enough, my tastebuds says viet egg-coffee taste like a warm affogato

>> No.15826199
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What is this?

>> No.15826238

desu I've thought about putting the foam on top of my moka brew.

>> No.15826290

Any specific producers doing cool/interesting stuff?

>> No.15826760

new flair espresso maker

>> No.15827084

How bout I spoon feed you buckshot directly to the back of your throat

>> No.15827088

Im glad you’re going to have a miserable experience

>> No.15827109

>which is a little more time than an espresso extraction.

You're fundamentally misunderstanding espresso extraction. The reason we time shots is the massive amount of pressure(130psi) extracting more than other methods. You pull long and you overextract. Adding an extra 40 seconds to an aeropress does not change the fact that it only hits .6bar(8psi). Its a paper filtered french press. You're underextracting, not overextracting.

Flair 58. Standard size portafilter, bigger tray for scales, (what looks like an easily replaceable) brew chamber heater.

>> No.15827350

I didn't think my grinder could go fine enough for espresso, but just tried tightening the screw that holds the burrs together and got so fine my shot choked. Excited to try dialing it in over the next few days

>> No.15827778

I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Aeropress, than I'm getting on the actual V Six- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a sip of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it don't it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Aeropress /ck/, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. YOUR AEROPRESS /CK/ IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A BREWOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the cabinet. /ck/. That sip is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the aroma. Like I'm not even mad that I'm sippin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm sipping coffee right now with my breakfast.

You can really taste the chocolate notes because the sear, on this press based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get nutty notes but the notes are there so you get a crunch off it, with soft fruity action with BPA? /CK/, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' /CK/, THE AEROPRESS COFFEE SON!

>> No.15827826

Anyone have a suggestion on a good scale?
I've got a decent scale that's fairly accurate, but it's pretty slow and timing my pour with the delay of the reading is pretty annoying.
The scale having a timer would be a bonus but not necessary.

>> No.15827965

Both wrong. You want medium-fine (but not too fine)

>> No.15828015

I said fuck it and bought a lunar. Only scale small enough to fit on my drip tray. If you've got a bit more room/are ok with a shittier scale, get a skale.


>> No.15828065

>nobody has had Kalita Wave 155 glass in stock for the past six months

Wtf is going on?

>> No.15828079

pay more attention anon, my country is almost out of whole milk. fiat is becoming worthless by the fucking minute.

>> No.15828136

A global pandemic. Welcome back.

>> No.15828171
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Today I had my coffee with some brownies I made yesterday mixed in

>> No.15828186

Mixed in how? That sounds pretty damn delicious

>> No.15828392

How come Hario items come back in stock periodically, but Kalita items never do?

>> No.15828446

an incredibly charred nerve stimulant with toxins (beans are all fatally toxic to humans if not denatured on a molecular level) full of free radicals from excessive heat is not going to be good for you
but it tastes good

>> No.15828455
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how plausible is buying an espresso machine for <$250 for my sister who knows nothing about espresso?

>> No.15828471

Depends on the type of machine, I guess.
If she doesn't know how to pull a shot though, she's going to have to learn if she wants anything good.
Why? Does she like Starbucks or something?

>> No.15828507

>does she like starbucks
she doesnt know and starcucks is all she chugs, i guess she wants to feel elevated above the plebs

>> No.15828512 [DELETED] 

easy, buy a nespresso. Anything within reach of their price point will make extremely shitty coffee

>> No.15828554

You're a fucking idiot.
>Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased mortality in previous studies. As aging, obesity, and lifestyle factors affect the risk of mortality, the association between coffee and mortality needs to be examined in various subpopulations by characteristics of subjects. To quantitatively assess this association, we conducted an updated meta-analysis including stratified analyses by potential modifiers. We searched in the PubMed and Web of Science databases through March 8, 2019, and conducted meta-analysis including linear and non-linear dose-response analyses. We identified 40 studies including 3,852,651 subjects and 450,256 all-cause and cause-specific deaths. Non-linear inverse associations between coffee consumption and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers were found. The lowest relative risk (RR) was at intakes of 3.5 cups/day for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89), 2.5 cups/day for CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87), and 2 cups/day for cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99), while additional intakes were not associated with further lower mortality. An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee. By region, Europe and Asia showed stronger inverse associations than US. A non-linear inverse association was found for mortality from respiratory disease and diabetes, while linear inverse association was found for mortality from non-CVD, non-cancer causes. Moderate coffee consumption (e.g. 2-4 cups/day) was associated with reduced all-cause and cause-specific mortality, compared to no coffee consumption. The inverse association between coffee and all-cause mortality was consistent by potential modifiers except region.

