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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15799219 No.15799219 [Reply] [Original]

Do u ever feel bad about eating meat knowing how vile the meat industry is?

>> No.15799220


>> No.15799222
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fuck no, I only eat mints.

>> No.15799232

I support the meat industry's work and feel that they are maligned by absolutist idealogues.

>> No.15799243

Please go back to plebddit.

Also I slaughter my own livestock so I dont give a fuck what the meat industry does.

>> No.15799252

I have a theory that some individuals have a mental illness which entails having an overabundance of empathy. I would define this as experiencing so much empathy that it significantly negatively impacts your life or prevents you from living normally. Sufferers of this condition do things like give away their money for no reason, experience grief when they hear about strangers dying on the news, and even destroy their own health by refusing to eat meat. I think there must be something wrong with your brain's wiring if you do any of these things.

>> No.15799286

Psychopath cope: the post. Empathy is part of a functioning society, it's you that's the dysfunctional one who needs to be purged out of it.

>> No.15799327

Of course. I’m not an insecure psychopath desperate to impress other insecure psychopaths.

>> No.15799350

cringe, huge amounts of edge

>> No.15799356

My body converts tortured animals into a white goo with which I paint your mother's back wall.

>> No.15799363

Lol the least empathetic people are the ones in charge. They use "empathy" to control human livestock.

>> No.15799367

I am a big time sociopath and I think you are right, there is nominal and functional empathy, and then there is suicidal.

>> No.15799377

>it's this every politician is a psychopath may may again
Your ilk is the random serial killer who gets caught after a pile of bodies because he can't think ahead of the police, the Bundies and Gacies of the world. Don't delude yourself.

>> No.15799393

Who said politicians were in charge, lol

>> No.15799396

Also, the dairy industry is even worse.

>> No.15799411

>tHe DeEp StTAE
So you're idiotic as well as short-sighted. Truly, you make a compelling case toward the success of psychopathy. Face it, anon, you're a disorder. The only reason you still exist in the population is as a lingering remnant of humanity's ape roots. Give it a hundred thousand years and you'll be gone, the same way as the Neanderthal man.

>> No.15799426

No need to bring mainstream politics into this. You can be incredibly intelligent and worldly and still practice unnecessary torture and consumption of more vulnerable beings and you can be totally naive to civilizations deeper intricacies and not participate in these monstrous acts.
Anyone can want to protect animals. Anyone can want to harm animals.

>> No.15799434

>EvERYonE iS tHe SAmE ShADe Of GReY
Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. There are righteous individuals and then there's scum like you. Short-sighted, unable to plan for the long-term scum who end up getting picked up after they figure out who's been hunting down the local hooker population. You're not special, you're just a disease that we haven't eradicated yet.

>> No.15799440

I mean I practice a vegan diet. Can you be more specific what your beef is? I thought this was a thread about feeling guilty for paying to harm animals to eat them.

>> No.15799507

It's a miracle of human wisdom and modern industry to feed billions of people with safe and affordable meat. I wish someday in the future everyone across the globe could enjoy affordable, clean and environmentally-friendly meat. Why should we care about how livestocks feel when more than half of the global population can't have enough meat on their plates?

>> No.15799562

Yes. I only eat meat when I feel like my body needs it, I mostly eat vegetarian otherwise. If lab-grown meat can be proven to be just as nutritious as the real thing I'll eat that instead.

>> No.15799574

>Give it a hundred thousand years and you'll be gone

Uhhh, pretty sure I'll be gone in less than a century like the rest of us in this thread.

>> No.15799582

Nope. I process all of my own wild game and we usually do a cow once a year or so.
I've no reservations at all.

>> No.15799604

>You know how to find out if somebody processes their own meat? Don’t worry they’ll tell you.
Just kidding.

>> No.15799643

Lol ur mom's a disease we haven't eradicated yet. Though I did spray a bunch of goo on her last night.

>> No.15799666

wHy Do YoU kEeP wRiTiNg LiKe A BiTtEr ReDdIt FeMcEl?

>> No.15799736

I'm unfortunate enough to live in the middle of trash flyover country, giving me immediate access to local meat and produce. My beef comes from a farm 10 miles down the highway, eggs come from an old lady down the street (and occasionally chickens), and bacon comes from some racist old fuck across town. Absolutely disgusting, I wish I lived in a city.

>> No.15799741

No. Do you ever feel guilty, knowing that you have a better standard of living then the vast majority of the world's population? What did YOU do to deserve this advantage?

>> No.15799751

I buy all my meat from a local farmer/butcher who specialises in clinically depressed animals who seek to end their lives. Knocking day a win for the cow, a win for the butcher and ultimately, a big win for me, because I eat only meat from an animal who actively sought death.

