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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 120x131, 3EF239AE-FF60-4FCC-9D3B-CFF8946641D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15814343 No.15814343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is the exact moment that I knew the election was rigged

>> No.15814356

holy BASED

>> No.15814359

>>>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

That said, fuck niggers

>> No.15814360

lol. cope more faggot

>> No.15814363

just 2 more weeks lads

>> No.15814365

trump lost fair and square

>> No.15814375

Jannies are slacking.
Post it.

>> No.15814379

just wait anon, April 6th is going to be when shadowprez gets revealed

all of our waiting will pay off

>> No.15814380
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>> No.15814384
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>> No.15814387
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this picture?

>> No.15814393
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>Tfw that stimi hit and you buy yourself a bunch of xanax and weed.

>> No.15814430
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>> No.15814462

Este es muy basado!

>> No.15814503

How can someone be happy that Biden won that blows my mind and I am not even American.

>> No.15814528

Rapist still owes me 600

>> No.15814565

Trannies are very happy, because with if the Equality Act passes, any man can shower in a women's locker room simply by declaring themself a woman.
The Biden administration will be the most misogynistic administration in American history, hands down.

>> No.15814578

still mad he lost?

>> No.15814636

Who cares, he's in the office anyway?

>> No.15814665

I don't vote. Why would I be mad?

>> No.15814682

>I don't vote
Lucky you, team D will do it for you.

>> No.15814691


>> No.15814693
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>he thinks there's a difference between (R) and (D)

>> No.15814705

Because it's funny to laugh at people who get too involved in politics. I was laughing in 2016 when all the uberlibs freaked out, and now I'm laughing cause the Magatards are freaking out. It's all a circus so just sit back and laugh. Local politics are all you should care about- your town, city, etc. Voting in national elections is useless at this point.

>> No.15814708

>blows my mind and I am not even American
That's why you don't understand. Having an irl troll as president may seem funny to an outsider, but it was a fucking headache living with a 12 year old in the white house for 4 years. Kind of like having 24/7 /pol/ shit being posted on your comfy food and cooking board. It was never about Biden; people just hated Trump.

>> No.15814712
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There is a difference, kiddo. Just not on every issue. How old are you? (srs question btw)

>> No.15814718
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>> No.15814720

*vagina noises*

>> No.15814723

Yeah, that's why the entire media machine, hundreds of politicians, basically every single Silicon Valley tech conglomerate, and all the banks had to band together to subvert the will of the people. Because the people just really hated Trump.

Enjoy your fake president lol. Someone should have warned him about stairs, dog.

>> No.15814737

>yet another out-of-context soundbite as a headline
As usual, what little of the truth their masters will allow them to admit will be in the second-to-last paragraph of the article.

>> No.15814743

It's not just magatards who despise Biden. It's most sane people, people who are sick of the (((Wokeism))). I specifically mentioned misogyny because I've seen a shitload of women talk about deregistering as a democrat and vowing to never vote for anything but third party again.
Then you have native americans, hispanics, asians, and pretty much everyone but the two colors the media talks about who are sick of the constant (((Wokeism))) and are actually being shit on under the guise of "raising up black lives".
The Jewish Question.
Trump is retarded but barely did shit. Biden is retarded and is doing a lot of shit.

>> No.15814759

>Biden is retarded and is doing a lot of shit
Biden is the most centrist, bland, white bread president we've ever had. It only seems like he's "doing a lot of shit" because the right has gone so far right bat shit insane that doing literally anything looks like communist China now.

>> No.15814775

And that's why there's a tranny in the cabinet who's going to move to take away a parent's right to refuse HRT for their own kids

>> No.15814776

>seen a shitload of women

>> No.15814788

>literal billionaires are tripling their fortunes during a global pandemic while paying zero in taxes but i'm worried about mr. potato head

>> No.15814789

>Parroting top comments from Reddit's /news and /politics boards
You don't actually pay attention to what's going on, do you?
>He doesn't browse trans-exclusionary feminist communities

>> No.15814792

where are the jannies when we need them

>> No.15814803

Why's this shocking? GA's heavily populated areas are blue and they turned out to vote, so obviously there will be more votes coming in from those areas compared to the rural maga counties

>> No.15814807

They finally cleaned up that Ragusa spam not too long ago, and a little /pol/ banter isn't much worse.

>> No.15814808

The man himself has said that he will look to remove a parent's right to refuse HRT for their child, if the child claims to be a tranny. That has real consequences for my own child. If, god forbid, my own child has a tranny phase, they will be able to obtain HRT from the government and I'll be legally powerless to stop it

>> No.15814813

>my own child
You have to have sex first, dum dum.

>> No.15814824

Tranny phase is the new goth phase, except its consequences are permanent. Zionists are the most evil people in all of history.

>> No.15814851
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I love the smell of copium in the morning

>> No.15814878

Then move. You could just move, right? Your views don't represent those of the average American, so it's time for you to move.