>> No.15828557

Shes going to run preground through it so...


>> No.15828579

hario stocks mostly plastic shit, havent seen a ceramic v60 for a while now.

>> No.15828580

>an incredibly charred
They are roasted, not charred.
>nerve stimulant
>with toxins (beans are all fatally toxic to humans if not denatured on a molecular level)
>full of free radicals from excessive heat

Coffee is packed with antioxidants btw.

>> No.15828596
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Where is the char?

Btw the gedeb is FANTASTIC. If you can snag some I would.


>> No.15828604

Two words

>> No.15828612

>just toss du monde french roast in and put it on the stove
Ive never seen this in stores. Do they only sell in stores locally?

>> No.15828740

it is a fact that burning things creates free radicals
just accept it
>with toxins, source
try eating 1 raw bean and youll end up in the hospital
most coffee is roasted to an internal heat of 465 degrees Fahrenheit
what do you think happens when you destroy the toxins that are fatally to humans along with everything else?

>> No.15828791

Are you retarded?


Do you think cascara is ricin or something?

>> No.15828817
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>try eating 1 raw bean and youll end up in the hospital

>> No.15829075

Coffee is also packed. Go ahead and post research that shows coffee is harmful.

>> No.15829079

packed with antioxidants*

>> No.15830437


>> No.15831053

My vietnamese grocer carries metal cans of their grounds for some reason. I don't think they're alone either, I remember a vietnamese friend in college bringing over some of their chickory coffee grounds, and that a totally different midwestern city, so maybe it's just oriental stores that carry it

>> No.15831123

breville smart grinder pro

>> No.15831909
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Why does my pour over has bitter after taste? I think my grind is finer than recommended, but does it have such big influence? It tastes perfect until I swallow.

I used 17g of coffee for ~250g of water in V60 02

Poured 40ml near boiling water, let it simmer for 30sec and then finish the brew (took about 2 more minutes)

(This is my 2nd pour over brew, the first one was too watery)

>> No.15832067

If you get a bitter aftertaste then its probably too fine, yes it matters a lot. If you seriously put milk in your pour over than i think its not for you. Aeropress or moka pot would be a better choice.

>> No.15832110

What is wrong with a bit of 1.5% milk?

>> No.15832147

Pour over is not a milk drink, its not concentrated enough. If it suits your taste, go for it. The other alternatives would be better imo, thats all.

>> No.15832148

Do you brew light roast or dark roast? Cause with dark roast you probably shouldn't use near boiling water.

>> No.15832185

I'd either love it or hate it.

>> No.15832242
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Pretty dark

>> No.15832308

if it's bitter, you're overextracting. Make the grinds coarser. Don't confuse bitter and sour.

>> No.15832487

>NOOO you have to count out only 30 beans per cup to make a refreshing cup of brown coffee-scented water! You CAN'T make strong coffee with pourover!!

>> No.15832574

get a load of this guy

>> No.15832609
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Plunger + grinder + beans

>> No.15832686

Hello, need some advice. Chipping in for a gooseneck kettle for someone, max budget's £100. What's a good one? All the ones on Amazon at that range have shit reviews

>> No.15832804
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I have had one of these for about 3 years and it broke. I can try to fix it with super glue, but if that does not work I will need a new burr grinder. Can anyone recommend me a good manual burr grinder that will last me a lifetime?

>> No.15832811

Oh yeah I use this for French Press if that matters so it didn't need to go super fine

>> No.15832934

>tfw your puck gets channeling

>> No.15832940
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>/pol/ is making fun of us again

>> No.15832958

Timemore C2 is best value, if you want to spend more there's 1zpresso and Commandante at the top end

>> No.15832969

>the bullied dork is making fun of Chad

>> No.15833091

So unfuck your puck prep and go again

>> No.15833098

9barista a shit

>> No.15833105

Swiss warer proccess decafs are all bretty good

>> No.15833110

no I'm tossing the towel and forgoing good espresso

>> No.15833130


>> No.15833315

Watch coffeegay shit all over your javapresse.


Then watch him compare the winner of that shootout with



>> No.15833421

You can probably get better but I'm half with the coffee it makes just need a more stout build.