>> No.15799758
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>you can't get animal flesh that was raised humanely

>> No.15799759

No, do you ever feel bad eating the veggies knowing the seasonal workers making $5 per day had to shit in the field right there on top of the produce you're consuming?

>> No.15799774

Fuck no, I get a lot of pleasure from cooked meat. The system is out of my hands and that's all there is to it. As far as I can tell veganism is like charity, morality masturbation but you give your money to whole foods instead of the poor

>> No.15799791

It doesn't bother me. I take pride in it.
Same deal with growing a garden. You know the providence and handling of your food. It's kinda neat.

>> No.15799798

literally every industry is just as evil

>> No.15799818

you mean provenance? KEK nothing is more hilariously pathetic than dumbshits who don't realise how dumb they are trying to sound intelligent.

>> No.15799835

Yes, because I wish it hurt the animals more for my amusement. I want to know that cow died in abject horror at being turned into a burger.

>> No.15799836

You think the meat industry is bad?
Wait till you hear about the rainforests being torn down to grow the palm oil you use in place of butter. What's the latest on the child slaves responsible for picking the majority of the worlds chocolate beans? Nothing has changed for them because idiots like (you) don't actually care about ethical consumption of goods

>> No.15799924

yes, but ive just had to come to terms that theres nothing i can do until science perfects lab grown meat at which point ill start eating that. i didnt always care tho, idk if i started to care more cause i started trying to actually be a decent person or if its because i went from having a pet dog and a turtle to owning 6 fucking animals so now the idea of animals being tortured and shit upsets me.
idk maybe, i think there is a point that someones empathy turns into an uncontrollable negative in their life, but at the same time i sorta agree with the other anons calling this post edgy and psychopath cope cause things like giving away some of your money to a charity isnt a bad thing, its just someone wanting to help the less fortunate. which you dont have to do, but someone wanting to make a positive change for those who are in a bad spot dont have anything wrong with them. although its too much when they ruin their own life for the sake of helping others

>> No.15799993

look: oversocialiation in the works of Ted Kaczyński

>> No.15800009

>doesn't know any farmers
How much cum leaks from your asshole daily?

>> No.15800014

>he thinks all farmers are wholesome Uncles that hand raise 8 cows in a 100 square mile pasture of grass that is always green as a rainforest

>> No.15800020

how does one enslave a conscious animal, fatten it and then murder it in a humane way?
is it because the farmhouse it pretty and looks like its from small town Ohio?

>> No.15800023

I have no idea what you're trying to say. I know where the meat I buy comes from.

>> No.15800028

i really doubt that cletus, take a selfie with your farmer

>> No.15800031

Here aids ridden tranny email me Ronharper18@gmail.com send your number I'll call you.

>> No.15800032

Out of sight out of mind. In the internet age I don't see any reason to care about any specific problem that exists unless it directly affects me or my family/friends

>> No.15800036

just go photograph your locally sourced trusted humanly slaughter cows, easy

>> No.15800042

faggot pussy just stay on 4kike all day and take your HRT.

>> No.15800047


>> No.15800222

That sounds awful.

>> No.15800241

What's wrong with the meat industry? I know it results in a lot of environmental damage which I feel bad for but ITT it sounds like people are mad at the concept of killing animals for food.

>> No.15800415

There are plenty of documentaries or websites that will show you the issue goes far beyond them being killed

>> No.15800488

Maybe a little bit, but meat is tasty, so I'm going to keep eating meat

I do think people with too much empathy are a bit stupid, but I don't know if I'd call it a mental illness. Then again, the definitions of mental illnesses are so subjective, so maybe.

Lmao you're coping hard. If you spend your time thinking about others then you're neglecting yourself, and therefore you're an idiot.

>> No.15800493


>> No.15800530

Every vegan friend I know has a massive stick up their ass, just chomping at the bit for someone to mention meat so their lifestyle can be useful for a few minutes. Yes this was a blog post but I don't care, one person can't change this entire industry as much as you'd like to believe it would.

>> No.15800545

I raise my own poultry and pigs. It's completely ethical. Furthermore if PETA or the animal liberation front ever comes near my home I'll shoot to maim. Not kill. Maim.

I will NEVER stop eating meat and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15800550

Stop trying to change people

>> No.15800558


>> No.15800761


>> No.15800814

Sometimes, though never while im eating meat.

>> No.15800985

Hyper empathy isn't a modern phenomenon, literally Jesus Christ suffered from it.

>> No.15800990

No. Im not low test like you

>> No.15800991

The weak exist to serve the strong. Why shoul I feel bad for some fucking cow or pig?

>> No.15800992

Nope. The planet is based upon other animals eating each other.

