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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 960x794, 148431439_3551087288346451_4282074950158881437_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15801027 No.15801027 [Reply] [Original]

I've been there for 2 months. By the end of the first week everything started to taste the same, it seems like they care most about presentation and making it visually appealing but the flavors are all very bland and innofensive. I guess it reflects their superficial society well

>> No.15801033

t. burger who eats nothing but corn syrup

>> No.15801036


>> No.15801038

>living completely rent-free

>> No.15801045

I also think it is overrated but I also don’t like seafood.

>> No.15801056

It's mediocre overall and bottom tier when it comes to Asian countries.

>> No.15801073 [DELETED] 

all japs should be killed. they're not real persons, but animals.

>> No.15801099 [DELETED] 

I think you’re mistaking japs for chinks.

>> No.15801111
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No I think he means japan.

>> No.15801120
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sushi goes well with chinese sloppa, god i can't wait until friday so the restaurant opens again.

>> No.15801125

Sushi is better than any American "cuisine"

>> No.15801131

>I've been there for 2 months.
No you haven't.

>> No.15801166

Yes i have. Ama something someone who lived in tokyo+osaka for a month each would know and ill know it

>> No.15801184

Is that even a real pic or just the usual made up atrocity propaganda?

>> No.15801188

I wish we could round up all the weebs in western countries and ship them off to unit 731 to be used to study the effects of grenade shrapnel and smallpox.

Bunch of limp wristed fags.

>> No.15801189
File: 616 KB, 853x835, filthy gaijin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh? Strawbelly? 350 dorrar filthy gaijin.

>> No.15801194

Nice LARP.

>> No.15801200


It's fucking rice and pork.

>> No.15801202

What exactly have you been eating and where have been eating it? What kind of restaurants are you going to? How are you finding the restaurants? Are you just getting food from the konbini and super markets or what? What foods tasted the same to you? I lived in Japan for two years and ate out constantly and I didn't even come close to eating everything I wanted to. Osaka and Tokyo are some of the food capitals of the world. Ramen alone, I must have had hundreds of bowls, none of them was similar to the last, I only ate at like 1/10th of the places I wanted to go to.

>> No.15801206

Japan is overrated in general. I don't know why people are obsessed with the country.

>> No.15801214

You'd know if you had ever been there.

>> No.15801219

>Paul Hollywood eats Japanese viewers

>> No.15801224

>t. weeb
NTA but I have been there and it is overrated.

>> No.15801229

spent all my airline miles on first class round trip to Osaka to go to the Olympics last year, then COVID hit; now I find out I can’t use them this year either...now wtf do I do?

>> No.15801231

Why do so many Chinese shills post on /ck/ of all places?

>> No.15801235

I bet a Macedonian made this

>> No.15801237
File: 71 KB, 400x329, 21612029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No these are very, very real photos. Japan is a fucked up place just like the rest of Asia. They are a deeply sadistic group of people. Apparently American soldiers in Japanese prison camps were 10x less likely to survive than American Soldiers in German prison camps. Just to give you some perspective.

So if that's how the Japanese treated Americans, imagine how they treated weak Chinese peasants.

>> No.15801238

Japan is cool but weebs are so cringe.

>> No.15801436

It's because almost every japanese menu item consists of varying amounts of dashi, soy sauce and mirin/sake served with rice it makes everything taste the same.

>> No.15801475


It uses a Macedonian town as an example of a shithole so I dunno. Then again, who outside of Macedonia has even heard of Macedonia.

>> No.15801483

Yeah it's all propaganda. That person is probably Korean. Don't reply.

>> No.15801515

staying in japan on a tourist visa doesn't count as living there

>> No.15801588

you didn't deny that you eat corn syrup

>> No.15801595

Why should i not question the narratives put forward by two totalitarian states? why should i believe the Chinese and North Koreans?

>> No.15801597

the use of the word overrated is overrated

>> No.15801608
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Uh oh, it's that time again.

