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15813500 No.15813500 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make the perfect hot chocolate?

>> No.15813515

1 Serving:

Two tablespoons of Cacao powder
Equal parts sugar or other sweetener (I like syrup, the molasses give it a bit more depth)
A few shakes of cayenne

Mix thouroghly, bring milk to a near boil on the stove then pour into cup with the mix.

>> No.15813535

I heard powder is inferior to chocolate flakes

>> No.15813549

>A few shakes of cayenne
Ohai chef john. I really like your videos!

>> No.15813553

>chopped bar of dark chocolate
>cocoa powder
>whole milk
>instant coffee

>> No.15813636

4 cups milk
3 tbsp cacao powder
2 tbsp maple syrup or honey
4 oz semi-sweet chocolate (finely chopped)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

>> No.15813656

Why cayenne?

>> No.15813666

I forget the specifics of how it works, but the Capscasin in it somehow interacts with the Cocoa and helps amp up the chocolate flavor.

>> No.15813670

Whatever you use as your chocolate base, powder, syrup whatever. Doesn't matter. Just make sure you add a tiny amount of liquid to it, like a tablespoon of milk, and mush it together to make a paste. Then add the rest of your milk/water/whatever you use. It'll ensure that the cocoa spreads evenly throughout the drink. Works best with hot drinks, dunno how good it is for cold cocoa.

>> No.15813677
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It is tradition

>> No.15813779

I'll give it a shot, thanks Satan

>> No.15813796

On the note of chocolate.
I've recently discovered an old recipe for chocolate syrup and I've got my filthy mits on some flavour oils. Would combining the two be a good idea?

Oil flavours are: Cherry, Key lime, Strawberry, and Raspberry.

>> No.15813801

Cherry chocolate is like mhhhhmmm

>> No.15813826

No matter what, the secret ingredient is always cornstarch.

>> No.15813877
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Malted milk powder OP. Also you really need a blender to ensure complete homogenization and dissolved the sweetener & chocolate solutes.

>> No.15814485

This. Hot chocolate with a hint of coffee is really nice.

>> No.15815423

Rosemary sprig in there while heating the milk.

>> No.15815618
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Who the hell drinks hot chocolate? Just have a milk

>> No.15815620

lol gross are you that rosemary pear pie freak

>> No.15816721

How much milk for two tbsp of cocoa ?

>> No.15817021
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>A few shakes of cayenne
Thanks for the tip mate. Just tried it and it's pretty great.

>> No.15817081

Chocolate milk nowadays is just sugar milk with a drop of cocoa. It's not that nice.

>> No.15818284

>banana milk
sounds dleicious. w2c?

>> No.15818296

From the junk food fridge section of your supermarket, with the iced coffee and flavoured drinking yoghurts and milks.
Otherwise Nesquik Banana if you can find it. They stopped selling it in Australia a few years ago and now you can't get Banana milk powder anywhere.

>> No.15818299

>tfw only able to shop at the military commissary for the next week
god i hope they have it there bros

>> No.15818321

No milk, he's an American.

>> No.15819016

Any recipes for us lactose intolerant bros?

>> No.15819241
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wouldn't it be best to melt a chocolate bar into milk

>> No.15819245

Doesn't goat milk have low lactose ?

>> No.15819282

Be fat

>> No.15819415

shut up tastelet

>> No.15819517
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Just tried it, it tastes like normal hot chocolate but spicy. Just like I thought, it's a fucking meme. Thanks satan.

>> No.15819608

Lactose free milk, which is just normal milk but tastes a little sweeter and "weird".
Or get some lactase tablets if your country let's you

>> No.15819624

It's not hot chocolate weather anymore so who cares.

>> No.15820093

Maybe not for you, it's just beginning here

>> No.15820324

1 cup of milk
Half a cup of heavy whipping cream
2 tbsp of alkalized cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 shakes of corn starch
Dash of cayenne
Dash of cinnamon
Add sugar to your liking, I generally do a 1/4th of a cup
Do this all over a medium/low heat until it’s cohesive, then remove from heat, add 1-2 squares of your favorite chocolate bar (I use ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate)
Add a dash of salt at the end, stir, pour into your mug, and add a few marshmallows, moreso if you didn’t add sugar so the sweetness balanced out the flavor.

>> No.15820385

True, but sometimes the occasion does come up. On a particularly rainy day with overcast skies and what not it’s not a bad treat to have.

By the same logic people should only have certain pies when fruit is ripe, and never eat ice cream if it’s under 90 degrees

>> No.15820425


>> No.15821343

I actually have hot chocolate more in Spring and Autumn than winter.

>> No.15822613

I just drink basic ones so I don't have much to add, except for a few things that I've noticed recipes tend not to mention:

>mixing the cocoa
If you're using cocoa powder DO NOT just fucking toss it into the hot milk, it will clump like mad and be a massive pain in the ass. Instead, heat the milk, mix the dry stuff in the mug, pour hot milk over the dry. Moreover, pour a little bit in first and mix (you want just enough liquid to make a slurry/paste), then the rest of the milk.

>'dash' of salt
The amount matters. I've found 0.2g is good, 0.1g is too little, and 'dash' means nothing to me. Fuck off, who knows what that means. If you don't want to measure by weight like an autist, just experiment and note how much you put in, and try gradually increasing it until you get good results.

>le '1/16tsp' vanilla extract
Again fuck off, you can put quite a bit more in and it's great. Hell, I can't even reliably pour that little in anyway.

t. likes hot chocolate

>> No.15822623

Cinnamon makes hot cock o latte perfect.

>> No.15823679

OP asked for Hot Chocolate, any recipe that only has cocoa powder is Hot Cocoa and can gtfo

>> No.15824568

>20 cl milk
>7.5 cl cream
>1/2 to a full spoon of sugar
>50g chocolate

That's the most basic chocolate you can make, and a good starting point once you wanna explore variants.