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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 397 KB, 1536x2048, 1599264848143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15810029 No.15810029 [Reply] [Original]

You DO drink a gallon of water a day, don't you /ck/?

>> No.15810036
File: 293 KB, 392x464, 1616206880272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that faggot writing all over it

>> No.15810040

>drinking from plastic
Enjoy the boobs.

>> No.15810041

beer is ~95% water, so yes.

>> No.15810044

Half is more than enough if you don't want to harm your kidneys.

>> No.15810056

what temptation?
the temptation to stop drinking when you're not thirsty?

>> No.15810062

do you really need labels to tell you when to drink water? doesn't everyone have a natural instinct to drink water?

>> No.15810069

>imagine being such a fat failure of a human bean that you need motivation to drink something you'll literally die without
classic americans

>> No.15810071

i used to drink 2 gallons a day on accident because i thought 8 Gatorade bottles were a gallon

My skin sharpness was noticeable if that makes sense and every time i was in the sun my skin glowed

but i dont get that if i drink 1 gallon of water

>> No.15810074

>skin sharpness
what does this mean?
are you a shark?

>> No.15810087

I think you mean sharkness

>> No.15810099

I once got dehydrated because I drank 24oz dark beers and ate lasagna, only, for a week straight

>> No.15810100

The average human does not need more than 2 liters of water per day

>> No.15810117

That's a fairly small amount of water for an average-sized person, I'd say?

>> No.15810155

Bro the easiest way to drink water is just put a jug of the shit next to your computer. You'll find yourself downing a gallon without even realising it.

>> No.15810182

>Bro the easiest way to drink water is just put a jug of the shit next to your computer. You'll find yourself downing a gallon without even realising it.
I do the same thing with milk.

>> No.15810187

I only buy milk for purposes of making Greek yogurt. It's extremely delicious, creamy, filling, and high in protein while being generally low in calories.

>> No.15810204
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>A gallon?
>No thanks, I drink 37 glasses of water a day

>> No.15810258

I drink 80 oz along with other drinks throughout the day. A person that drinks a gallon a day would not have one moment of the day that they didn't feel the need to run to the bathroom. Sounds miserable.

>> No.15810262

I try. I'm giving up alcohol to smoke weed, too

>> No.15810265

imagine the shits

>> No.15810284

I thought I was going to die

>> No.15810303

Nah covid destroyed my kidneys into needing dialysis and am limited to two bottles a day. :^)

>> No.15810304

Drinking water has become a stupid meme. Everyone is over hydrating nowadays. I drink a lot of water too but I know it's not healthier and probably slightly detrimental.

>> No.15810320

Drinking water is a forced meme. You really only need 1 litre a day I don’t care how much that is in stupid gallons.The rest you can make up with vegetables, wine, fishes all which are mostly water anyway.

>> No.15810353

no, maybe 1/2 a gallon per day, the only time I would drink more than that if I am doing work outside.

>> No.15810414

>Resist Temptation
I’m confused. Does that water want to be drank or not?

>> No.15810516

>7pm - Resist Temptation
>come back into the house from a hot evening’s work
>just used the the late summer sunlight to finish caging the tomato hybrids I’ve been working on
>tomatoes just lovin that weather
>walk into house and wipe forehead with handkerchief
>spy a jug of cold water, drawn from the aquifer under my land
>”Resist Temptation”!!!
Sorry, jug. I’m about to open your hole, and we’re about to get reeeeeal close.

>> No.15810570

>spills a little on the sides
>all that pretty writing gets smeared

>> No.15810610

yeah but then you might get it mixed up with your piss jug

>> No.15810617
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I drink a gallon a day at work then another gallon mixed with 12oz of vodka when I get home. I urinate 3-4 times a day.

>> No.15810620 [DELETED] 

idiot fucks, if you feel thirsty you're ALREADY dehydrated.

>> No.15810707

I drink about a gallon of water a day and I only drink when I'm thirsty. Why am I thirsty so much?

>> No.15810747

>only drinking water when you're thirsty
If you're EVER thirsty you're already doing it wrong

>> No.15810919

>7-9pm, warm plastic flavored backwash

>> No.15810931


>> No.15811006

my condolences brother but this is one of the worst posts i have ever seen on this website

>> No.15811011

I only drink water when I feel thirsty. Combined with a healthy diet this means not that much throughout the day because a lot of healthy foods contain a lot of water.