>> No.15814880
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4 more years Blompftards

>> No.15814921

Every rich european country has already passed an identical law or is on the same trajectory. I'm not moving to china and japan doesn't want me. That leaves Slavic countries which are all poor. I don't really mind that but I'm in debt right now and need to pay it off before I can consider moving someplace like that. Also, I come from a good family whom I love and it would pain me greatly not only to be away from them but also for my children to grow up without them

>> No.15814936

Ok, guess you should stop worrying about it then. Everything will go fine.
Were you under the impression that every single thing needed to go your way once you threw a tantrum about it?

>> No.15814937
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>> No.15814948
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Southbros, is there anything good at Zaxby's? Was thinking about giving them a try

>> No.15814950

My kids receiving hormones which will permanently damage their bodies is a little more than "things not going my way."

>> No.15814952

His son spent that on crack cocaine. You aren’t getting your $600

>> No.15814961

It was obvious when a truckload of votes, 100% for biden, magically showed up after it was shown that he was going to lose. The amount of votes happened to be just enough for him to win.

>> No.15814962
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check out these doubles i scored >>>/his/10721422

>> No.15814973 [DELETED] 

Okay? Then move to a country like Saudi Arabia or Uganda that shares your views, or get over it and stop crying. Guess what? The vast majority of the population believes that Trans lives are just as valid as Cis ones. Why should we have to bend over backwards and give up our hard-won rights to protect your hurt fee fees, manchild? We're not living in the nineteenth century anymore, and we don't have to pander to your entitled, sheltered, reactionary views. Don't like it? It's a free country - LEAVE.

>> No.15815014


>> No.15815028

No, it isn't. Unless you also believe that children being imprisoned and separated from their parents, weekly mass shootings, etc are also major problems. But you don't. Even though they're bigger problems than your dipshit kid. Why not just keep them off the internet if you're worried about that stuff.

>> No.15815037

41% sooner or later, faggot child groomer.

>> No.15815041

You can post these words all you want, you can scream about cisgender bigots all you want, you can talk about people "living in the past" all you want, but none of those words and none of those monologues will ever make you a real woman

>> No.15815045

Perhaps next time your party's officials shouldn't request mailins from urban districts to be counted last if you don't want to be surprised like this. Statistically, the vote was never in question, it was always obvious it was going to Biden - simple math that's somehow too complicated for people who I suppose forgot 7th grade algebra?

>> No.15815048

Shut the fuck up you globalist fag. Many of us still have family values

>> No.15815053

It’s funny they don’t leave because the countries that support their beliefs are shit holes and they can’t put the two things together

>> No.15815058

Remember that Hillary has a 98% chance of winning

>> No.15815062

Not him but I'm a straight, white, cisgender man and I think you all are mentally ill manchildren who should not be allowed to vote before passing an IQ threshold (you won't unless you cheat).

>> No.15815066

thanks for the free (You)s, cucks

>> No.15815072

So your point is that those things are perfectly okay and your "family values" are so much more important. So sensitive.

>> No.15815073

You’ll never be a man

>> No.15815084

That’s nice. I think I’ll blow your fucking head off of you bring that mentally ill tranny shit near my kids.

>> No.15815085

Wait, so your argument is that when the math doesn't support the actual outcome then the outcome is perfectly unquestionable, and when the math predicts the actual outcome precisely then the outcome must be riddled with fraud? Are you ill?

>> No.15815094

I don't care what I am, I care that I'm right and that you're wrong, and I care that I can prove it (and do so over and over).
You keep talking about irreparable damage but your thoughts are dominated by violence. From where does this cognitive dissonance originate? Do you just not care about the wellbeing of your countrymen?

>> No.15815101
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You should get some UN election observers to make sure you're having a fair election. They really help out in countries trying to develop democratic institutions.

I'm not joking

>> No.15815109
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stay mad cuck

>> No.15815122

until what

>> No.15815125

No thanks, UN soldiers rape kids

>> No.15815136


>> No.15815143

You said it, not me

>> No.15815145

Jew brainwashed trannys are not my countrymen. Just a disease to eradicate.

>> No.15815149

As if child rapists are a novel occurrence in us politics and culture

>> No.15815153

What are you even talking about? Is your argument that we should doubt the 2016 election's legitimacy? If so, then we can agree there.

>> No.15815157
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>> No.15815162

Well I'm not any of those things and I'm assuming you're also a citizen of the USA so we're definitely countrymen then. Either way wishing violence upon others is really infantile.

>> No.15815164

based mods letting the religiou-uh I mean ideological idiots contain themselves in one thread

>> No.15815168

It’s not a wish. It’s a vow. Come and see. ;)

>> No.15815170
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Found the ugly jew. Fuck off with your pilpul, faggot. Such ugly, ugly faces...

>> No.15815177
File: 31 KB, 768x432, 5E1994CE-C872-4248-BEDD-965CB2B59F52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe you “people” voted for a brain damaged old man who can’t even climb a flight of stairs.