>> No.15834609


>> No.15834663
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Got myself a flair today, but I have one issue:
My grinder doesn't go fine enough. I honestly thought it did, but in all actuality it's just a hair too coarse and I can only get 5 bars at most when pulling.
So... what grinder do you flair users suggest I pick up?
I'm kind of a poorfag so something under $200 would be ideal.

>> No.15834680
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endgame grinder coming in a couple weeks bros

>> No.15834690
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>Why does my pour over has bitter after taste
this helps me a lot when dialing in new beans

also in general, for light roasts I use water just off boil, for medium roasts i use around ~203F I dont drink dark roast, but if i did i'd probably try somewhere around 195-200F

>> No.15834735

>I still don't know how to make good cuppa' coffee with a moka pot. I read hours about different methods, tried everything, from the amount of coffee, to grinding my own fresh coffee (tried coarse and fine ground), different extracting speeds, nothing helped. Then one day, after having used one for a few months already, I stopped lying to myself and finally admitted that it tastes like SHIT. Are these things a meme pushed by wannabe Italians?
buy better beans. i have an insane coffee grinder, gooseneck kettle, only use filtered water etc and even with the best gear and technique, shit beans still taste like shit.

Try some beans from one of these roasters. I recommend something with a light to medium-light roast. Darker roasts are easier to get that burnt bitter flavor IMO:
Counter Culture (https://counterculturecoffee.com/shop/category/coffee))
Greater Goods (https://greatergoodsroasting.com/collections/all-coffee))
Merit Coffee (https://meritcoffee.com/collections/coffee))

>> No.15834739

>under $200 for espresso grinder
I guess a handgrinder

>> No.15834741

also stop using a moka pot. if you want super easy and consistent coffee, get an immersion dripper (clever dripper or something like bonavita immersion dripper)

>> No.15834744

Coffee isn't a bean, dude. It's the seed from the coffee berry.

>> No.15834745

fuck, jealous. post pics and impressions when you get it

>> No.15834760

Counter Culture is just okay. Never tried Greater Goods and Merit is fucking garbage.
Are you from Texas? I used to live in San Antonio. Just because the roasters are in your backyard doesn't make them good. Once I realized that and started ordering from outside the state my coffee drinking enjoyment rose significantly.

>> No.15834778

recently moved to texas from nyc and have had consistently good cofffee from greater goods and merit. calling merit fucking garbage is hyperbole.
interested to hear your recos for better roasters to order from though

>> No.15834798

my handgrinder has a screw that holds the burrs together along with stepped settings. I now have it on the finest setting and am dialing in by tightening/loosening that screw. If yours has that it may be worth fiddling with, mine got fine enough that I had shots choking

>> No.15834823

also i've had mixed luck with ordering from out of state roasters.
had some really great beans from Black & White coffee out of NC and some ok beans from black oak cofeee roasters out of CA (which had very great reviews). black oak's shipping took over a week to get to me in NYC, so i'm sure that didnt help.
because of this, i prefer buying local so i can know theyre fresh.

>> No.15834832

>recently moved to texas from nyc
lol im sorry.
I say Merit is fucking garbage because it is, and that's from numerous occasions drinking it in their stores (back when it was hilariously called Local Coffee) from their horrible baristas and grinding their inconsistent beans at home. I watched and talked with the roasters myself who gave a "eh, its good enough" attitude which spreads to nearly every aspect of their stores. You can do much much better.
Best I ever had in Texas was Evocation Coffee which apparently has now closed. Like I said, start ordering out of state, its what I did for years.

>> No.15834846

>i've had mixed luck with ordering from out of state roasters
sure, so have I, its part of the game and fun trying out new roasters and potentially discovering new gems.
>I prefer buying local so I can know they're fresh
Good roasters will ship you bags that have been recently roasted, I'll get bags that I still have to let sit for a day or two to de-gas.

>> No.15834855

any specific recos then? what you consider fun i consider annoying when my experience with the local roasters has been consistently good.. maybe merit replaced whoever was in charge of their roasting

>> No.15835047

Just need a unit that's indestructible

>> No.15835059

maybe, but it's a shit mindset from the top all the way down.
I live in Oregon now which is unfair, since the pacific northwest is considered the mecca of coffee in America. Its not hard to google "best US roasters" and make your way through some of them.

>> No.15835099

Death to Oregon.