>> No.15811050


>> No.15811063

I'd rather take a minor fluid imbalance that I will satiate immediately anyway than having to piss every hour. Who says constantly filling yourself with water is better than feeling thirst for a few minutes?

>> No.15811082

Could swing either way but no genuine fatty would have a problem getting through a gallon of water especially in a day. No, this has all the writings of some twig skinny woman trying to get into fitness for the first time to build up an ass. Hence all the gay motivation to drink what is a normal amount of water.

>> No.15811099

this is the dumbest fucking take, i swear to christ. your body will tell you when it would like some water just like it will tell you when it would like some food. you aren't dehydrated as soon as you feel thirsty. human beings have not been by-default dehydrated for hundreds of thousands of years just because they aren't drinking water every half hour.

>> No.15811101

Garfield has changed since john moved on

>> No.15811143

It's also possible to drink too much water like it's possible to eat too much food. If you're constantly drinking water when you're not thirsty you could also be experiencing some minor negative effects from that as the sodium in your blood gets diluted.

Your body is pretty good at telling you when you should drink some water and how much to drink, I'm not sure why so many people think they have to fight against that. Feels very unharmonious.

>> No.15811232


>> No.15811255


Well done stripping minerals from your body, fuckwit!

>> No.15811277

no, and its not healthy to either. your body needs to consume 8 pints a day (fucking gallons, dickhead americans), not specifically chug that in liquid form. food has water in. youre actually drinking more than your body needs and are causing damage
my stomach rumbled, guess im malnourished to fuck and will die any minute. oh wait, no. same applies to thirst, you mong

>> No.15811293

then i guess you cant count, either the amount youre drinking or pissing or both

>> No.15811296

expect it isnt

>> No.15811299
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>> No.15811347

It is for an active adult. Active meaning true exercise not a leisurely 30 min walk on a treadmill. Anyone taking fitness seriously would need that much hydration.

>> No.15811372

Atleast a gallon. Generally closer to two and a half. More on hot days

>> No.15811452

Same here, although I just fucking love the taste of water.

>> No.15811453


>> No.15811457

I drink about 3 litres a day because I get a bad headache very quickly if I don't, been this way ever since I was in a skateboard accident and hit my head

>> No.15811529

I drink several litres a day but my skin is always dry and i'm dehydrated as fuck every morning anyway

>> No.15811535


>> No.15811608

I had the same problem until I figured out certain foods cause those problems for me.

>> No.15811611

which ones?

>> No.15811632

You don't need a ton of water unless you're on keto. But then you'll be thirsty as shit anyway. There is literally no reason to force yourself to drink water.

>> No.15811633
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>I don’t care how much that is in stupid gallons
europoor spotted

>> No.15811648

2 liters a day is all you need

>> No.15811662

If I drank that much water from 5pm to 9pm I'd be up all night pissing.

>> No.15811699

Same. Water and black coffee/tea is what I normally drink

>> No.15811701

Thott hands penned this

>> No.15811724

wait what?

>> No.15811725

or asian, or south american
really anyone except the US

>> No.15811738

Anything with too much sugar, potatoes, coffee mainly. It's probably different things for everyone though. Or it might just be that you're eating too much salt.

>> No.15812049

I imagine a weak stomached fuck coming to this bottle every 2 hours and trying to force chug his way to the next marker because of some retarded belief of being behind watering schedule, thus even deepening their weird hatred for the most common of liquids, instead of just drinking throughout the day like a normal person would.

>> No.15812063

this will never not make me want to vomit

>> No.15812187
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>low in calories

>> No.15812194

I drink when I am thirsty I trust my body to tell me

>> No.15812219

I don't know how much I drink a day, but it's probably at least 1 litre, maybe up to 2 litres.

>> No.15812225

>You should only eat when your hungry.
>Drinking water? You should be manually forcing it down your throat every free second you have of the day.