>> No.15801613
File: 685 KB, 750x565, where_the_fuck_does_geets_head_start_and_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is me. Unironically think the tree really changes the aesthetic
Even if it were a normal willow it would really being life to it though

>> No.15801618

How asshurt was the original person who made this? They probably weren't even Korean or Chinese.

>> No.15801972

dont get this meme. place, japan makes anything cooler

>> No.15801978

Why did you go to Japan if you're not a weeb?

>> No.15802218

Believe it or not, actual foodies travel to Japan just for the food. But of course a tendie munching moron like you wouldn't know that

>> No.15802219

I am a weeb I've just been disillusioned with their food. Still love anime

>> No.15802305

Not him, but if didn't go back every day to usa for a month it counts as "living there for a month"

>> No.15802340

Because you fell for the cherry tree blossom, cithara music, well mannered cute girls and honor propaganda that japanese want western people to believe.
Japan is 200y that is not more like that, now they are pervs that only want all your money more than anything else

>> No.15802348

God DAMN this image is old

>> No.15802366

Japanese food is for the most part salty and "umami". It's all they give a fuck about. They're terrified of spiciness. You want something exciting go to Korea or some shit where they're addicted to singing their colon.

>> No.15802403

>hey guise I’ve totally been in Japan for 2 months!
>let me start a thread with wojack shit instead of a photo I took of what I’m actually talking about
Sounds legit

>> No.15802412

Why is OP so filipino?

>> No.15802415

Not him but I hate the massive corn subsidy

>> No.15803702

Japan isn't totalitarian?

>> No.15803705
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>You'd know if you've ever been there

>> No.15803727

You gonna answer
>>15801202 or are you just going to continue the larp

>> No.15804009

it doesn't taste good because you don't say itadakimasu before you eat.

>> No.15804088

Never been to Japan, but I don't like Chinese-style hotpots. That might just be inexperience though. Asian nations tend to go for salty or spicy or savory and don't really acknowledge anything else.

>> No.15804109

Damn, what an excellent point! What an insightful post! You sure showed us!

Fuck you.

>> No.15804113

>t. Regular at Buffalo Wild Wings.

>> No.15804166

>What exactly have you been eating and where have been eating it?
I can't remember everything I ate, this was 2 years ago;
all the classics, various ramen, sushi, beef bowl, okoniyaki, hotpot, takoyaki, katsu etc. In different restaurants. No I didn't live off konbini food, although I tried a lot of it.
It all starts to taste the same after a while. I think you're fetishising japanese cuisine. Take ramen for example. I tried probably 20 different places and they are all the same, salty umami bland nothingness. There are no intense flavors in Japan everything is safe and tastes of soy and rice.

>> No.15804187

Ok weeb

>> No.15804219
File: 22 KB, 453x340, e933fe9627d48aa3c07d5764bbde8c90_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything started to taste the same
Because they use the same ingredients in most of their foods

>> No.15804235

my experience outside of sushi is lame af. it's all fried food with no spices or flavor varieties.

>> No.15804602

like how americans put sugar in everything?

>> No.15804639

I had japanese food from an authentic place the first time last month. My thoughts
>wasabi - tastes awful
>White rice - good
>miso soup - not even soup, just broth, and doesn't taste good
>teriyaki chicken - very bland, tastes worse then the knockoff kind you'd see at a buffet
>Mystery meat balls - very good
>California roll - would've been good if there wasn't so much avocado

>> No.15804650

>California roll
>Authentic Japanese food

>> No.15804675

yeah which makes them equally as shit.

>> No.15804681

you will never be japanese, ken.

>> No.15804718

The place was owned by japanese immigrants

>> No.15804726

>20 different places
it doesn't count if you go to the same franchise.
but seriously, I've had many different types of ramen, and other food too. It just sounds like you (probably unknowingly) go into the foreigner friendly places.
What I like about Japan though is that you can eat out pretty well for relatively cheap.

>> No.15804734

California roll is not authentic Japanese food.