>> No.15835145
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Nevermind, I just got this one. It seems fine. Steel, grip handle, gooseneck and thermometer

>> No.15835146

>Its not hard to google "best US roasters" and make your way through some of them
nigger do you also go on twitter and complain at people and then when they ask what they can do you tell them "educate yourself" because that's exactly what you sound like, faggot

>> No.15835185
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>Its not hard to google "best US roasters" and make your way through some of them
you don't know if there's a bias with those. while it's certainly a route, i usually don't think that some retard on a taiwanese chicken-plucking forum is getting kickbacks from a coffee roaster, so i'm inclined to take their opinions at face value.

>> No.15835272

Kinu phoenix or jx pro. I've got the kinu and a flair and its perfect.

>> No.15835310

You want indestructible get the real kinu m47.


You might break the catch cup and have to replace it or whatever, but these are 1.6-2.2lbs of steel with a fixed top burr so its not going out of alignment. It would be VERY difficult to fuck it up in any way. Maybe on the cheaper ones you eventually crack the plastic funnel.

>> No.15835556

educate yourself

>> No.15835579

sure it could be biased, but it's atleast a starting point for your own research and experience. try a few and if they're shit then fuck that place.
But honestly I don't really give a fuck what anyone's opinion is, whether its a random website or a random faggot on 4chan. some idiot here loves Merit so his opinion is obviously shit, but why does my opinion matter either? thats why I always say, JUDGE FOR YOURSELF AND RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF.

>> No.15835584


>> No.15835661

I don't like older style roasters. I like new wave roasts, not full city + roasts.

>> No.15835675


>> No.15836424

I bought a ceramic v60 two weeks ago

>> No.15836515
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Start close to home then got further if the closer ones don't satisfy.

>> No.15837163

>Free radicals
This is not a mommy blog

>> No.15837179

I have this grinder and I threw the handle away. I just use a drill and attach the chuck directly to the nut of it for easy automatic grinding

>> No.15837230

Bossu Bossu

>> No.15837267

lol damn why havent I thought of this before, does it really work?

>> No.15837633
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Yeah it works great, especially for a fine grind doing that shit by hand takes forever but with the drill it's like 30 seconds

>> No.15837860


>> No.15837908

Can you make regular coffee from espresso ground coffee or espresso beans?

>> No.15837913 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you ningnonging inbred slant.

>> No.15837923

Did any of you leafs tried Kicking Horse coffee? It comes out as a reddit tier brand with their marketing

>> No.15838021


>> No.15838075

yes. there is no such thing as an "espresso bean"

>> No.15838679

Why'd you go ceramic?

>> No.15838711

Ceramic is harder & no rust. But when it cracks, it breaks though.

>> No.15838771

Damn, and it fits even with that weird pentagon shaped bit?

I might have to try this.

Also, I've got the same one and am looking for an upgrade. Might even just go back to ground coffee.

>> No.15838973

I meant vs plastic, which isn't as heat conductive, so won't cost you as much heat in the brew

>> No.15839338

Dont buy this shit, it's like 10 bux on aliexpress

>> No.15840450


>> No.15840596

Protip: you can preheat ceramics with warm water.

>> No.15840716

What's the best sub $800 espresso machine on the market

>> No.15840895

It's not a perfect fit, a drill has three surfaces of course. But it still works good.

>> No.15840903


>> No.15842374


>> No.15842481
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Why so lazy? You must be USAian.

>> No.15842510
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Cheapest way to make coffee is with a plunger?

>> No.15843562

because its more pleasing to the touch

>> No.15844656

Water time.

>> No.15844841

As long as you don't put sugar in it, it only has health benefits. Watch out for too much caffeine though.

>> No.15845263

does anyone know a good espresso machine to buy?
i never used to drink coffee except when I was getting drunk, but now that I tried espresso I want to drink coffee on it's own also.

>> No.15845283

Location and budget, milk drinks?

>> No.15846735


>> No.15846758

french press got me into coffee. is it worth getting into pour over?

>> No.15846997

im in LA and I dont want to spend a lot of money on a machine or the ingredients.
i first had an espresso at my workplace. it was a "nespresso" brand machine. I can't find the product on the nespresso website, but the cheapest machine they sell is the Essenza Mini for 149 bucks, which seems like a lot for a coffee machine.