>> No.15815208

>everything will go fine
Fucking this. Republicans are such little snowflakes these days. I get it, being a millennial sucks, and it's much harder to live the same life your parents did at your age. But stop blaming [jews/trannies/blacks/immigrants/insert minority]. The problem is the fucking boomers who stacked the cards against you, and they're the ones who have been doing the fearmongering on Fox News and elsewhere for the past 40 years to keep people from looking at the real reasons their life sucks. You're all a bunch of little bitches. That's why you think gun rights are a major issue: because you're scared. And then you try to overthrow the government and end up just wandering around aimlessly and get 20 years in prison. How'd that whole "well armed militia" thing go for you? That's why they supported Trump, a giant fucking baby born with a silver spoon in his mouth who did nothing but whine about how nobody likes him when all he did over 4 years in the white house was bitch on Twitter like a 12 year old girl. You are weak, and you are losers. Stop worrying about Dr. Seuss; that's not why you're still a virgin.

>> No.15815213

Incredibly based

>> No.15815222

election was rigged, democracy is a sham in america, joe biden is our yeltsin, I eagerly await our nations Vladamir Putin to put us back on the right track.

>> No.15815225

This, it's fucking pathetic sharing a website with these teenagers.

>> No.15815228

Soon enough uncle Joe will make that kind of flyover racist white hick whining a federal crime. Questioning a fair election got people killed. It's hate speech.

Oh and yes, we are planning to take your guns away from you. Within a year.

>> No.15815242
File: 1.77 MB, 288x485, child molester Joe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your pedo Joes.

>> No.15815247

Funny how you don’t talk about cities being burnt last summer due to a media concocted false narrative. My hat is why law abiding property owners with families believe in bearing arms. Weak minded pussy.

>> No.15815249

you aiight white boy

>> No.15815251

Go kill yourself faggot

>> No.15815263

I don't know anything about these media concocted false narratives or your magical hat, but "cities on fire" is probably the main thing people are going to remember about the Trump presidency. A literal dumpster fire.

>> No.15815265

If you like fried chicken and toast. I'm not a fan. I've ordered (((salads))) from Zaxbys and the car ended up smelling like pizza.

>> No.15815266

when did ck becomes filled with utter idiots?

>> No.15815270

>utter idiots
Big dairy.

>> No.15815271

You belong in a zoo.

>> No.15815272
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>> No.15815274


>> No.15815275

4 more years faggot

>> No.15815300
File: 304 KB, 737x607, 1614646758363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cities are still standing you exaggerating faggot. I don't even like those fucking places and prefer my more rural living but god damn this narrative of ENTIRE cities just being burnt down to ashes and I guess what displacing millions of people? This is happening oh wait EXCEPT IT ISN"T YOU FAGGOT.


>> No.15815336

Most of the big instances of people smashing windows or setting things on fire that were in the news were done by right wing militia fags as a false flag to paint antifa/blm as some violent boogeyman.

>> No.15815337

For me, it's gin

>> No.15815338

cool MSNBC talking points
go back

>> No.15815352

That isn't true I'm sure some polcels went and false flagged but the majority happened because nigs gonna nig and wanted to steal shit and burn shit it's not that complicated. But the fear mongering of cities "burning" is super fucking gay and any polcel that participates in spreading that narrative needs to blow their brains out and do the world a favor.

>> No.15815394

>I'm sure some polcels went and false flagged but the majority happened because nigs gonna nig and wanted to steal shit and burn shit
Yes, but my point was that a handful of instances that went viral were intentional false flags. Of fucking course there was some burning and looting when there were massive, nation wide protests going on for 2 straight years over police brutality against blacks. Pretending to be surprised about that is fucking retarded, and they're obviously overblowing it and it's pretty cringe.
>any polcel that participates in spreading that narrative needs to blow their brains out and do the world a favor
That's literally the only narrative they have left at this point. What did Trump even run on in 2020? Ask anyone and they'll just scratch their chin and say he was strong (lol). It's nothing but, "BE AFRAID, [THEY] ARE COMING FOR YOU!" and, "THE OTHER SIDE HATES YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU CARE ABOUT (I'M NOT GOING TO SAY WHAT "WE" CARE ABOUT - FUCK YOU - BUT THEY'RE TRYING TO DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE WAY OF LIFE!!"

>> No.15815416

Biden is not fucking centrist lmao, stop getting all your news from Vox
oh i agree, Wokeism is definitely a turnoff for a lot of people. I was just enjoying the tears. itll be interesting to see how Biden winds up waffling through this term
the average American does not necessarily agree with hormone treatments for children. its a hotly debated issue at best.

>> No.15815420

Just because you only watch cnn or read clickbait doesnt mean that trump didnt have a plan.
He was running on finally addressing the chink menace, but of course you pathetic faggots decided to vote for a pro China president while china claims you are their biggest threat and enemy.
Truly pathetic

>> No.15815446

Until nothing happens for the billionth time
If someone in a thread says "only _____ until..." ignore them, they are a qtard

>> No.15815459

I thought KKK Adolf Drumpf was gassing gorillions of trans mexican kids at the border, I wouldn't describe that as "fine" anon would you?