>> No.15804745

it inherits authentic japanese status through being a subfood of an authentic japanese food

>> No.15804760

Deep dish Pizza is Authentic Italian Food

>> No.15804821


>> No.15805052

Ehhh, I like to westernize it more than people already have. It has a lot of good methods to help with living at poverty teir.

>> No.15805058

It really is artificial shite

>> No.15805073

>artificial shite
>focuses on natural taste so much that some find it bland.

>> No.15805123

Isn't it really telling when all the best Japanese foods are just Japanese take on foreign dishes? Except for sushi I guess

>> No.15805623

Based Japs BTFOing mutt scum.

>> No.15805926

Was there for 2 months in 2019, roadtrip from Tokyo to Hokkaido, I loathe how sweet so much of their food is.

>> No.15805943

Not even gonna lie. My first thought when the world was realizing how bad coronavirus was going to get was how much it sucked that was going to be a year or more before I could taste a pizzaman again.

>> No.15805963


It's real. Japan made all their regular troops do shit that made dirlewanger blush.

There was a reason they got nuked not once, but twice and deserved like 2 nukes each on each city.

That being said japanese food is good and so is rest of asian food except for the food actual chinese eat, cause fuck them.

>> No.15805969

it's an obvious joke post, newfag.
you haven't even mentioned bread.

>> No.15805973

Now you know how it feels to be a tourist in america.
Everything is fat, sweet and butter.
It's fucking disgusting. If it weren't for mexico, america wouldn't exist food wise.

>> No.15805977

And cheese, don't forget America's obsession with fucking cheese.

>> No.15805987

calm down davido-kun

>> No.15806278

We arent even a top 5 country on earth on cheese consumption so calm your ass down. Maybe if you said shit like corn syrup id agree with you

>> No.15806285

>why does it taste the same
Its a lot of salt
And either tastes like soy sauce, miso, pork broth, beef broth, or some sort of femented fish sauce/paste. Theres a lot of variety to jap food, stop eating some cheap ass bento and go dine on the mass varieties of domestic fish.

>> No.15806291

If it weren't for sushi I probably wouldn't have learned that fish doesn't have to taste like half-rotted shit

>> No.15806296

japanese food is definately overrated but its still pretty good, probably a 75/100 on cusine scale
its a lot of pretty good food with a couple things that stand oout
the tree makes all the diffrence though

>> No.15806312

Even so, the amount of things Americans put cheese on is far beyond what would be considered acceptable consumption for us Britchads.

>> No.15806325
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Nothing beats a family mart egg and lettuce sandwich and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise because they are a liar

>> No.15806326

Go jerk off to drawings you fucking weeb

>> No.15806351
File: 51 KB, 650x650, 1558685212371343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why people like Japan so much.

>> No.15806374

It's comfy.

>> No.15806380


>> No.15806408

I've been living here for three months and I agree. Don't get me wrong, it's decent, but nothing I'd write home about. I miss my country's cuisine and groceries a fair bit, to be honest. The upside is the low cost of rice, and the onigiri at Family Mart is pretty good. Having cheap and bottled green tea available 24/7 is also a plus.

Overall, maybe 6-7/10? Doesn't compare to Vietnamese or Thai.

>> No.15806594

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.15806650
File: 97 KB, 800x400, ramenfes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried probably 20 different places and they are all the same, salty umami bland nothingness.
That is literally impossible. Did you eat at the same chain over and over in different places? Do you not have functioning tastebuds?
For example, every single bowl in this picture taste completely different. And no rich flavors? Tonkotsu broth with huge pieces of fatty pork belly, and even heaps of garlic or chilli sauce if you want isn't a strong flavor?

>> No.15806655

How many times are you gonna autistically copy paste this?

>> No.15806676

Spend a month there. Disagree completely. Sounds like you're either refusing to try different things, have shit taste, or a lying piece of shit.

>> No.15806692

>Teriyaki tastes just like onigiri tastes just like wagyu tastes just like ramen

Yeah it's an entire society and culture that is wrong. Not your taste. What a fucking prick snowflake.