>> No.15847033

nope, go into clever dripper if you dislike the silt and grounds in the coffee

cheapest viable espresso machines are manual, the flair and robot, around 500 and then you need a hand grinder for it around 200 more.

>> No.15847206

prove it. why dont you show us a picture of your 700 dollar coffee set up?

>> No.15847364

>149 bucks, which seems like a lot for a coffee machine.
For espresso, that's cheap. Regular drip machines just heat the water up and pour it over the grounds basket. An espresso machine needs to create about 9 bars of pressure and do so without breaking the coffee puck. It's a far more mechanically complicated task than drip which explains the cost difference

>> No.15847392

Get a flair neo. You're not willing to invest in a good grinder, so you're stuck with preground/a presssurized portafilter.

>> No.15848435
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Ok. The scale and sep alone are $675+ after shipping.

>> No.15848998

not him but why would you spend that much money on a coffee machine?

>> No.15849155

Didn't make a dent. Probably upgrading to a flair 58 in a few days depending on if preorders sell out.

>> No.15849235

>why invest in something you consume every day

>> No.15849244

just order happy mug brother. cheap and roasted to order, ships out same day.

the cheap blends are great for cold brew but you can also splurge on the artisan stuff if you'd like. the light roasts make great cold brew IMO

>> No.15849740
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>Marvel Black Panther-branded coffee grinder from Kalita
>about $500


>> No.15849744

Not that guy but if it's not affecting your ability to put food on the table and shelter over your head and pay the bills, then why not? Home espresso is a hobby, hobbies can cover a broad spectrum of budget, and generally speaking, once you're past a baseline on puck prep, consistency in espresso unfortunately does come with a price tag - both on the grinder and the machine side.

>> No.15850433
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Handblown glass chemex are the new hype shit.

>> No.15850534

why spend that much money on a tv? why spend that much money on a computer? why spend that much money on (fill in the blank/hobby)?
cmon man.

>> No.15850909

Why not just get a Breville espresso machine if you're going to spend that much?

>> No.15850995


>> No.15851010

Coffee and coffee culture is disgusting. I will on very rare occasions order a coffee from a cafe but most often times tea is preferable

>> No.15851041


Yemen coffee charlatans btfo

>> No.15851068

lmao you faggots don't actually care about coffee

>> No.15851079

Kek the consoomers can't answer this simple question without getting defensive and seething

>> No.15851081
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why is the first sip always the best?

>> No.15851085

Yes it's worth a try at least. Paper filtered coffee is better tasting imo.

>> No.15851086

i just put a tablespoon of fresh ground in a mug and then fill it up with boiled water from a 5 dollar electric kettle

>> No.15851088

Hobbyism is a mind virus and hobbyists are usually the worst breed of subhuman.

>> No.15851114

Just shut up and congratulate this >>15834680 guy on his $2000 placebo machine purchase that he waited months for.

>> No.15851146

Guys, I'm always in a rush in the morning. All I want is a black coffee, no milk or sugar. Just black coffee. But I don't want some BS instant coffee. What do you recommend? Moka pot?

>> No.15851177

pour boiling water in your mouth, throw in a few spoonfuls of ground coffee beans, then french press it down your throat with a toilet plunger

>> No.15851284
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How wanky is your local cafe?

Why? Wakanda coffee beans are terrible. lol

>> No.15851532

I think the easiest would be french press. Pour the boiling water when you start making breakfast, by the time you're done you press and drink. If you're really in a rush just pound it straight from the carafe

>> No.15852495

Have you tried getting up 10 minutes earlier?

>> No.15852943

Bros, I think I consume too much caffeine. I don't really feel it any more.

>> No.15852994

>finally get around to buying pour-over coffee making equipment, whole roasted beans, and make a pot of hand ground coffee using this method
>realize why all the coffee snobs were right the entire time, and I didn't hate coffee, I was just preparing it wrong, and that this could be fixed
I'm so sorry for insulting you guys in other threads because you were right and I was wrong, it really is like night and day

>> No.15853104

Welcome, brother.

>> No.15853108

Because brevilles are plastic tubed garbage with chrome accents?

Literally the cheapest way to control all your variables. Temp grind pressure. For ~$500.

>> No.15853123
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>tfw first sip of morning espresso
Make cold brew in advance, very simple and you can grab it and go, if you want hot I'd recommend french press.

>> No.15853174

Kek. You've just received the torch. Now crack wise on all the faggots who sounded like you from now on, see if we can't convert anyone else.

