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15815580 No.15815580 [Reply] [Original]

I want to like this shit so bad because I married into a bunch of southerners but I can’t. Why the fuck is it so mucus-y and how do people stand to eat it. Even when it’s fried i can’t help but think of snot. Is there any way to overcome this? I also want to know why people like this slimy abomination

>> No.15815592

>Is there any way to overcome this?
Yeah, it’s called quit being a bitch.

>> No.15815596

You've had worse whore.

>> No.15815597

>enjoying the texture of a ball of phlegm in your mouth
Kill yourself

>> No.15815607

can't you cook it more?

>> No.15815635

It's a weed from africa and that's all it is to me.

>> No.15815692

Okra tastes good, get some taste

>> No.15815696

I lived in North Carolina for a while. It's disgusting and Southerners are retarded. Next thread.

>> No.15815712

I never said it doesn’t taste good, I think it does, I just can’t enjoy it because of that slimy shit. I don’t know if I’ve only had it prepared poorly or if that’s just how it is

>> No.15815733

That's how it is, it doesn't bother me.

>> No.15815773

If you can't eat okra covered in cormeal and fried you will never get past the slime, full stop. Give up right then and there because that preparation is the least gross for you "people"

>> No.15815802

try this

>> No.15816887

Try it pickled with a bloody mary.

>> No.15816926

I toss it in things in order to thicken them. I'm not a fan of it on its own.

>> No.15817194
File: 94 KB, 740x493, Cajun-Fried-Okra-7496-740x493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no food is improved by frying as much as Okra is

>> No.15817253

Fry it, eat it, quit being a carpetbagging faggot.

>> No.15817272

Midwesterner here. I'd never heard of okra until last year. My grocery store doesn't have it. What even is it? What does it taste like?

>> No.15817371




>> No.15817372

This is going to sound completely retarded but they taste like a plant. Grass maybe. It's the seed pod of a plant in the hibiscus family

>> No.15817421

An actual good suggestion

>> No.15817436

the okra should be put in the water with lemon for about three minutes, then throw the water with lemon out, wash the okra with water, then cook in garlic and cooking oil.

>> No.15818291

What are you talking about? Snot tastes good you cunt

>> No.15818857

wash the mucus off by soaking in vinegar then rinsing beforehand, also if you cook it in something then the mucus dissipates

>> No.15819028

German here, I have never had this before nor have I ever seen it in a grocery store here. Not even canned. Now I real want to try it and see how something that looks like a bellpepper/pepperoni can be slimy.

>> No.15819117

I eat a ton of okra, it's a bit particular to cook but it's worth it.
It's a strong thickener, so added to any kind of soup or stew it will thicken it right up.
It oxidises rapidly, so keep it under water if it's cut.
These two together means that it's great grilled, because it thickens it's own marinade.
Some of the best okra I ever had was in Yunan, marinaded in rice win vinegar, yellow mustard, garlic, hot chilli- other things.

It's also used extensively in African food, god only knows what for.

>> No.15819135

incels spotted

>> No.15819224

keep cooking it until the slime goes away

>> No.15819226

If vegetables were fish okra would be hagfish. Order some seeds and grow your own as an experiment.

>> No.15819246

Actually the slime comes from the seeds, if you really want to get rid of sliminess just rinse in water- at that point though I don't know why you would even use okra

>> No.15819389

Yes, don't cut them and try not to stir too much.

I like them two ways:

1. Plain. Fry them whole, quickly in a wok.
2. As a stew. I use tomato puree & pasata because the acid helps prevent the mucillage, but still you need to not stir them very much if at all.

>> No.15819532

Next time when you eat it, don't think about snot. Pretend it's delicious syrup bursting from their little okra pods.

>> No.15819578


>> No.15819981

Cut them and saute them in a separate skillet, it should get most of the mucus texture out before adding them to things

>> No.15819991

I try to imagine it's jizz instead of snot and it's not so bad anymore.

>> No.15820006

I do the same lol

>> No.15820182
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I get'em pickled.

>> No.15820209

These are great, but overpriced to the point of insanity. You can a giant jar of pickled okra for a few bucks more.

>> No.15820221

Do yourself a favor and go to a Cracker Barrel and order some. That was my first exposure to it
t. fellow flyover

>> No.15821418
File: 1.99 MB, 1200x1200, bhindi-sabzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally love southern food but okra kinda sucks. However, there's an Indian dish called bhindi masala (or bhindi sabzi) which is a pretty amazing okra curry. Also as others have mentioned there's ways to make them less slimy.

>> No.15821552

I currently live in Tennessee. Okra is delicious but Southerners are in fact retarded.

>> No.15821872

>call it okra
We call it 'kra if we're not retarded niggers..

>> No.15822118

in Yunan? you mean Yunnan province china? or Yunanistan?

>> No.15822144

It’s incredible, I remember the first time trying it being so confused because I had the plant before and always imagined it to be crisp. Just straight up mucus covered plant matter

>> No.15822153

This is a quality post, thank you

>> No.15822654

Yeah in indian restaurants they'll quickly deep fry them after cutting to avoid getting the slimey texture

>> No.15823194
File: 97 KB, 600x750, IMG_20191202_193523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the seminal fluid in your mouth when biting one of those is so appealing

>> No.15824036

there is. ive had it great. indian restaurants. but i dont know how. sorry

>> No.15824394

try pickling it

>> No.15824419

Soak in buttermilk before cooking to reduce the slime and add a bit of flavor.

>> No.15824420

This sounds kind of good as long as I don’t bite into it and mucus gushes out. Never seen them pickled though, and I live in south florida

>> No.15824677

Never had it but the way you described the texture makes me think of cooked eggplant. Would that be an accurate comparison?

>> No.15824680

eat it the Indian way. flash fried with no sliminess

>> No.15824699

I prefer okra roasted because if I eat it boiled or steamed, the slime reminds me too much of nuru massage (C) and I spend the rest of the day with a throbbing erection

>> No.15824910

Also a midwesterner, the local grocery store doesn't have it fresh, but you can find it in the frozen veg aisle in both the plain old regular chain store and also the hippy health food place. You can often also find the pickled variety which I don't really like

>> No.15824917

Mexican restaurants targeted towards hispanics here will have grilled cactus sometimes and I think it's really similar to that. Just think of how aloe vera feels and it's pretty close to that, but inside what looks like a pepper but tastes like a zucchini

>> No.15825205

I like it raw, though that's only when it's fresh off the plant. Good crisp texture, and I guess I don't mind the slime.

>> No.15825214

Texture is fairly unnoticeable in gumbo.

>> No.15825229

i eat sauteed or steamed okra all the time and i feel like people complaining about the slime have to be massive babies. it's not that bad at all just get over it lol

>> No.15825232

Cum guzzler

>> No.15825528


Lion King made slimy shit look tasty