Anti asian sentiment on the rise. Thanks Trump. How fucking stupid and entitled would you have to be to believe this fucking stupidity.

>> No.15806704

Nah I made it

>> No.15806710

all of those taste the same. they looks interesting but close your eyes and they all taste like the same salty meaty broth

>> No.15806769

>joggers attack asains
>muh trump fault

>> No.15806809
File: 33 KB, 300x300, hanamaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoku deki mashita

>> No.15806839
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh sushi is the best food on the planet and you're a complete homosexual if you think otherwise

>> No.15806889

It’s far more bland most of the time than the cocksuckers who revere it so much let on.

>> No.15806893

>all these dumbass weebs eating grocery store sushi chiming in
Should be beaten with a shamasin.

>> No.15806928

ありがとう ございます

>> No.15806961

I live on the coast retard and only buy fresh sushi at restaurants lol. You're exposing yourself as a faggotuchi anon

>> No.15807454

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.15807484

You know, nobody cares anymore that you're horribly disturbed that two groups of people inherently don't like each other. For most of human history until (((recently))) this was called natural.

>> No.15807567

It's from a movie

>> No.15807580


>> No.15807716

You’ve confused the United States for France. It’s ok, we understand your dwindling country budget probably can’t afford maps correctly depicting the New World

>> No.15808367

I disagree they do bitter and sour much better than western cultures. Same with organ meet and other strange foods. Also slimy and gelatinous textures that aren’t normal in western cuisine. The issue is it’s not that good for my pallet, so the yummy Asian food is the salty savory spicy stuff and most people avoid the slimy bitter sour stuff.

>> No.15808384

tldr your post but ive been trying out recipes and yeah it seems the same basically soy sauce, mirin, sugar, dashi rinse repeat.

>> No.15808409

>eats touristy restaurant food
>doesn't bother to try actual local dishes

>> No.15808423
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>flavors are all very bland
t. someone whos destroyed their taste buds on amerifat foods and fucking sodium.

>> No.15808446

>joggers attack asains
Can you point this out? I've asked this on seven different boards now and I'm convinced it's just /pol/ spreading literal lies.

>> No.15808469
File: 82 KB, 1000x820, 1616101271093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like saying all Indian curry is the same.
These minor differences that are actually huge differences that change the entire dish.
Americans are spoiled on having access to a huge multicultural food supply. You realize Japan is a small island right? and that culturally they haven't had a whole lot of cultural food exchange.
If you can't identify or even understand that there is more to Japanese culture than what is available for purchase to tourists.
That's like going to America, only eating takeout and restaurants and saying "yeah American food is all salty and fattening" meanwhile there is actual great American food ( which is really just other countries food like Italian-American ect ) that you'd never really experience.
This whole post screams I ate nothing but Kraft dinner and hot dogs and think Japanese food is katsu and sushi.

>> No.15808491

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15808492

That looks like something I picked up in West Indies cafeteria, and those people are aids thin.

>> No.15808502
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>the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi
It literally took you two sentences, jesus christ.

>> No.15808569
File: 137 KB, 1080x1349, 1615922812609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this desu, americans have a hot sauce collection to completely overpower the sweetness from the sugar that overpowers everything else. To them everything is bland because their palette has been destroyed by their diet.

>also listing pretty much the Japanese equivalent of fast food/ utility meals and judging their cuisine based off of that

>> No.15808597

It is

>> No.15808604

Based lol

>> No.15808612

So, I know this is off-topic, but I felt it needed to be said. The woman you posted here looks as if she has been genetically engineered, or perhaps hand-crafted by a skilled sculptor, with the designed intention to pleasure big black cock, BBC if you will. Incredible

>> No.15808875

>all the faggots in the thread going "b-b-ut americlaps! Cheese! Sugar!"
It's like a fucking knife thread in here, stop simping for Japan. The food is fine, but it's easily the most bland and boring aisan food.

>> No.15808884

Japan is the Britain of the east.