>> No.15853183

>it really is like night and day
I love taking people to cafes and seeing their faces when they have their first sip of something that isnt Folgers. Its seriously mindblowing.

>> No.15853225

Its like comparing white owls to la flor dominicana.

>> No.15853430

For me, it's Senseo.

>> No.15853446

Nice to see they are still around and expanding the line after their factory burned down. I have one of the earlier gen m47s and when the 4 magnet catch cup broke they sent me a new revised one for free.

>> No.15853450

Where do y'all buy your green coffee?
I wanna try roasting at home

>> No.15853471

Catch cup cracking is my only real complaint with the M47p, love the thing other than that.

>> No.15853480


>> No.15853523
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Living in Vancouver I'm really quite spoiled when it comes to specialty coffee, but the nearest one to my house is pretty cringe with its "look how with it we are" entry level hip hop vinyl sleeves on display. The coffee and food are nice though.

>> No.15853554

Mine has fallen off a shelf and turned a bong to dust. Catch cup is fine.


I think the phoenix actually saved the company after that fire.


>> No.15853914

i thought ordering 250g of random beans a week on a subscription would be fun for variety, but really all it results in is getting like 3 shitty cups a week as i adapt the grind constantly
think i'll probably stop doing that

>> No.15853930
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I'm new here, what is the concensus on these things

>pic related

>> No.15853931

looks like a nice shop though

>> No.15854033

It is nice and I frequent the shop often, I just could do without the propping up of pedestrian media as art I guess. It also looks extra bad when you consider that the space is attached to an art gallery.

>> No.15854289
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I like both hot and cold brew coffee, but I've had heartburn issues recently due to a hernia and cold brew is the only coffee that doesn't cause me pain. I normally just brew it in a 2 quart mason jar and strain it with my french press but I'd like to upgrade to a slightly more convenient and easier to pour method.
Does anyone have any reccs for a good pitcher with an infuser? I can't seem to find one that is 2 quart, glass, has a metal filter. Would like to avoid plastic in case I want to brew hot tea in it. I'm considering pic related.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions for beans that taste good for cold brew I'd love those too.

>> No.15854319

get coldbrew infuser bags, all of the mesh sieves will get you muddy pieces at the bottom, or just make cold brew with the grounds directly in the container and then run it through a regular coffee filter after

look for medium-dark roasts for cold brew

>> No.15854504

agreed, hate the 'framing vinyl' garbage

>> No.15854835

In that case I will look for some reusable infuser bags, especially if that will help with sediment, and a nice glass pitcher. I was looking for something to cut down the steps and amount of things I have to use for my current brewing method (brew in mason jar, strain in french press, pour in new mason jar). I already use cloth tea bags since I get the same issue with metal tea infusers anyway, but those wouldn't be large enough for the amount of grounds I need.

>> No.15855270

pulled a shot of this ethiopian this morning. first time with a single origin bean, smelled ridiculously fruity, I didn't know coffee could smell like that. Tasted very acidic, but I'll pull a few more shots before I try adjusting my grind or anything

>> No.15855275
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forgot picture

>> No.15855301
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They also have the Black Panther Wave Tsubame dripper.


>> No.15856091

>entry level hip hop vinyl sleeves
specialty coffee, especially 3rd wave cafes, is all about entry level consumerism though, so it fits.

>tfw a shop here in san francisco sells 12oz bags of "microlots" for $40

>> No.15856313
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Big fan of single origin espresso. This ethiopian gedeb chelchele tastes like berries and caramel.

>> No.15856363

Wait there's no way of making an espresso without using over a $100 machine?

>> No.15856385

Pretty much. At that price point you're better off getting a serviceable pourover setup for home and working your palette with that, and getting good espresso from a good cafe. $100 options are only going to make something you're not going to like and frustrate you.

>> No.15856640

>pic related
I personally like that one

>> No.15856670

>over a $100 machine
Try $500 at the absolute bare minimum. A quality machine will run you far more than that.

>> No.15856880
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Nice decore but I don't like hip-hop

>> No.15856910
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>> No.15857131

What water do you guys use? Since I recently installed a ro filter, should I just go full in and starting making water recipes?

>> No.15857270

bottled poland spring.

>> No.15857299
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Coffee & milk ~ a delicious pairing

>> No.15857354

Distilled water, lightly salted to taste.

>> No.15857635

espresso is over rated.