>> No.15812236

There is so much fucking dietary research that confirms the fact that you only need to drink when you're thirsty. Do some fucking research rather than slapping your bros' asses over on /fit/ in some dumb pseudoscience broscience thread. Fuck you

>> No.15812242

Should I still drink this much water if I drink other things? Like if I drink ~1 liter of tea every day do I drink less water or still a gallon?

>> No.15812250

I drink when I'm thirsty and I drink over a gallon a day. The pseudo-science is because of bitches like you that don't exert an inch of sweat in a fucking month you genetically worthless spit

>> No.15812271
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oh nononono

>> No.15812280

Enjoy your failing kidneys at 40 retard

>> No.15812321

Who the fuck drinks an entire litre of tea every day

>> No.15812380

I drink 4 250ml cups a day

>> No.15812393

Itt unaware diabetics and bladderlettes

>> No.15812404

What does your water taste like?

>> No.15812508
File: 720 KB, 720x776, water1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are elderly or have certain very specific illnesses or are engaging in extreme exercise, forcing water in you like this is not only unhealthy but also dangerous.
Keep a glass or bottle nearby and drink when you feel like it. Don't force yourself to reach some arbitrary amount.

>> No.15812517

i haven't drank water once in the past 6 years

>> No.15812521

You dehydrate all your foods and drinks?

>> No.15812553

Bing pot

>> No.15812557

>I don't drink water.

That's a big red flag for me buddy

>> No.15812777
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>> No.15812807

You will never be White.

>> No.15812828

the guys did all the work landing on the moon used the metric system

>> No.15812880
File: 94 KB, 960x720, 1586763465_933_15-Historic-Mistakes-Committed-by-Humans-Which-Paid-the-Heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15813022

if you're a pro athlete then maybe that makes sense since you will lose performance from dehydration before your body sends any thirst signals
the rest of us just need to drink when we get thirsty, no more or less

>> No.15813036

If you're EVER hungry you're already doing it wrong

>> No.15813041

I am convinced a sedentary person doesn't need more than 1L per day. You should only drink when you feel thirsty. Drinking too much water is will only lead to pissing out all of your electrolytes.

>> No.15813086

i refuse to believe that there wasn't more to this
who starts a project without establishing what the basic units of information in the system are going to be

>> No.15813128

yes please

>> No.15813129
File: 375 KB, 960x684, 18300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Liberia and Myanmar land on the moon?

Also, the US does use metric in scientific fields.

>> No.15813140
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Seething, as per usual.

>> No.15813165

Both Liberia and Myanmar are changing over to metric. It takes time.

>> No.15813292

Seek sunlight

>> No.15813302

I honestly don't know what is like not to have thirst. I easily drink 2,5L of water just until noon. and I pee a lot too

>> No.15814023

>a gallon
I drink 2.

>> No.15814036

I can’t imagine having to have fucking encouraging lines just to drink water. I’ve killed half a gallon in one sitting.

>> No.15814049

Is everyone on this board diabetic?

>> No.15814139

I trying to drink 2 liters a day but I don't think it's doing any good, i'm pissing clear every time, i hear that's not good for your kidneys.

>> No.15814160

Holy fuck I've been shopping for gallon/half gallon water bottles on Amazon and 98% of them have this cringe text on the side. Absolutely haram, imagine being the faggot at work

>> No.15814181

You have diabetes

>> No.15814261

Absolutely not. Id be pissing every 20 minutes if I drank that amount.

>> No.15814289

Thats the point, if youre hydrating enough, it wont even matter if you mix them up

>> No.15814312

Water is boring :( I want juice or soda

>> No.15814322

I drink 2 liters

>> No.15814654

If you are not joking or exaggerating I'd have my bloodwork done if I were you

>> No.15816173

Overhydrated is better than dehydrated by far. You say it's a meme, but most people still drink nothing but soda and energy drinks.

>> No.15817528

1.5L camelbak chute mag bottles were $8 last week, may still be. great water bottles and the magnetic top is the best

>> No.15817607

you're allowed to use a glass, anon

>> No.15817618

Which beats the whole point of that jug, retard.

>> No.15818045

The jig is bomb. I used to take adderall and party a lot, the jug of water all night made mornings hurt a lot less.

