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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15800079 No.15800079 [Reply] [Original]

Why are GMOs even legal?

>> No.15800086

lol that's just overcooked

>> No.15800087

dumb conspiracy theorist. GMOs are fine. trust the science. trust the corporations.

>> No.15800089

I love the corporations, especially BRAND ever since BRAND came out in support of MOVEMENT. BRAND is my favorite and I love BRAND more than my own parents.

>> No.15800097

I can turned my eggs into GMO by boiling them too long?

>> No.15800123

gmo is great and opposition to it is the worst trick that (they) have played on you.

>> No.15800140

Yeah, I love patenting seeds and suing farmers who I think are keeping seeds from plants they grew, fertilized, and watered on their own land so they have to take out loans to buy more seeds from me

>> No.15800145

I buy the dirt-cheap Walmart brand eggs but they still look like the one on the left when I hard boil them

>> No.15800155


>> No.15800160

I am an independent thinker, I trust 4chan and weird blogs

>> No.15800168

that's not because they're gmos, that's because big corporations are shit

>> No.15800186

It can be both.

>> No.15800230

They have no measurable negative effects on humans thus far compared to their organic counterparts, much to the dismay of tree-huggers everywhere. However GMO crops are an ecological nightmare, as they tend to produce super-resilient, biodiversity-destroying monocultures that wreak havoc on important ecosystems. Sadly this never gets discussed enough because le Frankenstein foods meme gets parroted by retards.

>> No.15800231
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>> No.15800239

Not every country is a military-industrial shithole like America, where for-profit corporations get to control "scientific" discourse.

>> No.15800256

That has nothing to do with GMOS, that happens all the time with new stains.

>> No.15800263

Give three examples of GMOS doing any of that, anywhere.

>> No.15800271

>properly cooked hardboiled egg vs one that was completely overcooked

>> No.15800276

They literally couldn't do it without GMO and GMO seeds being patentable.

>> No.15800292

>You think you're an expert? Name every thing ever. I'll wait.
Ur cute tho

>> No.15800296
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>he doesnt have his own chicken in his backyard

>> No.15800308

OK, name ONE example of this happening.

>> No.15800329

I wish I had a backyard to keep chickens and a healthy garden. Why do I keep working at restaurants and accepting an hourly wage instead of asking for a salary? wtf is wrong with me

>> No.15800334

>8min boil vs 15min boil

>> No.15800506

Wow, that egg on the right has been cooked to shit. That will taste like licking pure elemental sulfur.

>> No.15800508
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They modify chickm?

>> No.15800695
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>> No.15800871

You dont?

>> No.15800925

>oh if you said something happened you must have some sort of example
Ur still cute tho.

>> No.15800927

Clever marketing trick, but you can overboil organic.

>> No.15800973

How do you GMO a chicken? LMAO.

>> No.15801029


>> No.15801031

wow I wonder what genes from other animals were spliced into the chicken to create such a weird egg, you fucking idiot

>> No.15801256
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like this but with chickens

>> No.15801260

But it isn't, you fucking retard. It's the corps.

>> No.15801267

It is. >>15800276
Calling me a retard only shows you have no argument and want to shame the audience into agreeing with you.

>> No.15801270

Hello Monsanto/et al. shill. You really should get your reference sheet updated, because it's very obvious you have never been on 4chan before.

>> No.15801273

Gmos are fine the corporations that make them are evil though.

>> No.15801295
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Take your meds schizo

>> No.15801296

literally first thing i thought

>> No.15801481

Now switch places of the o and r. Open your mind...

>> No.15802729
File: 39 KB, 453x576, internetlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

badly done anti gmo propaganda is badly done.
trying to pass off an over cooked egg as "gmo".

>> No.15802754

this but unironically

>> No.15802807

Don’t buy the seeds if you don’t agree with the contract. Fucking entitlement.

>> No.15802824

This. Believe scientists

>> No.15803037

this post is fucking retarded but dont sleep on pasture raised eggs

>> No.15803215

but unironically.

its not like you can back 10,000 years and not selectively bread crops to perform better now. people are dumb.

>> No.15803763

>americlap boomers getting scared of acronyms on a turkish sand oven baking board

>> No.15803976

Fuck off.

>> No.15804298

GMOs are absolutely fine. GMOs are vegan, even.

>> No.15804300

Soy beans. As a crop they’ve always been very demanding of water which is to be expected. With water comes two things, soil erosion and fungal transmission.
Now with your older less resilient and less productive soy bean you ended up with a lot of biomass after the harvest that was tilled into the soil and seedbed, or cured as forage for animals, after the harvest. These new resilient strains produce far more fruit than an unmodified plant. So you’ve got a crop that is highly demanding of water, leaves very little biomass to reinvigorate the bed that it grows out of, which has been saturated do to irrigation, and provides succor to molds and fungus leaving the fields untenable for other plants, preventing proper crop rotation.
In the end you’ve got massive swaths of land that are only suitable for growing soybeans. That’s the opposite of biodiversity and eventually leads to a dustbowl crisis.

>> No.15805698

Rat glow

>> No.15805928

GMO is great and white sjw yuppies are just buttblasted people are getting cheap, sustainable, eco friendly, easy to grow food that can end world hunger.

Literally every veggy on store shelves has been GMO'd, even before you were born.

>> No.15805944

GMO is
>hey can we make this shit grow in sahara to end world hunger?
corporations are
>how much free money can we charge to say we grow it to end world hunger but sell it to whole foods instead and use up all the water there is in sahara.

Don't blame the science, blame the retarded laws in US which let corporations run unchecked.

Reminder your food pyramid is overwritten by us food companies to make profit.

>> No.15806072

Except that's not what happens. We tried to give it for free to the 3rd world, but idiot activists stopped us. See what happened in India when we tried to give them "golden rice" which had extra vitamins to prevent child blindness... activists made up a fake story about how it made Indian farmers kill themselves and it was stopped.

>> No.15806076

Go on then, I'll bit, provide me your source for this.

>> No.15806080


>> No.15806134

Why wouldn't they be, so long as there just improving yields?
We've been breeding and hybridizing and cultivating for millennia, now we can do it directly instead of through random selection.
What do you guys think RNA is other than code?

>> No.15806389

where can i buy a glowrat?

>> No.15806413

yes they are, simply by merit of being subjects/satellites of the global american cultural and economic empire

>> No.15806520

is this pic bait? cause chickens aren't genetically modified, they're just selectively bred the good old fashioned way

>> No.15806529

Ah, the cognitive dissonance of the establishment rebel.

>> No.15806534

>to end world hunger
50% of he world's produced food is wasted every year.
this is true, if you send food to a country, then local farming becomes unsustainable. it's just basic logic.

>> No.15806537


Right pic is just an overboiled egg.

>> No.15806659


>> No.15806767

>50% of he world's produced food is wasted every year.
In the west. In the third world children die of easily preventable malnutrition all the time.
>if you send food to a country, then local farming becomes unsustainable.
That's not sending them food, that's sending them free seeds so they can be self sufficient and so their children don't go blind and die of vitamin A deficiency

>> No.15806771

Its funny, not one anti-gmo retard can provide a single example for their garbage takes.

>> No.15806778

Imagine having to agree to a contract to plant seeds. What a fucking clown world we live in

>> No.15806801

This is not a GMO specific phenomenon. If someone spends years and millions of dollars developing a strain of corn, you have every right to sell that new stain. The farmer is not required to use the new stain, and can carry on using cheap seeds.