>> No.15857653

I don't necessarily agree. I would absolutely agree that most places serving espresso serve coffee that's overrated. I'd certainly agree that some otherwise competent cafes and coffee shops that can serve very good milk drinks and filter coffee are using espresso as a base for those milk drinks that is dogshit to drink on its own. But an excellent espresso with good beans done well, is marvellous. It's also a pain in the dick to do in the home and needs to be considered a hobby rather than a convenience item, as opposed to again, what can otherwise be quite good milk drinks or filter coffee.

>> No.15857665
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Gooood it's fucking disgusting
Leave it to gooks to come up with something so plastic
Why did I even bother to try it

>> No.15857684

where my /chemex/ at?

>> No.15857729

Now I've decided to warm it up in my Bialetti milk frother press thing, but I overdone the milk and now it tastes even more like shit but I have to drink it to not waste food.
Fuck you /ck/

>> No.15857740

Beats are laughed at by the audiophile community because theyre shit for their price but because of a clever marketing, theyre popular with ignorant normies . Flairs are one of the best price for value machines and can do things like pressure profiling that a 1000 dollar machine cant do. The Beats of the espresso world is Nespresso.

>> No.15857750

Espresso fag here. Ive just bought an aeropress on sale for work. What beans are best suited for an aeropress?

>> No.15857771

Only with the right beans. For acidic fruit bombs, milk tastes awful. Caramelly, some stone fruity or chocolatey coffees are ok with milk

>> No.15857821

I think they're referring specifically to the flair 58 which will be at a higher price point without a significant increase in features.

>> No.15857939

Dark and medium roast to hide the aeropress' mediocre extraction. t. have had an aeropress since september

>> No.15858270

>without a significant increase in features.

58mm, being able to use standard vst baskets and distribution tools,and a heated brew chamber are MASSIVE upgrades for what, +~200 over the pro 2? The only non-significant(but still very nice) are the t handle and a bigger base to fit scales. Even my lunar is cramped under the signature.

>> No.15858714
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>dating back hundreds of years
If the Japs have had coffee for hundreds of years why are most of their cafes so bad at it

>> No.15858738

Look at their coffee insta accounts. Almost all of them only drink ultra dark roasts. Blue Bottle became such a huge thing over there because, other than for a few very expensive and very "specialty" places like Koffee Mameya, they were the first to serve coffee that hasn't been burnt to charcoal.

>> No.15858759
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I wouldn't really compared the stuff the Dutch brought in the 17th century to really be comparable to what you get at an average Japanese cafe, even if they do use the Kyoto slow drip thing.

>> No.15859011

Are there any cute preparation methods for around 6g of coffee beans at a time? I noticed that's about my threshold for caffeine to feel good and not have a bad crash. Right now I'm doing 6g of cof + 6g of decaf in a Kalita Wave, just wondering if there are any other cool ways so I can make cut the decaf half (other than espresso).

>> No.15859026


>> No.15859038

Lil babby 7-14g flatbed dripper.


>> No.15859070

>san fran coffee
yeah, im not surprised. delicious fucking coffee there though. who was it?

>> No.15859079

yep. especially nothing comparable to just going to your local shop and letting them pull an espresso for you. its the only reason I still go to cafes.

>> No.15859187

Quick, pick the last coffee I add to my order. Only 1 out of the following 3 (already have a Brazilian and an Ethiopian)
- Costa Rica Tarrazu
- Peru - "Yezu La Granja"
- Colombia - "La Isabela"

>> No.15859207

Which of those is Cafe Bustelo? That's the one to go with

>> No.15859224
File: 297 KB, 466x734, 1590952037557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, that's the chink grinder I bought from aliexpress, 1:1. They just recolored it. It costs 130 bucks.

>> No.15859271

Based French Truck

>> No.15859292
File: 25 KB, 800x800, 4ozPhinFilter-NguyenCoffeeSupply_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnamese pour over?

>> No.15859296

Good point. Get's me thinking if I can jerry rig a resistive heater on mine with some ring clamps

>> No.15859389

another ethiopian

>> No.15859472

i wonder how practical it'd be to just make an espresso maker
doesn't seem like it'd have to be too complex, just a water and air chamber connected to a brew chamber and parts rated to 130+ psi

>> No.15859714


>> No.15859834
File: 1.55 MB, 1960x3163, 20210330_173743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these today, trying out some flavours.

>> No.15859916

New thread