>> No.15818263

if you don't sweat a lot due to heat or physical activity more than 1600ml a day is a meme that makes you get up at night to pee with no benefit

>> No.15818279


>> No.15818307

You... pour it from the jug anon...

>> No.15818314


>> No.15818328

Boobs are nice

>> No.15818387

>128 fluid ounces of water in a day
>16 hours awake
>that's four 32 oz circle K cups every 4 hours
holy actual fuck you'd be pissing like a firehose halfway through the day. your body can't even process that much water. you'd just start pissing straight water by the 10th/11th hour unless you're literally running a marathon uphill all day long in the middle of the arizona summer

>> No.15818523

Drinking water is GAY. Eat food with water in it or drink milk and orange juice

>> No.15818557

Based glutton-anon.

>> No.15818581

>fat fuck
>probably diabetic
>still barely have the drive to drink water even though I've started to avoid other drinks
Is something wrong with me?

>> No.15818657

Yes it is, MovieBlobFish.

>> No.15818666


>> No.15818683


Really though how do anons drink "like a diabetic" when an actual lardass doesn't drink like this?

>> No.15818688

I drink way more than 1 gallon. At least 4 litres.

>> No.15818689

It's a habit.
A few months ago I couldn't bring myself to drink two L of anything in a day.
Then I just started drinking water and it's weird if I don't drink it

>> No.15818778


>> No.15819252

>drinking a fucking gallon a day

Have fun with aqueous cell death from over hydrating, you imbecile.

>> No.15819270

I consume a cup of coffee, two energy drinks and two pickle jars of water daily, seems fine.

>> No.15819404

>People actually have a hard time not drinking water
literally fucking how

what kind of literal subhumans have americans become

>> No.15819445

Those jugs are used to carry water when you're not at home, retard. If you have a glass, you can pour water on it from the tap, the dispenser or the bottle the water came from.
>unironically using ellipsis
You're obviously a roastie, no wonder you're this dumb.

>> No.15819475

Yeah, also the reddit-tier passive-aggressive tone is a clear indicator that one is talking to a woman.

>> No.15819518
File: 39 KB, 526x1500, 64 oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>storing your water in plastic all day
Stop being poor and invest in glass and stainless steel bottles.
I drink 3-5 16 oz mugs a day of herbal tea. I like water, too.
I you start to feel low on electrolytes, you can consume more.
I use pic related if I'm not going to be able to refill for a while.

>> No.15819549

Water flushes out more nutrients than just electrolytes. with a sufficient amount of fat in your diet, you should be hydrated on a small amount of water. I always wake up with a dry mouth I drink a glass of milk with two raw eggs in the morning now. I found that it prevents dry mouth way more than a glass of water. Drinking water drys out my mouth. I only drink one to two glasses of tea or coffee as far as water goes each day.(I know they are acidic and dehydrate you but I enjoy it). I only drink water if its the only thing available Orange juice is better.

>> No.15819778

Isn't a gallon water a day too much?

>> No.15819802

Depends on the environment you’re in I guess.

>> No.15819840

yes. Overhydration is a thing. flushing out nutrients and electrolytes dehydrates you. You need electrolytes and salt to be balanced with liquids to be hydrated. You could drink this much if you ate accordingly. Everyone I know who drinks a gallon a day who is still healthy also drinks pedialite and eats a ton of fat

>> No.15819853

I drink about 1.5L I guess. A gallon is overkill unless you're sweating a lot.

>> No.15819904

What is wrong with drinking from a plastic bottle?

>> No.15819917

I don't think that you would harm your kidneys from drinking too much water. The only bad effect that I have heard about related to drinking too much water is those people that died from drinking too much water in a short period of time. But those are crazy things that you don't do.

>> No.15819935

it was a contracting company that used the wrong usits, nasa was using metric at the time. Really a software testing failure.

>> No.15820068

I've been weaning myself of soda and I regularly drink 2 litres of water a day but I really struggle to drink more than that. I'm pissing like a horse now though so that's pretty neat.

>> No.15821189
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Someone just decided a gallon of water must be healthy "because water" when it depends on your body type, activity, weather, sickness, etc.

>> No.15821407

Eight pints IS a gallon. Don't call Americans stupid when you don't know your own country's actual weights and measures.