>> No.15800996


>> No.15801137

We pull in 275k a year so every Wednesday a local farm delivers us milk, eggs, cuts of beef, and breakfast sausage. We've been to the farm too. Super happy well-fed animals.

>> No.15801246

Is that how you justify tickling your wife's boyfriends balls while he's 12 inches deep?

Thread full of manchildren compensating for their fragile masculinity lmao

>> No.15801278

No but I feel bad for anyone with any sort of nuance for politicians and the lobbyists friends.

>> No.15801373

Nobody asked what you jerk off to.

>> No.15801377

no. While it is wrong, a nigga gotta eat.

>> No.15801400

idk how does one enslave third worlders to expose themselves to poision for less than minimum wage on a plastic plantation than can be seen from space be any more humane?

But oh no a cow gets shot in the head just so an evil selfish person can live off of it for almost half a decade! How horrible!

>> No.15801452

Wrong, it's empathy mistargeting. They don't care about other people unless they personally rely on them, just animals. The ones who care about minorities actually percieve them like pets.

>> No.15801460

I would have quit being a vegetarian year ago if it wasn't for how absolutely furious I make virgins on /ck/ because of it.

>> No.15801516

Why do you want to piss yourself off?

>> No.15801520

I buy all my beef from a local ranch. The chicken I buy is free range so they live and most likely die in good conditions. My salmon is farm raised but who gives a fuck about fish anyways b

>> No.15801526

cope more

>> No.15801580

>I mean I practice a vegan diet

why would you post your L's in a public place like this?

>> No.15801637

You can eat whatever you want desu. It more has to do with pushing your views on others.

It's like how a pro lifer can choose to not have an abortion, but when they start pushing it on other people then it gets annoying. I'm sure that makes sense.

>> No.15801874

Not really no. Tastes good

>> No.15802182


>> No.15802225
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Yes, very much so.

>> No.15802243

I only feel that way about the education system. I'm sorry what was done to you made you this way OP.

>> No.15802291
File: 217 KB, 850x400, quote-the-whole-earth-perpetually-steeped-in-blood-is-nothing-but-an-immense-altar-on-which-joseph-d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.15802319

people are vile

the world is vile

there is no reward for not taking what you want apart from whatever paltry feeling of self-worth you squeeze out of your meaningless actions

that being said I don't eat meat because excessive meat consumption is unhealthy. who gives a fuck about animals, they're slaves.

>> No.15802322

What's your opinion about bullying people for being fat?

>> No.15802793

veganism exists to make the goyim weak, who in turn are cannibalized by the elites

>> No.15802921


>> No.15803117
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Nope. Dat doggo funny though

>> No.15803201

No, I do find it funny when people cry about dogs getting hurt but don't give a fuck when pigs get hung upside down and have their throats slit by the billions each year.

>> No.15803253

Stop shitting up /an/

>> No.15803254

Dogs have been raised as companion animals for thousands of years, pigs haven't

>> No.15803260

pigs are smarter than dogs.

>> No.15803266

>I have a theory that some individuals have a mental illness which entails having an overabundance of empathy.
It's called being a women. 80% of all vegans in the US are women, what does that tell you? Being a hole makes you weak and unfit to take life.

>> No.15803269

why is this board filled with reddit?

>> No.15803275

If I wanted care about bad things that don't directly affect me I'd start with climate change or wealth inequality or human trafficking not the fucking meat industry lol

>> No.15803289
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>"If you eat the cow, why don't you eat dog?"

>> No.15803294

Because you're a newfag

>> No.15803349

that would be the mods, jannies and /ck/ posters

>> No.15803357

not a sociopath but you are right, there is a limit between being just a good normal person and being a lunatic fixed in being a good person

>> No.15804203

>extremely exploitative meat packing industry and poor working conditions
>massive deforestation for cattle feed
>huge, environmentally worthless monocultures to grow cattle feed
>huge energy demand
>huge water demand
>abysmal living standards for most animals
>unprofessional slaughter leading to far more pain than necessary

>> No.15804260
File: 380 KB, 572x322, perfect harvest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most pigs being slaughtered like shit are being eaten by Chinese. (Only 10 percent of pigs being slaughtered are eaten in the United States) And trust me, they don't care about dogs getting hurt.

Anyone with half a brain cell is generally looking for pic rel for pork. A conscious pig who is stressed will have garbage meat.

>> No.15804419

What if we just ate chickens and pigs instead?

>> No.15804444

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over the whole earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth.

27 And God created Man in his image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over every animal that moveth on the earth.

Genesis 1:26-28

>> No.15804606

nope. i genuinely, absolutely do not give a single fuck. vegefaggots cannot argue with it