>> No.15821453

drink when thirsty

>> No.15821731

fuck no

>> No.15821758


>> No.15822372


>> No.15822381

Not my gf

>> No.15822652
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>> No.15822657

That's $45. Wtf

>> No.15823686

1 gallon? are you a 90 lb woman? I try to get 2.5 gallons and almost always make it over 2.

>> No.15823714
File: 18 KB, 666x196, soda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what that word means. I only drink water and alcohol.

>> No.15824189

How much water should someone drink? I'm not a big drinker. If I don't force myself to drink water throughout the day, I can get to almost evening on just couple of sips during breakfast.

>> No.15824193


>> No.15824781

Just drink when you're thirsty holy shit it's not hard.

>> No.15824797

8 glasses a day or something right?

Also, imagine being such a loser that you unironically make it a goal to drink a gallon of water a day. That shouldn't be a goal thats part of being a living breathing human ffs. The bar is so low I swear.

>> No.15824815

Enough to sate your thirst. Drinking more is not beneficial. Drinking excessively can kill you - people regularly die from drinking too much water.

>> No.15825840

If he's British, which he probably is since he used pints but not gallons, then our "actual weights and measures" are mostly METRIC.

Pints are still used for selling draught beer in pubs, but that's about it. Milk is nominally sold in pints (1 pint bottle, 2 pint bottle, 4 pint bottle, 6 pint bottle), but the official measurement is litres, so a 2 pint bottle of milk says "1.14 L" on the side. And pretty much everything else is measured in metric. Fruit juice comes in cartons of 1 litre, sugar comes in bags of 500 g or 1 kg, etc. Also bottled / canned beer is metric (330 ml bottles, 375 ml bottles, 440 ml cans, etc.).

I guess Britain is a weird combination of imperial and metric, but metric is mostly used, and is usually the official standard for everything, apart from draught beer in pubs for some reason.

Also, when that guy said you should drink 8 pints of water a day, I don't think that's right at all. The UK's NHS (National Health Service) says that we should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, and I'm pretty sure they mean 250 ml glasses - so that would be up to 2 litres in total every day. Not 8 pints, which is 4.5 litres (I'm using British pints, not American pints - American pints are slightly smaller than British pints).

Personally though I think you should just drink when you're thirsty. I see no reason to measure how much you drink in a day.

>> No.15825853

>Using EEC imposed weights and measures.

I bet you don't even know what a hundredweight is. Metric is imposed, not used and hopefully we'll be shot of the sans-cullotes nonsense.

>> No.15825856

No, our weights and measures are Imperial, we just have unjust laws that impose Metric on us.

>> No.15825866

who are you trying to fool retard
go take your meds
then kys

>> No.15826488

Pretty sure Britain voluntarily signed up to the metric system.

>No, our weights and measures are Imperial
Pretty fucking sure they're not. Pretty fucking sure that the legally used system is METRIC for most things. Which is why 2 pints of milk in the supermarket has to have "1.14 L" printed on it. And of course everything else in the supermarket is completely in metric (1 litre bottles, 2 litre bottles, 400 gram tins, etc.).

What temperature system does the weather forecast use? Oh yeah, it's celsius.

>> No.15826543

I guarantee you some part of the delivery system for your water to your faucet goes through plastic pipes.

>> No.15826910

I drink between 2 and 5 litres depending on the heat.

>> No.15827685

I drink 3 gallons a day minimum and while I suspect diabetes, I think at least one doctor visit in the 5 years I can say for sure I've been drinking that much would have confirmed that. I'm just always thirsty feeling, what can I say?

>> No.15827729

This. Plastic bottles (PET) have been free of (minus a few instances because of recycling introduced impurities) the specific compound that mimic estrogen for a very long time in nations that care to regulate that stuff, but PVC pipes on the other hand...

>> No.15827750

>drinking any kind of set amount of water

drink till your piss is clear, that's the only indicator you need

>> No.15827760

I drink 3 liters of water a day+what I drink with meal.
I know because I drink 1.5L bottle of water twice a day.

>> No.15827764

>you will never be a woman!
>estrogen in foods will make you a woman!
Well which is it?

>> No.15827768

Maybe resist drink a soda instead of water.